Member Reviews

Oh my. Meghan O’Brien does know how to make erotica fun again. Read one of her books and in the words of Jude, it’s hard to “harness your inner horn dog”. Impossible not to get hot and bothered in the first half of this story. This is how erotica should be written. Women with real lives and real emotions not just a couple of crash test dummies with breasts and zero personality banging away like mechanics. It heightens the hotness for the reader and makes it so easy to role play right along with these wonderful (fictional) women.
I was enthralled with the first half of this read but did bog down a bit in the second half with the expected relationship challenges and need on Diana’s part to keep her interactions with Jude on a strictly business basis. Diana might be a sexy seductress but her constant fretting about how much older she is than Jude and her lousy track record does wear after a while. Jude makes up for Diana’s caustic side with her unfailing crush and wonderful positive attitude.
Lovely read to get your your libido fired up and put a twinkle back in your eye (and other places).
ARC received with thanks from publisher via NetGalley for review.

If reading some erotica mean a lot to you then this is the book to read. Two women having sex, a lot of sex. And while if that is all you really want in a book ‘The Sex Therapist Next Door’ delivers. My main problem with this novel is the fact that I just can’t get into the story, such as it is, because I don’t really care for either of the main characters. Diana Kelley works as a sex therapist who tries to teach her clients the importance of sexual intimacy. She works with a assistant but on this day her usual helper is unable to aid Diana. So what’s a girl to do? Why just ask her neighbor Jude Monaco to be her assistant. Jude likes sex, a lot, so helping Diana with her clients is something she has no problem with. Besides Diana has already starred in many of Jude’s dreams. I don’t know what to tell you when it comes to this book. I like the sex just fine but I really need a good plot to thoroughly enjoy a story and this book just doesn’t have it. So if I’m just rating it on the erotical theme it’s great. But as I said there isn’t enough of a story line for me.

Oh Wow! The sex scenes was hot. It was a interesting read. My favorite character was Jude because she knew who she wanted even if it means getting her heartbroken even though I like Diana I understand how she is and didn't want to put her heart on the line again it was a good book to read.
I received an ARC via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is one of the best erotic books I read in ages. Megan O'Brien is a master at writing this type of book. And as wonderful and hot as the eroticism is in this book the thing that separates O'Brien from the rest of the people erotica is that she develops characters and a storyline that keeps one captivated. She also gives great background about her characters which enables the readers to have a better understanding of why Diana is afraid to let people get close to her and why she definitely does not want to get involved in a relationship no matter how much she may want to. And then you have The second character of Jude who is just an outstanding young woman who happens to really love sex. When Diana asked her neighbor Jude to help her in her sexuality classes Jude readily agreed because she's been having a secret crush on her neighbor Diana for a year. Diana has several hangups about relationships and clearly does not want to have an age gap relationship because Jude is 14 years younger than she. Secretly both women clearly want to be together outside of their duty involved in the sexuality classes and see if a relationship is possible because they are extremely attracted to one another. Despite the incredible magnetism these two have in and out of bed Diana refuses to let Jude into her life. Will Jude just give up and move on without Diana and her life or will Diana make some life changes and attempt to have in relationship with Jude ?
O'Brien is an excellent writer and this book is so much more than just fabulously Erotic sex, I strongly recommend this book.

Diana is a licensed couples’ counselor and sex therapist. She leads a “how to” workshop that teaches lesbian couples the specifics of different erotic acts to enhance intimacy. Everyone is nude and it all happens live and in person. Her best friend/work partner is injured so in steps next door neighbor, Jude, who is young and plenty willing. What happens over the course of 7 weeks of lessons is what drives the story.
I kept revisiting this review because I was not sure how to approach it at all. It’s a very powerful book and well written, clever in using the “lessons” to present the erotic scenes in both voyeuristic and exhibitionist ways which boggle the mind and body in heat index. There were truly moments when I stopped reading in the cafeteria to look around to make sure nobody could see what I had on my Kindle.
But beyond those steamy scenes, there was a genuine story that told of 4 couples and the big age gaps within those relationships as well as the long term consequences. It’s all about power dynamics and those big age gaps can turn out to be exhilarating or dangerous depending on who is wielding the upper hand.
The author skillfully shows us all aspects as she twists and turns the present narrative in and out with the backstories for both Diana and Jude. So read it for the unabashed sex or read it for the underlying power struggles but don’t miss this one.

4.75 stars
So much better then I anticipated,WOW! The story, the characters and the overall feel of this book was great. I was kinda expecting a little cheesy, heavy sexual no depth lesbian smut, (which by the way there is nothing wrong with), I was drown into their back stories, the side stories, and of course the steamy sex scenes are sexy and HOT, not at all B movie porn. I have to say the ending was a little flat for me but all in all a sexy FF romance.

I’m a big fan of this author and have read all her books a number of times. To me she is the Queen of Lesbian erotic romance - no one beats her. I enjoy reading a little erotica at times but what is so good about Meghan O’Brien is you get an awesome story and romance to go with it. I also have to admit ahem that her books are very educational ;-). As you can guess I highly highly recommend this book.

This is my first erotica read and to be honest this wasn't bad.
Meaghan has a way of getting on with the plot and adding hot scenes. This book has many hot scenes like many.
Basically , two women broken due to their past who has hots for their neighbors get together in unexpected circumstances and eventually find love.
Loved the epilogue.
And doesn't dwell on any of it like BDSM or DMLG.
This is overall a steamy romance in my opinion.
I thank NetGalley for giving this E-ARC to me in exchange for an honest opinion.

<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42385080-the-sex-therapist-next-door" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="The Sex Therapist Next Door" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1539871612m/42385080.jpg" /></a><a href="https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42385080-the-sex-therapist-next-door">The Sex Therapist Next Door</a> by <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/71090.Meghan_O_Brien">Meghan O'Brien</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2591141114">2 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
I rec'd an ARC from NetGalley/Bold Strokes Books for review. No synopsis necessary.<br />The storyline, cover and author drew me to this book. Leads Jude and Diana star in this sexy romance which is ultra informative for anyone ignorant of what a sex therapist does (and definitely gave me very useful tips). There were detailed descriptions of couples therapy sessions but 3/4 way through things went sideways for me. While I tried hard to get involved in the plot, I couldn't reconcile myself to the uncharacteristic change in Jude the person I was most invested in. As a result, I was left disappointed in the journey to the end. I've enjoyed previous books by Ms. O'Brien but sex scenes aside, I struggled to review this one and ultimately can only rate it 2.5 stars.
<a href="https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/31134832-gail">View all my reviews</a>

I loved reading a story that shows how love can be found a second time. Diana's heart needs to be able to be opened in order to find love and romance. Jude, Diana's very sexy next door neighbor, might just be that person to ignite the fire that let's love in. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.

An honest review thanks to NetGalley. I am a fan of Meghan O'Brien and this book did not disappoint. It was heavy on sex, but you cant complain at the way O'Brien writes them, actually making you want more. The epilogue portion of the book really brought the book to a close. With the future of their relationship up in the air at the end of the book, the epilogue gave me some sense of peace and closure of their relationship. This is a great romantic read that will suck you in immediately.

Good book.
Really enjoyed it.
Hope to read more from this author in the fututre.
Would recommend to friends and family

HOT! HOT!HOT! I Love this book from Meghan O'Brien. From the beginning to end this book will not disappoint . Warning do not read when others are around it will keep you begging for more. I loved all the characters but Jude was my favorite and I was so happy for her happy ending.

Meghan O'Brien is one of my favourite authors so my expectations of this book were quite high. Although it was a fun holiday read, it didn't hit the spot for me. Contrary to some of O'Brien's earlier works there's very little plot. The sex scenes were perfectly written and the workshop scenes were very informative, but I struggled to connect with the two leads and the supporting characters as I felt I didn't get a chance to get to know them outside of sexual scenes. Jude was a very likeable and sweet character, she reminded me of Laurel from O'Brien's Thirteen Hours, Diana was a massive jerk and wholly unlikeable, I struggled to see why Jude would be interested in her. While I will always read anything Meghan O'Brien produces, I do wish she would go back to more plot-heavy stories like some of her earlier romances.

Wow!!! That's all I really thought the whole time I was reading this book. I'm always hoping when reading an erotica leaning book that the author can mix it in with some actual connection between the characters outside of the bedroom, and this one delivered! Not only are the sex scenes super hot, and going through the gambit of sexual positions, but the actual storyline romance between Jude and Diana is equally engaging. How she got character growth splintered in between some of the sexiest scenes I've read in awhile is shocking.
I'd recommend this book highly, just do not read it anywhere other than your bed...

This book is a departure from my normal romance steamy reads (usually go for M/F romance as opposed to FF) and actually it was a nice change. The author's writing is very engaging and I loved the two main characters and their back story. I also liked that there were only four characters that you were introduced to so you are able to get to follow the story and not get confused on who is who.
The outcome of the story was predictable and maybe it was dragged out ever so slightly however the ending was satisfying.
The hot scenes in here are very hot and written in a creative way that it felt natural.
Thank you to NetGalley & publisher for the opportunity to review this book in exchange for a honest review.

As expected, a hot sex book. If that is what you are looking for, here it is. Lacks a little in the plot department and certainly isn't realistic as far as some scenes go but it can certainly get you warm in the sheets if reading with a lover.

This is a smoking hot book! This book has more sexual activity than any other book I've ever read and I've read thousands. But, it isn't just gratuitous sex for the sake of it. This author really knows how to write books that include amazing love stories that make all the sex scenes feel more authentic. No long review here, this book is a must have if you like love stories with crazy hot sex. I received an ARC from Net Galley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review (but I'm buying my own copy for rereading).

Whew. Hot Hot Hot. I can't say that I've been in slump because I've read some books recently that I liked, but it seems like it's been awhile since I've loved something. Consider this book loved. It's sexy, explicit, sweet, angsty, a little bit of everything.
I loved both characters and I'm glad that we got Diana's backstory. Often times with someone emotionally unavailable we don't always get to see their motivations for their feelings. Both Katrina and Ava served as good secondary characters. While I don't think the situation is realistic, Jude's evolution of feelings seems absolutely believable.
My only gripe: Diana's age hangup. Good lord, you're 39 not 79, woman!
Read this asap, but make sure no one is reading over your shoulder. So many sexy times.
(Book received from NetGalley and BSB for an honest review)

I love the cover, but one of them doesn't look like a 39 year-old woman. And I feel like this book is so empowering for woman, that the least it could do was depict the real thing. But still, really love it. The book itself way enjoyable, but I had some issues with the way the characters communicated and I felt like they could have been more fleshed out. Overall, it was a quick read and I would pick up another book from this author.