Member Reviews

A great little novel. The first that I’ve read of Claire’s but looking forward to reading the next one. Liked the way the story progressed through the different narrators

This was a brilliant read. As soon as I started reading this book I just knew I was going to love it. Highly recommended

I enjoyed this read, being pregnant can be difficult and not quite what you expect, when someone tells you that your husband is having an affair she feels overwhelmed, Her mother is not nearby and she misses her. The story focuses on another woman who is desperate for a child. She has had miscarriages and still-born but cannot give up. She would give anything to be pregnant. Lots of exploration and a heart thumping read.
Thank you for the advance copy

This book was a quick easy read, but I really enjoyed this story and would love to read more from this author.

3.5 stars - The story was gripping from the start, it was fast-paced, entertaining and action-packed. It's the type of novel where the author makes you think you've got everything figured out, and then the plot thickens. It’s so hard to review mystery and thrillers because I don’t want to give anything away! Even though I did think it was an action-packed engrossing thriller, I, unfortunately, felt like at some point the story was going around in circles and I was getting a bit bored. It’s a good premise and great writing, just not my favourite book.
The story is told in multiple POVs. Eliana, who is seven and a half months pregnant and under a lot of stress as well as the dreaded morning sickness. Louise, a character we don't know much about but seems to be stalking a pregnant lady in the hopes of kidnapping her baby. And then there is Angela, who is Eliana's mother. The chapters were well identified so we knew who the narrator was. It is written in a way where you learn just a little bit more information in each chapter but every time the narrator change, the reader is left with questions.

Apple of My eye is Claire Allan's second book. Having really enjoyed Her Name Was Rose, I was excited to read this book. Lots of twists and turns and a really gripping storyline.

Apple of My Eye by Claire Allan is a fantastic book! I loved Her Name Was Rose, so picking this one up was a no brainer for me. I was hooked from the very beginning. I was intrigued and addicted. I love the way this author writes and would definitely recommend this book to lovers of this genre.
Elia a is 7 months pregnant and not really enjoying it at all. She is always ill, tired and bloated. When she receives a random note in her locker at work she starts to doubt everything in her life, her job, pregnancy and even her marriage. It doesn't end there and she starts to think she is going to lose it all. What an intense, crazy ride!

This book Apple of My Eye by Claire Allan is written in multiple POV and reading it, one can think it’s a straightforward story of two women – one the protagonist, the other the antagonist, both engrossed in their life situation and objectives. The voices for both are first person present tense. However, in that simplicity lies hidden so many knots and dark secrets and lies that it is difficult to fathom. It’s only by the latter half of the book that one begins to piece together the puzzle, just like it takes time for the protagonist to understand what is really happening.
The full review at: https://anups.net/2020/08/24/book-review-apple-of-my-eye-by-claire-allan/

Lots of different types of characters in this book. It was a tense book which had me wanting to read more. Even though you have guessed the villian earlier on in the book you still kept on reading wanting to know more. Lots of twists and turns to keep me on my toes. The characters were believable and you could relate to them.

The Apple of my Eye is a brilliant, creepy story! It's dark and atmospheric, sad and desperate. Claire Allen is a master of her trade and this genre suits her talents so well! I can't wait to see more from her!

I didn't finish this book so I haven't reviewed it on any social platforms as I don't think it would be fair.
I find that for this particular genre, anything past 300 pages gets really long and tedious, so midway I still felt like I had made no progress as I didn't find the characters very engaging. No fault to the author, just not my cup of tea therefore I don't think it's fair to review on the basis that I didn't finish.

Just when i thought this book was going to be another predictable, not really 'thriller' it hooked me right in and took me in an unexpected direction. So good! A book full of many twists and turns and you're not really sure who to trust or who is an unreliable narrator. Recommended!
Thank you to the publisher for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

So the cover is what drew me to this book as it looked very interesting.
This book is very beautifully written in 2 POV and I must say it held my attention well
Very clever storyline with believable characters.

Such a twisting tale. Loved this book couldn’t put it down . Great characters and great plot. Now reading more from the great author A*

This story is written from the viewpoint of two different woman. One woman wants a baby desperately, and another is pregnant and it seems as if she doesn't really want her bundle of joy..... The whole book you as the reader feels that something dramatic is going to happen..... (no spoilers!)...... riveting reading until the end!

Definitely a 4 star read. The characters were well created and easy to "picture". The story was twisty and I had a hard time putting this down without wanting to turn one more page.
There were a few sections that seemed to drag but overall, great read.
Thank you #NetGalley, the author and the publisher for my free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

This is quite a good thriller which has an interesting storyline. It kept my attention to the end even though the story had lots of twists and turns.

Fantastic book!
Loved the blurb and loved the book, basically Eliana is seven and a half months pregnant and a hospice nurse, she’s been sick throughout the pregnancy and is struggling to bond with the baby inside her and worries she won’t be a great mum or bond when the baby comes.
She starts receiving notes saying that her husband, Martin is having an affair, and in the background a girl called Louise is watching, she is desperate for a baby.....
I hated the baddie in this, I kinda guessed who it was and it didn’t spoil it for me, I honestly was screaming at points no Eliana!!!! Had me hook, line and sinker and that’s a rarity for me as I read so much!
Get the book you won’t regret it, hopefully I can find more from the author 😊

Enjoyed this book, although I did guess the real identity of Louise a little bit before it was revealed. That didn't spoil my enjoyment of the book though as I really wanted to see how it would all end. I was gripped throughout and really enjoyed the alternating narratives between Eli, Louise and Angela. Looking forward to reading more from Claire Allan!

I loved this book and raced through it to see what would happen. It kept me guessing. I can't wait for Claire Allan to publish another book