Member Reviews

The start of another 4 part book. Loving this one. Looking forward to Anna and Sophie’s story. Where will this story go ?

This is part one of four smaller books. In my opinion I would just purchase the whole longer book as you will love it!

I love Bella Osborne's books and so far this one doesn't disappoint. I love Anna and Sophie's friendship, and Hudson seems interesting. Looking forward to reading the next part to see what happens.

Typical story – girl breaks up with boy at the beginning of the book, girl meets new boy who she dislikes instantly. She is silly and clumsy which make her irritating to the reader, but endearing to the new boy. Old boy returns and tries to win her back, but she realises she has fallen in love with new boy and they live happily ever after. As this is only part 1 of 4, I have no idea if this storyline actually happens, but it certainly starts out like that.

I have a few books by this author on my TBR pile and this one perfectly fit one of the prompts for the N.E.W.T.' s Readathon so I bumped it to the top and dived in. This book is part 1 of 4. It's only 90 pages so you can easily read it in one or two sittings. I read it over two evenings after work.
This story follows Anna after she is unceremoniously dumped by her fiance Liam. I'm just gonna be honest and say Liam is a grade-A prick. I could not stand him. He was so casual about breaking off their wedding and the two-year relationship prior. When we delve in a bit more we also find out how lazy his proposal was. I wish Anna had seen what he was like. I was glad she saw him for what he was quite quickly and wasn't pining after him.
Anna buys a flat near her friend Sophie which comes with access to a private park. I love this idea. The park sounds beautiful and has a real community feel.
This is a great introduction to this series. Bella creates a vibrant setting and a great array of characters. From best friend Sophie, her husband Dave and two children Arlo and Petal to the rather swoony Hudson who's from across the pond. We learn all about these characters and while this book might only be 90 pages now one of those are wasted.
Bella leaves us with a real cliff hanger at the end of this book, so much so I had to immediately start part 2. I am glad I already had it didn't have to wait months for it.

I have read quite a few books by this author and I am always genuinely excited to see when she has a new release out so I jumped at the chance to get my hands on a copy of this, her latest release – Wildflower Park Part One – Build Me Up Buttercup!
My first impressions for this book were how lovely the cover was – it completely drew me in and it is definitely a place I would want to visit and I couldn’t wait to get started on the story.
I was hooked as soon as I started reading and I read it in one sitting. I thoroughly enjoyed the plot and the characters were very well developed and they all worked really well together, I loved the interaction and how the different personalities interacted. I loved Maurice and Bert too and hope to hear more about them as the book progresses, they both sound like fabulous characters.
I thought that this was a really pleasant story, it was well written and best of it made me laugh, more than once, and out loud – it was a complete delight!
Five stars from me – I really enjoyed it, very highly recommended and really looking forward to reading part two in the series!

Anyone else got the song in their head now? Haha.
Anna, having recently been dumped by her fiancé, has decided to focus on her career rather than love. She has moved into a small home on the edge of the exclusive Wildflower Park and loves everything about it. The last thing she wants is love. This is not made easier by her new handsome co-worker and mysterious texts from a stranger.
Sophie (Anna’s neighbour and work colleague,) is a stressed out mother of two. Her children are a source of new swear words and her husband is a constant frustration.
Sophie and Anna have one another and the sanctuary of Wildflower Park. Can they both find happiness?
Welcome back, Bella. I know that I could be seen as a little biased but I adore settling down somewhere comfortable and delving into one of Bella’s novels.
Immediately, I loved Anna. She is shaping up to be a wonderful, relatable main character. She has found herself alone yes but she is trying to make the most of the situation.
Sophie is a character that makes me want to reach into the novel, give her a hug and tell her that ‘you’re doing an amazing job.’
Hudson is a little bit of an enigma in this part of the novel. I don’t know what to make of him. I am also intrigued to find out who Anna’s mysterious text man is.
As this is only part one, I don’t want to give too much more away but I think it is an excellent beginning and I can’t wait to read part two, which I am hoping will be sooner rather than later.
An honourable mention needs to be made for this book cover. Just stunning.

I enjoy Bella Osborne books. She writes a regular sized romantic story and divides it into 4 parts for easy reading. This is book 1 in the Wildflower Park series, named for the large park next to Anna's apartment building. Anna gets dumped by long time live in boyfriend Liam and the 4 part series goes on from there. At work, Anna works with Hudson who pretends to be her boyfriend when Liam is hired as a consultant. Also a mystery man appears. Bella at her best. Great beginning. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

I had never read a Bella Osborne title and I'm so glad I've found her books. I raced through Part One and I can't wait for Part Two. As a Mum I can totally relate to Sophie and I'm intrigued to see what happens between Anna and the mystery man. I'm definitely hooked!

The usual lovely easy to read feel good story. Lovely set of characters thrown into the mix and just s lovely all round good read for these cold winter nights

When Anna gets dumped by her fiance she moves into lovely flat on the edge of wildflower park, which comes with access to the park, she feels settled straight away. Her friend and work colleague Sophie lives there as well with her husband and children. If it was about for the annoying new work colleague over from the US life would be great!
Already loving this new story from Bella Osborne this first part sets the scene nicely and introduces the main characters so looking forward to the next part

Full of warmth.
This is the first part of a series and ends on a cliff hanger making me want to read the next one.
The author has a writing style that is lovely and full of warmth.

Oh wow! what a book! I was really looking forward to read the new book from Bella Osborne as I have reading her books for the past couple of years now and enjoyed every one of them. I am really excited about this new series of books "Wildflower Park". First book in the series is really good, I would say that it's even better than the previous book from Bella Osborne. It's a short book but so much is happening and it ends on a big mystery! I can't wait to read the second part now! If you are looking for a page turner book, this one is for you!!!

*Book provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
In part 1 we get introduced to the characters, their situation, as well as the setting.
The main characters are Anna and Sophie. Anna is dumped by her fiancé and moves to a new place in Wildflower Park. She wants to focus on her career, but that is not so easy. A handsome new colleague or a mystery man, well, well... Sophie is a mum of two and the third one is on the way, but her husband is no help at all.
I love how both of them are the main characters and their friendship is great to follow and read about.
In part 2 things are starting to heat up and make the story more exciting. Can’t wait to see where things are going now.
Bella Osborne managed to put in cliff-hangers and really build up the tension. Her writing is charming, entertaining and just lovely!

Thank you to NetGalley and Avon Books UK for a digital copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
When Anna is dumped by her fiance, she moves to a home on the edge of Wildflower Park and befriends neighbor mum and coworker, Sophie. From work stress, to husband drama, to mysterious text messages , the two women strengthen a bond that makes for a sweet serialized novel that is nice and cozy for the winter season.
Liked: characters (minus Sophie's husband), Wildflower Park (more house and park descriptions please), the budding friendship between Anna and Bert, the mystery element, the cliffhanger, the fun of a serialized novel in general
Disliked: nothing, really. It was a pleasant read - the literary version of a good cup of tea and a blanket. I have been enjoying comfy Brit novels as of late, and this one hit the spot.

Oh my goodness, what a start to a series. Bella Osborne does a great job of introducing people and situations in her serialised novels that just leave you wanting more and this is no exception!
It was great to meet Anna at the beginning of this story, she's been hurt and she's vulnerable but that doesn't make her weak and also it doesn't mean that she's not a successful independent woman. I love love love best friend Sophie and I can't wait to see how she fares later down the line.
We have a few other characters who I think are going to make for excellent sub plots. We have met Bert who is in a retirement home and Anna's new friend. Anna also has a new mysterious friend who I am DYING to know more about. Then we have Hudson, from over the pond who is definitely going to shake things up and ruffle a few feathers!
The main setting for this series is wildflower park, the gated garden at the back of Anna and Sophie's homes and I can't wait to read more about this in future extracts. Then I have to mention the carrot that Bella leaves dangling at the end of this particular instalment, no spoilers here but I NEED to know what that is all about.
This is a strong start to a new series and I definitely recommend checking it out!

Each part is a tiny novella that will not work on its own. Prior knowledge makes the story tick even if each part comes with its own little background information.
The story is of Anna who has chosen a home of her own and imagined a future in it. Her ideas on what they are does not exactly come to pass. There are more than a few hurdles strewn in her path. In this first part, she is adjusting to her new life and a complication is added at work with her having to work with the added changes. Her friend Sophie is frustrated with her life and Anna is a good sounding board but does not understand the levels of her frustration.
Although the tale is pretty realistic, it took me a while to warm up to the characters and since each part takes about one to two hours to read, I did not get the chance to bond. Personally, I like to see evidence of relationships and dynamics among the people instead of it being part of the narration, but that would probably be just me. It is a light-hearted read with some hidden heavier secrets that are held close with only hints being provided to us.
I look forward to finding out what they are in the last book.

Wildflower Park is the newest series by Bella Osborne. Anna has just been dumped by her fiancée, and Sophie is pregnant with her third baby. While Anna is getting a fresh start at life, Sophie is adding to her already chaotic one.
Part one is such a short read and ends with a cliffhanger, can’t wait to read part 2.
Thank you Netgalley for this ARC.

Build Me Up Buttercup is the first in a new series from Bella Osborne called Wildflower Park. It's a quick read but none the less a lovely gentle introduction to what promises to be another interesting, engaging and heart warming story from an author whose books I always look forward to reading. Book one has such a stunning and inviting cover that instantly makes you feel that Wildflower Park is a special place where people can come to relax and unite and share their problems. It is a sanctuary where the characters can offload their worries and hopefully plot a path to happiness and resolution. It's a story about friendship and love and how we cope and deal with what our lives throw at us and how our two main characters Anna and her friend Sophie respond to what is in store for them will set them up in either a good or bad way for many years to come.
Until recently Anna was happily engaged to Liam and due to get married in a year's time. Anna has made a cake to celebrate the fact that in twelve months time their loving union will be cemented. Unfortunately Liam has vastly different ideas and using that phrase that has been uttered countless times before, and one that no woman wishes to hear, he announces he needs a break. Really this term is used too freely and people just want to hear the truth not lies or glossing over something in an attempt to ease the pain on whom they are inflicting this news.
'I mean a break from each other. And that was it. Her engagement, her future, her neat little life unravelled by one sentence'. Thankfully Anna is not one to have the wool pulled over her eyes and she realises said break will turn into something permanent but she is disgusted and heartbroken that two years of her life have been wasted on Liam. What is it with her that she always seems to pick the bad apple, the commitment phobe who strings her along? 'She was beginning to think she was either a serial monogamist or she was destined never to find the one'.
As we begin to get to know Anna that little bit more we can see she is disappointed that things have turned out the way they have but she can't remain downtrodden forever. She isn't permanently put off men but maybe now was the chance to prove she could go it alone and that she didn't need a man for back up? She could manage perfectly well on her own but the question arose in my mind if a new man came knocking would she be willing to take that leap of faith given how badly bruised she had been in the recent past? Anna makes the move to a new area which is close to her friend Sophie. Walmsley has Wildflower Park at its doorstep, an old manor house was knocked down and when the larger houses that remained clubbed together to buy the gardens they created the park which can only be accessed by a key if you are a resident. It's a community project where flowers and bees have been introduced, a haven for wildlife and humans alike. The park didn't play a major role in this first part of the series but I can tell it will have a significant forbearing on what is to come in the future.
Anna feels she has made the right decision to move to the area and maybe this will help her in the healing process and kick start her new attitude to both life and romance. The same can't be said for her work life as a new project manager rubs her up the wrong way and puts her off plan and out of her comfort zone. I'm interested to see how this strand of the story will develop as I can see tension and sparks oozing from the pages already. Also an accidental text really upped my interest levels and I wanted to know much much more than was revealed but given there are three more parts to this series there is plenty of time for that to occur.
As for Sophie she is a character I haven't yet warmed too but maybe that will change in future parts. She is married to Dave and has two children with number three on the way. To my mind she did an awful lot of complaining and didn't seem happy with her lot at all. She feels overwhelmed and undervalued and I thought really? Sit Dave down and give him a good talking to if you aren't that happy, stop the moaning to Anna and whoever and do something about it. Take action instead of constant grumbling. I understood she felt Dave had a total lack of consideration when it came to doing things around the house and being supportive but had she allowed him to get away with things for too long. Hopefully Sophie will gather herself together and start the process of turning her life around to the way she wants it to be.
This was a lovely introduction to what I feel is going to be another great series from Bella Osborne. Despite its short length I really got a feel for the characters and setting. Plenty of conundrums and problems have been set up and I look forward to seeing how they are developed and will Anna and Sophie both find the contentment they seek or is there more twists and turns and shocks to come. Part Two A Budding Romance arrives in February and I am eager to discover what happens next.

I have been a fan of Bella’s books for a little while now. I eagerly snatch up every book that she releases. Her latest release is the first part of the ‘Wildflower Park’ series and is called ‘Build Me Up Buttercup’. Oh my goodness I have just finished reading it and it truly is a blooming fantastic book. I absolutely loved it but more about that in a bit.
I couldn’t help but take to the characters of Anna and Sophie from the moment I ‘met’ them as it were. The main focus in this part of the book is Anna. What can I say about Anna? At the start of the book she is engaged to her boyfriend and she is busy planning the wedding when the mother of all bombshells is dropped on her and suddenly she is single again. I couldn’t help but want to leap inside the pages of the book to give her a reassuring hug at this point and to attack her now ex- boyfriend a few dozen times with a wet fish. Anna is kind, she is generous, she is funny, she is hard working and she is a fantastic friend to those she is close to. I could easily imagine sitting having a cup of tea with her and having a real good gossip. Anna is also compassionate and when she adopts a cat she ensures that she keeps in touch with the cat’s previous owner and visits him when she can. She forms a friendship with him. Anna does enjoy her work but she feels slightly unsettled when a new and energetic member of staff is parachuted into the company. I don’t really want to say too much more about Anna as I don’t want to give too much away. I could certainly see why Anna and Sophie have such a strong friendship. Sophie is a married mother of two with another on the way. I get the impression that she is feeling swamped by the demands of her home life and her family life. Little things that didn’t irritate her before, certainly get right on her nerves now. She is peeved at her husband because she doesn’t think that he is pulling his weight and she seems to be falling out of love with him. It’s safe to say that by the end of the book, I really did feel as though Anna and Sophie had become my friends and I couldn’t help but want the best for them.
Oh my word, ‘Build Me Up Buttercup’ is definitely one of those books that gets under your skin in a good way right from the word go. As soon as I started to read the book, that was it I couldn’t put the book down and trying to part me from my Kindle was certainly a mission impossible. The book certainly makes for addictive reading. I was totally gripped throughout the book and the time certainly seemed to fly past. Before I realised what was happening, I had got to the end of the book. I hadn’t realised just how long I had been reading until I happened to glance at the clock. Usually I have the attention span of a gnat but not in this case because I was so into the book that I managed to shut out all other distractions and I even missed two episodes of my favourite television series (that’s NCIS Los Angeles in case anybody was wondering). All I can say is thank goodness for catch up television. Anyway I digress so back to the review I do go.
‘Build Me Up Buttercup’ is extremely well written, but then I find that all of Bella’s books are well written. She uses such vivid descriptions that I could easily feel as though I was part of the story. She clearly cares about her characters and this shines through in her writing. She describes Anna and Sophie so realistically that they seemed to come to life and jump out of the page at me. I had begin to think of them as friends and I felt naturally defensive of them. If anybody hurt or upset them then I wanted to leap inside the pages of the book to remonstrate with the culprit. In fact I am disappointed that Anna and Sophie aren’t real. The story ends with what you might call a ‘duff duff’ cliffhanger. (Think of the end of an episode of EastEnders when the ‘duff duffs’ start and you just know that you have to tune in later for the next instalment). I literally couldn’t wait to read the second part of the story called ‘Wildflower Park- Part Two: A Budding Romance’ and started reading it as soon as I finished the first part.
In short, I absolutely ADORED reading ‘Wildflower Park- Part One: Build Me Up Buttercup’ and I would definitely recommend that you read it. Bella Osborne is one of those authors that writes cracking stories with realistic characters and storylines. She is certainly on my list of ‘must read’ authors and ‘Build Me Up Buttercup’ is right up there on my favourite reads of 2018 list. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board just has to be 5* out of 5*.