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Having felt like a misfit for most of her life, Imogen Fitzalan finds herself married to a man she doesn't know. Javier eventually turns out to be a perfect match.

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I pretty much have to purchase any book that Caitlin Crews has written. There is something about her writing that makes me so happy. The characters, the story lines, the way she writes, I just love her writing!

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Imogene felt like she was marrying a monster the next day by the name of Javier. But it didn’t matter what she wanted or felt. Imogene had always known her fate. Imogene had been bred and trained for a grand society life. Javier had wanted to marry her half sister Celeste ten years ago.
But he had wanted to marry her for her aristocratic lineage no other reason. But she had been promised to an old French count and Celeste wanted to be a Countessa even though she wanted Javier physically she did as her father said. But Celeste still wanted Javier. Likely Javier still wanted to marry Celeste everyone whispered it was so. Imogene was surprised how much that stung. Her inheritance made her an attractive prospect no matter what she looked like. Imogene drew attention to herself for the wrong reasons: her laugh was too loud and always inappropriate. Her clothes were always slightly messed up.she preferred books to social occasions where she was expected to play at hostessing duties. Imogene had been hurt daily by her fathers emotional cruelty for as long as she could remember. Javier had a stubborn personality and was known for his ruthlessness in business takeovers and collecting the finest of everything. Javier was determined to prove he is the best among all rich men. . He had been born in the slums of Madrid to criminal parents who sold drugs. His parents forced Javier to sell drugs until he was old enough to escape. Javier was scarred emotionally by the way he was raised. After Javier takes Imogene’s virginity , he still fights their hot chemistry. When Imogene declares her love for him, Javier he left. He stayed away for a long time but had his servants spy on her.
I enjoyed this book. But I did get annoyed at Javier at times for the way he acted. I also would have liked an epilogue in this book. I wish Imogene had a little more of a backbone at times yet I approve of her patience with Javier at the same time. I liked knowing both Javier and Imogene's POV . I also liked the pace and plot of this book. I chuckled at times while reading this but at other times I choked up. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I recommend it.

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I always like Caitlin Crews but this was one of her better books. Imogen and Javier were both interesting characters and I really liked the flip in perspectives for each chapter. It was well written if a little rushed at the end.

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This was almost a perfect little romance novel! So freaking close! If not for the end where he runs off and leaves her alone for a long time....

Anyway, Imogen Fitzalan has never fit in, with her family, or the high society that she'd forced into. Now she's being forced to marry a man she doesn't know. A man that had once wanted to marry her older half sister... yeah, sounds crazy right? Well, it's all cute. Javier was actually a really nice guy, I felt so badly for him, growing up the way he did and it makes sense as to why he acts the way he does. It fits him perfectly, even if I did want to shake him and tell him to just open up and not run!

Overall, it's a sweet little novel that will have you smiling in the end.

/Thanks to NetGalley for this title in exchange for an honest review/

Will go live on my blog: 11/22/18

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I am fairly new to Caitlin Crews books and, judging by My Bought Virgin Wife, I am now one of her regular readers. There is humor, romance, conflict....Dashing heroes with a little bit of villainy stirring about in them and the blushing heroine who turns out to be a strong female....Caitlin Crews, you can write a really good story!!

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3.5 Stars

At first I was getting lost in this book-it had a familial trope-she is rich and must marry the family her family chooses. The hero wants to acquire her the same way he does things he collects. Of course, the reader knows that they will eventually fall for each other.

Javier is a bit harsh but he has a cold childhood to thank. Imogen has always been past over, living in the shadow of her gorgeous half sister (who I found to be quite passive/aggressive. So she is trapped and yet somehow both of these individuals are both trapped in their lives. Imogen can not fight back and Javier wants only to control.

I have to admit about midway this story dragged a bit for me, hence the reason it started at 4 stars but ended up at 3.5

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When I read the first two chapters I got really excited and I had the whole story mapped out in my head. By the time I was into reading about Imogen Fitzalan and her sheltered life and how hateful her family was to her I couldn't put the book down. Once Javier Dos Santos came into the scene I said to myself "I won't be sleeping tonight!" Javier super rich handsome and sexy Spanish bad boy was going to keep me up for sure.. You can imagine this combo, a lonely mistreated heiress and a lowlife from the streets of Madrid self made billionaire, thrown into marriage and circumstances out of their control. How could this go wrong? I can't say that it did go wrong but something definitely wasn't right. Her father and sister treated her like dirt and her father sold her to Javier. I wanted revenge, I wanted to see Imogen win and punch her father in his smug face and her sister too! But no, there would be none of that. So it's a short story, with very little story and a not so great ending. I can't decide wether I would recommend that book or not.

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Imogen has been sheltered and protected all her life. Her father controlled her life and has arranged an marriage for her. Her sister was the beautiful one, but not so beautiful on the inside. The man Imogen is to marry was originally wanting her beautiful sister, but her Father had promised her to someone else.

Javier was Imogen intended groom. He came from a tough and not so wonderful childhood that left him dealing with issues through on in life. He was pretty cold and somewhat of jerk at times and I never really warmed up to him. Imogen frustrated me. She seemed weak and to easily manipulated. Imogen wasn't a very strong character/heroine in my opinion.

Javier has the money that Imogen Father is wanting and Imogen has the prestige/lineage, status that Javier is seeking.

Their relationship and the development of it was more of Imogen doing all the work/compromising and Javier getting away with way to much. I also found the ending too abrupt

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The main characters, Javier and Imogen, are entering an arranged marriage. Both main characters have a lot of baggage that they need to work through while they are getting to know each other. This is all taking place during a very short amount of time, so they are under a lot of pressure emotionally. Imogen is very innocent and naïve as she has mostly lived in a secluded place and on top of that she has a nasty father and an evil step-sister. Javier has a major chip on his shoulder because of his humble beginnings. They do get together although Javier is a tough cookie; thankfully, Imogen is endlessly patient with him. Sometimes I wish she had made him work more just as he did her. Something nice to mention about this book is that we can see both main characters’ point of view through their thoughts. We do not see this very often in Harlequin Presents, so I personally liked this because I could understand better Javier’s actions even if I did not always approve of them. A nice read for a cold night. I received a free copy via NetGalley.

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**ARC provide to NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

Not bad but I would have preferred the female lead character to have more spunk, I'm so over door mat virgins that take whatever garbage is thrown at them by evil relatives. The ending was also rather abrupt. A decent epilogue would have been nice too.

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A big thank you to NetGalley and Harlequin for the ARC. I am voluntarily reviewing this book. This was a predictable but fun book. I enjoyed reading it. I wish that Imogen would have stood up for herself sooner. Overall a good read though. I give it 4 stars.

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