Member Reviews

Victoria James gives us a good clean Christmas read with this one. I thought it was going to be cheesy like most of the other Doctor ones I have read, but that definitely was not the case with this one. I felt like I was right there with Addie, Bella and Drew living their day to day life with them. The plot was very well thought out and all went together very well. The characters were well developed and I fell in love with them pretty much immediately.

Drew Barrett is a doctor who has gotten caught up in his day to day life of being at the hospital all the time and feels like he has missed out on quality time and precious memories with his daughter, Bella. When his wife up and tells him she is leaving because she doesn't have time to be a mom and that she doesn't even want visiting time with Bella, Drew has to rethink how he is going to raise his little girl on his own now. Drew decides that it is time for some major changes now.

Drew decides to leave the busy city life and move back to where he grew up. No more nannies or other people to take care of Bella. He is going to be the one to do that now. Drew is just going to have to figure out how to make it all work with no family around. Bella notices that her mom is not coming around much anymore and wonders why but that is where Addie steps in.

Addie is the owner of a local bookstore and immediately falls in love with Bella. When Drew comes into the store with Bella and expresses his concern for after school care for Bella, Addie graciously offers to take care of Bella. Even though Drew and Addie don't really know each other, they know that they can trust each other. There is just something about their connection that they can feel. Drew has promised himself that he is not going to fall in love or even date for awhile because he wants to mend his relationship with Bella.

As time goes on, Addie and Drew become close and Bella invites Addie to do things with her and her dad all the time. Addie begins to develop feelings for Drew but she tells herself there is no way that Drew would ever give her the time of day so she keeps her feelings at bay. What is going to become of Drew and Addie's relationship? Will Bella be happy or sad about it? You will have to read this one to find out! Such a great read that will keep you on your toes until the end!

I voluntarily read and reviewed this title and all the opinions are my own. Thanks to Netgalley, the publisher and author for a copy of this title.

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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What's not to love about a single father story. A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor is a sweet, wonderful holiday read that warms the heart. Drew is trying to change from being a not so present father to a more hands on one to his daughter Bella. Once he figures it out he will make you swoon for him. Bella is such a sweetheart even with all the changes thrown at her. I love her little friendship with the towns bookstore owner Addie. It is so wonderful to watch. You can't help but hope that Addie and Drew will grow close. I'd say little Bella is a little matchmaker on their hands. Christmas wishes do come true. Once your read this one you will see why.

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Oh how I love this Series by Victoria James. Sadly somehow I missed the last two. I'll catch up though. Once again Victoria James swept me away in the world of Shadow Creek. Addie is an extremely relatable character! I love that she's full of love and joy and helps others see that. I hate that her mother is a horrible person that tore her down most of her life. I hope she gets her comeuppance soon. Drew is totally the hero to sweep women off their feet! An amazing dad who is determined to put his daughter first. When he went all alpha I could have swooned like regency era lady! Finally my favorite character in this story was Drew's daughter Bella. She's charming, sweet and hilarious and she totally stole the show!
If you enjoy a great, slowburning friends to lovers romance I highly recommend reading A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor.

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4.5 - "Make a Christmas wish..." Stars!

We return to Shadow Creek, Montana for the sixth book in Victoria James series of the same name. A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor gives us Addie Mayberry’s happily ever after, and with newcomer to town Dr. Drew Barrett and his adorable daughter Isabella.

How time had passed so quickly, how she’d gone from a baby to a little girl. How many firsts he’d missed, he’d taken for granted…

Drew has returned to Shadow Creek to concentrate on family. Being sole guardian for his daughter after her mother decides she wants an unencumbered life opens his eyes to just how little time he has had for her in the past. What with his high flying job as a city surgeon and active social life, Bella has grown up mostly in the care of nannies and babysitters. Being abandoned by her mother as well opens Drew’s eyes to just how much he has failed her so far as a parent.

"I’ll never put anything above my daughters happiness again."

Earning her trust again and being the best father he can be are going to be his main focus for the foreseeable, so meeting and falling in love with another woman are definitely things he is not looking for. That is until he meets shy, bookshop owner Addie, and his daughter turns into her biggest cheerleader, especially as they spend more time together when she becomes her after-school babysitter.

They were everything she had ever wanted in a family… except for the fact that they were off limits.

Low on the drama scale, I pretty much read this book in a sitting. It’s one of the less emotional reads from the series, but it offered up everything I want in an easy-going romantic Christmas read. Likeable characters, and a cute little girl, add an attraction that won’t quit it was the perfect read for an afternoon snuggled in a chair with your favorite hot beverage to hand.

"The minute I saw you I knew I was in trouble."

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Lovely, heartwarming story and it definitely puts me in Christmas mood.
A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor is the sixth book in the Shadow Creek series although again like all previous ones, it can be read as a standalone. While this story certainly brings the feels at times, I felt it lighter than the previous book, which I enjoyed. I liked the Holiday atmosphere that Victoria James infused in her story, and again her characters were very well written.

The heroine Addie was super sweet, reading about her backstory made me admire her more, how despite everything she remains such a kind and caring person. The way she cared for Bella (Drew's daughter) showed that compassionate nature.
It was also easy to care for Drew; after what happened with Bella's mother he needed to reevaluate his life and is now focused on his daughter, he thinks beggining a relationship would be a distraction; but of course there is undeniable chemistry and attraction between him and Addie, and they truly are perfect for each other!
Bella herself was a great seccondary character, I liked her a lot.

Of course I loved Drew and Addie's relationship but I was a bit dissapointed at the lack of more intimate scenes between them, I don't want to say I wanted the whole story filled with them because there were much more important themes going on but with their chemistry and specially with how things develop there needed to be at least a mention of a scene like this. It left me thinking something was missing to make the whole story perfect.

Still this was a great read so naturally I'd recomment it.

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Victoria James has done it again. I loved being back in Shadow Creek and reading about all the towns people. This book was about Addie and Drew. Drew was such a lost soul. He felt like he had failed his daughter Bella so he moves back to his home town with her because that is the last place he can remember truly being happy. He hopes to be able to repair his relationship with his daughter and have them become a family. Addie is still living in the past. She is having a hard time letting go of past things that happened to her and because of that she has shaped her life into this safe bubble. Addie and Drew meet because Bella wanders into her book store. Addie instantly falls in love with her. Bella is such a sweet girl. She makes the book funny, and sweet. This is such a sweet romantic story about 3 people learning to trust again. With this trust they gain so much more. I cannot wait to see whose book will be next in this series. Thanks Net Galley. I voluntarily reviewed this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved this story! I'm loving the Shadow Creek series! Addie owns the children's bookstore in Shadow Creek, she loves kids and really has a heart for all of them. Especially one little girl who comes to visit and at first is hard to engage, but Addie has a way to open up the world to little Bella. Addie is a wonderful nurturer. Her father who is a famous doctor has moved back to Shadow Creek after his ex dumps her on him, he realizes that he can't devote himself to Bella or his job he makes the move. Sadly, Drew doesn't know what to do with Bella. He was never around the first 5 years of her life, Bella had nannies and two parents who were never there. Drew is getting his feet wet with her, he's happy that Bella has someone and something to make her happy and that's Addie and the bookstore. When Addie's after school sitter quits, Drew is stuck with trying to find someone/place and Bella pops up with staying with Addie. Addie is open anyway and so she offers after a discussion takes place between she and Drew. Drew is attracted to Addie but his new hard rule is Bella is first and only. He's not having any part of another woman walking out on his daughter. Addie is attracted to Drew as well but he makes it clear that she's only there to serve a purpose, that is until he crosses a line then quickly redraws it. Addie has grown up in that town. She's got sisters who care, a mother from Hades
and Addie was bullied throughout high school. The backstory is well written and you get to read it, woven into the plot very well. Moving ahead these two push and pull along with little Bella. I really loved this one, the highs and lows and all the in betweens were perfectly written, I loved Addie what a great character she was and her love for children, watching her finally shut her mother down was a treat! Drew was a tough one, of course you love him but you also want to club him over the head at times and tell him to get in the game! Another great read to the series and a must read. I loved it.
Take me to Montana!

arc from NetGalley and Entangled for an honest review.

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A touching Christmas story filled with heart and warmth. The characters have defined personalities, the scenarios realistic and with mind capturing vivid imagery. Drew and Addie are a couple who you’ll lose your heart more than Bella tough, she’s a scene stealer and a heart stopper!

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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**I received a copy of A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor from Entangled Publishing and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**

A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor by Victoria James is the sixth book in the authors Shadow Creek, MT series. I've read a few of the books in the series and I have to tell you this one was fantastic and well worth all five stars. Oh and can I keep Bella?? She's a awesome match maker for both Addie and Drew plus some of her quips will have you laughing out loud. Bella's mom wants nothing to do with her and Drew has been busy building his practice. But she will learn that she is loved and is determined to heal her dad's heart and find a new mom too.

Addie Mayberry is the owner of the local bookstore and has begun a friendship with Isabella Barrett who's love for books equals her own. Her father Drew is the brand new surgeon in Shadow Creek and hasn't found a sitter for Bella. Little does he know that Bella has chosen Addie to watch her after school. But Addie carries emotional scars from being bullied by her mother and classmates from high school because she was overweight. Bella has made a Christmas Wish but the two adults in her life don't realize that are included. There will be some bumps in the road but can two adults who want to find the perfect person will finally realize that they have been right there all along.

Drew Barrett wants to build a new life with his daughter Bella after his ex decides that having a daughter cramped her life. He's decided to put Bella front and center even if it means he won't fall in love again. But when he moves back home to Shadow Creek where he grew up he'll soon find out that not only is his daughter in love with Addie but he is too. Can they come to a comprise and become a family for Isabella?

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Rating 4.5

This was a sweet and emotional Christmas romance.

Drew is a successful surgeon and his Diva ex is a beauty/health blogger that is only interested in herself. We open with Drew and his ex having a discussion about their daughter, she is letting Drew know she doesn't want custody of their daughter or visitation rights either. It's too much for her and too time consuming. Drew is shocked, as he contemplates the bomb shell she just dropped, his mind races with the past and what not great parents they have been. After she leaves he turns and realizes his sweet Bella was standing there the entire time listening. He's hit hard with the realization things need to change and drastically, as parents the two failed miserably. He's a top surgeon in a big city, but this is not where he wants to raise his daughter. So after consoling her and promising her big changes will take place, one being he's going to be a better and more involved Father. He was moving home to a small town he grew up in.

Shadow Creek is where Drew and Bella move to. Drew's nanny quits and he's in a dilemma. But Addie a bookstore owner has befriended Bella as she loves to spend time there. She steps up and offers to watch Addie when she hears of Drews problem. Drew and Addie are attracted to one another but of course keep it well hidden. Drew made the decision that Bella was his top and only priority and he won't get involved with a woman again and deprive Bella of his time and love. Addie has dealt with some cruel and terrible experience in High School as well a Mother dearest (I could just slap that woman) that have kept her walls up high to not be hurt again.

I loved these two. Such emotion and character depth, and Bella was fantastic. This had so much heart and feeling to it. Drew dealing with his guilt and trying desperately to make it up to his daughter. But also seeing such warmth, love and happiness in Addie that he was very drawn and attracted to her. He was wrestling with some major attraction. Addie, was so sweet, genuine and warm. Her past hurt breaks your heart but yet it didn't make her bitter but even more determined to love people and care for them. And Bella stole her heart and she was determined that little girl was going to have a wonderful Christmas. The relationship between the three was beautifully done and very heartwarming.
I also enjoyed the sisters, relationship as well as the other secondary characters. The mother, Addie's, was just horrible. The small town feel leaped from the pages and Christmas theme was prevalent and real throughout the story.

The reason for the 4.5 rating is that not much steam. Now I don't need a lot at times but this did need just a tab bit more. The chemistry was evident as well as the attraction, but just a sprinkle more of steam would have been nice. 😊

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A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor was a cute, super sweet, engaging, festive, and enjoyable read. With great characters in particular Drew's daughter Bella. Who for me completely stole this story. As she was so fun, sassy, adorable, and cute. And I loved the friendship/relationship that developed between her and Addie. As for Drew and Addie I really liked them both, and enjoyed their romance. Which easily held my interest and had plenty of sweetness and just a hint of emotion. And this story was really easy to follow. Even though its book six in a series I've not read before. But it's certainly one I would go back and read more off. And I would happily recommend it to others. Especially if you're in the mood for a cute and festive read.

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A Christmas Miracle for the Doctor, would make the perfect Hallmark movie. I was actually seeing it play out while I was reading it.

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This is the first book I have by this author and now I am a fan.
The story of Addie Mayberry and Doctor Drew Barrett will touch your hearts. At times heartbreaking , it is also heartwarming.
Addie is a children’s bookstore owner whose childhood was rather tough and a mother who constantly criticized her. She feels she will never be enough. Her new customer is a seven year old girl whose parents are divorced and feels she is not enough , as well. Drew, her Dad, has changed his life and returned to his hometown in order to give his daughter a safe place and a place to feel loved. Watching the three of them interact was touching and poignant.
This is a story about overcoming mistakes, failures, self-esteem and doubts, in order to find love, hope, and a new beginning. Be forewarn that tissues might be in order.
I was entrusted this copy by Netgalley and Entangled Publishing. The opinions expressed are solely my own.

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I really enjoyed this book, kinda wish I’d read the other books in the series as the mother plays a big part and I felt I didn’t know the whole story. Addie was such a lovely person, and her relationship with Bella was so sweet and Drew desire to step up for his daughter was lovely to watch, the romance was built slowly and was more authentic because of that.

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I just love Victoria James’s books. She is an awesome storyteller as her books have heart as well as humor. This book is just another example of that. Drew meets Addie shortly after moving back to his hometown with his young daughter Isabella. Drew and Bella are both still reeling from Drew’s recent divorce, and his exes decision to remove herself from Bella’s life. Addie develops a close relationship with Bella, at the same time that Drew and Addie realize that they are attracted to each other. Both have issues from their pasts that make it look like things won’t wok out for them, but a little matchmaking by the irrepressible and hilarious Bella saves the day!

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A CHRISTMAS MIRACLE FOR THE DOCTOR by Victoria James is a story about a very busy, self involved physician. He ends up with having physical custody of his daughter full time. The ex wife leaves the country and Drew leaves the city for the small town he grew up in. Addie is a small business owner of a bookstore the his daughter is drawn too. It's a cute short story about living life and love!

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Loved this book! Addie is a book store owner that steps in to help Drew, the new doctor in town, with watching his daughter after school. Bella, the daughter, quickly wins Addie's heart. Drew is also smitten, but has promised himself that he will not get involved with another woman so he can devote his time and energy to Bella to make up for all the time his missed in the past and build a strong relationship with her. Addie respects this, but is equally and, with her poor self image, doesn't feel worthy of him anyway.

I loved the relationships in this novel and how the story unfolded. The characters drew me in and made me feel like I was experiencing their tale along with them. This is a sweet and poignant tale that fans of the genre will love. The story seemed to come alive on the pages and I was sorry when it ended. This one is a must read and should be on the top of your TBR list. The author is on my must read authors' list.

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