Member Reviews

Lucy can work by managing problems and bypassing crises, but when it comes to her personal life, it's a walking disaster. Whoever looks from the outside sees an independent, strong, sarcastic woman who makes jokes at her own expense to disarm her opponent and avoid confusion. All very well done and built after years of pejorative comments and bullying. In fact, Lucy is full of problems of self-esteem, and after suffering so much, she lowers herself to prevent others from doing so.
Frankie is the typical convicted bachelor. He is handsome, with a sculptural body, is a firefighter, relationships do not go through his head, he is happy with his one night stands. Until he hears from an old affair that he is not material to introduce to the family, that he is only good for sex.
An idiot in a bar and a hamburger instead of a salad will be responsible for joining those two. Frankie already knows Lucy by sight, after all she is friends with his future sister-in-law. Being forced to take a vacation and still in shock with what he has heard, he decides to accompany Lucy on her school reunion. After all, she is very authoritarian, completely sarcastic and he is not attracted to her. In short, she is the perfect companion, so his new resolve to run out of sex while discovering what he wants out of life will not be shaken.
A road trip. Lots of confusion. A sex therapist father and a dog with serious behavior problems. And a school event divided into stages. Obviously he will survive easily. After all, what could go wrong?
As days go by, Frankie will realize that maybe sex is not the problem, but the fact that he has not found the right person. Lucy does not believe a handsome man would be interested in her other than out of pity. But maybe the person with pity this whole time is herself.
Muffin Top was a funny read but surprising is a profound book. Like the protagonists, other characters are on a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. At first glance it may seem like a clichéd novel, but the layers of Frankie and Lucy are quite complex. She suffered a lot in her teens, has a very negative view about her body, how it interferes with her self-esteem. Being the daughter of an extremely beautiful but selfish woman, did not help in this process of acceptance, she blames herself even more for not being like her mother. The title of the book, which is the nickname given by her father, is something that irritates her, but for her father it is a term of affection, a loving way of calling her daughter. Frankie in turn is astonished when he realizes that the women of his town consider him a sexual object, the handsome man who can set the sheets on fire but should not be taken seriously.
Two people with different appearances, with opposite lives, but who share this same feeling of not knowing who they really are, what place they occupy in the world.
Frankie was charming, funny, solicitous, in short, a perfect crush. Lucy was sometimes annoying and unfair. All her fears and traumas were well presented, but sometimes she liked being the victim, which made her mean, especially with Frankie who revealed a secret to her. The end should be her apologizing, not him.
Frankie and Lucy were meant for each other. The two can see behind the appearances and see who they really are inside. Frankie worships Lucy, is completely attracted to her, loves her and likes the person she truly is, not the facade she shows to the world. Lucy loves Frankie and sees the guy with a good heart, who embarked on a trip with her, participated in the games and at all times tries to make her happy and show how beautiful she is.
"The essential is invisible to the eyes" has never been so true.

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Frankie Hartigan has been forced to take a vacation and relax. He also finds out that the women he has been with only see him as good time Frankie. He starts to take stock of his life and decides he needs a change. He decides a sex sabbatical is what he needs.

Lucy Kavanagh is a successful businesswoman. She thrives in most things in life but has always struggled with her weight. After Frankie overhears some jerk, telling her she needs to lose some weight he takes the person down a few pegs. Afterwards, Frankie invites himself to sit and eat with Lucy. During dinner he discovers Lucy might need his help. He proceeds to invite himself to her high school reunion. It is perfect. Frankie needs to get away and Lucy needs a date. As expected things do not always go as planned.

This was a fun and lighthearted read. It was also a bit deeper than I expected. These two form a friendship and an attraction. They end up helping each other get to the root of their issues. Will it be enough to keep them together after they return home and back to reality? Or will they fall apart?

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Lucy has a big personality (and a big mouth, which sometimes gets her into trouble!) She isn’t afraid to take the world head-on, but she has her share of insecurities about her body, and her relationship with her mom. Frankie comes from a large, loving family. His ego has just taken a blow from a one-night stand, and he brings his own issues to the party.

The best part of this book was the verbal sparring between Lucy and Frankie while they were on a (Frankie-declared) sex time-out. They are funny and good with each other, and its nice to see a couple becoming friends before they fall into bed with each other.

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This is the first book I have read by Avery Flynn and I have to say it will not be my last.

It is such a great book. I am plus size lady and I thought this book was well done. I couldn't put this one down and I ended up staying up late just to finish it.

I am giving this 4 out of 5 stars.

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Muffin Top

**received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**

Avery Flynn has outdone herself with Muffin Top. She brings together two people who are complete opposites from one another but when together complement one another perfectly. Frankie doesn’t care about Lucy’s size, all he sees is a person and she is someone he wants to get to know better. Lucy is fun, easy going, and confident except when it comes to her weight. Even though she is okay with it she still worries about other people and what they think. But with Frankie she learns to let go more and soon she sees herself and what she truly is worth.

Lucy needs someone to go with her to her high school reunion. She wants to show them that she is successful and has a great relationship, she just needs to find someone to go with her. And when Frankie gets sidelined from his job for three weeks, he is the perfect person. She won’t fall for him and he is a serial dater so nothing will happen, right?

Frankie needs something to do while he is off the job for three weeks and when Lucy’s opportunity to get out of town for a couple days comes up, why not go with her. He needs to get out of town and figure out what he wants out of a relationship. And being with Lucy works out great since he isn’t attracted to her. But is it really a good idea to be with her for that long and not feel something?

As Frankie and Lucy spend more time together they realize that there is more to the other person than they thought. But Lucy knows that a guy like Frankie would never be interested in a girl like her for the long run, or would he?

Is Frankie ready to give up his playboy wats and have something real for once? And can Lucy finally see that someone likes her for who she is no matter what her size? Or will they both let insecurities and doubts take over and take away their chance at a future together?

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I have mixed feelings because it was terrible as well as good. 2.5 stars

The first 10% was really good fun read then up to about 60% (By Kindle) its was terrible dragged on so bad I didnt think I would finish it but I decided to keep going and the last 30% was pretty good.

So the characters were okay Frankie was humorous and Lucy was sassy.

Overall the story was okay except for that huge chunk in the middle. I dont know if the good bits saved the bad but I wont be continuing on with the series.

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I LOVE FRANKIE AND LUCY! There I shouted that so everyone would know I meant it. This book caught my attention from the first paragraph and had me straight through to the epilogue (oh, that epilogue!!!). Lucy is a "take no prisoners" and sassy woman who is probably the only one who could tame the infamous Frankie Hartigan who has worked his way through all the women in town but after some hard truth of one of those women he has decided to take a "break." This book was so good, I laughed my way through it and felt I was living it right along with them. I didn't go to my reunion but now I feel as if I did. I definitely recommend this one!

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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4 It's the BEST High School Reunion Ever Stars!!

I'm really loving this series and these Hartigans so much!! One of the reasons is that the H/h aren't young and discovering themselves. They're near or over 30 have careers and the heroines are definitely not the norm in book standards or what is deemed acceptable by society. They're real women with real curves.

Lucy is a woman that's comfortable in her own least that's the persona she presents to the world with the exception of her besties. And there's Frankie Hartigan, the oldest of the seven siblings and on a forced leave so what better way to spend it than to take Lucy to her high school reunion!

And so the fun begins. These two are a freaking hoot!! Their banter had me chuckling and then there's moments where my heart was crushed for Lucy because she's me!! I loved how Frankie made her feel. He saw beyond the outside and delved to the inside and this woman is perfect for him!!

I adored how Frankie changed too on this trip. He started out surly because, forced leave, but he had a good time and that surprised him. Also, falling for a woman when he was a sworn bachelor was so fun to watch!

I'm so happy I've discovered Ms. Flynn and the Hartigan family is the perfect introduction to writing that is clean, detail oriented and a story that is both captivating and heartwarming while throwing in humor that is the perfect way to lighten up some of the more intense scenes. Oh and let's not forget about the chemistry these two have...Holy Wowza!! Frankie is ALL THAT and so much more..and he's met his match with Lucy!!!

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I loved Muffin Top by Avery Flynn. Lucy Kavanagh is no size zero, but she is okay with that. She is happy with the woman that she is, even as others around her may not think the same. She was strong, honest and determined. Even as some of the things she said about herself were meant as a defense mechanism, it made me very sad. But she generally did not feel sorry for herself.

Frankie Hartigan is a thirty-three year old firefighter who is not looking for love. He may be a one-night type of guy, but he is always honest and upfront on what he is looking for. But when one of his steady hook-ups reveals what women think of him, he begins to reevaluate his life and what he wants out of it. He decides to take a time-out per se.

When Frankie sees Lucy, one of his sister’s and his brother’s fiancé best friends being hassled about her figure, he steps in to help. After spending some time talking to Lucy and knowing he is being forced to take time off, He decides he is going to help Lucy. Since Lucy is not his type at all, he decides it will be safe to be her date to her high school reunion. As friends and a buffer only. But we all know how plans usually work out!

One of the things I loved the most about Muffin Top is that Frankie got to know Lucy by spending time with her and things went from there. He never saw Lucy as she saw herself and I loved that about him. He was her friend and supporter from the start!! Muffin Top by Avery Flynn was funny, a bit emotional at times and an overall fun read with great characters.

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Lucy, my soul sista was a hard nut to crack. Frankie, being ridden with his own insecurities was in for a fight. No matter how well they matched or how the chemistry and defense was, when a mind is made up there is no changing it.

Well, but a hard knock of reality that put both sides and your love in perspective. This was one challenging book but hit on the trials and inner battles of a curvy woman and a protector of all people.

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Now it’s time for the oldest Hartigan to meet his match, and Frankie is going to learn it the hard way. The laid back guy who enjoyed his life, being a firefighter and having fun, realized that something was missing. But he didn’t expect to find love in his way.

Lucy has to show her strength since her childhood when she’s been bullied. As a grown up woman she became independent, tough as nails and a PR dealing with her sports clients she could be as scary to put them in the right path. He has the badass whole vibe thing that intimated most men. Until Frankie Hartigan. The player, connoisseur of women, here comes the trouble…

Frankie was definitely someone who hide more depth that he wanted to share. Just keeping people at distance, no women kept interested long enough to be in a relationship and he was definitely okay with that. Meeting Lucy and learning to know her changed his perspective. Turning upside down his life like a storm, challenging him like no one else.

I appreciated the author’s efforts to provide a story in which the heroine wasn’t the “standard model” the readers typically expects. A perspective about how women came from size and shape and how we should embrace and feel comfortable in your own body. I really liked that. But sometimes it was just a bit repetitive.

Otherwise, Frankie and Lucy had a great chemistry with a fun and witty banter. The magic was definitely working and I enjoyed their story. The background characters and family were such a great addition to the story and it made me want to read theirs at some point. It was sexy, fun, sweet and terribly endearing. Can’t wait for the next one.

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It's sweet, funny, and quite a romantic story. Lucy is an insecure woman. Although, she likes to pretend that she is happy in her skin the truth is that there are too many teenage memories that don't let her accept herself. Frankie has his own insecurities. He is the most kind-hearted man in town but he also happens to have a problem... he loves women, all of them. When one of his past conquests tells him that he is most definitely not a forever kind of guy he takes it to heart. He thinks this is the time to change his ways. That's when he decides to take an impromptu trip with Lucy. This way he would be helping her and also figuring out his next move.
Lucy on the other hands assumes that the reason Frankie is not worried about spending so much time with her is that he doesn't find her attractive. Nothing can be further from the truth though. Now on Frankie needs to do is make her understand what an amazingly attractive woman she is. The best way to do so is back in her hometown, her house, and her school reunion. Maybe Lucy will finally forget about all the bad times and move on. She is an independent and beautiful woman after all.
The more time they spend together the more they realize how much they like each other. Somehow they are a perfect couple. Their personalities compliment and they enjoy each others company. Now only if they could figure out how to remove past baggage they might be able to have a chance at HEA.

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Muffin Top is the first book I’ve read written by Avery Flynn. I did buy the Butterface audiobook as soon as I could but haven’t listened to it yet, but I will, even sooner since I seriously fell for Ms. Flynn’s writing in Muffin Top. She takes these every day issues that women face and takes it head on. I love that she took on the stigma of a plus size woman. Every time I read a romance book I think about how they are always size 0s... and there’s nothing wrong with that. But it’s nice to see a size 16 woman get some love too.

I think what Ms. Flynn really showcases in Muffin Top is that no woman, size 0 to 30, is happy with everything in their lives. We are our own worst enemies. Be happy within yourself. I love that Lucy is an incredibly strong woman. She has this take charge attitude and handles everything coming at her. Her and Frankie meet by complete accident but I feel for Frankie right then and there. He totally came to Lucy’s defense but she did not even need him... she had it handled. Plus, I mean he’s a fireman, I’ll take two!! He’s charming with a heart of gold and a good strong work ethic. And a family that just reminds me of big Italian families... being loud and boisterous. I loved all of them instantly!

Both these two have a past full of drama and insecurities. They fall into an easy relationship while away from their home... is it possible to make it work at home surrounded by friends and family with their everyday lives? I couldn’t help but sweat with the heat radiating off these two. The sexual tension was so thick! I’m definitely in for this entire series now! It’s light but deep, fun and serious, sexy and... well sexier! I need the entire Hartigan clan’s story! I know I already missed one but I’m gonna rectify that rather quickly and if you haven’t read them... get on this train! It’s taking you all over feels island (what?!? What can I say! I’m corny AF)!!

I received an ARC of this book with the hope that I would leave an Unbiased Opinion. I was not required to leave a review, positive or otherwise, and my opinions are just that... my opinions.

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Frankie is the sexy fireman that no woman can resist. His job is his life so when he is facing a mandatory three week vacation he is at a loss as to what to do. While at a diner pondering both his time off and how others look at his bachelor lifestyle he sees his brother’s fiance’s best friend being harassed by a fellow patron, and being the hero that he is he can’t help but step in.

Lucy is confident successful career woman and she acknowledges that her curvaceous figure isn’t for everyone, but she is comfortable with who she is. When her choice of a dinner meal causes a fellow patron to be insulting she is stunned but before she can respond Frankie comes to the rescue and puts an end to the altercation.

Before she knows it he is now her date to her high school reunion so that she can show all the people who teased her about her figure how far she has come and he has something to fill his time. This is the perfect solution for both of them so what could possibly go wrong?

The chemistry between them was off the charts but their road wasn’t without its obstacles. Lucy is uncertain why a guy who could have his pick of any beautiful woman would choose her and Frankie wants her to see the amazing woman she is. Anyone who has dealt with weight issues can relate to her struggles. I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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A road trip, a reunion, old enemies and epic banter. Muffin Top starts off with Frankie the oldest Hartigan sibling steps in when a jerk takes it upon himself to tell a Lucy she should be eating a salad instead of a burger. I love Frankie right from the start. He’s the protector and he was just so swoony. I thought the book was funny and I was so ready to see where these two were going to go.

The chemistry was definitely there, but I wish there was more. I enjoyed the book, but I felt like something was missing. I think the premise of the book was such a great idea, but there was a lot of things that weren’t explored that I would have loved to see.

Frankie and Lucy have an epic rollercoaster of a relationship, the push and pull of their connection made for an interesting read. Lucy unfortunately, let her emotional baggage get in the way of her happiness. She couldn’t see what was right in front of her. Good thing Frankie doesn’t give up that easily. The ending was amazing and the epilogue was so cute!!!! All in all, I enjoyed the book. Fallon’s story is next and I can’t wait to see what’s to come.

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Avery Flynn delivers another hit in The Hartigans series with Muffin Top! Lucy Kavanaugh and Firefighter Frankie Hartigan are heating things up big time in this sexy and engaging romantic comedy. Avery doesn’t just give you the laughs, she gives you so much more. I highly recommend Muffin Top!

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She’s done it again! I love every book that Avery writes. Snarky, sassy, sexy and so funny. Really hoping there’s a third book in this series!

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I am loving the Hartigan’s series from Ms Flynn. In this installment we get to spend more time with oldest sibling, Frankie, as he has a bit of a “come to Jesus” moment in regards to his personal life.This is paired with an opportunity to “rescue” Lucy (we met her in book one as well, she is Gina’s friend) whom he knows casually.

I genuinely liked both Frankie and Lucy. I appreciated that both of them came to their situation with insecurities that caused miscommunications. Combining this with being at Lucy’s high school reunion for a week makes for an entertaining slow burn.

Ms Flynn does an excellent job of weaving the good qualities of Frankie and Lucy in as well, giving us well rounded and relatable characters. I found myself empathizing with both of them on multiple occasions.

This fun, character driven story also has a secondary cast that helps us see the multiple facets of Frankie and Lucy even more fully. Family, friends, coworkers, even a high school nemesis come into play. The group surrounding Frankie and Lucy help highlight some of the issues they are dealing with and show how the appearance of “having it all” can hide a lot. We also get to see the dangers of interpreting someone’s actions through our own filters.

Strong characters (both primary and secondary) combined with excellent storytelling created a compelling story that pulls the reader in. The slow burn, followed by a push/pull relationship made the eventual conflict even that much more realistic.

Muffin Top is a strong stand-alone effort in a connected series. There are glimpses of Ford and Gina from the first book, but no real spoilers. We also see a little more of the Hartigan siblings who will be featured in future books. Both of these aspects are handled well and contribute strongly to the story here. This is a series I am looking forward to reading more of!

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I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this wonderful, snarky, and funny book, Muffin Top by Avery Flynn, the book two in her Hartigan series. This book had me on an emotional journey, reminding me of my own experiences of not fitting in or being accepted while growing up. Lucy was the plus size child of an underwear model and sex therapist. She was glad to leave behind her small town and classmates who constantly teased her about her size. Now she was a well respected PR spin doctor for well known, celebrity types yet she still had to deal small minded men who thought she would be so much better if she only lost weight. Enter Frankie Hartigan, the hot fire fighter known for loving them and leaving them. We meet him as he apologizes for being late for their date and then dismisses one of those types of men; joining Lucy as she enjoys her hamburger and fries. Frankie is lost, unsure what to do after being forced to take three weeks of vacation. Therefore, he has no problem accompanying Lucy to her high school reunion, and not as a pity date.
I loved the road trip Lucy and Frankie took to get to her hometown. Frankie was on a quest to figure out what was missing in his life and how to change things. He decided riding the bench in the game of sexytimes would help him figure this out; little did he realize what a struggle that would be while spending time with Lucy. Frankie loved how Lucy’s curves fit his hands perfectly and he encouraged, or is that abetted, Lucy’s competitive streak. Lucy and Frankie might not have been each others’ type on the surface, but they were actually perfect for each other. I also loved the scenes with Lucy’s dad trying to give Frankie the evil eye or trying to talk to him about his problems. This book was filled with sarcasm, laughs, snark, and even some sexy scenes that made me wish it never ended.
Ms. Flynn wrote a wonderful and hysterical story that was moving and filled with sexual chemistry, wonderful dialogue, and endearing characters that should definitely not be missed. I highly recommend this book to other readers and I am anxious for the next book in this series.
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.

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Witty, wonderfully original Romcom

Muffin Top the second book in Avery Flynn's The Hartigans series was great fun and the first book I've read by the author.
Lucy and Frankie are well developed characters who grow together to become a fun unexpected couple. I loved the adventure they go on as they journey and participate in Lucy's high school reunion.
The book can be read as a stand alone though I enjoyed the secondary characters, who added much to the story and look forward to reading all the books in the series.
I received an advance reader copy from Netgalley.

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