Member Reviews

I requested this title back before my blogging break. I have ended up with a number of titles that are overwhelming to catch up on now I am back from my blogging break. I am regretfully not going to be reading and reviewing this title, but now I am back from my blogging break, I am looking forward to reading and reviewing some of your future titles. Thank you so much for the opportunity and apologies.

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Unfortunately I wasn't able to download this book so I cannot review it. I hope to read it soon because it sounded really interesting. Thank you.

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Sorry for the inconvenience in taking so long for my feedback, but this book was a DNF for me.

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The Shapeshifter's Secret
By Heather Ostler

“Julia is finally discovering WHAT – not who – SHE IS...”

Caleb Glyndor is the talk of all the girls, but to Julia he is a mystery. Somehow he is familiar to her, but she's not exactly how.

Julia's father Lancer Levesque insists on taking her to and from school every day and he doesn’t want Julia out at night.

One day Julia comes home from school to find bars across her bedroom window. She gets angrier at her father than she has ever been and she feels a growl come out of her. When her anger subsides she and her father just stare at each other. Julia knows something strange just happened to her though she has no idea what. Julia suspects Caleb of telling her father that she was planning to sneak out and go to Sierra’s house. Caleb denied it.

Julia begins having trouble controlling her anger. After an outburst at school her father, Liam, and Caleb speak to her about the secrets that have been hidden from her. She is from Ossai and she is being hunted. But before the whole truth comes out the Guild attacks her home and Caleb and Julia escape from the house while Liam and Lancer give them time to escape. But during their escape through the portal that will take them from this world to Ossai Caleb and Julia are injured.

For her protection, Julia is being sent to Lockham Castle and here she might learn to control her new emerging abilities. When she arrives her father e the reason that she is in danger and why she was raised outside Ossai. Her mother was and is her greatest enemy!

When Julia meets Terrence Daniels she is drawn to him and he seems attracted to her too. When Terrence visits Lockham Castle as part of his duties he gives Julia tips on transforming. But the next day Mr. Knightly informs Julia that he saw her out walking with Terrence and he's reported it to the head of security – Mr. Azure. To her relief, Mr. Azure tells her he won't report her friendship with Terrence to her father and he tells her to just make sure that the teachers don't see her if goes for a walk with Terrence in the future.

When Julia finds an old yearbook she sees a picture of her mother Alexis Blythe, she is surprised at how much she looks like her mother. Julia tells Sierra about it and promises to show her the pictures. But the next day the yearbook is gone and all records of its existence have been removed. But the S she saw carved into the wall of one of the pictures becomes an obsession for Julia, she has to see the S that her mother stood by. So one night after curfew Julia decided to sneak down to the ballroom and crawl in through a broken window. But during her search Julia was injured. When she finds the S Julia touches it and stains it with her blood. Suddenly the ballroom is filled with a shriek and Julia makes her escape, but as she leaves she sees a dark hooded figure standing in the ballroom.

But Julia is being threatened. But who is trying to kill her and is the threat closer than anyone suspects?

Everything comes to a head at the annual masquerade ball. When Julia meets her mother their reunion is unlike anything she had hoped for!

I received a Digital copy of this title for the purpose of this review.

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*I never got around to reading and reviewing this book. I may do so in the future*

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Unfortunately, my reading taste for young adult paranormal has waned. "The Shapeshifter's Secret" didn't work for me at all. I felt like it was truly written for the young reader as it should.

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