Member Reviews

I absolutely loved this book. The descriptions of the characters,the lodge and Iceland itself, really made me want to pack up and go there. There are some words(names) in the story that had me in stitches. This is definitely a book i will read again. A huge thanks for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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A good, entertaining, and enjoyable book that will make you wish you were in Iceland.
I loved the fascinating setting as much as I liked the characters and the plot.
The style of writing was good and the characters fleshed out.
It was a very good reading experience and I look forward to reading other books by this author.
Many thanks to HarperImpulse and Netgalley for this ARC. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book, all opinions are mine.

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Although a pretty obvious book I still enjoyed nonetheless. Lovely characters and setting. a nice book to cosy down with.

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Loved this book, the story of Lucy and Alex.

Lucy takes a job in Iceland as a last resort, with her reputation in the hotel industry in england in tatters after being set up by her ex-boyfriend.

In Iceland she meets Alex, barman at the hotel. They are both keeping secrest, and even though she shares heres, Alex doesn't, so what will happen when she discovers the truth?

Great set of characters and the story keeps you interested throughout. I have loved this series of books, and now Iv'e finished this one I want to go back and re-read all the others!

The setting sounded amazing and like somewhere I would love to go and stay!

I received an ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary and honest review.

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From the minute I read the title of this book I knew it was definitely for me. I have a huge interest and love hearing about the Northern Lights so I was extremely excited to start reading and my goodness did I enjoy this! It was truly spectacular! The whole book, I love love loved it!

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Here I am travelling the world again with Julie Caplin. This time Iceland, somewhere I have always wanted to visit, even more so having read this book!

Lucy takes a short-term contract at The Northern Lights Lodge a hotel in Iceland. It seems the perfect place to escape the gossip about why she was sacked from her previous high-flying hotel job in Manchester. Lucy finds herself in the middle of a snowy nowhere. Nothing is within walking distance apart from snow, glaciers and on occasion the Northern Lights.

Almost trapped in this hotel with a bunch of locals who seem rather crackers, the receptionist, the housekeeper, the chef and a gorgeous looking barman who comes from Scotland. Lucy finds that the best way to manage them all is to embrace the running of the hotel and bring it back to the place it was.Trouble is there is something working against her.

Could it be the fairy folk that the locals say or is it more to do with the locals themselves. Is everyone who they really say they are? Is anyone else hiding at this lodge and are their reasons legitimate?

When a film crew arrive for another "behind the scenes" series, Lucy tries her very best to make sure that there is nothing for them to see. Even the Northern Lights don't come out for them. More importantly she doesn't want to be seen on film again......

Falling in love with the place and maybe the barman might not seem like a good idea when you are only there temporarily but the place has got to Lucy as it did to me. I can see myself waking up to the snow described scenery from the bedroom window. Embracing the hot chocolate round the open fire and the wonder of the Northern Lights when they appear. Some eccentric staff sound the best form of entertainment in such a far away place.

What will happen to Lucy when everyone finds out why she left her last job and will her fame mean she never gets to work again? Or will her passion for her job and the people she works with mean she is sought after as a hotel manager once again......

I really enjoyed this book, a perfect escape and really cosy - perfect for dark dreary days - made everything much cosier

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What a lovely warm cosy book. It was filled with warmth, love, friendship and amazing sounding food and scenery.
I love the series how they are all involved with the original book in Copenhagen.
I will definitely be planning a trip to Iceland in the near future.
Was Julie Caplin a travel agent in a former life? Looking forward to the next installment in Croatia 🇭🇷😊.
Thanks to Netgalley, Julie Caplin and Harper Impulse for the opportunity to read and review this wonderful book.

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Oh, how I love this series of books, and how I adore the characters that this wonderful writer brings to life. I always feel as I walk out and close the door on the last page of one of her books that I am looking back wistfully at the wonderful world of characters that Julie Caplin creates. I just feel that I make amazing friends every time – and so it was with a sigh of great joy that I pushed open the pages of this wonderful book – and straight back into the lives of Nina and Alex, who I had left in Paris on my last visit. Isn’t it great when a character that you met and loved, but who lived on the side-lines of a story, gets the scoop on the next one, - we get to know them in a whole new way, and it’s terrific. All I can say is – Alex it is well worth the wait.

When Alex visits Iceland – he hears ‘the familiar song of the sea’ and that is just how I felt being back in the safe haven of a Julie Caplin novel. This story does not disappoint but rather delights in every way – being transported to the shores of the Northern Lights is magical –the mystery of the spectacle is brought vividly to life and the awe and wonder of the sights and scenery jump right out of the page and transport you from here to the cosy comfort of there.

The story will have you laughing one minute and catching a silent, salty tear the next. You’ll find yourself falling in love with the people and the place and I fully expect a spike in tourism bookings to the region after spending time exploring the locations in our imaginations.

The story packs a punch or two and fills us readers with a touch of ‘Viking Princess resilience’ to boot. There are elements of Lucy’s story that have you holding your breath –the loss of hopes and dreams, that seem crushing at the time, ‘a rug pulled out and you end up flat on your back’ – yep, I can relate to that. But I really enjoyed the way the author taps into the Icelandic Spirit – the idea that ‘it will be alright in the end, and if it’s not alright, it’s not the end’ – because the good times will roll back again and with a bit of self-belief – we will get there... in the end.

Suffice to say that this little lovely of a book is a great chance to sit back and relax – to reset the clock of your heart and to enjoy a foray into foreign climes. As Lucy herself puts it ‘it’s the people that make the difference – that make it cosy and welcoming’ and that’s just what Julie Caplin has done again. This is a love story to warm your heart and put a spring in your step. And the best news of all – there’s a book 5 everybody!

Coffee Cup Conversations and Teapot Talking Points:
If you and I dear reader were sitting down together today, settled in with our hands around a steaming mug of hot chocolate, having both read the book, here are a few of the points we could mull over together.

Have you ever been to Iceland?
My husband has and he regaled me with many wonderful stories of the geographic and environmental delights. He won the trip at work and he got to live it up in 5* luxury with his colleagues. He quad biked up a volcano, relaxed in the blue lagoon, watched the whales on a rib boat and ate copious amounts of fish on a private island. I really want to go now I have read this book – it sounds a truly magical and awe-inspiring place.

Don’t you just love hygge?
I am totally into the whole hygge thing – my home is hyggelicious – with throws and candles in my evening sitting spot. I even love to light a candle at breakfast time and use a crackling wood fire candle when I am writing – there is just something so human and so special about sitting next to a little welcoming flame. I also love decluttering and clearing out and I am a fairly minimalist person when it comes to having soft furnishings and accessories in the house – but I am always trying to think up ways to make my home more hyggelig – and this story has stirred it all up for me again.

Have you stood behind a waterfall?
I love the scenes where Julie describes the waterfalls of Iceland. The spray fairly leaps of the page and splashes your face. The passages reminded me of a long-forgotten memory of a trip I made with a youth group years ago. we got to stand behind a waterfall – just a gentle one I should imagine – behind the flow of the water it was really quite a special secret place and it seemed kind of cool to be able to be behind the curtain of water. I am not particularly adventurous when it comes to outward bound activities and the like – but this was a unique experience.

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I received an early copy copy of this book from Netgalley in return for an honest review.
I have read the previous books in the romantic escapes series, this being book four. There were a few references to previous events, and one of the characters, Alex is one of the main characters in this book. It could easily be read as a standalone novel though.
The setting of the book is gorgeous, as is the cover, it is very enticing. Set in Iceland, at the Northern Lights Lodge, I have always wanted to see the Northern Lights, and this book made me even more eager to see them one day.
Lucy finds herself taking a temporary job in Iceland, after losing her previous job. With no references, she finds it impossible to do d work, and this is her only opportunity. She soon finds that working in the lodge is very challenging, as things keep going disastrously wrong.
The characters in this book are wonderful. I wanted to carry on reading to find out why Lucy had been fired from her last job, and who was behind the mysterious events at the Lodge. There was a lot of humour in this book, it was light hearted and fun to read. It also had a cosy feel to it. This is my favourite book in the series so far.

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When Lucy woke up in the Northern Lights Lodge - after falling in the hot tub the night before - and described, so beautifully described the aurora borealis I knew I would enjoy this book. And I did!

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For me, this novel is my ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ huggulegt (Icelandic Hygge), it’a like hot chocolate on a snowy day, good for the soul

I have been a fan of Julie Caplin since I read The Little Café in Copenhagen, each book she releases only increased my love of her work.
I jumped into #TheNorthernLightsLodge with both feet, under the glow of my cotton ball lights I wrapped myself up in a fleece blanket, steaming mug of coffee, a chocolate or two within easy reach and didn’t move until I was at least a third of the way through. For me, it’s the characters that get me every time. Yes, you have the dramas of Lucy and Alex but as you read you start to feel that you, yourself are part of the story, relaxing with the staff after hours and frustrated for them when it feels like someone is out to get them.
My thanks to #Netgalley and #HarperImpulse for allowing me to read and review it in advance, I can’t say enough good things about it, just buy it and see for yourselves.
The Nothern lights Lodge is an honest to goodness delightful read, it’s playful as well as romantic and like hot chocolate, good for the soul.

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Lucy’s life is not what she imagined. So he’s lost her prestigious job, her reputation and her lover. She doesn’t want to work at a remote hotel in Iceland but it’s her only option. Alex is tired of being Mr Nice Guy, he never gets the girl and even though he knows he made the right decision about Nina, it hurts.

The plot is simple but effective and you learn lots about Iceland, its customs, food and people. The romance is a lovely mix of sweet and sensual, and even when you think everything is okay, Alex’s secret threatens their future happiness.

Important current social issues are explored in this book, which shows the growth of Lucy’s emotional strength, as she realises her true worth.

The ending is magical. It gives this couple the life they deserve, on their own terms, providing you can be kind and caring and win..

I received a copy of this book from Harper Impulse via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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What a delightful book! The characters were heartwarming and I adored the story. This was my first book by Julie Caplin and I look forward to exploring her other titles in the future.

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I could try and play it cool (haha Iceland, cool.. get it?!) but I can't I LOVED this. I've only just stumbled upon this series and have read the previous books in very quick succession so I was thrilled at the chance to head to Iceland on this next adventure. That being said, it works as a standalone (they all do) so you really don't need to have read any of the others. If you have - then you will recognise a few characters!

Alex is one - he's really a secondary character in The Little Paris Patisserie but I liked him then and now he comes into his own - I am so pleased we got to see more of him. The spy/love interest for our main lady Lucy, you are already on his side (even knowing his 'undercover' position) and it is soon clear he is actually falling for Lucy in every way possible.

Lucy has been through a lot, mistakes in her past and awful behaviour by others abusing their power and position have left her needing the job nobody else would take on. She's pretty desperate. You don't really discover what has happened for a while, you see that she is vulnerable, lacking confidence and needs support. If I'm honest, I'd imagined far worse than what we find out but maybe that's just my mind - it isn't a pleasant situation for anyone to go through though.

Various situations arise as she'd getting to grips with running the hotel and Lucy, with a good team of staff/friends, handles everything in a typically unique way and we see her rediscover passion for the job, remembering why she chose the career in the first place. She is hardworking and determined and it shows true spirit that she can bounce back. I like her, I hoped she wouldn't be a weak, sorry for herself kind of character but you see she is quite daring and willing to put herself out there.

Just like the previous books, the setting sounds incredible. It is well written and moves along at a nice pace, yet again reading one of Julie's books makes me want to book a trip.So thats Copenhagen, Brooklyn, Paris and Iceland on the travel list!! In fact, Iceland and the Northern Lights has never really appealed to me before but now I could really be tempted.

Julie Caplin gives us a wonderfully romantic escape with characters and places you'll love. I cannot recommend The Northern Lights Lodge enough, perfect for a cosy, snuggled up read. I will eagerly await the next book!

Many thanks to Harper Impulse and Netgalley for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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I tried to get into this but it was one of those books that, while you could read it as a standalone, it had far too many references to previous books and characters that stopped it from being a good read. Skim read most of it and even that was more than I wanted to do.

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It’s off to Iceland for the fourth trip in Julie Caplin’s Romantic Escapes series, treating us to happiness and high jinx at The Northern Lights Lodge.

“They’re all mad, but lovely.”

Having loved Alex as a secondary character in The Little Paris Patisserie with his quick wit and laid back nature, I went into this with a mix of excitement and wariness as that book didn’t entirely work for me. But, once introduced to Lucy Smart and her quirky, loveable bunch of employees who are, at times, as mad as a box of frogs, all my concerns were quickly put to bed as it became clear that we were going to get along just fine.

“This place…it’s lovely but you’re the people that will make the difference.”

Friendship and trust is at the forefront of this story but not at the cost of the romance as was sadly my issue with its predecessor, and in keeping with the series the location is beautiful and the characters down-to-earth, relatable, endearing and so much fun to spend time with that I didn’t want my visit to end. Having lost herself a little, Lucy literally blossomed as she the story progressed, she absolutely deserves her happy ever after and Alex...well he was everything I was hoping for and more.

“She’s a sucker for a love story.”

A resounding success, The Northern Lights Lodge comes with a huge thumbs up from me and I’m excited see what delights are waiting in The Secret Cove in Croatia later this year.

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I have long been an admirer of the covers of Julie's books but this is the first I've been fortunate to read - it won't be my last.

Lucy is forced to leave her job in hotel management following an incident that leaves her relationship as well as career in pieces. She is desperate to be taken on elsewhere but finds nobody is interested without getting a reference from her previous job so she takes a leap of faith and agrees to become Hotel Manager at the failing Northern Lights Lodge in Iceland.

With poor trip advisor reviews and low occupancy, Lucy is forced to pull the staff team together to turn the hotel around. Lucy is only temporary so is also fighting to keep the job on a permanent basis. The staff sounded awesome, I would love to be part of a team like that- how they all pull together and there was genuine warmth to their friendship. Lucy also sounded like a manager I would happily work for, a solution for literally everything.

This book had me laughing in places and it has serious moments too but overall it was a light-hearted read which had me eagerly turning the pages. Alex is working as barman and he turns Lucy's eye and aspects of this were very romantic. Alex is hiding a secret though, can Lucy forgive him when all is revealed?

I have long been an admirer of hygge which sounds so cosy and snuggly! It is referred to as huggulegt in Iceland and this book has me totally converted to it, I think especially in the dark and snowy days it sounds beautiful and would help to settle me. I was a huge fan of Hekla in this book, assistant manager to Lucy - I hope she features in another book as I would love to see her character develop into the main storyline.

Such an absorbing read!

My many thanks to Harper Impulse via NetGalley for providing me with this advanced reading copy in exchange for an honest review.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed this ARC. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for letting me read this book. This book really transports you to Iceland, and gives you the feeling of another world in winter.
The main characters are likeable and their attraction to each other is actually quite sweet; you find yourself craving scenes where they're together more and more. The side adventures they have make you want to hop on a plane and join them.
The side characters give the novel a homely feel, surrounding you with bizarre family members that you can't help but love.
A light easy read to help you forget about the everyday.

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I adored this , this is the first Julie Caplin book I have read and now I am going to have to read the rest in the series. The characters were lovely, relatable, had real chemistry wether friends or romantic interests. The couple actually got together before the very end of the book which I loved. It’s a great feel good read.

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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Loved it. Feel as if I have been to Iceland without having to actually experience the cold. Would love to see the Northern Lights. I especially enjoyed the adventure on the glacier, as I have been on one and fallen. A charming love story. An interesting look behind the scenes of hotel management. My first book by Julie Caplin, but I certainly look forward to reading more.

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