Member Reviews

This was my first time reading Natasha Moore and I really enjoyed this book. I thought the characters were great and I liked how they were developed and the story itself moved at a good pace; the writing was descriptive without being overly wordy and overall was lighthearted enough to leave you feeling happy once you've finished.

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One of my new favorite books! This author has such a way with words the pages flew by in no time! I can’t wait to see the next work by this author! This was such a joy to read!

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I started this book and then put it down. Coming back to it a few months later I was able to get into the story better. Anita Delgado has inherited a home from a grandmother whom she thought had passed away. Going to a house and a town where people knew her mother, as well as her father, also become part of this story. Anita cannot speak to her mother about any of these things because she is in a home for Alzheimer’s. She is also an art professor who takes a vacation every July. So this July she must find a guy in Lakeside where her grandmother’s home is the one she wants to fix and sell. One problem, the man she is attracted to is Noah Colburn salvage specialist and restorer. He is also running for mayor, a divorced father of twin 17-year-old girls. Just to make everything better the small town posts everything he does on Facebook, even if it is having ice cream with the new women in town. She is very pretty, but there is a campaign to win by his opponent. While going through the home Anita finds notes and money from her grandmother. She also begins to question what her mother told her about her father who left when she was younger, especially when he begins to post on the town page. What her biggest problem is, is not the remold of the house. No, it is what the salvage guy is doing to her and her insides. When she finally breaks and leaves back to Philly Noah begins to think he might have gone too far. Well, he only drove her from upstate New York to Philly, it’s not like she overseas but to him, it feels like it. Everyone around him now wants the election to be over so he can go and do something because he has pushed everyone away. So, read if he goes to her or she comes back to Lakeside. A very good story with good characters.

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This story is a realistic romance that will have you laughing, swooning and melting your heart. It did mine! Would recommend

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This was really cute. I liked the characters and their chemistry. The pacing was good and it didn't fell to rushed. Highly recommend if your looking for a light and easy romance.

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Original well written seasoned romance

The July Guy is the first book I've read by Natasha Moote and I am so happy I have it a try. I was really impressed that Anita and Noah were in their mid 40s as I think that population is just not well represented in the romance genre. I admit I didn't immediately warm up to Anita, but as I learned her back story her ideas and actions made total sense and they just wanted to make me give her s big hug. I loved the man Noah was, loving and loyal to family and friends. While instant attraction started the relationship I loved how time and really getting to know each other made it evolve. I will definately be looking for more books to read by this talented author.
I received an advance reader copy via Netgalley.

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An interesting plot concept and I liked that the characters were older than those you find in most romance novels. However, in the end I did not enjoy the book as I hoped I would.

The biggest issue for me was the heroine Anita. I didn't connect with her character or like her for much of the book. This made it difficult for me to enjoy the rest of the book despite liking Noah.

The plot also felt a bit uneven at times, too slow in some spots and too fast in others.

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Unfortunately this book missed the mark for me. I was very excited to start after reading the synopsis of the novel. As I started reading it took some time to get used to the floor of the book. It was a bit slow but after getting to know the characters a little more and the story I was able to get into the novel.... about midway though I just wasn't as interested in the book and hard to keep up. This was a DNF for me.

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Absolutely loved Anita and Noah's love story! Such a sweet and wonderful story.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author. All opinions are my own.

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This was another entry to the new imprint August from Entangled. It focuses on older characters.
This had an artist who has lived and learned... she is closed off and kinda has a chip on her shoulder. She does allow herself a fling every summer and in this book, she finds her guy when she must take care of her grandmother's affairs after she passes.

This had the switch of the woman in charge and pursuing.

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I thought this one was very cute. And the setting... omg. Loved it. Definitely recommend! I received an ARC via netgalley for an honest review.

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Anita Delgado is a 45 year old woman with serious commitment, abandonment and forgiveness issues. In fact, she likes to stay wrapped pretty tightly with the exception of one month a year, when she picks a man with whom to have a fling. Noah Colburn is her July target man when Anita is abruptly forced to a small town to deal with her deceased grandmother's estate. This story concept is unique, and puts the female lead in charge in every way. I actually really like the author's writing, just not her main character. I found it difficult to connect with Anita's story because she was so aggressive, angry and closed off I found her unlikable. I was more drawn to the grandmother she was getting to know post mortem than the main character herself. I liked Noah better, but felt he was too nice for Anita, and way too easily manipulated by sex, which lowered my respect for him. I thought Noah's 17 year old twin daughters were written more like 11 year olds, which also added to the lack of relatability in the story for me. All in all, a unique storyline I wish were populated with more likable characters.

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The July Guy is a quick, feel-good read. I enjoyed the story line, and the dynamic between Anita and Noah was pulled off in an exceptional way. I love books where what tends to be a characteristic given to one gender is a given to the other gender, Mrs. Moore wrote it very well.
The writing style is amazing, there's a nice flow to it, it was a pleasure to read.
All in all, this book is sweet and fluffy, with a hint of angst - perfect for fans of the romance genre.

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Rating 5/5

There's something so intriguing about summer romances and the flings that can happen and there was no disappointment here! Anita is a workaholic artist who ends up in a small town where she nearly gets run over by Ethan (literally) and she begins to learn that life is so much more than the tropical escape she wanted. I loved how the author invigorated the values of slowing down from life and smelling the roses so that you don't miss what's right in front of you. Despite their constant denial of attraction for one another, having life slow down for both of them so they can just focus on learning each other was so crucial to their relationship and made their HEA just so deserving. It definitely speaks to how we should be living life and how we must learn to slow down.

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I was thankful to be able to read an advanced copy by an author I had never heard of. I enjoyed the plot, characters, and the small town charm. I’d recommend this book and give it 4 stars.

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An interesting premise in this one. A woman, Anita Delgado, works hard eleven months out of the year but every July she finds time to play just as hard. Different locale, different guy, lots of fun sexy times with absolutely no strings. This July she finds herself in small town America dealing with family issues she doesn't want. Thank goodness she still found her July guy! Noah Colburn is there for everyone. His family, his daughters, his town. Anita is just for him and he plans on enjoying her for as long as she is around. Not so easy to do in a small town and can he really handle just being her July guy?

This was very well done and the story was fresh and fun. I really enjoyed and recommend to everyone.

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Perhaps living in a small town has me a little biased. I thought this book was very sweet. It's refreshing in a romance to see a man who from the start wants a relationship over a fling. It did get a little dramatic at times. I really liked Noah and plan on reading more by this author!

Thank you for the ARC in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Anita is a Art Professor and she spends July at a new location around the world each year to recharge her batteries ... with a fling! But this July she has to spend it at the home she inherited from her grandmother. When she meets the sexy handyman working on the house next door ... she knows he's going to be her fling this July. Noah has been his parent's responsible son his whole life. At the age of 45 he runs the family salvage business, has twin 17-year old daughters, has been divorced for 3 years and is now running for town mayor - he has no time for himself. But when he meets Anita, he has an instant attraction toward her and agrees to be her July fling.

This book was different by the woman being the playgirl and the man only have slept with one woman his whole life. I couldn't help but fall for Noah and I enjoyed Anita's outlook on life. There weren't really any twists in this story ... but it made me laugh and the romance was sweet and steamy! A great story that shouldn't be missed.

I received an ARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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This was my first read by this author, and it was quite enjoyable.

Anita travels the world each July, picking up a lover for the month before getting back to "real life". When she returns to the small town her mother grew up in, the only heir to her believed dead grandmother's estate, she has to change her overall travel plans, but she wants to stick to her July Guy plan. Unfortunately for her, the man she's set her sights on has permanent written all over him. Works the family business, has teenage daughters, and he's running for town mayor.

Some of the story was a little cliché, eg. his opponent in the mayoral race, his ex wife, but overall it was a solidly written book. I look forward to reading more by this author.

I was given an ARC of this book by NetGalley and Entangled in exchange for an honest review.

#TheJulyGuy #NetGalley

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the july guy takes place in a small town in upstate new york, and ironically enough i happened to read it while in buffalo and literally on the banks of lake erie. i think this fictional town was on the fingerlakes though. i happen to live not far from these environs so it's always nice to see an author build a story in a setting i recognize.

when noah colburn and anita delgado nearly crash their vehicles you wouldn't think they'd be focusing on how they find each other attractive. but from first sight, that attraction is all they see. both characters are in their 40s and neither is interessted in beating around the bush. anita has never been married and life lessons from her parents have taught her that there's no point in trying to find commitment.

noah, on the other hand, is the divorced father of twin teenaged girls. they're on vacation visitng their mom, so when anita propositions noah with a month of sex and fun, there's no way he can say no. but he very nearly does, because he's not the kind of guy who does casual. and he's also running for mayor and getting a salacious sex life in the midst of a small town campaign is not the smartest.

but their attraction burns hot and as the summer progresses anita and noah find themselves wrapped up in each other in ways they didn't expect. all noah has to do is convince anita that he can be more than just a july guy. he is the kind of man who's happy to be her forever guy.

**the july guy will publish on november 12, 2018. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of entangled publishing (august) in exchange for my honest review.

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