Member Reviews

Hey Ho it’s a pirates life for me… This is a rollicking good story. Action, adventure and romance this story has it all. Have you ever wanted to stop dreaming about adventure and start living it? Dr. Charlotte Sinclair has to make that choice. It doesn’t hurt that there is a sexy pirate that seems to have stolen her heart. Join the crew of the Sea Dog as they search for treasure. I promise you won’t regret it.

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Well done!

A grand adventure for Char and Keegan full of excitement, drama and heart.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

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A pirate who's a rocker....swoon. Keegan is hawt. This book is a delightful second addition to the Sentinels of Savannah series that adds more to the lore of how these pirates became immortal, weaving Holy Grail Lore with pirates. Love the creativity of that.
Our heroine, Dr. Charlotte Sinclair (aka Char) is a delightfully nerdy historian who become integral to the pirates' search for their lost grail. She's got some secrets of her own that (no spoilers here) you'll have to pick this up to find out about.
The two main characters scorch when on the same page. Loved it. Can't wait for the next one.

ARC received from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I want to be a pirate or maybe just have one. Dr Charlotte is and expert on pirates, especially the pirates on the Sea Dog. She goes to club to hear the band, The Scallywags and meets Keegan, the lead singer who is a two hundred year old pirate. While there, an emergency arises about the Holy Grail that should have been lost when this ship went down. This Grail gives immortality but if it winds up in the wrong hands, it could change history. Charlotte is helping to search for the relic, when a secret is revealed to her. Others want the relic for their nefarious intentions. Keegan and Charlotte fall in love, but he is immortal and she is not. If the relic is not recovered, a cult will have it and there will be many deaths. How can Charlotte help with recovering this piece of history? She is only a historian in Savannah. A fun book with thrills and pirates. Loved Keegan. I received this book from Net Galley and Entangled Publishing for a honest review and no compensation otherwise. The opinions expressed are my own.

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4.5 - "Dangerous winds be blowing..." Stars!

The second book in Lisa Kessler’s Sentinels of Savannah series, gives us Southern Rock Star/Pirate Samuel Keegan’s story.

"Such is a pirates life…"

The hunt is still on for the Holy Grail, but in Pirate’s Passion Keegan meets his forever match in Dr. Charlotte Sinclair.

"Immortality is only a gift when you don’t have to watch others die."

Keegan learned a long, long time ago to keep his emotions under wraps, and entanglements with women to the one night variety. Falling in love is not something you do when immortal, especially if you give your heart away to a mortal, the complications with that are obvious, and with the Grail missing, and possibly in the hands of the dark and dangerous Serpent Society getting entangled with any woman, especially one such as Char, who wakes up something in his heart is not a good idea.

He’d tasted her lips only once, but already an addiction was building, a hunger, and a troubling yearning…

But it’s not long before Char finds out that all is not as she was led to believe in regards to certain aspects of her own life, and that certain parts of herself if controlled can be an asset to the crew of the Sea Dog especially in retaking the Grail. And alongside Government Agent; David Bale (who has a large number of his own secrets) the crew work on retrieving it from the Serpent Society.

"I don’t know what tomorrow holds… but tonight… I just want to be the woman in your arms."

Action, adventure, a few thrills and surprises, as well as a likeable couple, the second book in the series kept me entertained, and also built upon the first in that I got to know the crew in general a little more, I am hoping that that deepening understanding carries on with each new book that’s added, especially as the adventure takes off in a different direction at the end of Pirate’s Passion I am interested to see where Lisa takes her readers next. I just hope it’s not too long of a wait as this is a story-line you want to keep fresh in your mind while reading further additions to it.

"You’re officially crew now."

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This is my first book by Lisa Kessler and I am thoroughly in love. This book hooked from the beginning. A two hundred year old singing immortal pirate and a historian with magical powers meet in a bar... sounds like the layout to a farcical telling right? That couldn’t be farther from the truth of what is delivered in this book. The paranormal aspects of the story are prevalent but delivered in a way that does not feel over the top and campy, which I tend to find with a lot of paranormal romance novels. Keegan, our pirate, and Char, our gifted historian, have immediate chemistry that develops into a wonderful love story as the pages turn. Toss in the suspense and danger they face while attempting to retrieve a priceless relic and you have me hooked. I will be circling back to read the first book in this series next.

Thank you Netgalley and Entangled Publishing for an ARC of this title. All thoughts/opinions are unsolicited and my own.

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A book that is enjoyable, entertaing and fun to read. I loved the characters, the plot and was hooked since the first pages.
It's the second instalment and this series is improving with each book.
Highly recommended!
Many thanks to Entangled Publishing and Netgalley for this ARC

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**I received a copy of Pirate's Passion from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review. My opinions are mine alone and not solicited in any way.**

Pirate's Passion by Lisa Kessler in the second book in her Sentinels of Savannah series I didn't read the first one and had no problems at all reading this as a stand alone. Because I loved this so much I bought the first book so I could find out about Colton and Skye. This is Samuel Keegan's and Dr. Charlotte Sinclair's story and it's worth more than five stars.

How can you not love a 300 year old Pirate who is also a rock star with his own band, lost treasure straight from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, plus throw in a secret Serpent Society who are locating and stealing artifacts for profit and Department 13 run by the FBI (Aka the Warehouse 13 TV show)? Because the book is all that and more especially with Savannah, Georgia as it's main city (My favorite place to visit) it wasn't hard to lose myself in Keegan and Char's story.

Dr. Charlotte Sinclair has studied and researched the Sea Dog, a ship lost during a storm at the mouth of Savannah river. She spends her evenings listening to the Southern Rock band, The Scallywag's, sing. When she meets Keegan and decides to take him up on meeting him backstage she doesn't realize that he's the pilot of the ship she's studied for her entire life. But then David Bale from the FBI shows up in her office saying that the crew from the Sea Dog are still alive because they found and drank from the Holy Grail. He's trying to find it before it falls into the wrong hands but he needs her help to get a find it. She's worked at the William Scarborough Maritime Museum for years never knowing pirates especially rock stars singing ones are real she agrees with one condition she wants to meet the crew to prove that they are still alive even 200 years later . There will be a traitor that could cause the cup to fall into the wrong hands, Serpent Society, Char will discover that she has a paranormal ability of her own and a mind bending climatic ending.

Samuel Keegan has manage to never show his 200+ year old age by changing his name and then create a new identity each time when he doesn't age like everyone. But when he sees Charlotte his long dead heart suddenly starts beating again but what will happen when he must disappear because she ages and he doesn't. Can he tell her the truth even when the crew of the Sea Dog is searching for the missing Holy Grail all the while fighting off the bad guys? Will she even understand that he's immortal and that they need the cup to stay alive? First he has to convince Captain Ian Flynn and the remaining crew of the Sea Dog that she is worthy of joining their crew and taking a drink from the Holy Grail.

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I've done it again, found a great series and missed the first book!

Dr. Charlotte Sinclair is your typical uptight, straight laced historian. But when she indulges in her secret passion for a local band, fronted by the charismatic Keegan, she really lets her inner wild girl out and Char is a whole lot of fun! She and Keegan get up close and personal and her little walk on the wild side surprises her as she had been lusting after a colleague, trying to get him to notice her.

When she arrives at work the next day she gets sucked into a clandestine and very hush hush branch of the government which deals with things...that well, go bump in the night! She is astonished to realise that Keegan is actually Samuel Keegan, a member of the crew of the pirate ship she obsessed over most of her life!

Keegan is enjoying his long life, but is side swiped when one of his crew decides not to sip from the Grail yet again, he wants to grow old with his wife. But when the others start to fail and not heal as quickly, they seek out the Grail and realise it has been taken. Forced into working with the very secret squirrely secret agent that has been foisted onto is crew, he learns that Char and the stuffy historian are one and the same and the mission just got a lot more fun!

Sexy Pirates, the holy grail, fountain of youth and lots of supernatural shenanigans to enjoy. I'm not really a love of pirate stories but with the modern day setting and PNR elements made this super enjoyable! I wanna join the Sea Dog Crew!

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Workaholic Dr. Charlotte Sinclair is a historian in the Maritime Museum. A rare night out at a concert will lead her to enough adventure to last several lifetimes. She discovers that her home city has lost of secrets and there is even a big one in her own family.

Keegan is the lead singer in the "Scallywags" and an immortal pirate. He and his crew are searching for the religious relic that changed thier lives.

The government agent that knows there are special people in this world will use anyone and everyone to keep those people and any artifacts from the reach of the unscrupulous ones.

Lots of excitement and fun in this story. All the characters are fabulous, and very easy to fall in live with. Beware once you start this series you will be hooked. It is part of a series that is better read in order, although you could read it on it's own.

I loved it.

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Dr. Charlotte Sinclair, Char, decided to let her hair down at the urging of her friends. Little did she know she was going to find herself thrust into a world that the artifacts that she studied really did have magical properties or that the man that makes her burn is over 300 years old.

Samuel Keegan, lead singer in a southern rock band, couldn’t get the woman, Char, out of his head. When the top-secret government agency for policing the supernatural brings Char back into his life, he finds his world turned upside down.

Pirates, the holy grail and lots of other mayhem come full force at the Sea Dog crew.

I missed the first installment, but Pirate’s Passion stood just fine on its own. Kessler writes an exciting plot filled with fun and flirty characters and leaves us with the possibilities of more fantastic reads to come.

I received this ARC copy of Pirate's Passion from Entangled Publishing, LLC - Entangled: Amara. This is my honest and voluntary review. Pirate's Passion is set for publication Nov. 12, 2018.

My Rating: 4 stars
Written by: Lisa Kessler
Publisher: Entangled: Amara
Publication Date: November 12, 2018
Sold by: Macmillan
Genre: Urban Fantasy | Mythology

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Enter the world of 300 year old pirates, mediums, search for the Holy Grail, secret societies and one staid historical researcher. This was a joy for me to read. I loved this story and the one before it.

This author always comes up with the most interesting twists and turns which keeps you tapping your Kindle to find out what's next. Her characters jump off the page and into your hearts. Can't wait until the next in the series.

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This pirate's passion also became mine as I flew through the pages of this one. It was also easy to picture being there being in the area I do love not far from this one that it was centered at being by its sister city. This area being rich in history it was easy to fall into this one with the characters plus having read the first one it compliments this one well. Samuel and Charlotte were such a good pairing really enjoying the first encounter also. As the relationship develops I do so love how this author keeps you on your toes with where they are going. I also like her different element that is intriguing with also her family history. Roaring adventure that takes you with them as you go along with this band of pirates as it unfolds into this series with the suspense that fuels it. Mysteries solved with new ones that await to be solved will keep you glued for further tales.

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Pirate's Passion,  Lisa Kessler

Review from Jeannie Zelos book reviews

Genre:Sci-fi and Fantasy

I loved Lisa's Moon series so was keen to start this new one. I didn't realise there was a short first book, but as each story is stand-alone I don't think I missed anything.
As usual its well written, cleverly paced and has some great characters yet despite all the it failed to really pull me in. the story sounded right up my street, paranormal with a bit of rock-star romance thrown in but somehow the events unfolded and I just felt a bit flat at it. Usually with Lisa's books I find them hard to put aside but this one, I kept putting down and restarting. Eventually I got through it but I can't say I really enjoyed it. Parts seemed just too unlikely, I know we're talking fantasy here, but I still need to feel that if events were real this and that could happen. Not so here, I just felt the connections were just too convenient and the clock and dagger stuff seemed too OTT and easily explained to those not involved in the supernatural world.
Maybe its just this book, maybe its the series. I would try another before deciding its not a series for me, but right now I'm not convinced. As ever though readers all want different things and this could be just what you're looking to read, everyone's views are very subjective.

Stars:Two and a half, well written but I didn't connect with this novel, maybe just this story, maybe this isn't a series for me.

ARC supplied by Netgalley and Publishers

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Thank you Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This is a nice take on immortality and magic. Char meets a pirate who happens to be immortal after he drinks from the Holy Grail. She is the historian that helps him find the missing grail and then discovers, she herself has incredible power. I thought Char was an interesting character. Strong and brave enough to venture into the unknown with the hero. The hero is likeable and also a rock star. Who doesn't love that.
Nice story, short but well developed .

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