Member Reviews

After devouring Butterface, the first book in Avery Flynn’s Hartigans Series, I was already impatient to get my hands on Muffin Top. I blame the preview at the end of Butterface... I mean, it's not often you see a hero saving a heroine from a stranger who obnoxiously comments on her weight and food choice. My interest was piqued, and I was immediately intrigued by both Frankie Hartigan and Lucy Kavanagh.

Those who read Butterface will recognize our heroine as Gina’s plus-sized firecracker of a best friend, Lucy, and our hero as Ford’s brother, the charming playboy firefighter, Frankie. While the two are acquainted with each other, it’s not until a chance meeting at a bar and Frankie’s impulsive decision to use his leave from work to accompany Lucy to her high school reunion that their relationship takes an interesting turn. The combination of an emotionally guarded cynic who’s perpetually wary of men (and society as a whole) and a commitment-phobe whose enjoyment of the opposite sex leads to a self-imposed sex ban seems like a classic case of opposites attracting, but, the more we get to know Frankie and Lucy, the more we see exactly how similar they are.

As a renowned womanizer, accustomed to having women fall for his many charms, Frankie isn’t expecting to be dazzled by Lucy’s straightforward, ball-busting attitude, but she delves beneath his surface and leaves a lasting impact. Similarly, Frankie pushes and challenges Lucy, going into battle against her insecurities and helping to bring out her confident, empowered side. Whether they’re bantering flirtatiously, butting heads, or steaming up the pages with their scorching hot chemistry, Frankie and Lucy are a riveting, compelling pair.

On the one hand, Muffin Top is exactly what I've come to expect from Avery Flynn. It's humorous and lighthearted, with a healthy amount of steam. Muffin Top isn't your typical rom-com, however, tackling a more substantial subject matter and delivering a heaping dose of the feels. With a storyline that's relatable and thought-provoking, thoroughly developed characters that are endearing, passionate, and lovable, and a romance that's sexy, swoon-worthy, and more than a little naughty, Muffin Top is a must-read from Avery Flynn.

*complimentary copy provided by publisher for an honest review

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I've wanted Frankie Hartigan's book from the moment we first met him. I knew it would take a super special woman to make him give up his man-whore ways, and honestly I absolutely loved Lucy Kavanagh so very much!!!

I can say enough times how much I loved this story. Muffin Top is a sweet, sexy, funny, and snarky story. I have to say that Lucy Kavanagh is one of the best heroines ever from Avery Flynn. I love she makes no excuses for her size and is extremely happy with her life. Of course her size seems to be an issue for others, and because of how she was treated in high school, she really isn't looking forward to going home for her high school reunion. Enter Frankie Hartigan, who gets extremely pissed to hear some random guy food shaming Lucy at the bar for her food choices. I won't lie, when he wanted to flatten the guy for being such a tool, I started falling head over heels for Frankie. When he agrees to be Lucy's fake date for her high school reunion, I tumbled over completely.

Muffin Top pulled all the emotions from me. I loved watching Frankie and Lucy go from basically only hanging out in passing when their friends were together to falling in love over a wild and fun road trip. Frankie is on a dating and sex sabbatical and Lucy needs a fake date so her high school friends won't give her a hard time. Seriously the more time these two spent together to more I fell in love with them as a couple, just as they fell in love with each other. They had smoking hot chemistry from the moment they actually gave in to their attraction, and I loved they each really seemed to get the other.

Not saying everything was easy for these two to get their final happily ever after. Lucy and Frankie both have issues that each could have ended any chance of them being together. I completely understood where Lucy was coming from, but hated seeing her color Frankie based upon how people from her past had treated her. Frankie's past as a man-whore totally played partly into Lucy's insecurities, as she went against every type Frankie had ever had. Love is a roller coaster, and the ride to happily ever after for Frankie and Lucy kept me on the edge of my seat. Through tears of pain and happiness, Muffin Top gave me the perfect ending for Lucy and Frankie. Seriously everything about this book just gave me the feels.

Avery Flynn has been a go-to author for me pretty much from the moment I read her first book. She writes rom-com that is full of emotions and I always find myself laughing out loud multiple times while reading her books. I highly recommend Muffin Top to readers who love emotional contemporary romances.

Rating: 4.5 Stars (A)

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Muffin Top is book number two in the Hartigans series by Avery Flynn. This is Frankie Hartigan and Lucy Kavanagh's story.

Frankie and Lucy are so much fun. I loved them. Their banter kept the book exciting along with shenanigans from the Hartigan boys and Lucy's girlfriends. But as much fun as Frankie and Lucy were every once in a while they would show you that they had their own ghosts to overcome. This was a fun, entertaining, and steamy read.

FYI, contains mature content. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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I wasn't able to finish Muffin top. I was disgusted with the hero and his man-whoring ways. He has almost literally screwed half the female population of the town and the women he has been with even compared notes. WTF people? Did I really need to know that these random women talked about his performance in bed? Because that's one of the two things I knew about him when I finished the book. The other thing is that he is a workaholic. That's not a lot.

The heroine is very insecure. She is a plus size person who hasn't have accepted that. When the dude in the bar who was unhealthy gave her "advice" for her eating habits she didn't do anything to tell him off and Frankie saved the day. She didn't stand up for herself and I hated that. I hope you will be able to finish the book if you choose to do so.

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I loved Muffin on Top. This is my next Avery's book and I can assure - this story it's great to read.
When I find out about next book in The Hartigans series I was impatiently waiting to read it.

Avery didn't dissapionted me. What I loved in this story? And in the first place why I adore this author so much ???? 

In today world we love PERFECTION everywhere. 

We love to watch perfectly beautifull people. 

We love to watch on beautifull places.

We love to eat perfectly healthy food.

We love to live like.. PERFECTLY PEOPLE in PERFECTLY world.... but how many of us can say that we have EVERYTHING???? NOT so many, right?

Avery shows one rule which is old like the world .. You don't need to be curvy or silm to live with this PERFECTION in the background - You just need feel freaking HAPPY, with all what You've got.

WHAT can take there ??? To the happy people's land ?  Everyone can have THIS important thing in life - no matter of size, skin color, nationality, rase etc - it's called PERFECTLY LOVE, and that's what  Avery's story is about.

I know it should be more words more Lucy and Frankie... For sure this couple is PERFECT match. But even if their love story is great and amazing, I wanted to tell in first place about my feelings after reading Muffin on Top. This book is funny and sexy, with not too much drama behind.

For some reasons I'm only reader, not an author so I won't write here long and in PERFECTLY way. My words was just whispered by my bookish heart... so rom-com fans grab Your copy Muffin on top to find out.

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I love the characters in this series so far. They are so real and fun and I complete relate to them. I absolutely enjoyed reading this. I laughed and swooned and did not want the story to end. I am still fairly to new to Avery Flynn, but I am so excited to go back and read more from this author and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next.

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4.5 stars

Lucy is Harbor City's best communications specialist (i.e. fixer, PR guru, what have you) and she tells it like it is. She's brash, bold and a pitbull. She takes no prisoners and takes no shit from anyone. Is her nature a way of masking her inner pain? Perhaps. But either way, she's awesome. So when some douche proceeds to tell her her "rating" would go up if she'd eat a salad instead of the jalapeño cheeseburger she was trying to eat, she has had it. And then, a white knight with ginger hair rescues her. Frankie is Harbor City's resident manwhore with a heart of gold. He's a firefighter who's been told in no uncertain terms that he's to take three weeks off because his vacation time has accrued so much and HR wants him away for awhile. When he sees his brother's fiancée's best friend who's also his sister's friend, being harassed by an unbelievably douchey guy, his inner rescuer roars to forefront and he dives headlong into the rescue. And what a rescue it is because not only do the two sit and talk and bond but they decide, well, he volunteers and she accepts, that he'll do her another favor and go to her high school reunion with her.

Gah, I loved Frankie and Lucy together! So much witty banter, and that sexual tension that was obvious from the very first page even though they tried to deny it, to stay just platonic friends. I love how Lucy was mostly strong and confident with herself but of course had insecurities that EVERYONE has, curvy or no. Sometimes it's nice to read about a heroine who isn't model like, because these kind of women are easier for me to relate to. I'll never be model thin and I like that Avery Flynn wrote a hot, hot, beautiful story that features someone who's more like the average woman, more like myself. And being that this is a rom com, I like that the author balanced the rom and the com perfectly, which isn't easy to do. The fun, the witty and the zany are perfectly balanced with the emotional, the love, and the heat. So why the 4.5 stars and not 5? Well it's a tiny thing, but it stuck with me - when they have their inevitable fallout, Lucy was just plain mean, and I do mean MEAN. She dug in where she shouldn't have, and Frankie was the one who made the grand gesture in making up when it should have been Lucy who had to grovel for forgiveness. But, aside from that small but memorable thing, I loved Muffin Top. It's a wonderfully written romance filled with heart, with heat, and a cast of not just fabulous leads, but with equally amazing secondary characters. I cannot wait to read more about these Hartigans!

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3 stars
I REALLY thought I was going to love this book, but sadly, I didn't. To be honest, it dragged for me. It took me forever to finish it. I could not connect with the characters, I love RomComs with plus-sized lead females, Hell I am one in Real Life. That is what I don't understand why I didn't connect more.

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Muffin Top by Avery Flynn
Romantic Comedy. Second Standalone in Related Series.
As soon as I saw Muffin Top by Avery Flynn, I knew I had to read it. I love RomComs with plus-sized heroines. Especially heroines that don’t lose weight to get the guy. I also love when she has self-esteem issues she needs to overcome. Therefore Muffin Top seemed right up my alley.

I liked the characters. I liked the story. But 5 days into it I was at like 30%. Ten days into it I was at 60%. I read 3 books a week so this was very strange. I thought maybe I was just in a mood, so I put it aside. The book I read next I read in one day. It took me another 4 days to read Muffin Top. That’s two weeks total! I can’t quite put my finger on exactly why it took so long when I liked so much about it.
“If one more person told Lucy that she’d be so pretty if she just lost some weight, she was going to set them on fire.”

Lucy is so much like me. A size 20, she is defensive and filled with self-loathing one minute, and body positive and confident the next. I know it sounds crazy, but I get it. Lucy grew up with an underwear model for a mom which is tough for any girl to grow up in the shadow of. I totally got her and related to her in every way.
“I am a curious, sex-positive, grown-ass woman,” she said, her shoulders tensing and her chin going up as she withdrew her hand. “Or were you thinking it was just the old line about fat girls having to be more creative and enthusiastic in bed because it was the only way we got laid?”

I also loved Frankie, the sexy firefighter hero. Frankie is known as a good-time guy. The player is great for a quick fuck, but that’s where it ends. When this fact is pointed out to him, Frankie wants to change his ways. So he starts by offering to be a plus-one at Lucy’s high school reunion so she can go back to all the bullies with a hottie on her arm. He knows she’s safe because he doesn’t see her sexually (she’s a size 20, he goes out with models).

Frankie was an idiot when it came to women. He was basically clueless, but it was kind of cute. As he fell for Lucy her weight never seemed to be a factor for him.
“I’m not a small woman.”
“Maybe you’ve noticed,” he said, straightening to his full height. “I’m not a small guy.”

But her self-depreciation held her back. She couldn’t believe a guy like him would go for her. But it wasn’t a problem for him.
“I am not that bitch Constance, or that guy from Marino’s who told you to eat a salad, or any of the other dumbasses who’ve been too stupid to see you as you are.”
She whirled around. “Oh yeah, and what’s that?”
“One of those women who men start wars over.”

There were a number of strange story inconsistencies and some things that made it seem like the author maybe isn’t plus-sized and doesn’t get it, and then others where it seemed like she must be. One minute Lucy is saying she needs to have all her clothes and shoes custom made in wide widths, and the next she talks about her obsession with DSW 70% off rack. She is a size 20. So am I, and I never have the outright insults and difficulties she does.

I relate to feeling bad about yourself but trying to love yourself, but Lucy bounced back and forth between the two extremes a lot.
“This is what you get when you have a naked Lucy Kavanagh.” She reached behind her back to her bra clasp. “There are rolls.” The bra hooks gave way, and she shook it off, letting it drop where it may. “There are stretch marks.” She slid her thumbs into the waistband of her high-waisted panties meant to hold her not-perfect stomach in and pushed them with more force than necessary to her ankles. She kicked them off with enough power that they went flying through the night like a red cotton bullet and landed on a bush near where Frankie had parked. “There are curves where there should be dips.” She held her arms out wide. “There is all of this, and I’m not apologizing for it—not to you and not to anyone.”


•I love books with plus-sized heroines that don’t lose weight to get the guy.
•The reminder that people are going through their own shit, and not to be so quick to judge.
•I loved Frankie the firefighter.
•He didn’t obsess over her size, just appreciated her how she was.
•I loved that she was down about herself and her thoughts about her weight were a little obsessive because she was so relatable to me.
•I didn’t read the first in the series and didn’t feel like I missed anything.


•Took me 2 weeks to read.
•3rd Person
•Muffin Top seemed really long. Fifty pages could have been cut and the story would have flowed way better. It has great bones, but from 25-70% really dragged.
•Some story inconsistencies.
•She bounced back and forth from body-positive to self-hatred a little too much.
•His whole thing with his dad - I just didn’t like how it played out.
•She should have taken more responsibility for the conflicts. He was a great guy. Her views of herself will eventually break them up.

The Down & Dirty:
I have such mixed feelings about Muffin Top by Avery Flynn. I loved that she was plus sized, and while confident at work, not in her personal life. I loved how Frankie never really focused on her weight at all. But the story just dragged for me. It took forever to read and I found her self-deprecation to be a little too overwhelming. It pushed people away, including this reader. The thing is, I usually LIKE that, so I’m not exactly sure what held me back so much from loving this. I liked both characters. I liked the storyline. There were some things I didn’t love (see above), but I can’t place exactly why it took me so long to read when I liked it while I read it. I just never felt the need to pick it up and read more. Lucy was super relatable. Frankie was adorable, but there was just something missing for me.

Rating: 3 Stars, 4 Heat

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This book has laughs in it but also made me cry. I loved Lucy & I could honest understand how she dealt with her size. Although Frankie has a reputation, he really won me over with how he treats Lucy. Both have issues, but it’s a matter of, can they both overcome their issues & have a life together? I loved all the characters and I look forward to reading the next book!

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Apparently I have a new go-to/one click author who goes by the name of Avery Flynn! Her second book in the Hartigan's series stole my heart just as much as ButterFace did. Muffin Top one of Gina's best friends Lucy Kavanagh, and the oldest of the Hartigan siblings Frankie. When the two find themselves on a road trip to Lucy's home town for a reunion, the sparks between these two really take off.

I think most woman I know can relate in one way or another, have had one moment or many feeling less than. For Lucy, she's struggled with her weight but she's done her best to combat and overcome any teasing or bullying she's endured. But her coping mechanisms put her on the defense (another way in which she is totally relatable), but I won't belabor this. It just shows how Avery Flynn has done a really amazing job building her characters. Their backstories are rich and in Lucy's case, why she feels they way she does is well explained. The same can be said for Frankie. He's got his own triggers and reason why he believes what he does about love.

This story was such a joy to read. It was sweet and heartfelt, as Frankie champions and encourages Lucy. There's a bit of a slow-burn pony-backing on a HOT and INTENSE attraction between them. Avery Flynn creates and an electric connection that require a bit of reader cool off time. There's definitely some angst and these two spirits have some deep seated baggage. I'll admit I cried a bit but that wasn't all angst, part of this was the incredible compassion that both Lucy and Frankie show for other people who might not seem deserving. This just endeared them both to me even more.

Okay, I'm done gushing about this book but I'll finish by saying READ THIS BOOK! You'll laugh, you'll swoon, and find yourself in great need of a fan to cool yourself off. 5 Stars and my highest recommendation.

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I adore this group of characters in Butterfave and ran to read Lucy's book. A larger woman myself I connected A lot with Lucy. In the beginning Frankie the good time Viber firefighter jumps in to defend Lucy when some guy suggest she get a date of she stop eating the food she eats. Afterwards they have dinner and Lucy says how she isn't happy about her high school reunion. She isn't excited to relive all the old hurts. And with time off for a forced vacation Frankie invites himself along. As the two embark on this road trip they become fast friends but there is a scorching chemistry between them that will not beignored. I loved how Lucy learned to let go of some demons and insecurities and Frankie learned why he didn't think a relationship was for him. And after the setup for the next book I cannot wait for it!

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I really wanted to like this book. I was very excited to see a plus size female lead, had high hopes for a strong character. Alas, I was disappointed.

Lucy Kavanaugh is a size 20. She is smart, snarky, funny and way too self-deprecating. As in constantly. “Look, I’ll let you in on a secret to survival for someone like me. If you prep yourself for the worst, you won’t be disappointed, and if you own the insult before it can be uttered, you can’t be hurt.” Wow. How sad. This is not self-empowering.

Frankie Hartigan is a fireman. And a first class manwhore. “He dated many of the women he was attracted to, and while getting to date number three rarely happened because there was always another woman out there who caught his eye, no one walked away orgasm free or heartbroken.” Why must the male leads be converted manwhores? To me, this says it all: “Really, who wants to be with someone who had more notches on his bedpost than Santa had names on his naughty list? There was just something gross about it.”

She does everything she can to sabotage any chance at a relationship they might have. Too much negativity and low self-esteem. Frankie is upfront about how he feels, but with his history you can certainly understand her doubts.

This was definitely not the uplifting, encouraging book I had hoped for.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC provided by NetGalley and the publisher.

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An easygoing fellow and a no-nonsense plus-size woman. What do they have in common? A high-school reunion and lots of unexpected chemistry, that's what ;-)

Frankie and Lucy might be opposites, but they've both been a bit hurt by social expectations. Het's too flirty to be Mr. Right and she's too curvy to be appealing or respected. What happens when they spend time together and verbal sparring produce a shower of lusty sparks? They can't believe it, for starts. And also a wonderfully addictive humour that got me laughing every other page.

It's a slow-burn romance punctuated by exciting inner dialogue and two adorable characters that shine in witty teasing. The double POV only enhances the appeal.

They might start as strangers, but a road trip and living in close quarters teach this stubborn couple-in-the-making a lesson in expectations and schorching-hot desire. Oh, my, the heat! Because the more time this firefighter banters and has fun with this bold woman, the more he's tempted by her lucious curves. And the more signs she ses in him of his interest, the more she dares believe it.

Lucy and Frankie share a week of funny and tender and hot experiences while falling in love against all odds, and it was so sweet and amusing to see them verbal-sparring and doubting themselves. It's really hard to trust love when it's been denied forever, so this couple has to conquer fears and assumptions and really grow beyond them before claiming their heart-warming HEA. I enjoyed Muffin Top and all its big emotions.

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I absolutely loved Lucy & Frankie’s story! Lucy was snarky & had a big heart. Frankie was swoon worthy with his charm & his romantic side. To me it was a perfect combination. Lucy & Frankie had some great banter & chemistry.

I can’t wait for more by Avery Flynn.

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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Another great romcom from the lovely Avery. These characters are funny, strong, flawed and real. Lucy is a successful, confident, beautiful woman that is on the above average size. She has always been on the receiving end of comments and advice regarding her size that she has learned to ignore but they still stay with her. She has found herself and she loves the woman that she is !
Frankie is the quintessential man whore . He is a lager than life man that is also a man that serves his community as a fireman . He certainly has a way with the ladies and has developed quite a reputation about town as a fun noncommitting man . When he is made to take an very need vacation and a run in with Lucy at the same time this is when the idea of a road trip is conceived !!!
What a great ride with this couple , watching them learn about one another and themselves along the way!!!
~~Michele McMullen ~~

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How does one date when you don’t happen to fit into the packaging that most of society deems to be “acceptable?” That is a great question that so many of us, myself included face and one that this delightful story delves deep into.

Lucy Kavanagh has just been harassed in public about eating alone and it isn’t the first time, when local firefighter and recent acquaintance, Frankie Hartigan, steps in and helps give the jerk a lesson he won’t soon forget.

Dreading her upcoming high school reunion, and Frankie’s forced vacation from work, the two set out for what is to be a mutually beneficial yet strictly platonic week long trip, never once considering the possibility that love might hit when they least expect.

Lucy was beyond lovable and so very relatable with her fierce sense of self and tenacity to the bone. I found her character refreshing, as she stood her ground, not changing herself, or her beliefs, just to be accepted by others.

Although she struggled with self-acceptance and the ridicule of others, she stayed true to herself and it made me feel that I too could take a stand in the harsh, real world of dating!

As Always, Happy Reading!

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I loved this book but I've loved this series so far so that's just a plus in the column that's Avery Flynn's writing! This was the icing on the cake...I loved the first book but this book was so much better to me and maybe that's because I relate - I don't know but whatever she's doing she needs to keep doing it because it's working.

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Muffin Top is book 2 in The Hartigans series by Avery Flynn. I very much enjoyed book 1 in this series- Butterface and I’ve been looking forward to this book soooooooo much. Well I'm here to say Avery Flynn has done it again! This book was so phenomenal and pretty amazing. This is Frankie's story. We met Frankie who is the oldest of the Hartigan clan in Butterface. Frankie is a sexy firefighter and one big strong man plus he's a ginger - Score!!! Frankie has been forced to take a vacation by his boss and relax. He also finds out that the women he has been out with see him as just a good time guy. Frankie starts to take stock of his entire life and decides he needs to make whole changes. He decides that there needs to be a sex sabbatical put in place for him. He meets his match in sassy Lucy Kavanaugh who is a size 20 voluptuous ,tough PR rep. Lucy is an over the top in your face woman who hides behind her personality to keep people from looking too deeply at her insecurities. Frankie ends up going with Lucy to her high school reunion and its on this trip that they connect on a deep level and the chemistry between them was electric. The emotions, the chemistry, the angst, the characters and the friendships that are shown in the book are amazing. I loved every moment and cannot wait to read another book about this fabulous family.

My Rating: 4.6 stars *****

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The only question I have is Why haven’t read Avery Flynn before?! Muffin Top is the second in this heartfelt Hartigan family series.

I loved it so much!! Frankie and Lucy are a match made in heaven! I literally can’t find the words to describe how great this book is.

Lucy is real. So real. She’s not the skinny, passive heroine you might have read in the past. She’s curvy, snarky and tells it like it is. She’s not ashamed of being her true self, she’s proud, as she should be. She’s so relatable.

Frankie is the oldest Hartigan sibling and a ginger fox! He has no shortage of women. But it’s the one he least expects that might have actually snagged his heart.

Muffin Top is funny, witty and sexy story. Now I need to go back and read Butterface, the first book in the series. Reading these stories about real and not traditionally gorgeous women is so uplifting and more should be written like these!!! A five star read!!

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