Member Reviews

I tend to enjoy medical dramas but this one seemed to lack something I cant seem to put my finger on.
its a nice story that doesn't move very fast and there are very few hospital scenes. It does deal with the issue of boss and subordinate. It deals with it very well actually. It was also nice to see the subordinate with the power in the relationship even if her choices were disputable.
I would argue this was a romance in a hospital setting. Its easy to read and flows nicely. The author leaves a lot o0f gaps which I assume is for the reader to determine the flow. But you don't really get to know the main characters and the secondary characters come and go. It would have been nice to see how Rowan's family dealt with her new relationship because she did mention that she was from the conservative south.
I feel the author could have gone deeper. But I enjoyed the read. And I would recommend this to others.
*ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley*

I ended up DNFing All of Me by Emily Smith, the writing was hard for me to get into. I was hoping I was going to love it, I thought I was going to love it. Sometimes I just don't mesh with the writing styles.

Good read for those who like medical dramas and lesbian romances. Intense moments, both in the OR and out. The author, who is a physician, wrote the medical scenes very well. Her attention to detail is amazing.

This was a fine romance. The characters were well written but there were several moments in this that made me want to bang my head against a wall. The plot made sense for the most part and the writing was clear and easy to follow. This was just okay and a slightly unremarkable romance. It's not one I would recommend if you've read a lot of f/f romances.

A super fast paced medical romance which was easy enough to read but not overly full of depth.
Galen Burgess is your typical brilliant surgeon with almost everything at her feet, include any number of hookups. Rowan Duncan is an intern from Texas with a man at home. Trouble is, she has fallen for Galen.
Everything that happens in this book is pretty quick so you don't have to wait long for the action to kick off. I prefer a slow burn but fans of medical dramas might enjoy.

Having not read any books by Emily Smith I was intrigued as to what this would be like. I was not disappointed.
The storyline was really quite believable and I could fully understand why she hung back in getting in to relationships fully.
I will be looking out for more books from Emily Smith now.

There was a lot to like about this book - but one really big problem. Now, maybe it's just "I really didn't want it to go this way," in which case, it's not really the author's fault, and I hate to blame her for that. But the lengths that Rowan went to not disappoint Brian were incredibly unrealistic and really took away from the story. I could maybe see it if it was set in the 1950s, or a very conservative, isolated place, but otherwise, no.
I'll still read books from this author, and if they don't have that element, I believe I'll really enjoy them.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I love medical dramas and this book started out really well. Obviously the attraction and relationship between Rowan and Galen went very fast. That wasn't what bothered me, through out the book Rowan was madly falling for Galen and then when her ex shows up she reverts back to where she was at the beginning. It didn't fit with the character the author portrayed making the rest of the book very difficult to get through.

I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I very much enjoyed the overall story in "All of Me". I loved the main characters, Rowan and Galan, and the development of their relationship.
One thing I was a bit disappointed in was the pacing. The first half of the book seemed like the story was building up to the couple being together, but possibly having to deal with Galan's father and repercussions of having a boss/employee relationship. After Galan tells her dad that she is in love with Rowan and that was just how it was going to be, her dad never appears again in the book and that part of the story never comes up again. It made me wonder why so much time was spent building that up with no satisfying conclusion.
The story at that point takes a 90 degree turn into dealing with Rowan's boyfriend that she had taken a break from until she dealt with her attraction to Galan. It seemed disjointed like there were 2 stories being told, but neither completely coming through. The engagement between Rowan and Brian seemed very forced, way too fast, and wasn't very believable.
Overall I enjoyed the story. Maybe a follow-up covering the relationship after getting back together, the tension between Galan and her father, and what happened to Brian after getting dumped would help round things out.

Loved the setting and the characters. The quickness of the engagement was a bit over the top, but it moved the story along. I really liked the supporting character, Makayla’s no bullshit attitude and calling Rowan out when she was wrong or in denial.

This is a romance in a medical setting and the first book I have read by Ms. Smith. I enjoyed All of Me and found the characters to be well developed. Although the story was predictable, I liked this light, easy read.
The two main characters are Dr. Galen Burgess, the newly appointed chief resident of surgery and the daughter of the chief of OR at the same hospital. Galen is always trying to meet the expectations of her father and has become a workaholic. She is known to be a “player” and has frequent hospital hook ups with nurses and other hospital employees.
Dr. Rowan Duncan is a first-year surgical resident under Galen’s authority. She is a straight woman from Texas and has a boyfriend named Bryan. Rowan is an excellent surgical resident and quickly draws the attention of Galen. Rowan has never been attracted to women, finds herself drawn to Galen. Thus, the push and pull of this relationship develops.
I enjoyed the story and found it to be a very pleasant weekend read. As with most romances, it is predictable yet entertaining. I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars and look forward to reading the next book by Ms. Smith.
I was given this ARC in return for a fair and honest review.

All of Me is the story about Chief of Resident Surgery and womanizer Dr. Galen Burgess and Dr Rowan Duncan an Intern and Straight woman with a boyfriend back home. Galen is instantly attracted to Rowan and visa versa.
I thought this book was ok. I actually had a few problems with it. Rowan is straight and is instantly drawn to Galen even though she know Galen is a player. She has never been attracted to a woman before and I find it hard to believe that she would fall for a woman. Galen on the other had is a womanizer. She has plenty of women who is willing to sleep with her. In a short amount of time, Galen finds herself falling for Rowan. The story just doesn’t seem feasible.
I did find myself liking the supporting characters and the hospital scenes. I rate this one a 3 star.

It starts on July 1st, the day when New Residents (i.e. Interns) start at hospitals around the country. Galen is the still newish Chief Resident of Surgery. Rowen is one of the new Interns and previously has had a sheltered life in Texas (Oh yeah, coming from somewhere in Texas to Boston might be a little bit of fast coast east coast whiplash).
At the end of my review of 'After the Fire', which is also by Emily Smith, I wrote, "Galen Now?" and boy oh boy was this Galen's turn. Because while she falls for Rowan, Rowan's part of the story is much more complicated, mainly because she has a boyfriend, Brian, who is still in Texas.
Of course, Galen also has some baggage, having been a player for quite a while, as well as some hard core Brugess (her family) family drama.
I liked the secondary characters the most in this book. Teddy was back and Makayla was quite a character.
I liked the book for the most part. It was a nice sorta sequel to 'After the Fire' and a very enjoyable (I blew through it because I was hooked) fast read. Oh, and it was set in Boston, and that part was written perfectly, no trips from Boston to Pittsfield in Twenty Minutes. And that's always a very big plus for me.
I received this book via Netgalley thanks to Bold Strokes Books.

This was not my cup of tea, and that is sad because normally I love medical dramas in lesfic. There were many reasons why I ddi not care for this book, but let's start with a little good. The book was short enough that I wasn't upset I spent s much of my time reading it. I thought that the parts of the book that dealt with actual things and surgeries in the hospital were well written and generally very interesting to read. Now for the things I found problematic in this book. First are both of the main characters, neither of them was even remotely likable. Both of them were so whiny, it felt like reading about teenagers. Also I do not believe after seeing someone once that you could fall so madly in love that you would be willing to give up your job for her. Then when they found out the fraternization was not an issue, they still couldn't be together and the author had to throw another wrench into the fold, at this point we finally meet Rowan's boyfriend who she feels sorry for, so sorry for that she agrees to marry him!!!! What kind of a terrible person does this, and then she lets it go on for months before she broke it off. I am not sure if I would want to date someone like that , but Galen just lets it all go for "true love" It was the most ridiculous os circumstances. The resolutions after a mass casualty with little kids Rowan sees the light and then tells her boyfriend she can't be with him and he is alright with that, and just decides to leave. She then goes back to Galen who takes her back after the smallest amount of hesitation. can suspend disbelief on a lot of things, but this book was just too unbelievable.

This is my first Emily Smith book and I'm now a big fan. Dr Galen Burgess is a player, the gorgeous Dr Rowan Duncan is her newest intern, has a boyfriend and lived a sheltered life. As they work together, their chemistry grows. This book has unexpected twists and turns that keep you turning the pages. A great read.

Dr. Galen Burguess is the chief surgical resident at Boston City Hospital. She works hard and plays hard, her reputation as a player is well known. But when she meets a new intern, Dr. Rowan Duncan, she's soon smitten with the very reserved and very straight resident. As Galen decides not to act on her attraction, Rowan discovers new feelings for her boss. But she's got a boyfriend waiting in Texas and she's straight anyway, or is she?
'All of me' is a medical romance, Radclyffe style, with a butch/androgynous and a femme doctors as main characters in a fast and stressful hospital setting. Normally these types of books showcase several medical cases and emergency situations where patients' lives are at risk. In this case, these elements are present with the addition of some family drama consisting of a cold and strict father (Galen's) and a long-distance boyfriend (Rowan's).
The medical scenes and a couple of secondary characters are the best parts of this book. However, I have a few issues that justify my low rating. My first issue is that the leads sometimes act out of character. For example, the reader is told that Rowan is shy but she acts anything but. To avoid spoilers, let me just say that both characters go through sudden and unrealistic changes from what would be their expected actions which is puzzling and sometimes downright annoying.
My other problem is that some parts of the plot are resolved very superficially, in particular Galen's relationship with her parents. The story leads us to think this is a crucial matter while it was only mentioned in passing. It seems as if the author didn't commit to the story completely. The main characters' chemistry is ok but the insta-love is hard to believe.
Overall, sometimes ok, sometimes frustrating read. 2.5 stars.
ARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
See all my reviews at www.lezreviewbooks.com

First we have Dr. Galen Burgess, who is the chief surgical resident at Boston City Hospital. Nice position but for the fact that her supervisor is her father, who no matter how hard she tries is never satisfied with her work . Galen likes women and has over time shared herself with numerous female co-workers. She just wants to have some fun not a relationship. Dr. Rowan Duncan has just started her internship working under Galen’s supervision. Rowan has lived a somewhat sheltered life. She is still in a relationship with her high school boyfriend. Everything changes for both of them when they meet. Both Rowan and Galen start questioning their choices regarding their professional and love life. Ms Smith tell us a familiar story but she does it in such a way as to make this seem like we have never read a romance story set in a hospital before. Very nice read. Very enjoyable.
ARC via NetGalley

All of Me is a medical romance set in Boston. Galen is a surgeon and a player, Rowan is the sheltered, straight intern. They meet, and sparks soon fly. Their budding romance comes unstuck when Rowan (talented and naive) puts her real affection for her boyfriend (ordinary and immature) before a deepening love and lust for Galen (extraordinary and still a bit immature).
I guess this book is very much a variation on a theme, rather than something completely original, but it is well-written, and I found it enjoyable to read. Some readers might find the story to be unrealistic, but I know a straight young woman who suddenly wasn’t, and an older gay lady who fell for a man later in life. So nothing about Galen and Rowan’s relationship seems impossible to me.
Did I love this book? Probably not but I certainly liked it, so a solid 4 stars and a recommendation if you like doctors in your romance.

Straight lady and the player. The straight lady is a doctor and has a boyfriend. The player is a doctor and well she plays. Dr. Rowan Duncan, desperately wants to be a surgeon. She has a lovely disposition and a caring heart. What she is missing is passion. Dr. Galen Burgess, wants to be a surgeon and does not want to be tied down and have anything or anyone get in her way. I like medical romance and doctors doing what they do best, saving lives. The devotion both have to their career is to be admired. It also makes you wonder about the focus and care you receive when in a hospital. This read is also a little bit choppy as you move from current issues of the day with women's' rights, sexual harassment, various social movements, hospital drama, and family. Galen's friend Teddy is supportive in his off handed way. Rowan's friend Makayla is fantastic is her directness and super funny come back lines. She is one of the best secondary characters I have ever read in lesfic.

This is a first book for me by this author so I didn’t go in with any expectations (good or bad) just an open mind and looking for a good read. Unfortunately after I finished the book, or more accurately, about halfway in I wanted to just not finish it-but I did-my 1 rule if I requested a book to review I will read it to the end no matter what.
The book started out well, you meet Galen who has just been announced as the new Chief Resident at a Boston hospital (yes many start to think Radclyffe-like, but not even close) and a new batch of residents, one being Rowan (predictable cute, innocent 'straight' girl). Now Galen has been written as the ‘bad-boy’ of the hospital (predictable ‘handsome’, sleeps with any woman that crosses her path, one night stand lust them and leaves them). As the story continues you can guess what happens, Rowan end up with Galen on a rooftop and well Rowan just can’t help herself, she kissed Galen and her whole life all of a sudden shifts (did I say predictable yet?). Ok I’ll stop being snarky, but in my opinion the characters were superficial, stereotyped, and well just lacked any luster to hold my attention. In fact by the end of the book I really disliked Rowan (self-centered, selfish), and I kind of wished Galen took another path.
From what I see on Amazon, this is not this authors first novel, so I can’t chalk this plot and writing up to first book she has written, thinking maybe a better editor or beta readers to help her in the future?. And when she used the word ‘mammy’ to describe Rowan’s boyfriends’ mom, I just about threw the book across the room-I know it is an acceptable word via Webster, but maybe do some googling the Urban dictionary next time.
Don’t get me wrong there were some parts/characters of the book I like, Galen’s mom, Galen herself. And the author does a good job of describing the environment/scenes without going down a medical text book recount, but it just wasn’t enough for me to really enjoy the book overall and have it still linger with me after I finished. Unfortunately this one will be on the ‘won’t read again’ shelf but I’ll keep an open mind on other books and read the reviews first before I think about purchasing this author in the future.
I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review, but would have written the same opinion if I had come across this book on my own.
To see my Amazon review, it will be under CC-Just wasn’t for me, when the book is published.