Member Reviews

she is 8 months pregnant and she decides to drive from Pennsylvania to Montana to surprise her sister. she is stopped by a herd of cows. it was hilarious about the cows and what she does to him. he instantly wants to make sure she is taken care of and she wants to be her and wants to do every on her own. it was good and heartwarming

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The Cowboy Christmas
By: Jennifer Hoopes


The Cowboy's Christmas Baby by Jennifer Hoopes is the third book in her Fly Creek Series. I've read the first book of the series Her Cowboy's Promise. This is Sofie and Dan's story with of course Shelby who runs Sky Lake Ranch. I do have to agree with some of the other reviews but picturing the situation that Sofie was coming from with her ex-husband

Stranded in the middle of the road in big sky country, Wyoming, at eight months pregnant isn’t exactly what Sofie Pennington had planned when she decided to pack up and surprise her sister. Fly Creek is a fresh start for her, one where she’s finally free from her controlling ex and can figure out this whole single parent thing. First, though, she needs to get there. To her shock, her rescuer comes in the form of a frustratingly handsome cowboy.
Dan Rigby is on his way out of town—for good—when he stumbles across a very pregnant Sofie. She’s the most obstinate, exasperating woman he’s ever met…and the most appealing. She drives him crazy, in more ways than one. When her sister suddenly has to leave, and Dan becomes Sofie’s welcoming committee, they find themselves growing closer despite their desire for conflicting things. Can Dan convince Sofie that Christmas miracles do happen?

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engrossed throughout. I really loved the characters and the way they interacted with each other. This is a fun, hot, romantic must read book and I would definitely recommend this book to
This book has everything I love in a book. Then you add that it's beautifully written and believable. It is easily a five star read. Written in dual POV my personal favorite this story flows so incredibly well that the next thing you know your 80% into the book and loving every second of it. The believable way the characters interact is perfect. Run, Hop, Jump or use your (1 click) finger to do whatever you have to do and get this amazing book. It'll break your heart, you'll want to scream with frustration and it'll let you discover that love just might conquer all. The chemistry is steamy and sweet and oh so romantic.

Thanks Netgally for letting me read and review.📚💕

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This book just couldn't keep me interested. I know some people would like it but it was not so believable at all.

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This is a “Bliss” book so there is no harsh cursing and no on page sex. If those things are a turn off for you, there's nothing to worry about here.

This is the third book in the Fly Creek series, but you don't have to read the first two to enjoy and appreciate this one. That said, you really should read them because it's a fantastic series.

The Cowboy's Christmas Baby is a seriously great story about two people who aren't seemingly right for each other finding love and acceptance in each other. Watching Dan and Sofie develop a relationship and realizing that they had something worth fighting for was really wonderful. I really identified with Dan on a base level, so seeing him find his happily ever after and his family in Sofie made me sigh happily. Sofie was also great, so that made their love story even better. Neither character was perfect, but they were perfect together.

Ms. Hoopes has a real knack for writing stories that are laced with humor and happiness, but that also tug at the heartstrings without being cheesy or over the top obnoxious. It's a fine balance and this author has a real talent for finding that balance.

I also loved the looks in on the previous couples in this series, but especially Emily and Adam. I won't spoil anything but I got starry-eyed. I really hope that we get a story starring Levi and possibly a surly-but-awesome veterinarian?

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Dan and Sophie have both been badly hurt and are afraid to trust. She left an emotionalism abusive ex-husband behind to move to her sister’s new hometown, while Dan planned to leave the same town to seek out a happier life. They ran into each other as she was arriving and he was leaving. Dan ended up staying in order to take a pregnant Sophie to the hospital. Although both were skittish, they discovered an undeniable connection - it just took them a while to work through their personal demons in order to find their HEA.

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Wow ok the book was different to what I read at times. Good way how characters meet. A bit treary but all good.

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A delightful holiday romance. The magic of Christmas and a sweet sexy cowboy make this a fun, light holiday read. It’s the perfect sort of book to enjoy during the busy Christmas season.

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This is a nice sweet small town holiday romance. For me though it was almost too sweet. Dan is a great character but he takes nice to an almost unbelievable level. I'm not a fan of Sophie. I understood her need to stand on her own two feet but any mother knows that when there is a baby involved sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and accept the help. Instead of being grateful for the kindness shown to her by Dan and the town Sophie is resentful almost to the point of being rude. I had a hard time understanding why Dan was drawn to Sophie. It seemed that he was in love with the idea of being in love rather than Sophie herself. Perhaps this is just my own cynical view. The book does have good points. It's very well written and like them or not the characters are well developed and memorable. Overall though the story just wasn't for me.

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Dan needs to leave Fly Creek he was raised by a leading member of the town but now he just feels as though the town takes him for granted It is time to start his life somewhere else. Sophie eight months pregnant and divorced is coming to Fly Creek to live with her sister and restart her life. When a chance meeting throws them into one another's company sparks fly. He takes her to be checked out after a fall he thinks he's doing the right thing she thinks he's interfering. Can two people with such differing views ever have a chance together. This is a well written fun Christmas story that is just a joy to read

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After the last book in Jennifer Hoopes Fly Creek series, I was hoping we would get Dan's story.

While I would have liked to have seen more to Dan and Sofie falling for each other, it was nice to have a realistic portrayal of the difficulties two people with their life experiences would have. Both Dan and Sofie kept me rooting for them to find their happily ever after.

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Well, it is Montana. Cows are to be expected.

Tell me her husband didn't dump a pregnant woman.

He snuck out on his mom?

If he laughs, kick him.

I guess his mom didn't read his note.

He shouldn't martyr himself; his brother didn't.

Poor Adam. I hope he's okay.

Peyton seems to think the world revolves around her.

Geez, lady. Your pride is going to get you frozen.

Ooh, Polly plays dirty!

I would have freaked out, too. Who knew horses played possum?

Her real breakfast order sounds amazing.

She might have been better waiting to give birth and then travel.

Ugh, no one is an island, so shut up and accept the help already.

Holy mood swings.

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Rating 4/5

This story reminds me a bit of the movie Where the Heart Is - pregnant Sofie is rescued by local stud Dan. Their insecurities tie them together and force them to cooperate so they learn and grow from them. Of course, they got their HEA. A sweet romance but just didn't have a lot of excitement for me. It was more a story to appreciate the characters vs. one in which you get lost in the romance.

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What’s more beautiful than a Christmas baby? Dan and Emily meet across a line of bovines of all things. Their adventure starts off unconventional and the relationship continues that way. Fly Creek is filled with quirky characters that add flavor to the story. It is an overall sweet and charming seasonal story.

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So an 8-month pregnant woman who has just divorced her controlling, selfish husband drives across country to visit her sister in Wyoming. When she arrives, she meets a good-looking cowboy, Dan. He’s leaving his home because...well, I couldn’t really understand his problem with his home where everyone loves him. But he feels that they all expect him to help out because he’s just “Dependable Dan.” He doesn’t mind helping, but he feels taken for granted or something. So rather than telling them what was bothering him, he figured just to leave in the middle of the night.

But then he meets Sophie and is immediately attracted to her so he stays. But she has a problem with someone helping her because...her husband used to control her and now she wants to stand on her own. So that’s the clash. A guy who wants to help people but doesn’t want them to expect him to help out even though he likes helping and a woman who needs help but doesn’t want to accept it.

I got a bit tired of both of them, but particularly Sophie. She doesn’t tell Dan what she’s feeling and then gets mad at him for not intuiting it. She resents him for being just too nice and helpful. I didn’t buy it or their romance which springs up in just a fiew days.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced reader copy of this book that I received from Netgalley; however, the opinions are my own and I did not receive any compensation for my review.

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet cowboy romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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Sweet story, Dan has always been the dependable foster son to the family tat raised him. He decided one night that he was tired of always being the one person who eveyone depended on - but was never truely loved as being a permenat family member. He sneaks out earliy one night - just to stuck behind his neighbors cattle crossing th road and likely to stay there for another few hours. On the other side is a stanger that is 8 months pregnant - waiting of the same cattle to move so that she can surprise her sister for christmas. Both are tired of beng taken avantage of - she of her ex-husband making all the decisions about her day to day life. him of never being goo enough for anyone to love. With a little Christmas magic they might just learn they were meant for eachother.

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This was such a sweet romantic Christmas story. When Sofie and Dan meet there is an instant connection that happens between them. Sofie is 8 months pregnant and on her way to Fly Creek to be with her sister She has just come out of an emotion abusive marriage and she wants a fresh start. Dan is actually leaving Fly Creek when he comes across Sofie and he decides to delay his plans. Dan feels like he really does not belong and he is a very lonely man. He feels like he will never find the one. He soon comes to realize that maybe Sofie is the the person that he has been looking for. Although they both feel the connection Sofie fights against its. She wants to prove to herself she needs no one and that she can survive on her own. This book is about finding your place in life and finding someone you belong with. It is about letting go of past mistakes and moving on. I loved this book and I loved Fly Creek. All the side characters were fabulous. They liked to interfere in peoples lives for the great good. This was a really great read. I laughed and I cried. Pick up this book today you will not be disappointed. Thanks Net Galley. I voluntarily reviewed this book in exchange for an honest review.

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3 1/2 Star Review.....

The Fly Creek series has been thoroughly enjoyable from the very beginning, but Dan and Sofie's story was a little different. Dan is a man ready to leave his hometown and start fresh anywhere else, but a chance meeting with a stranded Sofie changes his life in ways he never imagined. Emotional baggage, insecurities and an undeniable attraction make for a touching and heartfelt story of two people looking for something more; that is if you can get past Sofie's less endearing character traits. The book was OK, but it's definitely not my favourite of the series.

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Sweet Small Town Romance.
When Dan and Sofie first meet he is running away from his home town whist she is running towards it. It is in Dan’s character to help people and so he shelves his plans in order to look after a very pregnant Sofie and soon finds a reason to want to spend the rest of his life with her. However Sofie has been hurt and sees help as a form of control, what will it take for her to see that Dan is nothing like her ex?. Lovely story. The epilogue a year later was a nice touch.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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**I received a copy of The Cowboy's Christmas Baby from Entangled Bliss and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**

The Cowboy's Christmas Baby by Jennifer Hoopes is the third book in her Fly Creek Series. I've read the first book of the series Her Cowboy's Promise. This is Sofie and Dan's story with of course Shelby who runs Sky Lake Ranch. I do have to agree with some of the other reviews but picturing the situation that Sofie was coming from with her ex-husband I can understand why she didn't want to have everyone make her decisions. I give the book a 4.5 stars and truly enjoyed the book.

Sofie Pennington is newly divorced and 8 months pregnant when she is stopped by cows crossing the road to Sky Lake. On the opposite side is Dan Rigby who is leaving the ranch because he's tired of being the dependable one who everyone turns too. Sofie's ex husband was controlling so the last thing she wants is another man who run her life as she's determined to make her own decisions and errors when her son is born in a few weeks. But all she wants now is to see her sister Emily who lives on the ranch. But a growing attraction to Dan makes her feel out of control can they both learn to find their love and be in charge of their own lives?

Dan Rigby wants only one thing to be needed by someone and not be just dependable Dan so when he meets Sofie on the road little does he know that they may have a hard road ahead but also that both of them will heal each other. Dan was raised by his parents on a self destructive path when Shelby and the town of Fly Creek stepped in to take him into their hearts. But after many years he has an urge for more than being dependable and to have something that feels missing from his life. Will he find it with Sofie even when his gift to her and her son doesn't make her happy? I loved Shelby, Polly the 70 year old bar stool racing grandma, Peyton, and of course Becky Jean who may have her own story soon?

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