Member Reviews

Muffin top is a fun romantic comedy that also delivers an emotional punch. The connection with the characters, through not only their interactions with each other but their inner monologue, had me riding the wave of emotions right along with them, feeling everything they did, from heartache to happiness.

Lucy and Frankie were both wonderful characters, but boy, these two were carrying around all sorts of baggage filled with insecurities and self-doubt. Lucy has always had issues with her self-image. She’s always been the big girl and, even though she has created a very successful life for herself as a crisis PR rep and seems to have put all her insecurities behind her, when faced with heading back home for her high school reunion…well, maybe she’s still got some issues she needs to deal with. She’s definitely a “best offense is a good defense” type of person, and that strategy has served her well as she has built her business and life in Harbor City.

Frankie is a bit of a man-whore. The women love him, he doesn’t promise them any more than he’s willing to give, and that has always worked for him…until now. When he offers to take Lucy to her high school reunion he sees the trip as a way for him to get away and reassess his dating life while giving Lucy the support she needs to get through her high school reunion. Spending time with Lucy convinces him of one thing – and that is that he wants Lucy. But Frankie is carrying his own suitcase full of self-doubt which keeps getting in the way of letting Lucy know how he feels.

These two…had me so frustrated at times because I couldn’t jump in and give them a good talking to because it was killing me watching Lucy doubt herself and then Frankie not being able to say the right things, which led to more self-doubt from Lucy. And Frankie, knowing his self-doubt was rooted in something that didn’t define who he was – phew, let’s just say these two made it tough! These two could definitely bring the heat, and I just loved all the playful banter between them. As a couple, these two had me smiling and laughing and enjoying every up and down that got them to their happy ever after.

Even though most of the book focuses on just Lucy and Frankie, the time spent with Lucy’s group of BFFs and the entire Hartigan clan adds so much to the story. Lucy needs the strength and support of her girls, while Frankie needs the tough love only a close-knit family like the Hartigans can give.

This is the second book in The Hartigans series but can be read as a stand-alone. There is a nice balance of romance, humor, and heat that keeps the story moving without feeling rushed. Avery Flynn has a knack for writing dialogue with sass and snark, and she doesn’t disappoint, but what I really loved in this one was the depth of emotion that was also felt along the way. Societal expectations, norms, and pressure are real to all of us, and that realness was written into the pages of this book without going over the top to create stereotypes or characters that were too shallow to relate to.

Another great read by Avery Flynn – do yourself a favor and put this on your TBR!

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This was an entertaining, well-written contemporary romance. Frankie offers to accompany Lucy on a trip home for her high school reunion. They are attracted to each other, but they both have baggage and assumptions to overcome. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more books by this author.

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**I voluntarily read an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher**

Muffin Top is the second book in Avery Flynn's Hartigan's series. This is such an enjoyable series and I found myself endeared to the characters in this book very quickly.

Frankie Hartigan, the oldest of the Haritgan siblings, and is a firefighter. He's not only tall and strapping, he's a ginger to boot. When he is given a mandatory three week vacation when his boss realizes he hasn't taken the mandated time off, he wonders what in the world he's going to do with himself during the time off. While at Marino's one night, he not only ponders his current relationship status, but he also ends up becoming a knight in shining armor for a very deserving woman.

Lucy Kavanagh is a force to be reckoned with. She's a publicist that specializes in crisis communications. She's a ballsy, very strong willed, accomplished woman and she is also on the larger side, which has caused moments of strife for her throughout her life. As she minds her own business eating dinner one night at Marino's, a man decides to let her know that her food choices are not appropriate for a woman of her size. Needless to say she's not pleased, but what she doesn't expect is someone to come to her rescue, enter Frankie Hartigan.

As Frankie and Lucy talk that night, Lucy talks about not wanting to go to her class reunion and Frankie determines going with her is the best way to use part of his vacation. As the two head off on their road trip, it's obvious very quickly that their chemistry is off the charts, but they do their very best to keep things platonic. As you would expect, best laid plans don't go as planned. When these two finally give in, the sparks are immediate and HOT. Will these two people, each with their own baggage and insecurities, be able to make it work?

I really enjoyed this book and how the whole story unfolded. As a larger woman, I completely understand where Lucy was coming from and I've definitely been where she was in my thought processes before. I could identify with how insecurities from the past shaped her current thinking, but I also loved that she had people in her life that helped her work through those thoughts to get to the place where she deserved to be.

I'm really looking forward to the next book in this series - the set-up at the end of the book was definitely enticing!

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Avery Flynn has a way of writing great romantic comedies and then kicking them up a notch with amazing characters you won't soon forget. The characters in this book are extraordinary and the story although emotional at times was also fun and light hearted. Lucy was one tough lady and probably the only one that could tame Frankie's wild womanizing ways. Put this on the must read list. I highly recommend it.

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There is no person in the world who believes they are perfect so including the curvy and chunky women of the world in this story is smart. Everyone can relate to and has probably felt and experienced the uncomfortableness during those awkward teenage years. Trying to blend in with the popular group and just finding your place in school can be difficult.

The story takes us on the trip back to a high school reunion. The most difficult and painful time for our overweight female heroine yet she wants to go back to show them that they didn’t hurt her. They didn’t matter in terms of her professional career and her personal life. She rose above their hateful words, actions, and attitudes.

But going alone was not something she wanted to do. And much of the time she vacillated between even going. Then she ran into the number one hottie in town who not only encouraged her to go and show them up but volunteered to go with her.

It’s hard not to fall in love with strong, super tall, hunk burning love fireman that all the women seem to want. But everybody knows he’s a love-them-and-leave-them type of guy. Never commits. But, oh God, those muscles. His sweet manner. The fact that he doesn’t care what size she is but just cares that she’s funny, cute, fierce, but yet very vulnerable too.

I could relate to this book in so many different ways. I grew up over weight my teen life and beyond so I can understand and relate to that issues the feelings everything related to the perception of who you are. I fell in love with him because who could not? Frankie a wonderfully developed character.

But I didn’t care for the meltdown in the fight towards the end. I didn’t like that he had to do the groveling back to her when she was in the wrong for the most part. And she got mean with her digs.

Overall, the author did a wonderful job with the humor and lightness, the sexy heat, the crazy dad and weird dog, The way he stood up and supported her and always lifted her up. And most of all when they realized they were all in.

Crazy, funny, sexy, lighthearted, and deep emotion all wrapped up into one read you have to grab.

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**4 Mountain Dew Stars**

So, this is book two in the Hartigans series and I totally missed book one. I want to read it. So I will go back and do that. I love strong characters and you get that in this book. The writing is flawless and what you get is real. I could get a sense of what Lucy felt. It is rough being in high school being called Muffin Kavanagh and to have to go back for her reunion and relive that drama from then. This book was an easy suck you in book. LOVED it. On a side note what isn't there to love about a six foot six fireman and a strong and sassy big girl. This book does something most don't and that is to tell the story of a woman who isn't small. She is real. She has curves and owns her body, mind, and soul. I loved that to its core.

Frankie comes from a big family. Four girls and three boys. Frankie tells the story of his brother Ford falling in love. Frankie doesn't want that. He is a complete ladies man and the woman he is with know the score. He isn't asking for more, love kind of scares him. He simply doesn't want it. He is a firefighter and somehow that doesn't scare him. Lucy loves her job and she is as hard as they come. She even scared me a little. She is a publicist that is specialized in crisis management for the Ice Knights. She is a fixer. Her words. Her current person is Zach.

So when Lucy gets an invite to her reunion and really doesn't want to go. Her life was miserable back then. She sees no point. Her mom didn’t even really acknowledge her and kept her hidden. She always told her to lose weight and bought her clothes too small. Frankie walks into the bar, wait for it, a cop bar and overhears a man telling Lucy she should order something else to eat. In comes Frankie to save the day. He was awesome. He took control and now he inserted himself and is accompanying her on her journey to her hometown after being forced to take mandatory time off.

I loved the atmosphere and the people. They weren't just likable they are lovable. Tom, Lucy's dad was an analyzer. Poor Frankie I loved Frankie and Lucy's forging a friendship even though they were in the same place and never really interacted. They had met briefly because her friend Gina is engaged to Frankie's brother Ford. I liked watching them grow and become more. This book has some drama but it isn't over the top. It's more laughs. They had great chemistry as well even when they are in denial about everything. The sexual tension could be cut with a knife. The only thing they lacked was communication. Could have saved them both. On a final note, I loved Gussie the french bulldog.

Now to wait for the next installment of Fallon is ball breaking nurse of a sister.

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Muffin top is fun and hopeful for this bigger woman hoping this whirlwind vacation with a super handsome fireman that is going to go with her to her high school reunion as a favor after sticking up for her after a guy was rude to her about her weight......I’ve never read anything by Avery Flynn but I’m ready to read her next novel or anything else she has written...

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This book is a must, every woman has something they dislike about their bodies and try to hide behind. Avery takes that insecurity and delves into uncharted territory. It's raw, tender, and has a ton of sparks. It's one heck of a burn readers! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Can't wait to read more!

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I loved this one. Lucy is amazing. I love how she is just herself and not trying to fit in what society wants us to think as the norm. Frankie is well a player, a hot firefighter and out to prove he can change his ways. These two will have you giggling and even a bit hot and bothered through out this read. The chemistry between Lucy and Frankie is amazing. They just fit together. With everything that goes on you can understand Lucy and her reasons for her trust issues and love. Frankie may make you swoon throughout this one. I really love him and his way of seeing Lucy for Lucy and nothing else. Muffin Top is an amazing read. You'll enjoy watching Lucy and Frankie not only fight their attraction but navigate that one thing everyone dreads, High School reunion time. If you haven't meet the Hartigans clan then you really need to not only read Muffin Top but Butterface as well. Avery Flynn did an amazing job pulling you into this one. I couldn't put it down and can't wait for more.

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This is a first read for me by this author and I was so happy with it. It was such a great read. I highly enjoyed it and felt so much while reading this story.

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Strong women are one of Flynn's strengths, along with sexy men loving those strong powerful women. We've met Frankie before, the eldest Hartigan and redheaded fireman, known as a love 'em and leave 'em type. One comment from an old "friend" has him rethinking his ways. Frankie and Lucy have chemistry like firecrackers and her sarcasm is on point, and hysterical. Lucy is like every woman, trying to be strong and avoid the idiots that think they have a right to comment. She's got the confidence many of us wish we had and she rocks her curves. Many Hartigans left to fall in love and we get a small idea of the next sister. I was thrilled to be given an early copy, my review was voluntarily written.

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Muffin Top is book two in The Hartigans series by Avery Flynn. I enjoyed book one in this series so much, Butterface, so I’ve been so looking forward to this book.

Frankie Hartigan is the oldest of the Hartigan siblings, at thirty-three years old. He’s an Irish red headed firefighter at the Waterbury Firehouse. Frankie watched his brother, Ford fall in love but he, himself, has felt no inclination to follow in his footsteps. He is the town ladies man. He doesn’t have any problem finding women and enjoys a different woman every night. But a comment from one of his hook-ups gets him to wondering if there is something wrong with him. That maybe he needs to re-evaluate things.

Frankie loves his job. He hasn’t taken any time off in years so he is being forced to take some of his accumulated vacation time. What in the world will he do with his time off. An idle Frankie is not a good thing.

Lucy Kavanagh is a successful publicist that specializes in crisis communications. In other words, her clients have gotten themselves in trouble and she has to fix things. Lucy is a healthy, strong woman. But she is not a small woman. She owns who she is, but it took her awhile to get here. She was sitting in the bar eating her dinner when a patron decided to let her know what he thought she needed to do so she wouldn’t be sitting there eating alone, in other words, eat salad and lose some weight. Enter Frankie to put him in his place and save the day.

Lucy and Frankie had met before at gatherings but didn’t really know each other. Frankie proceeded to sit down and order dinner. He happened to mention he had some time off, and Lucy happened to mention she was supposed to go to her high school reunion but didn’t want to go because of how they all treated her back in those days. Frankie decided this is the perfect way to spend his time off. He needs the time away to get his head on straight and figure out some things and Lucy needs a date. Win/win! Only, things don’t always go as they planned do they?

“In her office, she never had a moment of doubt, because when it came to spinning a crisis, no one did it better than she did. But back home in Antioch? That nervous and insecure fifteen year old she’d thought she’d ditched all those years ago came rushing to the forefront, and she hated it. Really. Hated. It.”

The chemistry between Lucy and Frankie was crazy strong. But these two tried to keep things platonic. The key word here is that they tried! And let me tell you that when they give in, these two are hot. Frankie is a dirty talking, sexy as heck man. They were in a little bubble in Lucy’s home town. But what happens when they go back to Waterbury? Will the very new connection they have created work there?

Both Lucy and Frankie have histories, events in their pasts that have held them back. Lucy’s is her weight and the way she was treated. Frankie’s was an event when he was in high school. One thing that bothered me was that every single thing that happened, Lucy would twist it around in her head and think the worst. She applied all of her old insecurities to everything and I felt bad for Frankie. Even though I understood why she felt that way, she was otherwise such a strong woman. And I really wanted her to let herself be happy.

I loved the ending of this and the epilogue was adorable. I really am enjoying this series and a sneak peak reveals that the next book will be on Frankie and Ford’s sister, Fallon Hartigan. I…can’t…wait!!! I have a feeling it’s going to be so good!

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The Hartigans

I absolutely love the Hartigan family!! Every single one of them!  Thank you Ms. Flynn for creating them!

I also want to thank you for writing stories about women who don't meet society's ideals of the "perfect" woman.  It makes my heart and soul feel good! As a "Muffin Top" myself it's encouraging to see us fluffy gals get the love and alpha male that they deserve too!

This is the story of Frankie and Lucy.  And what a fantastic story it is.

Lucy is a full figured gal, a fluffy gal, a Muffin Top.  I so empathize with her mantra of strike first with the derogatory comments about herself to save herself.  She has some baggage she has been carrying since she was a child and has tried to become a better person because if it! She is fierce, she is spicy, and she is honest and not afraid of not sugarcoating the truth to spare feelings.  I wish I was more like her in that way!

Frankie is a player personified. He thinks he has everything in his life just how he wants it until a former plaything gives him a dose of reality that makes him rethink his view on his world.  He too has baggage that has made him the man he is and it can be a blessing and a curse.

In addition to the fantastic love brewing between Frankie and Lucy, it's also about family and how they will be there for you for everything.

I loved Lucy's dad, and Gussie the dog! Absolutely hysterical and so thought provoking!  

As always the secondary characters bring so much more to the story and make you want a friends and family just like them.

This story is also fabulously funny! It's real, honest and makes me love it even more!

Thank you again Ms. Flynn for bringing these characters to life! With their flaws, fabulous sense of humor and realism it makes me crave more!!

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When one of Frankie’s good time friend tells him he wasn’t a guy who could deliver HEA, he decides to take a hard look at life and goes on a sex hiatus.
Lucy has no plans of going to her high school reunion, that is until Frankie offers to go with her as a fake date. Frankie thinks that since Lucy is not his type, his decision to take a break from sex will not be challenged. But a long drive followed by a week long trip makes Frankie face some hard truths, primarily that Lucy is his type.
But Lucy has some issues of her own, Will Frankie be able to convince her to give them a chance ?
Muffin top is a great read. It is well written, with characters you can relate to. Lucy and Frankie are not without faults, issue but they balance each other out, and their amazing chemistry just makes things easier.
Can’t wait to read more in the series.

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"Muffin Top" was a cute romance that follows Lucy and Frankie Hartigan. Lucy is a fierce woman who works as a PR consultant to the rich and famous. She is also a healthy size 20 and happy with herself and her size. Frankie is a 6'6" firefighter with red hair who has just been told he must take his personal leave- it's non-optional. He is a notorious player, but he's very honest about it- all the women know exactly what they are getting into. He has just found out, however, that no one sees him as a forever guy, and that throws him off his game- starting him on a celibacy self-discovery quest.

So when he sees Lucy- his brother's fiance's friend (and sister's friend)- getting talked down to by some jerk at the bar, he's happy to rush in and try to help her (though she was doing just fine on her own). After joining her for the meal, he also decides to offer to accompany her to her high school reunion as a fake date (since she was reluctant to go solo). Together, they will drive 16 hours, spend a few days there, and then drive back. What could go wrong?

As they spend more and more time together, their connection grows- as does their attraction to each other. However, considering they both have some colossal emotional hang-ups- Lucy's stemming from her parents' dysfunctional relationship and things people say about her size and Frankie's from what he saw when he was a teenager with his father kissing a woman when he was supposedly so in love with his mother. Considering they are both undeniably pulled together, this seems sure to end in disaster- unless they can each deal with their own emotional turmoil.

Overall, I loved them as a couple, and I love the whole plot of the high school reunion (confronting old bullies and reclaiming yourself) as well as getting your groove back. They both have some big stuff to work through, and it was definitely dealt with in a realistic way. The ending felt a little fast when they had their own epiphanies, but I was definitely cheering for them as a couple (I think I was smiling too much while reading this book!). The chemistry is off-the-charts, and this was a really fun romance read. I definitely recommend for people who enjoy contemporary romance!

Please note that I received an ARC from the publisher through netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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Fire fighter Frankie Hartigan puts his sex life on hold to figure things out but doesn't like spending a lot time by himself. Frankie comes up with the perfect plan involving his friend Lucy, who isn't his type. Publicist Lucy Kavanagh isn't planning on going to her high school reunion to spend a week with all the fat-shaming jerks she went to school with. That is, until handsome manwhore Frankie offers to go as her fake date. Frankie and Lucy are together 24/7 thanks to the long drive to Antioch for the week long high school reunion and get to really know each other. Turns out Lucy is Frankie's type after all but Lucy thinks Frankie's interest in her is a proximity thing. Can Frankie persuade Lucy that he's more than just a temporary good time?

Muffin Top is a funny, angsty and steamy book that's a fun read

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Muffin Top, one of the many terms we use to tear ourselves down and critique our bodies. Also happens to be the nickname to an otherwise confident, sassy, cool chic named Lucy. She ends up on such an oddly decided, last minute, week long fake date with Frankie. They run in the same circles but haven't spent any real time together before now. Anyways, that's the story. Here's how I liked it. This was fun and cheeky, with crazy sexual tension building the whole time. You just knew any moment those two would attack each other's bodies or explode from want! Frankie may have been a player in the past, but not in a careless way. He's genuinely good and caring and awesome, seems to run in his family. Speaking of family, I love Lucy's dad as well. I didn't read book one in the series, but was able to read this as a stand alone with no problem. I loved this so much that I want to go back and read the first!

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What happens when you pair a sexy ginger giant with a sassy girl with curves? Well, you get total awesomeness!! These characters are absolutely unforgettable. They both have their own set of insecurities, but they see each other as flawless: it’s got funny mishaps, and cute little misunderstandings, and some depth rolled into an amazing story that will have you laughing and swoon so hard, that you will definitely be no where near ready when the story ends. I loved the first book, and I loved this book. I can’t wait to see what the next book brings!!

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Muffin Top is a super funny and light-hearted Rom Com by Bestselling author Avery Flynn that actually addresses a very relevant social issue under the cover. Lucy and Frankie have their own emotional baggage. Lucy is dealing with her lifelong insecurity coming from her generous curves and her parents. Frankie is afraid of commitment and he realises that he is just working his way through the female population of the city without any true relation. So while he is helping Lucy as fake date to her high school reunion they both explore their feelings and choices. They both try to compartmentalize their feelings. But would it work?
what I loved about this book was the straightforward ,no-bullshit and realistic attitude. The story doesn't try to change Lucy so that the hot fire fighter will fall for her. Lucy's body doesn't stop her from being smart, successful and attractive. And we definitely need more men like Frankie Hartigan in our society. He sees inside Lucy and doesn't judge by her Jean's size. But the story isn't overtly optimistic either. Frankie doesn't fall in love with Lucy at first sight. They have their fair share of failures and setbacks. The story shows us how they overcome the obstacles in their mind and slowly embrace the love. Another obvious beauty of the story is the humour. Its sometimes sarcastic, sometimes satirical, sometimes self-deprecating and sometimes just deadpan. But it is just brilliant.
Muffin Top is a truly inspiring, relatable and unconventional love story that every woman in today's society need to know, read and believe. You will fall in love with Lucy and Frankie. And you will also learn to love yourself just a little bit more!

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3.5 stars

Definitely a hot and steamy read. Frankie was great and I liked Lucy for the most part although she definitely overreacted to some things. I'll continue to read this series as more books come out.

Thanks to the publisher for granting my ARC wish and NetGalley for facilitating it.

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