Member Reviews

Frankie Hartigan is on a mandatory three week vacation from his job as the town’s sexy fireman. While he ponders his life and his inability to commit to a real loving and lasting relationship at the local cop bar, he comes to the rescue of one Lucy Kavanagh. Lucy is his brother’s fiance’s best friend and she just might be the distraction he needs to keep himself on his newly acquired sex ban. Lucy is too blunt and too ballsy and might just be the perfect woman to keep his mind out of the gutter and another part of his anatomy in his pants. On the upside, she is fun and will keep him out of trouble while he re-evaluates his life. Taking Lucy to her high school reunion is just the distraction he needs.

Lucy kavanagh is a plus size single woman with an even bigger mouth to match. While she is a tough as nails public relations rep and can stare down clients with the best of them, she often becomes the butt of her own jokes about her size. She often pokes fun at her own size to save herself the trouble of someone doing it for her. She is a size twenty living in a size zero world. So, when some jerk questions her choice of dinner at the local cop bar, Frankie swoops in and saves the day. When Frankie invites himself along to her high school reunion as her fake date, she knows he is up to something and she is determined to figure out what it is he wants from her. It’s not like this sexy ginger giant could ever be interested in a girl like her or could he?

Let me first start out by saying that I am in absolute LOVE with this book! Not only is this a romantic comedy, but it also incorporates a lot of real life into the story which really makes this story stand out for me. I have read romance books with plus size heroines, but no one has really gone into such depth as Avery Flynn about what it is like for a plus size woman especially in today’s society. Flynn portrays how a woman feels and her inner struggles dealing with outsiders who judge someone based on looks. Lucy deals with this constantly and even though she is totally badass she does have insecurities and this is what I love most about Lucy as she comes across as a real person with many layers.

Frankie is a great guy. Sure he is a man-whore, but deep down inside he has a lot of heart and a lot of love to give to the right woman. He may not see it right away and often times struggles with himself while trying to figure out what he wants out of life. He really is a standup guy and sticks up for the underdog. He may not think he is relationship material, but I can see how much of a family man he is with his own siblings. He is the protector and will go to war for any of his sisters and brothers.

I had every intention of only reading a few chapters as I started this book pretty late in the evening, but after the first few chapters all I kept saying was “okay maybe one more chapter and then I will go to bed.” yeah right! Needless to say I stayed up till almost 5am because I could not put this book down. I was completely enraptured by Lucy and Frankie and found myself needing to find out what happens next! I laughed so much I had tears coming out of my eyes, then I had real tears coming out of my eyes during some of the harder scenes to get through especially when it came to Lucy being so hard on herself. Flynn also threw in some “Awww” moments for me especially when Frankie says things like this:

“Lucy, I’m already lost, but I feel found any time I’m with you.”

Just stick a fork in me I am done! I completely melted. These are the type of moments where you want to turn to your boyfriend/husband/partner and smack him upside the head and ask “Why can’t YOU be like Frankie!” He is my totally new book boyfriend!

I must be living under a rock because this is the first book I have ever read by Avery Flynn and I just want to kick myself from not starting any of her books sooner. Flynn is an amazing writer and storyteller and she has captured my heart right from the first page. I will certainly be picking up all of her back books because….well because Avery Flynn is just that awesome!

Muffin Top is a dazzling Rom-Com that will make you laugh, make you cry and give you all the feels. I highly recommend this book to every romance fan who loves strong characters and a to die for hero that you will want as your own. I definitely need more of the Hartigan’s in my life.

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Avery Flynn has done it again! Oh good grief, I'm speechless. This book was so freaking amazing. Flipping pages, my emotions all over the place, laughing one minute, melting in my socks and then feeling a little tear starting. Yup, book hangover time! The best book hangover ever!
So we met Frankie the oldest of the Hartigan clan in Butterface. Frankie is a firefighter and one big strapping man and a ginger to boot! When the chief catches that Frankie hasn't taken any time off, he's officially off duty for three weeks starting right then. Frankie's miffed wondering what he's going to do with his time. Work is his life. That and his one off's that he's seems to be known for.
When Frankie gets a little wake up call one night at Marino's about his status (that's what I'm calling it) he spots Lucy trying to have a meal and some jerk face reminding her how important diet it... kindle flinging moment there, Frankie can tell Lucy isn't happy and steps in to save her from any further unsolicited advice. So they sit and share a meal and chat, Lucy is friends with his sister and best friend to Gina, his brother's fiancé. When Lucy starts talking about her high school reunion and not going Frankie offers to go. He's got nothing but time on his hands and since he's decided he's on a no sex campaign until he gets himself figured out.
Lucy is a big girl, always has been always will be. She's got a great job and is damn good at what she does. She's a bulldog and doesn't let up. Lucy's great at running the defensive line, professionally and personally. When Lucy agrees to make the drive with Frankie to Missouri, they learn a lot about each other and really have a good time. Avery weaves a truly magnificent story about Lucy's growing up, her father's nickname for her was Muffin which stuck with her all through school. For someone like Lucy it was something she couldn't shake. Her father still calls her Muffin. To be honest that bothered me. Frankie and Lucy have a great week in her hometown despite a couple of moments with her high school nemesis. Loved how Frankie shut that witch right up. God I loved him. Pretty obvious the steam was building between these two and despite Frankie's sex sabbatical he was really wanting to break it with Lucy. Steamy, plenty steamy. What a fantastic couple these two made and I loved them both. Lucy is usually the one who calls someone out, but I loved when Frankie called her out on her things too! At the end of the week the two agree to try to keep seeing each other when they get home. So what happens when they get home? Massive hurtle? Thankfully there are girlfriends and the Hartigan clan to pull these two back into the real world were they belong.
Avery just knocked my socks off with this one. The writing is stellar, the characters are perfection and this book has all the feels. There isn't one woman out there that won't be able to relate to this story. Stellar read! Absolutely stellar.

arc from Net Galley and Entangled for a honest review

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