Member Reviews

This book was overwhelming. I really enjoyed it. It depicts several important topic such as bullying, self esteem or priorities of nowadays. This book made me think about all of it and made me thankful for what I have got.
The characters are each very different and bring something special to the story, I loved how the little girl helped and gave love advice to her dad. The father/daughter relationship in this book is very important and it is rare that a father stops his successful career to take care of his daughter while her mother is having fun somewhere in Europe with her boyfriend; most of the time we see the opposite and it was very nice to read it.
This book also shows how it is never too late for anyone to make her dream come true and to make things change.
The only negative thing for me would be the cover of the book, From what I read, Addie is a bit curvy but the woman in the cover is very thin.
Well, I really enjoyed this book and would 100% recommend it!

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Thank you NetGalley for the copy of A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor by Victoria James that I read and reviewed.
This was a very sweet romance book. If you are looking for a sweet romance book that will make you feel good about the holiday season this is the book for you. I enjoyed the characters and the story. I also thought the author dealt with the topic of bullying with an intresting twist.
I am giving this book four out of five stars.

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Not one to read alot of holiday books because I work in retail and it comes all too soon I am very selective in what I do read. This one is one of the few that got past me thanks to having read this author a time or two knowing she will give her best. Miracles comes in all shapes and sizes and curious how this one will come about is a soon answered. Drew and Addie seem like they both need the same medicine actually with it comes in doses. This one also did the same for me as I read it needing that same medicine as they did. As you see how this one goes on you become so immersed in them that forgetting your surroundings will become the norm while reading this one. You see you want that miracle to happen for them thanks to the magic in the writing.

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A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor is an apt title for this book by Victoria James. This story begins with an emotional turmoil first scene, that if I didn’t know for sure that Ms. James writes uplifting stories I would have been concern that this wouldn’t be the story for me. However, from the moment Drew and Bella are in Shadow Creek, I was hopelessly in love with that precocious seven-year-old girl, as well as Drew and Addie. Their story is a Hallmark Christmas movie with the tissues and the smiles. Addie had thought that when seeing Molly and Ben together that they were the movie version, but nope, it’s Drew, Bella and her..

Mothers play a definite role in this story and not in a good way. In books, fathers often get the bad role part, but mothers take that prize in this story. In fact, you have to admire Drew’s strong willingness to change his life for his daughter.

Family, Christmas magic and love make this a delightful Christmas story. It is a wonderful reminder of the important things in life as well as the fact that money indeed cannot buy happiness.

An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book has no cursing and no on page sex. If those things bother you there's nothing to worry about here.

A Christmas Miracle For The Doctor starts with a prologue that is incredibly emotional. It made me tear up (something Ms. James is great at!) but don't let the prologue fool you – this book is about hope and love and about learning to re-learn how to live your best life despite whatever happened in your past. Both Addie and Drew were a little damaged, but they were learning how to function as the people that they had grown into, and I loved watching them figure it all out. Bella was the absolute sweetest kid. Ms. James has a knack not only for making me cry, but for writing children who are very realistic and so wonderful. Bella's solution for dealing with bullies made me laugh so hard. She might not have had a great first few years of her life, but she was a dynamo in Shadow Creek.

If you've read the other Shadow Creek books, this one is a great addition to a wonderful series. If you haven't, you can read this book without needing to read the others because it totally stands alone. That said, this series is excellent and I highly recommend all of the books in it.

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4.5 Stars
This was a cute book that gets you right into the holiday spirit. I just loved Addie. She's was an awesome woman. She's full of kindness and heart. It broke my heart to know how her high school days were, but karma is going to repay her for her kindness she shows daily. It also broke my heart in the beginning of this book for Drew and Bella. Bella is so adorable and I love her interactions with Addie. This book is jam packed full heart and feels. I highly recommend it!!

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A cute small town boy grows up to be a successful doctor, moves to the city just to learn that he is not totally happy with his life. His young daughter is the one to wake him up, after her mother drops her off without warning one morning. He realizes that his daughter is a stranger to him - she has lost faith in her parents. Bella's first eight years of life was spent more with her nanny than with her parents. It wasn;t until Bells is forced to live with her dad that they both learn to trust and love eachother unconditionally. The two move back to Drew's parents' small home and start learning to trust eachother. Addie steps up and helps the two out by taking care of Bella after school daily while Drew works. Before they know it both Drew and Addie fall in love with eachother - but both are fighting the attraction to save the other. I really enjoyed the small town feel to the story - yet they were able to still visit major stores /malls. I don;t want to give the ending away. I really diliked the mayor - Addie's mom.

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A sweet, holiday-themed romance :)

Addie, the younger sister of the heroine from the last book in the series (Molly of The Firefighter's Pretend Fiancee ) is the one who's often borne the brunt of her mother's "we need to be perfect and you're in the way of that" wrath. Addie's always been on the plump side, and though she did very well in her first career as a children's librarian, now she's back in her hometown in her dream job--owner of a children's bookstore. (Even that's not quite up to mom's standards, since Addie's two sisters are doctors and mom herself is the mayor of the town.) Addie hasn't had much of a dating history, thanks in large part to a disastrous high school experience, and has pretty much decided that she'll probably live her life alone and that's (mostly) okay. But that's before Bella Barrett bursts into her shop, her overwhelmed father in tow...

Drew knows that his last relationship--with Bella's mother--was an unmitigated disaster, and he's determined to repair his relationship with his young daughter; a crucial part of that project, he is sure, is not getting involved with another woman again. But he didn't count on Addie Mayberry, who tempts him like no one has before...

It was fun watching Drew and Addie fall in love, and seeing the part Bella played in it all, though at times things did feel a bit simplistic and easy. For example, even with their mother pushing them academically, how does a 26-year-old accomplish as much as Addie apparently has? Librarianship requires both undergraduate and graduate degrees, plus she won an award in the field, plus she started a business from scratch (which is already well established at the book's start)? (Though maybe the store ownership was shortcutted somehow and I missed it or forgot the details?) Also, does a busy business owner really have time to babysit someone else's kid every afternoon? Drew didn't even try to find another sitter--I mean, that was a cute part of the story, seeing Addie and Bella spending so much time together, but it did't seem realistic. And what does Drew do for childcare when he's called into the hospital those times that Addie doesn't happen to be already at his house, decorating for Christmas? That one time we see in the story can't have been the only time he had an emergency...

I mean, it's a cute story, and I really like the characters and the setting and will definitely be picking up the next book in the series. It just seemed as if a few things here were almost too convenient at times.

Though this book is the sixth in the series, it worked fairly well as a standalone--though Mayor Mayberry plays a large (and largely negative) role in her daughters' lives, reading Molly's book first might help you to understand the dynamic between the sisters and their mothers a bit better than is obvious in this book alone.

One more sister to go... ;)

Rating: 3 1/2 stars / B-

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Now this book is an example of why I love holiday stories. All that magic and romance of the holidays wrapped up in a beautiful family story. Addie and Drew are amazing characters and Drew's daughter Isabella is such a cutie. Small town life is new for Drew and his daughter. Drew had to admit he wasn't giving his daughter the life she deserved when her mother decides to completely leave both their lives so he packs them up and takes a job in Shadow Creek. His plan is to focus fully on Isabella. That is until the shy unassuming bookstore owner, Addie Mayberry, comes into their lives. If Addie has her way this will be the best Christmas any of them have ever had.

Fantastic story that is wonderfully written with characters that will steal your heart. I highly recommend this one.

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Victoria James writes some of the most delightfully heartwarming romances, and this was no exception. It was almost unbelievably sweet. Just what you need as a Christmas read.

This slowly built romance is like the epitome of all that's Hallmark'ish.

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Thank you for the chance to read this story. This is the first time I have read this author and I am so glad I did. I was pulled into the story from the get go. I was so in the mood for a holiday read and this was the perfect one to read at the time.

I loved the characters in this story Drew is a Dr. who moved back to where he was raised with his daughter. He is trying to be the dad he wants to be. Prior to moving back he was busy all the time and so was his wife. His daughter Bella was being raised by a nanny. Bella stole my heart in this story with her sweetness. She has some spunk too.

Addie owns a bookstore and she is watching Bella after school. I connected with this character on a lot of levels.

I highly recommend this holiday story.

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Crack out the mulled wine and mince pies fellow bookworms, Victoria James has arrived with her festive offering, taking us back to Shadow Creek for quiet bookstore owner, Addie and single dad and doctor, Drew’s romance.

“He was ready to start over in his hometown, and he was going to do it without falling for the sweet bookstore owner.”

For me, a holiday read should have that curl-up-by-the-fire feel and A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor has exactly that as you settle in and quickly realise you’re going to lose your heart to the cutest, most insightful little girl, her babysitter and new best friend, and her dad—determined to be the parent she so deserves.

“We’re going to be fine, just you and I.”

And lose my heart I did as Drew and Addie lose theirs with a few little inadvertent nudges from Isabella along the way. As is always the case when I pick up a book by Victoria James, I literally read the whole thing in one sitting and whilst A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor may not have quite socked the emotional punch and depth others in the series have, it’s the perfect read for the season, filled with heart, humour and charm, once again highlighting why she remains a firm favourite. 4.25 stars.

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Addie Mayberry (the sister of the Heroine from the previous Shadow Creek novel) has just opened her dream children’s bookstore back in her hometown of Shadow Creek. She isn’t looking for love, but the father of her new favourite little customer makes her think of Christmas wishes.
Drew Barrett has decided to move back to Montana with his daughter Bella in order to change both their lives for the better. He definitely isn’t looking for love, instead wanting to give all his attention to building his relationship with his daughter. But Christmas, snow and holiday festivities all mix together to bring Addie and Drew together.
This is a cute, clean romance with an adorable 8 year old little girl that totally melts your heart. A great, quick Christmas read to enjoy.

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Incredible Christmas Miracle book by Victoria James. The story of Dr, Drew Barrett, single father to adorable Bella - struggling to come to grips with being an absentee father for the first 6 years of his daughters life. Especially after his ex - wife decided she no longer wanted to be a mother to the little girl, and Addie a book store owner - who has her own demons of being bullied and feeling inadequate.
The story that progresses between the two of them is honest, romantic and uplifting Christmas story that brought tears to my eyes on a occasion. Kudos to Victoria James on such an excellent book.

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After realizing his fast paced city life wasn't conducive to raising a child on his own, Drew Barrett decided it might be time to take a step back from that lifestyle, for something a little calmer. And he knew returning to Shadow Creek would give them just what they needed, a quieter life, one where he could still do what he loved, but also give Bella the good, wholesome life she deserved. What he never wanted or expected to find there was love, the moment his daughter befriends a local shop owner and they bond over their love of Christmas everything changes. This change isn't easily received, at first, it takes a persistent little girl and the magic of Christmas to turn it into a miracle they all needed!

A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor is a beautifully crafted tale that will give a nice little tug on the heartstrings and leave you heart full of joy! I am a sucker for heartwarming single parent stories and this book definitely had all of feels and then some. These well crafted characters wandered onto the page, lured me into their world, and made me feel right at home, as if I were meant to be there all along. Early on I developed quite an attachment to them, Drew had a lot of old hurt to work through, and was quite adamant love wasn't part of his life plan, but love had other plans for him. I enjoyed watching him maneuver through all the unexpected changes in his life, and find the courage to open his heart to love again, Addie and him were a perfect pairing. If you are looking for a wholesome, feel good Christmas story, I highly recommend you pick this one up, it's certain to warm your heart and bring on some holiday spirit!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from NetGalley, and I am voluntarily leaving an honest opinion.

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Everyone seems to really love this series, which I have never tried before. I was hoping for a nice quick read with the small town feel that I enjoy in longer series. But the writing is just so clunky and it's really hard to forget that you're reading and let yourself sink into the story. Additionally, it opens with a terrible cliche of an ex-wife that left a bad taste in my mouth. I with James didn't feel the need to fall back on an easy stereotype. Last, any book that has instant connections in the first meeting, and don't even bother to handle it subtly, is just poorly written. I was not a fan.

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Victoria Vane continues to charm in this small town series. Drew and Addie are a pair of wounded souls looking for a new start in this small Montana Town. Both have returned to their roots in search for what they had lost in the past. They find that in each other through the connection made through his daughter the effervescent Bella. She is a wounded little girl who is finding her feet in the pure love given to her by Addie. The outcome is an all around happy outcome for all three.

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A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor, by Victoria James is an enjoyable contemporary holiday romance.

After realizing that he wasn't living for his family, Drew Barrett drastically changed his lifestyle and moved back to his hometown with his young daughter, Bella. He's determined to provide Bella with a happy and loved childhood, despite his previous absent lifestyle and her mother's abandonment.

Addie Mayberry is a children's bookstore owner and temporary part-time nanny for Bella. Addie wants her to thrive and enjoy the Christmas season. While Drew and Addie are focused on Bella, they realize their attraction to each other.

Since it's the sixth book in the Shadow Creek, Montana series, it's recommended to read the previous books in this series. However, it easily reads as a standalone.

A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor is enjoyable and geared towards those who enjoy reading modern holiday romances.

Note: I received this book from NetGalley, which is a program designed for bloggers to write book reviews in exchange for books, yet the opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I have enjoyed reading Victoria James' Shadow Creek series, and Addie and Drew's story might be my favorite yet!

Drew has moved back to his hometown of Shadow Creek with his daughter Bella. She immediately takes a liking to bookstore owner Addie. It was really nice to see Addie form a friendship with Bella and growing just as close to her as she did Drew.

The romance is sweet and just the right length to read over a weekend. I loved the holiday setting and getting to see some favorite characters from past books.

I hope there are more Shadow Creek books to come!

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Rating 4/5

I loved Drew and how his character develops into a more defined man who has better appreciation for life and who he encounters. This story was very relatable and heartbreaking to realize that we are all victims of it - Drew is a very successful surgeon with lots of time for socializing and little time for family. It takes a bombshell of his other half leaving him alone with their daughter to raise for him to take a step back from that lifestyle and it humbles him. With the help of Addie, a bookstore owner (yay!), he learns that life is much more than showing off to the world - his priorities have shifted to now focus only on his daughter and he scores a loving girl as a bonus. His miracle was very sweet and endearing and it's made me take a step back to better appreciate who's in my life now. A perfect read for the holiday season!

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