Member Reviews

This book is full of gold nuggets of information.
At times there were harder to find, but if the reader sticks with it I believe they will enjoy this book.
The style of writing is more like a collection of articles. At some points the author includes anecdotal stories and I want sure whom the people were. They may have been from the study that the author conducted.
I was looking for more information from the study that the author conducted.
Overall, there were some really fun chapters and information.

The topic of women's friendships is important and fascinating, and I was thrilled to have the opportunity to read and review this book. Unfortunately it failed to live up to its description.
Mroz seems to have put a lot of time into compiling anecdote from her own life, her friends' experiences, and the academic work of others, without any sort of analysis. This leads to some stunning gaffes. For example, "Research has shown that it's impossible to tell apart the brains of little girls and little boys-- that is, until they reach adolescence." Okay, cool, but several pages later, " The differences in the human brain begin during fetal development, when female hormones...." If Mroz noticed the contradiction she did not comment on it.
With thanks to Seal Press and NetGalley for the ARC.

An interesting look at female friendship.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author. All opinions are my own.

I received an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review.
I learned a lot of facts from this book. Having said that, I’m not quite not sure what it was trying to teach me, and I’m not sure why I had to know

Women’s friendship complicated deep emotional and when friendships end can be similar to talk.Through history women have valued treasured their special best friends,Men’s friendships so different less complicated more go with the flow.This is an excellent fascinating look at women’s ties to their friends the ups the downs.Womens friendships traditions around the world.A fascinating read women of any age will relate highly recommend.#netgalley #GirlTalk Perseus Books.