Member Reviews

I unfortunately forgot to download the e-book on my kindle before it was archived and/or lost interest in the book because it’s been on my tbr for way too long, so I wasn’t able to read and review it (on time). Since I Must give a star rating, I’ve given it 3 stars to stay neutral/in the middle. Sorry to the publisher for not having gotten around to actually read it.

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I was originally attracted to the similarities of King Arthur but got waylaid by the many, many, many internal monologues. Also, I didn't expect there to be so much steam. It seemed to take away the focus of the story. Or maybe that was the story? This one wasn't a hit for me.

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A review of this title is avaliable through Goodreads - and later through my blog. The Goodreads link is available below!

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We have a mix of Arthur and his knights legend with a touch of English and Saxon history/mythology

Fionna is a princess from afar but in order to save her family, she must complete a mission that can go wrong in so many ways, to still the powerful sword from King Arthur.
But when she enters a tournament disguised as a male, she doesn't think she will gain the trust and love of the four knights of Cameleon.

This is definitely a read for over 18 year olds, but it's not over explicit. I reckon you'll love Fionna and her feistiness. Plus the knights she is with, so caring and strong, and everything you want in a man

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I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. I have always loved anything that was King Arthur and Camelot related. It is just something that pulls at my very soul. I love Fionna and it is have a lot to the way she does things and she was just fierce. It is a very interest take on the legend and it made for a very enjoyable experience. The only thing I did not really enjoy is that I don't like that Morgan is always made to be the dark force in these tales, but that is just something that feels wrong to me.

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This novel is really captivating and the characters are lovable!The Fifth Knight has all the package ! Action, funny moments and the romance ws fantastic.As a fan of the TV show Merlin, I loved this fresh take on the Arthurian tale.I finished this book in a day as it was a super fun and easy read, and I only wished it was longer! I can't wait for the next book!

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When I came across the cover of ‘The Fifth Knight’ on Netgalley it immediately grabbed my attention. I was looking for something other than Contemporary Romance to read, since I had been reading a lot of those, and ‘The Fifth Knight’ sounded like a great read. I haven’t read many Arthurian books, but I’ve always loved Arthurian stories. So I really was excited to startreading this book.

In ‘The Fifth Knight’ we meet Fionna. Fionna is a warrior princess who’s determined to save her family. The only way Fionna can save them is to steal a sword and become a King Arthur’s Knight. But woman don’t normally become Knights. So Fionna pretends to be a guy. After becoming a Knight, and getting to know his other Knights Fionna finds it more and more difficult to keep in mind that she has to betray them to get her family back.

Apparently this book is Reverse Harem. It says so in the book description but somehow I didn’t notice it. Do you know what that is? I for one had not heard about it until after I finished reading this book. Apparently it’s when multiple heroes fall for the same heroine. Yep, that’s a thing. So I love romance and stories, but I believe in romance between two people. Not five. And in this book four Knights all have feelings for one woman. Although I didn’t get that at all, there was just something about this book that made me want to keep on reading.

Fiona’s character was definitely fun. She was a tough woman, who could fight like the best of them. And I truly enjoyed reading about her fights. I loved that she wasn’t easily swept away. And although I don’t really get the whole liking four different guys part, I definitely got why she liked all four knights. There where some 18+ scenes in this book, but not many and they were pretty mellow.

The other characters in this book were also really fun to get to know, and they made me laugh. I definitely enjoyed reading about Arthur, Galahad, Lancelot and Percival. They all had this charm about them. And I sure would love to get to know them better. I feel like there’s still a lot I don’t know about these characters.

The fantasy part of this book definitely fascinated me. There where Fae, there was magic and there were curses. And there is an evil Fay determined to destroy everything. This first book in the series still left me with a lot of questions. And although the romance isn’t really my thing, I surprisingly would like to read the other books in this series. There’s just something about these knights that I loved.

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I requested to review this book on a whim and I'm really glad that I did. It was a fun story with great characters. It has been a really long time since I read anything that was King Arthur related and it is a topic that I love to read about. I love the magical elements that were in this story. It made things more interesting and entertaining (especially a certain scene with some fae wine). In this book Fionna becomes a knight for King Arthur and creates a special bond with the King and the rest of the knights. The other knights were such funny characters and I loved the banter that they had with each other. The only thing that wasn't my favorite about this book was how the plot didn't really pick up until more towards the end of the novel. I just wish the pacing was a little bit better and more even throughout. I am excited to read the next book in the series once it comes out! I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

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An Arthurian romance novel, much more romance than not. Overall, characters are ok and plot line is fine. I felt the romance and pull between the various knights to be too awkward. It just felt unrealistic based on the characters behavior otherwise.

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This was an... interesting book. While I understand it was supposed to be a reverse harem story, I'm not sure the authors executed this well. Also, the Arthurian story was not unique enough to justify a retelling of this nature.

I found myself skipping entire paragraphs and not losing my place. The characters fell flat for me. I like that parts of their, literal instant infatuation, was explained, but man it was tough to read. The dialogue was just... really really annoying. The men were falling over themselves about this woman who was clearly their equal in every way, even the royal way. It was just annoying.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Forest Tales Publishing for an eARC of The Fifth Knight, in exchange for an honest review!

The story: I did enjoy the plot. The action was steady and kept me fully engaged throughout the whole book. This is a unique take on the King Arthur story, told with a woman as the fifth knight. They are seeking the blessed grail, a fae relic, in order to save the kingdom from a dark fae curse.

The characters: There is a very likeable group of people in the story. The knights are playful and handsome and fun to read about. Princess/Sir Fionna is a butt-kicking heroine with a double mission, battling all sorts of conflicting feelings about the knights. The dark fae sound like a nasty bunch, especially Morgana who is the central villian to this story. The book is a reverse harem story, so along with the camaraderie of the knights, there is also a healthy but not too intense amount of romance between them.

The editing: I know we are reviewing an advanced copy, so I can't speak for the editing of the final copy but there was a lot of proofreading needed in this version. I am slightly guilty but willing to admit that I enjoyed this book a lot, I am happy to volunteer proofreading for the next one😊

I would recommend this for 18+ readers that enjoy King Arthur retellings, knights, strong female characters, and fantasy/romance.

This review also appears in my blog at

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King Arthur's kingdom is at risk. Morgan, in her anger, has cursed King Arthur, Excaliber and the King Arthur's kingdom, Caerleon. Arthur's only hope, find the 5th knight that will find the Grail and save them all. Arthur holds a tournament. He precedes to knight the winner only to realize she is a woman. A woman fated to save them all. 5 knights of King Arthur's court and one of them is a female.

Morgan is still playing her evil games.

Merlin is encourage them to find their salvation by finding the Grail.

And, all the knights want Fiona.

Great premise that got over taken over by the insta-love, reverse harem plot. The storytelling was filled with physical interludes, lots of internal turmoil, which is definitely not for me, and professions of love. If you like steamy interludes with lots of angst about who deserves and will get the girl then The Fifth Knight is for you. In the end, it wasn't a read for me.

I received this copy of The Fifth Knight from Forest Tales Publishing. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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At its core, this is a Mary-Sue self-insert King Arthur fanfic where Arthur, Lancelot, Galahad and Percival all fall for the heroine.

And you know what? I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Yes, Fionna is a bit too perfect to be true. She’s otherworldly beautiful (even though she compares herself unfavourably to her sister), a super-fighter who can go toe to toe with Arthur or any of his knights despite her small size, and apparently is also destined to be a great enchantress, according to Merlyn. Everyone falls in love with her at first sight. She’s pretty much the definition of a Mary-Sue. And yet… I still really liked her. She has relatable motives and is willing to work hard to get what she needs; she’s kind to servants and doesn’t treat other women as rivals, and she regularly questions her attitudes and works on being a better person.

I’ve always been a huge fan of Arthurian fantasy, and this was a nice take on the story, with Morgana a vengeful fae bent on getting her revenge after Lancelot cheated on her. Several curses afflict Arthur’s kingdom, not least Excalibur being stuck in its scabbard, and only Merlyn’s prophecy of a fifth knight to join their company and help them find the Grail gives them faith.

Fionna joins them under false pretences, winning a tourney disguised as a man, and by the time her identity is revealed it’s too late to back out. Besides, her blood released Excalibur, so Arthur has no choice but to believe she’s the right person for the task.

Morgana certainly isn’t about to give up without a fight, though. She’s working contrary to Merlyn’s prophecies the whole time, and as this first book in the trilogy draws to a close, it’s obvious things are about to get a lot trickier for the group, especially since some of them are still concealing important truths from the others.

While this is Reverse Harem and marketed as unsuitable for readers under 18, there’s not that much sex in it. Clearly the story is building to Fionna having a relationship with all four men, but in this first part of the trilogy she only gets intimate with Arthur and Galahad, and the heat only probably reaches a 3-4 stage. Considering Lancelot is under a curse and Percival has taken a vow of celibacy, I don’t think you’ll see too much more action until at least Book 3, either.

I liked the way that Lancelot was written as explicitly bisexual, and it was certainly at least hinted that Percival was too, so homophobia isn’t something you have to worry about here, often a problematic element in RH books. I think this is a great example of a fantasy romance with a slow build to a reverse harem which makes logical sense given the circumstances, and I’ll definitely be looking out for parts 2 and 3 of the trilogy. Five stars.

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The Fifth Knight, by Claire Luana and Jesikah Sundin. An interesting fantasy book set in the time of King Arthur. A retelling of the knights of history where one is a woman who secretly made her way to the court and proved herself to be the equal of the knights. Worth a read if you like retelling of King Arthur.

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Quests, Love, betrayal, and curses; this book has it all.

The firth knight is an Arthurian reverse harem story about Arthur and his 3 trusted knights, Lancelot, Galahad, and Percival. They soon meet who they assume will be just a "fifth knight", but Fionna is so much more.

This is the first book in the series and it delivers. The friendships between the knights and their individual personalities are compelling and intriguing. To see how they struggle with all wanting Fionna makes you want to see more from them and see how they develop as they become more entwined with her.

Fionna herself is facing a struggle between loyalty to her family and loyalty to the men who are captivating her heart as well as her body. Will she have to choose between all that she loves, in more ways than one?

Meanwhile as true to Arthurian legend, Morgana and her sisters all fae born are making trouble for the males and for Fionna. Who will win in the long run, for tangling with a fae is never advised.

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Thank you to Weapenry Co-Op for the arc of this book.
I loved it, a great re telling of King Arthur and his knights and Morganna and Merlin, well written and entertaining I can’t wait for the second book and see how these relationships develop.

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