Member Reviews

The cover of this book really pulled me in, and to be fair the story inside did not disappoint.
I liked both Galen and Rowan but there was a little bit of me that was irritated by how Galen would sleep with girl to girl without any thought of her position of authority.
Personally I totally related with Rowen's straight girl to gay girl feeling and it was written and portrayed really well
If you like a medical drama with a budding romance then I would certainly recommend this book

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
The only other book by Emily Smith I’ve read was part of the wedding novella series so I thought I’d give a novel a go, unfortunately this wasn’t the book for me.
This book is about Galen, who, like many main characters in medical lesfic, is sleeping her way around the hospital. Once again I have to wonder why authors think anyone could get away with this in this day and age, and also, how many lesbians work in hospitals anyway? Judging by these books, hospitals are a lesbian utopia. I blame Radclyffe. Anyway, I digress. Galen is sleeping her way around the hospital (made even more unlikely by the fact that her father is the Chief of Surgery), and she’s also just been made Chief Resident.
Rowan is a new resident, she’s straight and has a boyfriend (and I know this because she tells everyone this 100 times in the first 1/4 of the book), and she’s fresh out of med school in Texas. She’s also instantly attracted to Galen, (though I’m not sure why, Galen’s actually not that great, but whatever).
So far the premise wasn’t exactly grabbing me, but I knew I was in trouble in the second chapter when Rowan describes her boyfriend this way.
“He was good to her. He let her be a surgeon.”
He LET her be a surgeon? Welcome to 2018 Rowan, can’t wait for you to join us.
Anyway, the two meet, have some awkward conversations that I think were supposed to be cute and develop feelings for each other. When I say ‘feelings’, it’s actually lust, followed very quickly by declarations of love. Now up to this point, Galen’s avoided commitment like a plague and Rowan was ‘straight’ , so I’m not sure how either of them arrived at this conclusion so fast and we’re not given enough time or content to draw the same one.
Meanwhile, Galen’s mother then gets sick enough to require surgery and her FATHER operates on her. I mean, come ON. There were no other doctors that could have done it? By this point I’d rolled my eyes so much I think I sprained the left one.
Anyway, they’re in their ‘not at all believable’ insta-love relationship when the ‘angst’ plot line rears it’s ugly head. I’m not going to spoil it, but it was... yeah, there aren’t really words for what I thought of the ‘plot’ or Rowan at that point. This is all then wrapped up in the last 5-10% of the book with no dramas, and also, no apology from Rowan. Not exactly how I like my HEAs.
So, can’t say I enjoyed it, can’t say I’d recommend it. In fact, parts of it felt like I was reading one of Rad’s stories (Turn Back Time, I can recommend that one).
2 stars.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42242920-all-of-me" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="All of Me" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1539004025m/42242920.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42242920-all-of-me">All of Me</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8197014.Emily_Smith">Emily Smith</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2584812668">2 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for review. No synopsis needed.<br />Galen (Chief Resident) and Rowan (intern) are the main characters in this medical romance. I'm a fan of romances with hospitals, doctors, etc., but this one was flat for me. Rowan comes over as an immature, manipulative individual and Galen (once a "player") suddenly is an emotionally needy person. The angst of a no-no romance between staff evaporates and all is well after Ro's romantic change of heart. While I have enjoyed previous books by Ms. Smith, this was a quick but not very memorable read. I was disappointed overall and can only rate this 2.5 stars.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

First-year intern Rowan has lived a sheltered life, simple and happy and uncomplicated. She's engaged to her high-school sweetheart Brian, back in Texas. But her first day on the job at Boston city hospital sets her life on a brand new path in more ways than one. Chief surgical resident Galen and Rowan find themselves working together more often than not, and their attraction is undeniable. Galen never expected to fall for anyone seriously, and certainly not a first year intern. But true love isn't something that can't be denied.
I'm really torn about this book because the way this author writes, their style of dialogue and prose, is just perfect for my tastes. The characters were really nicely developed and unique, I liked both Rowan and Galen a lot. However, the plot side of this book was just way to fast. Basically overnight, super straight Rowan was suddenly super lusting over Galen. It didn't feel very realistic and didn't allow for a build up of tension or emotional chemistry in their relationship. Galen's journey was slower and more reasonable for sure. A little more balance would have turned this book into a five-star read for me. It was a cute read for sure and I would recommend this to someone looking for something quick and sweet to read.
This is my first book by Emily Smith, and I adored her writing, so I will definitely go check out other books she may have written.
I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This medical-centered romance focuses on chief resident Dr. Galen Burgess and intern Dr. Rowan Duncan. Galen is a powerful, always-in-control doctor who spends her time being a hot-shot surgeon and having short-term, commitment free flings with various nurses. Known as a playboy, she has little interest in anything permanent. Until, of course, she meets new intern Rowan. Rowan is a straight girl from Texas with a long-term and long-distance boyfriend, but that doesn't stop her from being instantly attracted to Galen. And, I mean, who wouldn't?
I really liked the character of Galen and discovering her backstory and insecurities, watching her evolution as a person. I was less enthralled with Rowan, who seemed to vacillate between extreme confidence and extreme stupidity. The "twist" was inevitable, but the way it was dealt with was absurd. Then, the end came much too quickly for there to be any real resolution.
Overall, this was an enjoyable romance read, and Galen was a character I wanted to know more about. I wish that more focus was on her and less on the ridiculously contrived twist.

This one is a hospital romance between Dr. Galen Burgess and Dr. Rowan Duncan. The author, Emily Smith, starts it off promisingly enough. Galen is Chief Surgical Resident at Boston City Hospital and Rowan is the newest intern.
Galen is an expert at one-night-stands or quick couplings not seeking or wanting anything more. Rowan is straight and practically engaged to long time beau, Brian. There are instant sparks. Also, there are initial struggles and stumbling blocks in terms of Galen’s reputation, the ‘no fraternization’ policy in the hospital and the fact Rowan believes she is straight. These parts are nicely dealt with. The irresistible attraction and succumbing to it is also very well handled.
Midway through the story, Rowan and Galen are so, so, so in love. Rowan had also ended it with her boyfriend. So the first half flows. You even feel for and with Rowan. Galen seems just too confident and cocky, but with her success with women, which is really rubbed in, it kinda works as a personality.
It is in the second half that we had problems.
Rowan’s boyfriend chucks his job in Texas and lands up in Boston – a unilateral decision that he takes. Driven by guilt, habit, duty or compulsion, Rowan immediately dumps Galen to be with Brian.
Here come the problems.
How does Rowan believe that Galen, who has completely gone out-of-character with her, never given her cause for doubt, and committed to her will be okay if she just unceremoniously dumps her?
Brian was already in her life when she falls for Galen. She chooses love at that time. So her volte face later seems weird.
And then equally abruptly she breaks her engagement with Brian (with whom she is now living) to go back to Galen.
While we liked Rowan initially, we struggled to get a hang of this character – and haven’t yet understood the drivers, motivations and trajectory of this personality.
The author touches real emotions again when Rowan asks Galen to take her back, and Galen has all these conflicting emotions…she wants to get back, is scared to open up to Rowan again and cannot trust her again – these are things that are so honest. But Smith chooses the simplistic solution of HFN -- which is literally 'for now' as in that moment in the bar.
On the whole a very light read…but completely forgettable.

This medical romance.is a very well written story. Although I have never read any of Emily Smith's books before, I plan to read more of her work. This book was done very tastefully and I was unable to put it down. The storyline and characters were very well put together. The chemistry between the characters jumped off the page.
I smiled, I cried and I cheered through s entirity.
This book is a must read!

'ARC provided by both NetGalley and The Publisher in exchange for an honest review'
**'Writers should want readers to be wholly engaged,gripped rather than shocked or disappointed by their story..Good writing is specific writing and specific writing is good writing.Be specific and not dull..'
'ALL OF ME' reads like a combination of how the current practice of medicine actually works in a hospital,part love story and also looks at a few unsympathetic behind-the-curtains unfortunate affairs & telltale odious actions between Chief resident,nurses,interns etc. Well 12% into this story and suddenly both leads (Galen & Rowan) are into each other -- no chemistry or relationship development but from their quick romance both had many fears and questions on whether they should be together but with all the encouragement from a few of their supportive colleagues things might be looking up for them. It is,I suspect that this little bit of meaningful thread that might resonate with some readers where there is notable cause for both on-the-job sexual harassment and abuse of power in this storyline -- this is mention by me because in this present-day of the #MeToo movement & culture,this stigma of most working women being sexually harassed is very much a taboo subject: which also might make people/readers uncomfortable to read about,think about or even deal with. Infuriating storytelling and writing at times. And yet that 's not what you as readers might feel at the end. What you are left with, oddly is a sense of relief maybe. And to top it off,some readers might view this interlocking medical drama and insta love story through the empathetic eyes of the author with a some what quirky at times and detailed story.

It seems an easy love story at first but then the angst hits, oh my, so much angst. Sometimes you just want a good dose of angst. One would expect Galen to be the difficult one but it was Rowan that I wanted to smack on the back of her head. It's rare that a modern-day lesbian romance deals with this issue. But I guess still not everyone is at ease with choices they make in life. A good read for a cold winter day with nothing to do.

I found this book to have many positives with a few negatives. I am going to be vague on details, because sometimes even the best generalizations can still give spoilers in thematic storylines. As many other reviewers have mentioned, this book is a find love fast type. Personally, that's my favorite; find love early and fight adversities together and get the HEO. The conflict in this book was less than desirable. The character's descriptions in the blurb will give you a good idea of what the conflict is related to. It's not that it's not understandable, generally what happens, but I think this book could have been longer to delve deeper into the "whys" of one character's decision making process for the readers. I also had some issues with the names. While I appreciate the attempt to not gender stereotype the characters by typically giving them a more masculine or dominant name and feminine name, it did make it a tad difficult to establish who was who initially. I don't think this detracts from the book, just a personal experience. I think this book is lighter than most medical lesfics, but it's accurate more realistic. This is an almost love for me. I received an ARC from Net Galley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

I chose 'All of Me' by Emily Smith because I like to read medical dramas and the beautiful cover caught my eye. Believe me, people sometimes do choose books for their covers.
I wish I could say that I loved all of this book. I did enjoy the medical aspect of the novel. The author is obviously an accomplished writer and can write about the medical field realistically. Her setting and the surrounding activity in the tale is perfect for this kind of story.
The problem I had with the book involved the main characters. I could never find a connection to them. In fact, I rather quickly became frustrated with both of them and especially with Dr.Rowan Duncan, the young intern who becomes the love interest of Dr. Galen Burgess, the chief resident and Rowan's teacher. In fact, Rowan shows a shocking amount of immaturity for someone her age. Her actions cause a lot of the angst in the story, and even at the end, I'm not sure she has grown enough. I was unsatisfied at the end of the story, and I don't like being left that way.
Knowing all of that, if you are a true lover of medical dramas, you might like this story. I hope so anyway.
I received an ARC from Net Galley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

This a a hospital romance, between two medical surgical residents Galen and Rowan. Galen have been just raised to residents chief wich entails the supervision of the new residents arriving to the hospital. Rowan is one of said new residents. It could cause a bit of conflict, about them becoming involved, but it is not so much at the end. What causes major trouble is the fact that Rowan is a straight girl from a little town in Texas and never have been atracted to another woman before. And from the moment they meet, the attraction is instant and unstopable.
Galen has been a player for most of her life, her father is a strict and authoritative man and also works in the same hospital, he is the OR chief and she is the only child that has followed his steps so he is a bit demanding. But regarding her love life, it revolves around quick hookups, preferably with hospital nurses, never going beyond a fast release.
And Rowan has never been attracted to a woman before and she does not know what to do about it when she meets Galen and starts feeling things very different that those she feels with her boyfriend.
Galen has a more logical behavior than Rowan, although at first it could seem that it will be Galen who will cause the previsible and expected drama it is Rowan who takes some odd decisions that make her less pleasant. But she is under a lot of stress to figure her things out clearly, so she can be forgiven.
There is some hospital lingo, not too annoying for those who don't know nothing about it, as it is me.
And the end could have been more elaborate, once some decisions have been taken, some extra explanation could have been appreciated
All in all, it is a recomendable romance.

I really wanted to like this book more but it became a struggle in overcoming cliches. Then it became a struggle to overcome predictable plot lines. The backdrop of a busy Boston hospital was intriguing with an energenic pace of a surgical residency. Deciding to choose predictable themes about players and small town straight girls was unfortunate because this story has a lot of potential and there’s some promising writing here. This story just didn’t work for me.

The good for this book is that the author's level of knowledge of the medical field seems very real. My issue with this book is that I wasn't a fan of the main characters. Galen basically has no problem hitting on any woman, including those in relationships or who work under her, and that's just a huge negative character trait for me. At least have some sense of boundaries. Then there is Rowan who couldn't have been less immature and emotionally unstable when it came to her relationships. I don't see how anyone could trust her in a relationship as well.
When the two get together, I don't even think they changed for the better. It's weird to say, but I could totally see these two being exes in two years after they grow up in their relationship.

Emily Smith is a great writer and I have enjoyed her other books, but this book was a tough one for me. I enjoyed the first 1/3. I thought the angst between the characters was great. Once Rowan and Galen got together, I lost interest. Galen went from never doing relationships to being all in so quickly, that I didn’t find it believable. Rowan was all in as well, that is, until her fiancé showed up and she decided to do the “noble” and stay with him....what???? That move sealed it for me...I kept reading because I wanted to see what would make her come to her senses. Glad she finally did. It pained me to leave this review but I felt I needed to be honest.

2.75 Stars. I have to say I was pretty disappointed in this read. I love medical romances, but this book was not for my personal tastes. In fact I found myself getting upset with some of the characters instead of just enjoying the read. The reason this book is even getting 2.75 stars is that I liked the few medical hospital scenes there actually were. Without the medical part of this romance my score would be lower.
This book went from insta lust to insta love. I’m not an insta love fan unless the world is ending kind of book. The two main characters are Galen the Chief Resident of Surgery and Rowan who is a surgical intern. I have to make a quick point here, I don’t know if it is because both their names ended in sort of an “AN” sound but I got their names mixed up for way too much of the book. Anyway, Rowan identifies herself as a straight woman and to have her be in insta lust just from seeing Galen for the first time, didn’t really move me. I felt like I was being “told” why these two were so attracted to each other. I don’t want to be told about a connection I want to see and feel it. Shortly after that the “I love you’s” pop out and I was rolling my eyes hard.
Another reason why the insta love didn’t work for me is Galen is a player. It is mentioned in the book numerous times that she sleeps with a ton of women. What is it about Rowan that will make her give up her current lifestyle? I need something more convincing than just lust. And while it is clear that Galen sleeps with many, many women, it jarred me that Galen getting tested was never brought up. I’m all for women doing their own thing. I hate the double standard we have with women and men when it comes to sexual partners. But not even bringing up that Galen is conscientious enough to get tested made her seem like a walking STD ad.
The last part that really bothered me was the “conflict” of the story. I thought it was just nauseating. It was one of the worst conflict scenes I remember reading. I’m trying not to be spoilerish here, so I have to be a little vague. Not only was the conflict ridiculous but it caused me to completely dislike the character of Rowan. And the biggest problem was there wasn’t enough time left in the book for her to redeem herself. I found myself not wishing for a HEA but for Galen to go hook up with the other female intern.
What did I actually enjoy; some of the parts of the book that took place in the hospital. The few surgeries we are actually a part of, and they are few and far between, was fun to read about. It was not able to save the book for me because too many times we are told about a surgery and didn’t get to see it. However, I did like most of the medical parts and one of the secondary intern characters.
As I mentioned before I love medical romances so this was a real bummer. The current early reviews for this book have been much higher than my score. I guess I am an outlier here. Make sure you read the other reviews before you decide since this book does work for some people, just not for me.

This well written book takes place in a hospital setting. The two main characters are doctors. There is Dr.Galen Burgess,the new Chief Surgical resident who takes great pride in her work. She works hard to improve her skills, especially since she is under the ever watchful eye of Dr. Burgress, her father who is critical, harsh, and not a nice person. Galen has a reputation as an excellent surgeon, a kind person,and as one who likes to sleep around with female hospital staff. Enter Dr. Rowan Duncan, A first year resident working under Galen. Dr. Duncan is from the south and has a long-term relationship with her boyfriend who lives in Texas. Rowan is aware that Galen is a player and does not want to get trapped Into her sexual exploitations. These two women are extremely attracted to one another and yet they can't act on any of those feelings primarily because both could risk losing their surgical residency. However one night straight Rowan makes a move and kisses Galen. From that point on both women's lives are changed drastically . Can they ever possibly have a meaningful personal relationship or will Rowan go back to her straight boyfriend in Texas? Rowan realizes she feels things with Galen that she never thought were possible yet she cannot resolve the fact that she is heterosexual and has a boyfriend and therefore she can't possibly have these feelings for a woman .
Rowan and Galen grow through many ups and downs and unexpected twist and turns as they try to makes sense of the strong emotion the two women feel for each other . This is a wonderful book that will leave you questioning what's going to happen until the very end of the book but don't skip ahead go through this wonderful journey that these two women embark on and enjoy the terrific experience .

Dr Galen Burgess is the new chief resident and on the day the new interns arrive her eye is drawn to Dr Rowan Duncan. Galen is known for her one night stands but she can’t help but like Rowan. Unfortunately Rowan is straight and has been with her boyfriend, Brian, since high school. Rowan doesn’t understand her attraction to Galen and her small town upbringing can’t even let her mind wander there.
I loved Galen as a character. She’s exacting in her job but also friendly, witty and honest. I liked Rowan initially for her directness, humour and courage. And then I despised her and unfortunately she wasn’t given the time or words to redeem herself. I came to like the perceptive, no-nonsense secondary character, Mikayla, more than I did Rowan.
As a fan of the medical romance genre, I liked the setting which was very evocative of a hospital and its surgeons and doctors. I enjoyed the writing and, for the most part, the story. I was disappointed that Galen’s mother and sisters’ appearance was so brief because they added a nice dimension to the story. On the whole, a good read.
Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

All of Me is a cute medical romance. Who doesn't love romance and medical professionals? Emily Smith did a fantastic job developing her characters and the story was well written.

When the reader was first introduced to Galen, she was not only the chief resident but also the hospital’s Casanova.She had sex with many of the female staff in all different places within the hospital and was proud of her conquests. I thought this was going to be a long read with a character that was not very likable. But I was wrong. Galen’s personal growth throughout the story was very well done. She became the person you root for. Galen found someone(Rowan, a first year resident) and something(love) that changed her way of thinking and her way of life. She gave her all to Rowan. However, as Galen crushingly discovered, life can be cruel just when happiness was found.There was a very descriptive chapter that dealt with this and every emotion Galen felt was exposed. It took the reader into the depths of her anguish and vulnerability. It was very well written.
The romance between Galen and Rowan took off rather quickly. It would have been nice to see it develop over time. I would also have liked to know more about Rowan’s background history with her family(not just Brian), and how it would be affected, if at all, by her new relationship. Other than that, it was an enjoyable read.