Member Reviews

Addison Fairchild has spent her whole life trying to impress her powerful mother, creator of the extremely successful Fairchild empire. Now her mother has announced her retirement Addison has given up all semblance of a real life and is working herself into the ground to show she deserves to step into the top job. When her health collapses under the strain Addison is forced to accept an assistant, but determined to use her in the most basic ways, collecting her dry cleaning and picking up her groceries.
Katie Cooper accepts a part-time second job at Fairchild Enterprises because, quite frankly, her family need the money. Her father’s dementia is deteriorating and they need full time care, but the bills are mounting along with her mother’s worries. Having given up her business degree to move home and help her mum, Katie will put up with almost anything to hold on to the well paid PA job, however difficult her new boss is to work for.
This is a classic office “ice queen” romance and an excellent example of opposites attract. The main characters are likeable and well developed, Katie’s backstory is particularly poignant and Beers explores the impact of dementia on a family with subtle but keen observation. Addison’s relationship with her Mother and sibling rivalry are the building blocks of her character and her intensity has made her blinkered to the fact they are, first and foremost, a family that love and care about her. And thus the stage is set for Katie to find room for her own life while also helping her family and Addison to find that her family desperately want her to have a life.
Both families are important to the story and again reinforce the “opposites” theme, the Fairchild’s as high powered business people who can barely meet once a month at a restaurant for dinner and whose absentee father never appears; the Coopers, warm, domestic, welcoming and close-knit where caring for each other comes first. I also really liked our main characters BFFs and there is definitely room for a follow up to allow Sophie and Samantha’s stories to develop.
Georgia Beers writes some damn fine romances, we all know where this is going and how it will end, but there as some fun moments along the way. The cast are loveable and the main characters have genuine journeys they need to take. I thoroughly enjoyed it, excellent ‘happy place’ reading.

This is the first lesbian romance I've read in a while that I have truly enjoyed. Both female leads, Katie and Addison, were perfectly rounded and believable. My only true gripe is that I would have liked to see more of what happened after they became a couple and settled into that life together but only the whole it was a good book with strong characters, a touching subplot and a healthy dose of sex.

Having not read anything by Beers this was a new experience which didn't disappoint.
I was not sure of whether the subject matter would be feasible and I have to admit that I did feel that it was a little bit stretched out, but have to say that the wait was worth it.
It goes to show that with enough patience and determination the underdog can get the top prize

Georgia Beers writes a dang good story. You know that when you pick up one of her books you are going to get a quality story with interesting characters that have dynamite chemistry. I would be hard-pressed to find a Beers book I’ve not adored but this is quality stuff that every romance junkie will love.
Addison Fairchild is the runs one of the three branches of the Fairchild Empire, Fairchild Rentals. She is an absolute ice-queen that is cold and aloof. Trained from birth to run her mother’s real estate corporation she has learned to become hard-nosed and closed off. Since her mother has decided to retire, Addison has increased her workload with no breaks, zero fun, and life that is nothing but work, emails and phone calls. What this does is takes a toll on her health and leaves everyone who loves her petrified.
Katie Coper is the exact opposite of Addison. She has a magnetic personality that draws people to her. She lovable, cheerful and radiates positivity. Katie has every reason to be down on her luck but she still has that sunny disposition. Katie recently gave up a job she loved in the tech sector to take a part-time nanny position watching pre-school twins. Her father had been diagnosed with early onset dementia and Katie put her career on hold to move in with her parents to help be there for both of them during this trying time. After a while, the bills pile up and Katie needs to help with the financial load, when her bestie at Fairchild offers her a well-paying personal assistant job to the distant Addison, Katie has no choice but to jump at the opportunity.
These two get off on the wrong foot, mostly because Addison is a control freak who is being forced by her mother/boss to have a PA. Katie has big ideas of how to help her new boss but Addison is hesitant to change anything. These two butt heads, but as their time together increases they begin to see each other in a new light. The walls fall, and perceptions fall away. The chemistry between these two is seriously dynamic and sexy.
I adored this book. The two mains were written beautifully and the whole opposites attracts thing is always a winner in my book. Loved the amped up tension with some angst! The connection between Addison and Katie is palpable. You can feel the chemistry coming right off the page. Loved it!
4.25 out of 5 stars

I wanted to like Calendar Girl. Unfortunately, that was not what happened. I didn't care for some of the content, so I only skimmed through it.It's not for me. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

Not my favorite Georgia Beers' book, this one just lacked that extra something that I've come to expect from a Beers novel. No chemistry and a very un-likeable character, no thanks!

I’m a big fan of Georgia Beers but this book left me feeling indifferent. The characters were well fleshed out and likeable but I didn’t feel like they spent enough quality time together to develop feelings. The storyline was predictable. My favourite bits of the book were the scenes with Katie and her dad, and how the subject of having a parent with dementia was tackled.

This was not my favorite Georgia Beers book. It was enjoyable enough to finish but the conflicts and chemistry just were not interesting enough.

My first Georgia Beers novel and I hope it won't be my last. I'm relatively new to LGBT and if this is the quality of writing, I shall be investigating the genre a little more. A classic tale of opposites attract and so a little predictable, but none the less enjoyable for that. Give it a try.

I love Georgia Beers but sad to say this book didn’t live up to expectations. I found it rather “Mills & Boonish”. The characters lacked some depth and I found it difficult to remain invested in their relationship. Having said that it was still a good read, just not excellent.

A well paced and deftly written romance, as you would expect from Ms Beers, who has a long pedigree of quality romances. The boss/personal assistant trope is both believable and not exploitative, which can be a hard balance to get right. Similarly you don’t end up wondering why anyone would want to go out with the bitchy bad tempered one or the over sweet, sickening one, because here both women hold their own.

A Georgia Beers book is one of those books i get right away, sometimes i swoon and sometimes not so much.
This one is the latter, there is something missing, when you read about characters falling in love and it makes you smile or feel butterflies when they finally kiss and so on... it didnt happen here for me.
We got more depth to Katies char from the start with her sick father and you felt for her and her mom but Addison we learn is a workaholic with an ulcer and it gets stuck on repeating those two things, i didnt connect to her, didnt feel i knew her.
You know when you hit 50% in books it almost always means the first kiss is about to happen, well storywise i felt nothing had happened up til then, much of the same repeat , be it a different mood of Katies dad or Addison again thinking she hasent eaten or drinking coffee while thinking again it cant be good for her ulcer, i really wish we had more true moments between the characters , the kiss made me feel nothing, i didnt even expect it, i needed more build up for it to be romantic, steamy, FINALLY- feeling.
The ending of it , the drama, the resolution was bit whiplash, everything was happening way to fast, ending way to fast.
I needed lil more time to feel the emotions, the angst, didnt like this wham Bam ok the end feel.
It could have been such a good read but damnit it didnt hit the spot
Im feeling a 3.5 stars on this one.
An ARC was given to me through netgalley for my honest review.

I was of two minds about this book, first how my mind/brain reacted to it. It was an interesting story.
Addison is very driven. She's the head of one of the Division's of her family's company, Fairchild Enterprises. And she wants to be the head of EF (and she's worked long and hard for it, almost to the exception of anything else). She's worked so hard that she collapses.
That causes her mother (who is the current head of EF) to assign Addison a personal assistant. That's Katie. It's her second job so that she can help her mother care for her father who has dementia.
Both women's individual stories were intense and that made the romance back and forth... very back and forth.
The secondary characters were interesting too. The two best friends. Although, they did sorta smoosh into one character at some points.
And then we come to the other side (there will be minor spoilers here). My gut feelings about the book. Perhaps other people should just take these feelings with a grain of salt, that's fine. But, the end made me growl with annoyance (and write some Fanfiction post haste). I've worked hard in my job, in more than one of them, and more often than not I've gotten the screw over instead of the congratulations or the promotion. And, so, the end of the book sorta pissed me off. The reasons seem flimsy to me, and while I really liked 80% of the book, that 20% of not like being at the end sorta left a sour taste in my mouth.
But, to each their own.
I received this book via Netgalley thanks to Bold Strokes Books.

Not my favorite by thus author. It had potential as the characters were well written and they had decent chemistry but it just fell a little flat and the ending wasnt very well fleshed out. Somewhat unsatusfying for me.

Georgia Beers has a gift for creating likable three-dimensional characters —and this book is no exception. I connected with both Katie and Addison, and rooted for them to get together. Just the right amount of buildup, humor, and angst make for a satisfying romance!

I enjoy this author and was looking forward to reading this. I have to admit that I was a little let down.
I liked Katie a lot and seeing her home life was heart wrenching, but it was a good vehicle to understand the character. Addison, Addison, Addison, you had the makings of an ice queen. But alas, you were instead just stupidly stubborn ignoring advice from doctor, family, friends, etc.
I may be the only one, but I felt like it was dick move of Addison's mom to announce her intentions at a large family gathering and then get pissed about the way Addison reacted. I was totally on Addison's side in this situation.
The characters had good chemistry. I would have just like to see way less stubbornness on Addison's part.
Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review

Addison Fairchild runs a division of Fairchild Enterprises, her mother's multimillion-dollar company and is one of the candidates to get the CEO position when her mother retires. That is, if she can cope with the stress and huge workload associated with her current job. Her mother forces Addison to hire an assistant, Katie Cooper, who is cheerful, too helpful and gorgeous. After some initial hostility, their business relationship starts to change into something else. Will Addison and Katie have a future together?
Georgia Beers excels at writing office romances, 'Too close to touch' being a prime example. The author portrays well the sexy power play in business and the sexual temptation in some boss-assistant relationships. 'Calendar girl' is not an exception. Like 'Too close to touch'it also features some family drama, in this case, Katie's father battle with Alzheimer's disease.
The book is written in third person from the point of view of both main characters with a few excerpts from the pov of Katie's best friend and Addison's sister. The mains have great chemistry and the intimate scenes are hot, with some great role reversal. The story has funny moments and also heartbreaking ones. Nothing surprising here as Ms. Beers is a seasoned author. There are some passing references to her previous books such as 'Blend' and the Puppy Love Romance series which readers will appreciate.
My main issue with this book is that the conflict and resolution feels a bit rushed and forced. The Alzheimer's disease subplot is, for my liking, left hanging a bit. In my opinion, it had much more potential for development. I think that Ms. Beers' fans will be satisfied with this book but maybe not thrilled. We all know her potential that's why this novel is a bit disappointing.
Overall, an ok read with some good moments. Recommended for office romance fans. 3.5 stars.
ARC provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
See all my reviews at www.lezreviewbooks.com

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. This was an amazing read, and I really connected to Katie and Addison right away. This is a sweet romantic read that pulls you into their connection and story. The only issue I took from this is that it felt unfinished. Most of the story was about Addison working herself to the bone to take over from her mother. The news is told, and Addison falls apart, I wanted to know more about what she ends up doing with her career. Otherwise, this is fantastic, and the connection between Katie and Addison is great!

Katie Cooper is a caring, emotional, and optimistic character that you want to feel and cheer for. Her willingness to move in and take care of her parents is not only noble but heartwarming. Although to some extent she uses them as a shield when she does not want to face something. Addison Fairchild is an example of working hard but not working smartly or efficiently. Does she not know about the concept of teamwork and teambuilding? I appreciated the family support and encouragement that both Katie and Addison received. I have read several books by this author but I do not know if was due to the numerous sub-plots (family, dementia, work life balance, friendship, relationship, mother/daughter dynamics, to name a few) that felt brushed over and therefore incomplete. Lacking is the word that comes to mind after reading this story.

Georgia Beers is one of my favorite authors but unfortunately can also be one of my most frustrating authors. She creates the best characters and story lines that have me hooked every time and finding the book just flying by because of how well she writes. This book was no different I loved the characters and the idea of the story which had me pulled in from the start. The chemistry was perfect and could feel it throughout their interactions.
For me it was the ending that let her down. It frustrates me every time I read one of her books I am so into the characters and stories to just have a rushed and not very exciting ending. I am begging her to give me an epilogue that closes the story out nicely but seem to go wanting every time. I personally wasn't a fan of how it was all Addison's fault and felt others (her mother in particular) could have acknowledged their role and what they could have done differently.
I loved 90% of this book but unfortunately the last 10% disappointed me so much, and this is the part you generally remember the most, I did have to rate it 4 stars. I am just hoping one day I will pick up a Georgia Beers book and have a book that finishes well to compliment the rest of the book, no more rushed finishes please.