Member Reviews

Well that time is upon us when the festive reads are coming thick and fast. And if you follow my reviews you’ll know I am quite partial.

“’s almost Christmas, the star there is guiding us, and I have a pregnant woman beside me.”
“Sorry to burst your bubble, but I’m no virgin.”

As you’ll have gathered from my rating, The Cowboy’s Christmas Baby didn’t exactly fill me with festive cheer. It started out reasonably well and the author clearly did enough to keep me reading with a story of new-beginnings and family in a small-town setting—all aspects I enjoy, but as things progressed, it sadly took a nosedive and that fell largely down to a couple who failed to click for me and lacked in personality and the likeability factor. Needless to say this is likely to be my first and only outing to Fly Creek and as always

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This is the first book I've read in this series and by this author, and even though this is book three I had no problem becoming engaged with the characters and following the story. As it was easy, fairly angst free, and super sweet. Yet, I struggled to connect with it and the two main characters, who although likable, didn't really excite me or have an obvious connection with each other, and I just didn't feel the romance between them. It also wasn't as festive as I was expecting if I'm totally honest. But it was enjoyable and I'm sure fans of the Fly Creek stories and of Jennifer Hoopes will enjoy this super sweet and easy read.

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1.5 - "You don’t have to do this all alone…" Stars.

Not much positive to say about this one, with a mainly dislikeable cast and average plot. The heroine acting like an ungrateful shrew for the most part, although her words relayed one thing and her actions another a lot of the time, and the hero fifty shades of dependably dull because he like the plot offered up nothing unique, apart from being happy to let a virtual stranger treat him like a piece of crap repetitively. The plot lacked depth, the love was too ‘insta’ especially considering how gun shy the eight months pregnant Sophie claimed she was.

My first, and almost certainly last read but the author, which is a shame as I generally love small-town sweet romance, but this one just rubbed me up all-kinds of the wrong way.

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A sweet and quick Christmas story to put you in the mood for the holidays. Sophie, who is eight months pregnant, has come to Wyoming to be with her sister. A herd of cows on the road, in the middle of the night, prevents her driving through. Dan, a hunky cowboy, is leaving to find a different life, and is on the other side, waiting for the cows to move as well. Taking a little nap, he is woken by a tapping on his window by a very angry Sophie. When she slips and falls on the icy road, he takes her to the hospital to get checked out, and the connection starts. Really enjoyed this story, and the way these two have issues and yet compliment each other so well. Highly recommend this story and author.

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Sofie is on the way to visit her sister in nowhere Wyoming when she is stopped by a herd of cattle that are blocking the two-lane road. Not only has she been driving for what seems like forever, but she is eight months pregnant and only ten miles from reaching her sister. Dan Rigby has left Sky Lake Ranch and is waiting in the opposite lane when they meet on the road. These two main characters are both dealing with personal issues that have made them wary of sharing their feelings. Since this is book number three in the series, I realized that I had missed information about previous characters, but Ms. Hoopes provided enough back story that I didn’t feel lost. I enjoyed the characters and the storyline, but felt that Dan’s continuing concerns about being needed and overlooked seemed to take up too much of the story. All in all, this was a very pleasant western romance. I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to give an honest review. (by paytonpuppy)

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THE COWBOY'S CHRISTMAS BABY by Jennifer Hoopes is a short story of a cowboy and a pregnant single soon to be mom finding each other. It's a fast clean read that anyone would enjoy.

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This is a sweet, touching story about two individuals, each with their own insecurities and struggles.
Dan Rigby meets Sofie Pennington in the middle of a snowy night on his way out of Fly Creek with the intend of starting a life elsewhere. Sofie is stranded, eight months pregnant, and wanting to do everything by herself after just divorcing a controlling man.
Determined to surprise her sister, since she’s decided to move and live in Fly Creek.
From the moment Dan meets Sofie and helps her get to shelter, the attraction is evident, but not without doubts and conflicting feelings.
Will they open their hearts to the possibility of love , or will Sophie be so determined to be independent and Dan in being someone’s number one, that they will miss their HEA?
A good addition to the Fly Creek series.
I was entrusted this copy by Netgalley and Entangled Publishing . The opinions expressed are solely my own.

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I love these Fly Creek books and this one was great. I need a cowboy like Dan! What a sweetheart.
Dan is leaving Fly Creek in the middle of the night at the same time that 8 months pregnant Sofie has driven cross country to her sister in Fly Creek both getting stopped on a herd of cows crossing the road. Neither can move. Sofie getting out of the car tries to shoo the cows along, she makes her way over to Dan who is now asleep in his truck knowing the cows will take their time... Sofie is mad. She thinks Dan holds some magic wand with the cows and Dan can't resist teasing her about not being from there, including the way she's dressed. When she walks off and loses her footing he insists on taking her to the hospital to get checked. She tells him she's staying at the ranch (where he just left) and is there to surprise her sister Emily for the holidays. Sofie has left her controlling ex behind, packed what little she has and is moving to Fly Creek. So Dan returns to the ranch with Sofie and gets her settled. Dan's got his issues with being good old dependable Dan. Sofie has some serious issues with wanting to to everything on her own and refuses help from anyone. Anyone who does anything wants to control her. The people in this town are generous and kind and it's their giving, nosey, busy body nature to help one another. Sofie can't get her head around that. Especially when she and Dan start developing feelings for each other. I wanted to slap Sofie for the way she treated Dan. What a little witch she was. Nasty ex or not, she had no reason to do the things she did. Especially after all they'd been through and she knew how Dan felt about things. This is a great Christmas story.
I really enjoyed the book, especially the bussing. Honestly when I read that, the last time I heard that was when I visited family. Not a common word for giving someone a kiss of greeting. Great memories for me there Jennifer, thank you.
Great read and another great Fly Creek story!

arc from NetGalley and Entangled for an honest review

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*ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review"

Pregnant and stranded in Wyoming in a the middle of a snow storm, Sofie Pennington is rescued by all around good guy Dan Rigby. As they get to know one another, Dan and Sofie learn to stop running away and to love and trust again. This is a wonderfully sweet Christmas romance that will have you cheering the happy couple on.A big thumbs up for the Cowboy's Christmas Baby.

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Sofie and Dan's story is my favorite so far of this series. Maybe it's the Christmas element that does it for me. There's not as much drama and self pity. These are a couple of things I didn't care for in the first two books of this series.

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