Member Reviews

I wasn't quite connecting with this one and I had to DNF with the possibility of picking up in the future. Thank you for the opportunity to read the book and I apologize for the inconvenience.

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Believe it or not, this was actually my first time reading Lisa Kessler and I loved this book so much I purchased the other books in the series. I loved the overall premise about the immortal pirate crew and their current turn as rock stars, and the chemistry between Charlotte and Keegan is pretty hot, but the story as a whole absolutely worked for me and I'm looking forward to reading more of Ms. Kessler's books.

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4.5 Stars

Once again, Lisa Kessler has captured my attention with a story about otherworldly pirates. Legend has it that in 1795 the pirate ship Sea Dog sanked off the coast of Savannah, Georgia. Before it sank, it was believed that the men on board stole and drank from the Holy Grail, thus making them immortal. Historian Dr. Charlotte Sinclair knows all about the stories of the Sea Dog. In fact, she’s even written a book about the ship and its members. Little does she know that the stories she’s written and read about are true. Charlotte is about to fulfill a dream by meeting not one, but all of the crew members and her life will forever be changed.

Samuel Keegan has lived hundreds of years. In present day Savannah, he may not be a pirate, but he does find ways to keep the pirate inside of him alive. Keegan is the frontman for a southern rock band called The Scallywags. In fact, their closing number is always him doing a solo rendition of a pirate shanty, dressed in a duster. No one but him knows the shanties and the leather frock coat he wears are authentic. During a performance, Keegan becomes enamored by a raven haired lady named Char. She’s unlike anyone he’s met before.

In the first book, Magnolia Mystic, the Sea Dog crew was approached by Agent Bale of Department 13, a secret US government agency that deals with the paranormal. The agency has known about the pirates for years, but when the Holy Grail goes missing, the government wants the crew to return to their thieving ways and steal it back. In return, the crew will be allowed to drink from the Grail one more time. To assist the pirates, Agent Bale brings Dr. Sinclair into the mix. He has a feeling there’s more to her than meets the eye. But she’s also done extensive research and he hopes she can help figure out who the pirates should be looking for.

Imagine Keegan’s surprise when he’s forced to meet with the historian, who turns out to be the fun and playful Char he met the night before. As the two start to work together to locate the Grail, they realize their attraction is too strong to ignore. Keegan realizes their biggest difference will be their undoing. Keegan is immortal and plans on living forever. Charlotte is human and will one day die. Keegan knows he isn’t strong enough to witness someone he loves die. But when their investigation leads to danger and that danger leads to life and death, Keegan and Charlotte are going to have to decide if their love is worth fighting and dying for.

Lisa is truly an amazing writer. It was so easy to visualize the words on the page. She’s even added a surprise that readers of her work will recognize and enjoy. My only question now is what does Lisa have up her sleeves for the rest of this series.

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I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. I have a love for this series. This is the second book and I love the whole search for the Holy Grail and the pirates. IT is a paranormal romance that is laced with magic, love and conspiracies that none of the characters can seem to get passed. Then in an immortal pirate, historian and music and we are all in for such a ride. IT was a short and quick read that I can't wait to read the next one.

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I give this one 3.5 Stars!!!

Pirate's Passion is Lisa Kessler's 2nd book in the Sentinels of Savannah series. I really enjoyed it, and unlike in some other books or movies, there are not many times where you find yourself saying "Well why didn't you just do....".

Immortality is only a gift when you don’t have to watch others die.

**ARC kindly provided by via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

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This book was different from a lot of books that I have read, this was about a band of immortal pirates and it was a lot of fun to read. Charlotte is a museum historian and know more about the Sea Dog pirate ship then most people but she is so involved in work she allows no time for fun. When she and her friend go to see a concert she ends up backstage meeting Keegan the lead singer and she leaves abruptly after just meeting him. Keegan is a two hundred year old pirate so meetups are no big deal but something about her called to him but when Agent Bale asked him to meet a historian that was helping find a missing artifact he cant believe it is the woman Charlotte from the bar. Kessler and Charlotte quickly become an item but Keegan knows it’s only temporary as Charlotte is not immortal, but this adventure may change things for them. Loved the old and new mixed together as they try to get the artifact back.

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“Dangerous winds be blowing, mateys.”

Lisa Kessler’s Pirate’s Passion is a delightful, action-packed pirates/rock star paranormal romance set back on board the Sea Dog moored in Savannah’s harbor. It’s the second installment in Lisa’s Sentinels of Savannah series, but can be fully enjoyed as a stand alone if that is your preference.

The crew of the Sea Dog drank from the mythical Holy Grail once and became immortal. Now, three centuries later, the effects are wearing off and the privateers require a booster swig. Unfortunately, the Grail they’d safely hidden away is missing. Pirate’s Passion chronicles the continuing hunt for the elusive Grail in conjunction with the steamy love story of sexy pirate Samuel Keegan and nerdy historian Dr. Charlotte Sinclair.

As the story opens, we find Charlotte totally out-of-character in a bar enjoying the performance of a southern rock band. She is there because she accepted her co-worker’s dare to let her hair down for once. She finds that she is most especially attracted to their lead singer, Keegan. The feeling is mutual as there’s an instant heated pull between the two. However, romance for either of them seems not to be in the cards. Keegan keeps his entanglements with the opposite sex to one-night stands because, as an immortal, he cannot bear watching someone he deeply cares for die. AND Charlotte is strait-laced with an all-work, no-nonsense persona and a seemingly impregnable wall around her heart.

Char walks away from their first encounter, but the two cross paths again when the top-secret government agency responsible for policing the supernatural enlists Charlotte’s expertise in the search for the missing artifact. Charlotte never imagined that the ancient artifacts she diligently studies possess magical properties and the man she cannot forget is three hundred years old.

I took an instant liking to both main characters. As always, Lisa hits solid homeruns with her sexy time scenes! I swooned, laughed and cried as she proves beyond a shadow of doubt that when the chemistry is there, age makes no difference!

Following please find a few of my favorite lines from Pirate’s Passion:

He signaled the bartender. “Get this woman some rum.”

Char chuckled. “If I didn’t know better, I might think you wanted my judgment to be impaired. I told you rum was my weakness in confidence.”

“In my defense” – he leaned in closer, his voice for her alone – “I am a pirate.”

“I’m a pirate.” He chuckled, shaking his head. “I know treasure when I see it.”

“I’ll wash your back if you wash mine.”

He raised a playful brow. “I’ll wash yer front, too.”

It’s a given that when I pick up one of Lisa’s books, I’m in for a treat. That’s why she’s one of my favorite authors and her books are, without exception, must-reads for me. Pirate’s Passion is a fun, wild and dangerous ride with a believable romance. It’s the perfect escape read. The HEA ending handily sets up further adventures with the Sea Dog’s crew. I love the publisher’s note that includes: “We hope this book leaves you with a smile on your face and joy in your heart.”
I can’t wait to see what surprises Lisa has in store for us in the next installment, Pirate’s Pleasure, set to be released in early 2019!

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This was a really good read! I'm not a big paranormal reader, but this book had a little bit of everything. There was romance, suspense and the paranormal too. This was my first book in this series, but I wasn't lost at all. The writing flowed well, and I loved Savannah as the backdrop. Keegan was a pirate looking for the Holy Grail to keep him and his crew immortal. Char worked at the maritime museum and was enlisted to help. I really enjoyed the love story between them, and having the story about the Grail just added to it. The ending was sweet, and I'll be waiting on the next one in this series!

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Review What an amazing book. I love how the author combines history to make such an intriguing storyline. The holy grail has never been so exciting to follow. Samuel and Char were magical and the passion was hot. I highly recommend. Book provided by NetGalley.

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What truly fascinating and interesting storyline. I liked the characters and the plot. Good romance as well.

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Pirate’s Passion is the story between a historian and an immortal pirate. At first Char doesn’t know that Keegan is the Samuel Keegan from the Sea Dog, the pirate ship that Char has done a lot of research on. So, when it turns out that the hot lead singer of the Scallywags band is a man she’s only read in history books, she’s a bit blow back to say the least. As it turns out not only are pirates immortal, the but holy grail is real, and there’s a secret government division who needs her expertise to help them find the cup before it’s too late.

Obviously, with the mix of immortal pirates and the holy grail, you can tell that there’s a lot of paranormal stuff going on. However, the author incorporates even more by introducing shamans, mediums, and shifters into the mix. Between the paranormal aspect and the high-stakes chase for the holy grail, the story was filled with adventure.

Even though this is the second book in a series, it stands alone on its own just fine. In fact, I have not read the first book in the series and was a bit worried I’d feel left out by jumping in with this book. However, everything feels fresh and new, as if it’s the first book in the series. I never felt like I was missing a piece of the puzzle or that things were already connected into place before I came on the scene.

Pirate’s Passion is an interesting mix of paranormal, suspense, and romance. It was a fun take on a pirate’s tale or even a paranormal romance. The reason why I gave it 3 stars is because I found myself being bored and skimming a lot during the book. It just never fully held my attention for some reason.

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Pirate’s Passion by Lisa Kessler is the 2nd book in her Sentinels of Savannah series. I did not read the first book in this series, but it was not an issue, as this book read very well as a standalone. However, I will have to go back to read the first book, and I really enjoyed Pirate’s Passion.

We meet Dr. Charlotte Sinclair, our heroine, at the start. Char works at the Maritime Museum in Savannah as a historian, specializing in ancient pirate wrecks and lore. She is a workaholic, and her friend pushes her to go out and have fun…say yes to everything. She goes to a bar, where a rock band is playing, and meets Keegan, the lead singer.

Samuel Keegan, our hero and lead singer for the band. What most people do not know is that Samuel Keegan was a pirate on the Sea Dog 200 years ago. He and some of his crew sipped from the Holy Grail and received immortality. Now all these years later, they find their healing is getting slower, and they fear losing the immortality. So they have asked for help to find the missing Holy Grail

Keegan finds himself attracted to the new girl watching his show. When he makes an attempt for her to join him after the show, she says ‘yes’, but just when things were getting hot, Char gets a phone call and needs to leave. Char meets with a government agent who wants her to help them find the Holy Grail, since she is the best person to do so. The agent introduces her to the pirate from the ship, and to her surprise, she sees Keegan. All of this is the beginning of this wonderful exciting and fun story.

What follows is an exciting adventure the brings Char together with Keegan and his crew in a desparate attempt to find the stolen Holy Grail, and fight off the enemies who want to destroy the Sea Dog crew, and keep the Grail for themselves. The romance between Charlotte and Keegan was very hot, as their chemistry together was sizzling. I loved how Char accepted that Keegan and his crew were indeed the members of the Sea Dog 300 years ago; she loved history and this was like a dream come true for her. Charlotte was a great heroine, smart, savvy and independent; and she was great working with them to fight the enemy. There were a some dangerous situations that put her life in danger, keeping us in suspense.

I loved the theme of Pirate’s Passion, and seeing the surviving pirate crew, how they each handle their immortality. Again, I loved Char and Keegan together, and the secondary characters were very good. Pirate’s Passion was not only exciting, action packed, with a nice romance, but also an excellent mystery which kept us glued to the frantic climax. I look forward to reading the next book in this series, as Lisa Kessler has many crew members to give us more stories. I wholly recommend you read this series, and I plan to go back and read the first book.

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I'm really not sure how to rate this book.
I actually really loved the whole paranormal concept with the Holy Grail, immortal pirates (I've always had a thing for pirates, thank Jack Sparrow for that) and a secret government agency, but I think the execution could've been a bit better.
Everything felt so rushed and stilted and I didn't think the conclusion was very exciting because I could predict some things from the very start. Everything that happened just went too smoothly and I love it when there's some difficulties the characters need to overcome.

I also didn't buy Keegan's "I've loved before, but lost her, so I never want to love again" attitude. One page he wanted to leave Char alone because he wouldn't be able to handle seeing her die of old age, and the next page he does a complete 180 and decides he wants to be with her after all?? Also, did I mention I really dislike insta-love? I just wasn't feeling it.
He's also supposed to be a badass pirate but it was actually Char having to save his ass the entire time, and while I do love me some serious badass females, I wanted Keegan to be equally badass and I just wasn't feeling that either.

Overall, I really enjoyed the concept and the story itself, I just wish some things were done differently.

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Fun premise for this series! Love all the pirate stuff, and the mythical artifacts involved in the story. This one had more story to it than the first book, which was great and I'm really excited to see where the story goes. I didn't like the backstory for the main characters of this book as I did for the first book, but I still liked them. Keegan is one of the pirates, and Char is a historian with a bit of special to her; which was a cool idea. Char is brought in the fold to help with the Grail. I didn't like how Char and Keegan originally connected romantically, but they do have some sweet moments and some sexy times. There's lots of bad guys out there causing issues for the pirate crew, and new bad guys keeping popping up. This book continues the story from book one, but starts a new adventure too. Fun series! Looking forward to the next!

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Over 200 years ago, Samuel Keegan used to the man the wheel of the Sea Dog but now he’s the front man of a southern rock band who has sworn off of commitment. Working for the Maritime Museum, Dr. Charlotte Sinclair is an excerpt on ancient pirate wrecks.

Readers can’t help be become excited and completely caught up in this swashbuckling tale full of suspense and romance. Charlotte and Keegan are two wonderfully vibrant characters that easily hold readers’ attentions as they not only deal with the sizzling chemistry that flares hot every time they come together, but as they try to find the missing Holy Grail relic. The romance is sweet but full of emotional woes and obstacles to be overcome but the main one is Keegan’s past which has him shying away from love and reader can’t wait to find out if they ever reach that happily ever after.

The romance isn’t the only suspenseful part of this fast paced and exhilarating story, there’s actually plenty of it to go around as the search for the Grail brings danger to Charlotte’s doorstep and the government agent causes Charlotte all kinds of stress after some family secrets are revealed… secrets that rock her world. There is never a dull moment in this adventurous swashbuckling romance that singes readers with passion even as it keeps them glued to the pages. This fascinating world is full of unique elements and charming characters that ensure that readers will come back for more.

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I’m loving reading this latest series from this highly talented author. Her love of all things piratical and paranormal shine through in this intriguing series, the books in which are standalone but they do have many shared characters and linking events. Over 200 years ago the crew of the Sea Dog discovered a true treasure – the Holy Grail that drinking from which has granted them all prolonged lives, but it has been stolen and its effects are wearing off. Now the pirate crew have other roles and one of them is Samuel Keegan, a singer in a rock band. Agent Bale encourages the pirates to recover it and enlists the help of Dr Charlotte Sinclair from the local Maritime Museum who has a particular interest in the history of pirate activities and wrecks in the area. Samuel is astounded when Agent Bale introduces Charlotte – they had met the previous night at one of his gigs and the chemistry between them was volatile!

This is a fun, exciting read, a great adventure with plenty of intrigue, mystery and romance in an enticing read that had me turning the pages and unwilling to put the story down until I’d finished reading it. Lisa Kessler has produced another enthralling read with well developed characters, a steamy romance and a superb plot, filled with surprises, revelations and mystery. I thoroughly enjoyed escaping into it and can’t wait to read more from this very talented author.

I requested and was given a copy of this book without obligation via NetGalley. I chose to read it and this review is my honest opinion of the book after thoroughly enjoying reading it.

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Dr. Charlotte Sinclair finds herself embroiled in a dangerous game when a government agent comes to her for help in her work as a Historian. She's an expert on pirate wrecks, so she's intrigued by the research she's asked to undertake to help find the Holy Grail. However, she never imagined she'd fall in love love or uncover a secret that would make her afraid of herself. But when things become dangerous, will she and Samuel Keegan fight and win against the bad guys or will they lose their shot at happy ever after?

What another fantastic addition to this series Ms. Kessler has delivered in this second book of her Sentinels of Savannah series where the main characters have interesting back stories and face tough obstacles to be together; and the dialogue was entertaining and intense due to main characters back stories, and the secret that's been hidden from the heroine that makes her a danger to anyone looking to hurt her and those she cares about. However, it was from the moment the hero and heroine come face-to-face for the first time where this story really takes off, as there's plenty of chemistry between this pair and I couldn't wait to read how Charlotte would help Samuel on his quest to find the Holy Grail.

With the main characters, the heroine was resilient and courageous when she learns things about her life that turn it upside down and make her worried how dangerous she really is. I also liked how determined she was to help the crew in their mission. Will they get what they want most -- to be able to drink the Holy Grail again, so they can retain their immortality? Since it appears they were starting to slowly lose their immortality? While the hero, he's confident, a little cocky, protective of his crew as well as the heroine, and I liked how determined he was to win the heroine over, even though he doesn't do relationships because he's already lost so much in his life and is not willing to lose anymore. Yet, what I liked most of all about the hero was the close friendships he has with his crew and how they tease each other, especially when it comes to the hero's growing relationship with Charlotte.

Overall, Ms. Kessler has delivered a really good read in this book where the secondary characters entertained me just as much as the main ones, especially the government agent; the chemistry between this couple was strong; the romance was nicely-detailed and hot; and the ending had me loving the danger these two face when they go up against the bad guys. Will Samuel and Charlotte come out on top? I would recommend Pirate's Passion by Lisa Kessler, if you enjoy paranormal romance or books by authors NJ Walters, Nina Croft, Mary Hughes and Heather Long.

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I enjoyed PIRATES' PASSION, but I don't have a whole lot to say about it.

The characters were enjoyable. We met all but Charlotte in book 1 and got to know them a little better throughout PIRATES' PASSION. The romance was good. Keegan and Char had good chemistry. They had things they had to overcome, but worked well as a couple.

I think the best parts of the book were when all the pirates were involved in the storyline. I enjoyed their bond and the way they work together. I plan to read more from this series in the future.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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Samuel Keegan was part of the pirate crew of the Sea Dog over 200 years ago. He was the one who commanded the wheel. Now he’s the lead singer of a band, living a pretty successful life. When he first sees Char, he has no idea that his care-free life is about to change. Charlotte is a historian and total pirate buff. When she decides to let her hair down one night and see her favorite Southern Rock band, she has no idea how much her life is about to change when she meets Keegan, the lead singer of the band.
This is the second book of this series. I read the first one a while ago but getting to see those characters in this book was a nice refresher. This book was packed with action and an ongoing story that started in the first book that works to keep the hero and heroine together against their own objections. Like the first book, this was quick that keeps you reading until the end. I can’t wait for the next book of the series. I highly recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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While the title of this series is reminiscent of the Suzanne Johnson’s Sentinels of New Orleans, the story keeps giving me vibes that it’s related to Alyssa Day’s Warriors of Poseidon – along with a touch of a vampire romance series that I read a long time ago and now can’t recall the title of. And that’s going to drive me bananas until I figure out what it was.

Along with just a hint of the X-Files.

Only the beginnings of this mix were hinted at in the first book in this series, Magnolia Mystic. In that first story, readers were introduced to the immortal crew of the privateer Sea Dog, alive and mostly well over two centuries after their ship sank in the waters near Savannah.

Nearly, well, because their immortality seems to be wearing off.

The last treasure they took was the Holy Grail – and they all took a drink from the cup of immortality. But suddenly they aren’t healing as fast or as well as they used to. They decide to retrieve it from its hiding place and take another sip, only to discover that the cup is missing.

And that they aren’t the only ones after it. That’s where the X-Files come in, or at least Department 13, in the person of Agent David Bale.

That’s where we pick up the story in Pirate’s Passion. While Bale has already enlisted the help of the Sea Dog crew to retrieve the cup, they all need help figuring out who might have stolen it and why.

That’s where Dr. Charlotte Sinclair and the Savannah Maritime Museum come it. Charlotte is an expert on 19th century privateering in the Savannah area in general, and on the Sea Dog and its crew in particular.

She’s even written a book on the subject.

So it’s not much of a stretch to think that she might be able to help – once Bale reveals at least some of the truths to Dr. Sinclair. The big truth that “the truth really is out there” and that there are all sorts of legendary creatures that are not quite as legendary as she might have thought.

And that the crew of the Sea Dog, including the local rock singer she nearly went to bed with the night before, is alive and well and has been spending their eternity in Savannah. She’s not certain whether to be embarrassed about her previous encounter with Samuel Keegan, or to just go with the chemistry between them.

Her friends have all been telling her that she seriously needs to get a life – even if getting an immortal one isn’t quite what they had in mind.

Escape Rating B+: There is a LOT going on in this story. While Magnolia Mystic introduces the series, that was a novella. And now it kind of feels like a teaser. We met the crew and discovered their situation, but the wider (and sometimes wilder) world is mostly in the background. Which makes it a very nice introduction to the series but not critical to getting into this story.

Pirate’s Passion is where all the big guns and full-size cutlasses come out of their holsters and sheaths, and we learn just how different the world really is. While there is a romance in this story, and it looks like there will be in the rest of the series, the overarching story is urban fantasy.

This is our world, it just has a whole lot more…dimensions… than we are aware of. Many of those extra added attractions are interesting, some are very cool, and more than a few are quite deadly. As our heroine discovers, even if our hero isn’t certain whether that deadliness is something that he has to worry about – or not – or not yet.

The romance between Keegan and Char burns hot and heavy, but is often laced with tears. One of the dilemmas that ALWAYS has to be solved, resolved, or at least glossed over is what happens when one of the lovers is immortal. As far as they know, Keegan could live for centuries yet, where Char is mortal. If things go the way they have gone, his choices are to leave before his heart is too deeply engaged or watch her eventually grow old and die – if the dangers of their world don’t kill her first.

That this conundrum is resolved differently from the choices made in Magnolia Mystic gives the story some heft. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to this problem. (Also, one-size-fits-all is one of the ten biggest lies, right up there with “the check’s in the mail”, and “this will only hurt for a little while”)

This is also a series where, like Stargate and Anna Hackett’s Team 52 series, there is a government department tasked with dealing with the weird, that has a storage facility of dangerous artifacts. A department that employs agents who not only believe in the supernatural, but may also be a part of it.

Including Agent Bale, who has been fighting the bad guys longer than anyone expects. And where Char’s supposedly dead father has been hiding out from everyone who seems to be out to get him – on both sides.

So this is the book in the series where we learn just how big and bad the big bad is going to be. After all, if there are good guys on the side of the light, there must also be bad guys hiding in the dark. That there are multiple organizations out there who want to steal whatever artifacts Department 13 turns up for more-or-less nefarious reasons of their own makes sense in this context.

The world that the crew of the Sea Dog is a part of gets much bigger and much deadlier in this entry in the series. While I love the complexity of the world building, this is one of those times where it might have been better if it didn’t whack into the reader all at once – especially with Char’s own personal connections to the weird along with the crew of the Sea Dog finding out just how much is out there besides themselves.

Your mileage may vary.

That being said, I certainly enjoyed my second outing with the crew of the Sea Dog, if not quite as much as my first trip in Magnolia Mystic. I’m definitely looking forward to another voyage with this crew of pirates in Pirate’s Pleasure, sometime next year. Hopefully early next year!

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