Member Reviews

Often in books, you come across amazing families and you can't just help but wish that you could be a part of their family as no matter what is thrown their way, they just keep things down to earth and the love and banter are just so strong and beautiful. For me, one of those bookish families is The DiMarco's. Each book, just makes me want to be a part of this family even more as they have this amazing bond and the author has written them with such genuineness and sincerity. The start of this book is the carry-on from Book #3 with the aftermath of the shooting which saw Luke land in the hospital. Jake feels so guilty as it was his fault that Luke was shot as it was his toxic baby mama at play again. Now Jake has moved into a new house with Brayden and Julie is on the run again, for now. Since Luke is police, she has the whole force looking for her, not to mention the rest of the DiMarco brothers and extended family. Next door neighbor Elaina has no family and tends to be a homebody and prefers her dog's company as she is awkward around people. I liked Elaina's character as she was fun and quirky and reminded me a bit of myself. Elaina isn't normally Jake's type, but that's because he hasn't ever thought long-term, and Elaina is family material. They say kids are a great judge of character and in Elaina, Brayden - Jake's son just immediately attaches himself to Elaina and she just slots in perfectly with the DiMarco family. What happens though when Julie decides to return and this time she has reinforcements and not just wants to hurt Jake this time but also Elaina? Find out in Book #4 of the DiMarco series by Jennifer Hanks.

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Jake needs to find a new home for himself and his son Bray and he moves in next door to the shy and slightly geeky Lainie. Lainie is used to a quiet life with her dog Beasley but she finds this turned upside when Jake moves in next door and his noisy family seem determined to include her and bring her together with Jake........ but can Jake let go of the past and move on?

Another lovely book in the Dimarco family series, as with all the others it is heartwarming story of one of the brothers

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Oh my gosh! I just found my new obsession. So I ran across Lucy, Sydney, Gianna, and Elaina on NetGalley and immediately fell in love with their covers. I let them sit in my kindle app for a little bit and then I opened them when I needed to fall away from the world. Like literally. My anxiety is extremely bad right now and I just don’t want to function.

I read them all in two days and even got through one of The Elite Securities series books. OMG! I knew I had to see if there were more out there. Then I found Kate. I read Kate in one day. Oh, my heart I need more. I feel so invested in this family that I can’t help myself but hope that the author writes really fast to get Grace and Ben’s stories written. I also saw on her website that she was doing a novella for Jax.

So, in the beginning, you meet the Dimarco brothers. There are seven of them with one sister. They are a big Italian family that once you’re in the family there is no way to leave. I laughed I cried and I felt like they were all my family.

In Lucy, you meet Christian and Lucy and follow their story of how they fell in love. Can Chris keep Lucy from running away from her problems?

In Sydney, you get to know Cameron the one brother you do not meet in Lucy because he’s undercover and no one knew where he was. Through lies and betrayals, Sydney and Cam fall in love and work through their battles.

In Gianna, you meet Gia and Lexi and Gia’s search for that man that she had a one night stand with just so her little girl will know her daddy. After confronting the wrong brother, Brody takes to them and never lets them go.

In Elaina, Lanie, the girl next door and her dog Beasley, who helps Jake come out of his sea of guilt and Jake does everything in his power to protect her but can he really?

Then we have Kate, Luke survived being gunned down for his involvement in a case that could lead him to lose everything. Kate is a single mom who is just trying to keep her head about water and make the best life for her son Andy. For Kate and Andy the unthinkable happens they are adopted by the Dimarco family and how much they knew that she needed them, the added bonus was Luke. Will Luke give up everything on the police force to have a life with Kate and Andy or will he lose everything?

I love everything about the Dimarco family and feel like I know them. The books give you get background stories of all.

All 5 are 4 out of 5 stars!!!

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Rating: 4.5 Stars.

I've really enjoyed Jennifer Hanks's The DiMarco Series. The women are real, the men hot and kind and the stories full of drama and tender moments. I especially like Elaina. I identified with her more than any of the others. She's a geek. Socially uncomfortable. Not used to dating. She's also smart, funny and thoughtful.

I hated that Jake keep kicking himself over Luke's shooting. He's a loving brother and takes on guilt that's not really his. It's perfect that Luke moves in with him to rehabilitate so Jake can work through his issues and see that Luke holds no anger toward him. He's such a good dad and it was great to watch him with Braydon. Even as he's mired in guilt, he's attracted to Lanie which is a bit of surprise to him and her. Their unlikely relationship is just what he needs to help heal.

One of the best parts of the story was Lanie's relationship with Braydon. She's so comfortable with him and the two bond almost immediately. In a way only a very young child can, Bray knows it's Lanie, not his mom, who truly cares about him and he returns that affection with innocent enthusiasm.

Of course, all is not easy. The two have to overcome some major hurdles before they can find their happiness and there are moments I wanted to reach into the book and shake both Jake and Lanie because they're too good at getting in their own way.

When they finally get what they deserve it was very satisfying. I'm moving on to Kate now because I'm not ready to leave the DiMarcos.

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This is the fourth book in the Dimarco Family series. This is technically a standalone, but there is a quite a cliffhanger in ‘Gianna’ involving Jake and his baby mama drama, so it kind of sets up this book. Because of all of that, Jake moves his son into a new house, and Elaina is his new neighbor. She’s super shy and the family meddles a bit to get Jake and Lanie together. The dog and the little boy were my favorite! Really enjoyed this one. Looking forward to the next in the series.
* ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!

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I enjoyed this book, especially the DiMarco family dynamic. Jakes toddler son was adorable and Elaina’s big, lazy dog was a hoot. The interactions between child and dog were just so very sweet.

It’s a good thing that Jake is just a hero of a romance novel. In real life, he’d be regarded as a bit stalkerish. He just assumes that there is something hot brewing between him and Lanie so enters her house when she’s not there so he can interrupt her date. He takes her phone away so he can tell the guy she’s seeing that she’s “his girl.” It all works out because he’s the alpha hero and she is really attracted to him, not the other guy. But it is still a bit much.

The suspense as someone is targeting Lanie gets wrapped up a bit too easily. But overall, it was still an enjoyable read.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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Another great book in the Dimarco series.

Jake is feeling guilty his brother was shot (and almost killed) since he allowed his baby mama's boyfriend/boy toy to rile him up. He moves into a new house with his young son, Bray, where he meets his new neighbor, Lainie.
Lainie is more of an introvert due to shyness. We meet her when she is spying on Jake and his brothers/friends helping him move in. When they do meet, she is very shy and has a hard time making eye contact and talking to them since they are all so hot.

Thanks to his brothers, the two meet and she becomes his babysitter. The two go back and forth on being friends since Jake is a bit hot then cold. Doesn't help that is baby mama is crazy!!!

This was a sweet book, but not nearly as good as book 2 and 3. I still recommend reading it though.
This book can be read on its own, but I think you will enjoy it more if you read the books in order.

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Three stars because I’m ticked by what the brothers asked Jake to do. Can’t same more without giving too much away!!! We also get to see a different side of Jake here.... he gets jealous!!!

Beasley and Braydon made this book!!! Beasley was such a funny dog and his laziness was hilarious. Bray’s closeness to Lanie was so cute!!!

Love how the author includes the side characters just as much as the main. Pike is who we got this time!!!

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The fourth book of the Dimarco family has the spotlight for Jake, the brother who had a baby with evil witch Julie. After her part in the shooting of Luke Dimarco Jake washed his hands of her and took his son to live somewhere else. His new neighbor is Elaine (Lanie), a young shy woman with a big heart (and a big dog!) who is very sweet to his young son even when he is a bit of a jerk to her.

Luke is out of the hospital and recuperates at Jake's house. Jake has to deal with the immense guilt he feels toward Luke because of the shooting. He starts to realize he has feelings for Lanie, but during the search for Julie he has to play a role he doesn't want to and hurt Lanie in the process. Will she forgive him?

These books are a bit addictive, with the lovable Dimarco family in the spotlight.

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