Member Reviews

A lovely quick and easy read from Fiona that would be an ideal holiday companion. A joy from beginning to end, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this brilliant writing!

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I got through this book really quickly. The story was good, but the ending was kind of blah for me. I would recommend it to someone who wants a quick read.

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Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.

After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.

I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

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I really enjoyed this book and it made for a nice light-hearted read. Nadia is finally in a position where her twins go off to University and she is left with nobody but herself to answer to. She has her first relationship with a great guy named Jack and things seem to be going swimmingly…until her son Alfie drops out and returns home.

Suddenly her life is just not the same as she battles to try and keep things on an even keel. There are some real laugh out loud moments in this book which I think many people will relate to and I found myself chuckling on several occasions. The story tells a very relatable tale to many which makes the reader really will Nadia on to make the right decisions.

This book took me no time at all to finish and one that I would definitely recommend for a bit of escapism.

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The Mum Who Got Her Life Back was a great, easy to read book that was difficult to put down. I loved it and read it in one sitting. Another great book by Fiona.

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A free copy of this book was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The Mum Who Got Her Life Back is the story of Nadia, who with her two twins, Molly and Alfie, off to university ends up feeling a bit out of sorts. Luckily, charity shop manager Jack comes along and before she knows it, Nadia's back to feeling the romance. Unfortunately, before long her son, Alfie, drops out of university, moves back home and then starts interfering with her new relationship.
It makes a refreshing change to read a story where the heroine is a mother with grown up children rather than a young woman, and it was nice to see a different series of pitfalls affect how Nadia coped with her empty nest and with having a different set of issues to deal with than the norm. I also really liked that although she and her children's father were separated, there was no bad blood between them. It was lovely to read their relationship treated as a grown up one where they maybe didn't understand each other any more but wished each other well. The main issue I had with the book was the other men in story. Alfie is an awful character. Gibson tries to explain the reason behind it towards the end of the book, but the way he behaves and speaks to people including his mother is just awful. And Nadia just keeps trying to 'understand' him, even when he's downright horrible to her. By the time he semi-redeems himself in the story as well, I thoroughly disliked him and his story so couldn't care less. Jack - the love interest - isn't that great either. I would have been much happier if he had been a rebound guy rather than Nadia's new one and only.
A great, different take on the romance novel but the male characters let it down a bit. 3 stars.

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I had trouble downloading this due to my kindle email address because it changed without my consent and some of the books didn’t make it onto my kindle.

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I really tried with this title and in the past the aurthor I have enjoyed her books, but this time I didn't enjoy it. I felt the story jumped aorund and I couldn't get to know the charactors that well. It didn't feel right in the writing, some points felt rushed like going from first meeting to being together all time. I must admit I didn't finish it.

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Sorry I love Fiona's books but I could not get into this one at all, I found it dragged and wasn't funny at all. Hate giving a bad review but it just wasn't for me.

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I found this to be just a very average, family fiction story. I really felt that it dragged on going nowhere fast.

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I didn't like the characters and found the story lacking any liability. Found the story jumping from meeting to a full blown love affair made it difficult to form a connection with the characters of Jack and Nadia.

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It's Fiona Gibson...LOLs all the way!

**OMG! I cannot believe that these reviews haven't been done! I am so sorry they are so late!!!**

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Reviewed by Shyla
Book provided by NetGalley

Ms. Gibson’s honesty, makes it impossible not to become fully invested in Nadia and her journey into life as an empty nester. A single mother, co-parenting with a famous director, she’s been the voice of reason and steady presence in her twin’s life. With Molly and Alfie off to university, she’s forced to look at her life and decide what she wants out of it. I felt for the underappreciated, hardworking mom who was often held to a different set of standards than her ex, who’s been dating a woman ten years younger for ages for some time.

I cheered when she put herself back out onto the dating scene, and found Jack. The fit single Dad, with a wicked sense of humor, understanding nature, and charm. They both find their way together, dating, re-discovering passion, and dealing with the bumps that come with having children. Meeting the family looks different when you’re older, and I think Ms. Gibson captured that beautifully.

The humor balanced the real issues she dealt with and endeared Nadia and Jack to me for completely different reasons. There were times I wanted to shake Nadia’s son, Alfie, but that’s part of being a young self-involved teenager. This is a fantastic read , especially for those interested in romance with older couples.

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Nadia is felling lonely! The twins are about to leave for Uni, so what will she do with herself now.? She bumps into a handsome man when she is in Lush, but he appears to think she works there! A bit of hilarity ensues, teamed together with dating when you both have a family. A very enjoyable read.

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Lovely cover that drew me to the book. The book was lovely. A feel good read perfect for this time of year lazing on holiday or in the garden. It was easy to read and well written. Great read

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Great book. Fab storyline and great characters. This book really surprised me and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I will defo be checking out more books by the author.

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Without reading the blurb in too much detail, I expected a tale about a woman suffering empty nest syndrome. Since her two kids are twins, they leave for university at the same time. But instead of being lonely and feeling kind of useless all of a sudden, after 18 years of cooking, washing, shopping, cleaning up after everyone and generally caring for her children, Nadia embraces the new situation and is quite happy to finally have her life – and her flat – back to herself. She's a HEN - a Happy Empty Nester.

I was fond of Nadia from the very beginning, and the writing style suited her character perfectly. But also the chapters told from the point of view of Jack were very fitting. The book does have one serious ‘ingredient’, but generally it is very humorous and – above all – true to life. Even very small characters, like customers at the charity shop, are depicted brilliantly.

A very enjoyable read, for me personally maybe 10 years too soon.

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I hadn't read a Fiona Gibson before, but I will definitely be reading more! I so enjoyed this book and although my child is some time away from teenage/adulthood I could very much identify with the Mum feelings! It was interesting to see the story from a male and female perspective and savour the relationship between Nadia and Jack as it developed. Highly recommended.

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Started out interesting because of the title. Having been a empty nester was hoping for more comedic story. I wonder how theses two people, Nadia and Jack ever grew up to be the most introverted adults amazes me. Both from good stock parents. Nadia has no strength being a parent. Her son Alfie (one of fraternal twins) must have be mothered so much that he doesn’t know how to write a letter (find paper, pen and stamps or mailbox), flush a toilet or buy his own clothes. Oh, did I forget to mention he is 19 and is a university student. Luckily his twin sister has her act together, but not much about her in the story. Jack seems nice but a wuss. The book is mostly what each is thinking and both think but don’t communicate. I did decide to finish. This should be in the help section, if you act like this you need lots of help.

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As a mother of a teenager, this book struck a chord as it won't be long until mine flies the nest and it made me think about how this will impact my every day life.
I enjoyed the book and cared about the characters and wanted it to to end well for them.

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