Member Reviews

Welsh born Henry VII’s life is explained in this hugely enjoyable historical fiction which spans from his birth at Pembroke Castle to his marriage to Elizabeth of York at Westminster Abbey - thereby uniting the red and white roses. The easy reading style helps when trying to negotiate the many different people on both Lancastrian and Yorkist sides as well as the people swapping allegiance. I thought the character of Henry VII was very well portrayed. Thank you to Jean Stubbs, Net Galley and Sapere Books for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thankyou to NetGalley, Sapere Books and the author, Jean Stubbs, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of An Unknown Welshman in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I am a real fan of historical fiction, especially anything written around the time of The War Of The Rose's and Tudor, England. So I was really excited when I received a copy of this book to read.
I was certainly not disappointed. I really enjoyed reading An Unknown Welshman. I was immersed in the story. This book was very well written and thoroughly engaging. I loved it. Definitely a book exceptional enough to go on a bookshelf. I am waiting on my physical copy of the book. Yay.
Definitely well worth a read for fans of the genre. I can't wait for more.

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A fascinating historical fiction about Henry VII of England and his life as the first Tudor King particularly how he gained nd kept the throne , I found it a well written and enjoyable read that really gave insight into the world of Henry VII.

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This was a pretty good read. Many books I've read about Henry VII either have overly dramatic plotlines based on the somewhat dubious letter regarding Elizabeth of York wanting to marry Richard III and/or depict Margaret Beaufort as an absolutely awful person. I thought this book was a well-writing semi-fictitious story based on historical records. A good read for anyone interested in the York/Tudor time period that predominantly "sticks to the facts" and still has a well=written storyline.

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For a historical fiction novel, Stubbs has done justice to this title with thorough research of that time reflected throughout the narrative. It was a refreshing read for me and I can see its appeal for both younger and older audiences. Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC.

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An entertaining and engaging historical fiction, well researched and well written.
It was interesting to read about Henry VII and his life.
As I knew very little about this king this book was also informative.
I liked the style of writing that aged well.
A very good book, recommended!
Many thanks to Sapere Book and Netgalley for this ARC

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First published in 1972, this has a vintage feel to it. It's well-researched in covering the life of Henry VII but much of the content, especially the War of the Roses material, is more vividly conveyed in Sharon Penman's ' The Sunne in Splendour'. Still, Henry's childhood in Wales is done interestingly with attention to the complicated politics of the age.

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