Member Reviews

A Christmas Wedding in Mayhem is the first book in the Mistletoe in Mayhem Boxed Set by L.E. Rico. Hennessy and Bryan are planning their wedding, and I think Bryan wants it to be even more perfect than Hennesy does. He just wants it to be her dream wedding. It's sweet how hard he tries. I'm sorry! I can't help it, but Jaxon irritated me quite a bit. I know he's just a fictional toddler, and he had a couple funny parts, but dang.

The wedding spirit is still in the air in the second book, A Surprise Baby In Mayhem. As you might guess from the title, there may be more on the way than a wedding as well. Babies, babies everywhere. Jaxon was a bit more tame this time around, thank goodness. We could concentrate more on what was going on in the story. I love the characters within this series. I love this town. I love the people who live in this town. I'm ready to move there. I'm also looking forward to Bailey and Walker's stories. Did we get a little peek at what might be in store for Walker? I hope so!

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A Christmas Wedding In Mayhem
This was a really good read! I didn't read Bryan and Hennessy's original story, but I wasn't lost at all reading this one. The writing flowed well, and I loved Bryan and Hennessy. Bryan was completely oblivious at the beginning of the story. I'm not sure why he refused to believe that Jacinta was being horrible, but I really wanted to smack
him a few times. It was obvious she was jealous, and being mean to Hennessy was fun for her. I was so happy when Hennessy stood up for herself and her family. The ensuing battle to get their wedding planned was great. The town coming together to help them made me tear up a few times. The ending was super sweet, and I loved that they got their HEA.
A Surprise Baby in Mayhem
Well, as the title says, there is a surprise coming. Jameson and Scott are doing well in their relationship, but they don't realize that it's about to get a whole lot crazier :) The whole uncle/stepdad thing is still a little weird for me, but I like them together, so I try to look over it. Jameson was a whole lot of crazy during her pregnancy, and I think they planned about 5 weddings. It was sweet that Scott made sure that Jameson had exactly what she wanted. I LOVE how these sisters are always there for each other no matter what. I can't wait to find out what happens with Walker and Bailey!
I voluntarliy reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

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I feel I should start out by saying this book is part of a series, and contains two separate but interconnected stories. These are not the first stories in the series, and sound as if they are not going to be the last.
That aside, I have to also say that I am a HUGE advocate of reading books in order, NO exceptions! (Well, typically, that is.) When I read the description for this book, I KNEW I had to read these stories! I love whiskey, and I am a Minnesota girl. When I read that this was about some sisters who are closer than close, who live in Northern MN AND they are all named after whiskeys, it was practically love at first sight!
As I got more into the stories, I started to fall in love with the characters. Well, except one OTT wedding planner from L.A. who shall not be named, that is. I loved that the characters were not portrayed as over the top, perfect smiled, stylish rich reformed playboys. They were real, they were imperfect, and they were perfect (If that makes any sense?)
I loved the build up of love and affections between the two couples featured in the stories. Their loves were real and imperfect, but they are perfect for each other.
I also loved the way the residents of the small Iron Range town were portrayed. The saying is "Minnesota Nice", but that doesn't always apply to everyone and everything. However, the way the entire town turned out to support the couples and bring everything together is the perfect portrayal of the way we do things here in Minne-SNOW-ta! I thoroughly enjoyed the stories, and just may have found another author to binge-read!

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Enjoy the ride!

What wonderful duo of novellas set in Mayhem, Minnesota! And with a town called Mayhem, that’s exactly what happens! Unfortunately this was an update on characters from previous books. However, I did see enough background in these novellas to help me not be lost. I’m sure, if you’ve read the previous Whiskey Sisters books, you’ll really love these! As it was, I loved the characters with their flaws and ensuing hilarity and how the town comes together to make Christmas Eve wedding for Hennessy and Bryan perfect (even after the wedding planner from **** tried to destroy their special day. And in the second book, the toddler whisperer is a character I hope to see in a future book, perhaps with Walker?

All in all, two fun novellas that will have you smiling and enjoying the ride.

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and Entangled Publishing. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely.

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I always enjoy revisiting Mayhem and its characters.

5☆ A Christmas Wedding in Mayhem
4☆ A Surprise Baby in Mayhem

What I liked:
The writing style
The characters
Dual POVs
The humor
Part of a series: Whiskey Sisters

I look forward to reading the other books in this series.

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A fun, sweet contemporary Christmas romance set. Loved it!
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author. All opinions are my own.

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I enjoy getting “couple updates” from previous stories in a series. That could be a simple paragraph in the next story or, as in this case, two novellas that really do bring us up to date on two previous couples… and where they are now. In addition we get to meet a new hot and dreamy character, as well as run into the amazing citizens of Mayhem once again. What is not to love about any of that, right?

So, here is the point where you, the reader, has to make a choice. Not a difficult one, but a choice nonetheless. A Christmas Wedding in Mayhem is the update on Bryan and Hennessy – the couple in the first story, Blame It On The Bet. It’s time for the Christmas Eve wedding of Hennessy’s dreams, but a wedding planner from hell hired by Bryan is about to turn that wedding plan upside down and burn it to the ground. In A Surprise Baby in Mayhem we have an update on the lives of Jameson and Scott, who had their story told in Mischief and Mayhem and their wedding plus some exciting news. Each story is funny, laugh out loud funny at times, endearing and a great way to move the series along while we get some serious updates on couples we already know and love. If you have not read the first two stories in this series – do not worry – you’ll have plenty of dialogue and narrative that fills you in on any missing background. Really, it’s there you won’t miss anything important. Yet, even though this boxed set can be read on its own with no trouble, I’d still suggest that you pick up the first two stories as well, if at all possible, for they are wonderful romances, will fill in all the backgrounds as they’re happening and are simply really good stories. But the choice is yours – either way you’re in store for a real treat with the Mistletoe in Mayhem Boxed Set

I loved returning to Mayhem and would recommend Mistletoe in Mayhem to any reader who enjoys a good story, interesting characters, quirky small towns, laugh out loud moments and some Christmas magic.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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Christmas Chaos. This story is about Hennessy and Brian, and the planning of their wedding. I was glad when they began to take control of their lives. I enjoyed getting to know the others in this town and how they helped each other.
Baby Bedlam. Now Jameson and Scott find what they are looking for in the forever department. This included children. How they dealt with fears and the very real problems with pregnancy.
Both stories had their teary moments as well as a few laughs. This was the first book I have read by this author, and I am intrigued enough to go backward to read the first ones.

I received an ARC of this story through Netgalley, and this is my unsolicited review.

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This box set is a trifecta of goodness! Set during the holiday season, we’ve got weddings, babies and the Whiskey sisters!
While this is book 3 in the series, it’s actually a continuation of both Henny & Bryan and James & Scott’s stories in two novellas. To get the full flavor of the set, I’d read the first two books first...but that may just be my series-reading hangup. Each novella gives you enough back story, though, so don’t sweat it if you jump in here.
Quirky and funny, the O’Halloran ladies their family and the town of Mayhem band together to pull together a Christmas wedding, despite the short time frame and a wedding planner from hell, in A Christmas Weddig in Mayhem.
A Surprise Baby in Mayhem sees the Whiskey sisters trying to plan yet another wedding, while dealing with babies and other shenanigans. I don’t want to give too much away, beyond what you get from the back blurb, so no spoilers from this reviewer!
Grab this newest release from L.E. Rico and enjoy this holiday set.

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This book has no harsh cursing (no f-bombs) and no on-page sex. If those things bother you, there's nothing to worry about here.

While Mistletoe in Mayhem is part of a larger series and it is made much better by reading the first two books, you do not have to do that to enjoy this one, Ms. Rico has added enough background to this duo that it can stand alone. But you *should* read them because they're excellent books.

This book is so. ridiculously. awesome. There are two stories in this one book and both stories are exactly the kind of “couple update” novellas that I craved when Hennesey and Bryan and Jameson and Scott's (Unca Sock!) stories ended. Ms. Rico's sense of humor and her ability to turn the utterly ridiculous into the utterly hilarious is fantastic. Although there is drama and angst in both stories, there is also a vast amount of humor, community awesomeness, sweetness, and love – the things that make this series so excellent. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Mayhem is my kind of town and I wish it was real because I'd move there in a hot second.

I really can't wait for Walker's hinted-at story and *SPOILERS TO THE END OF PARAGRAPH* I am so impressed by Ms. Rico's redemption of Win. I knew she could do it, but I loved the way that it happened – it wasn't some miracle cure or overnight epiphany, and I thought that was really pretty perfect.

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Small town romance books always warm my heart. Especially the ones that are holiday themed. These stories were full of fun, love and Christmas. I laughed and cried, and loved the series as a whole!

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It was nice to catch up with the Whiskey sisters’ lives. These two stories allowed us to experience Hennessy and Brian’s wedding and then later Jameson and Scott’s. We were also able to join the O’Halloran family as both couples brought their first children into the world. Now, if I’m reading between the lines correctly, it looks like Walker will be the next sister to find true love!

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I just love small town romance books and this box set takes place in a small town called Mayhem. Both books had really sweet romantic stories. They are both part of a series called the Whiskey sisters. These stories were full of so much fun and so much Christmas spirit. They made me laugh and cry. I found the stories to be fast paced, and very festive. I am going to go back now and read the other books in the series. I can't wait to dive into those stories. Thanks Net Galley. I voluntarily reviewed this book in exchange for an honest review.

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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A heart-warming visit with the Whiskey sisters in the small town of Mayhem just in time for the holidays.

Two of the four sisters have met their match and author L.E. Rico gives us the chance to catch up with them and see what happens during the happily ever after.

In the first story Hennessy and Bryan are putting their wedding together. Of course in a town named Mayhem it is no surprise when things get a little crazy, but true love can conquer all.

In the second story Jameson and Scott are settling into life together and planning what's next, but things don't always go according to plan.

The series is equal parts romance, humor, and the enduring bond of sisterhood. All of the trademark hilarity, courtesy of the residents of Mayhem, is present, and you'll find yourself laughing one minute and with a big smile the next.

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4 1/2 stars

How L.E. Rico managed to pile so many antics, happy, bittersweet, sentimental, and fun moments into the two novellas that make up Mistletoe in Mayhem, I cannot begin to say, except hats off, Ms. Rico, because you provided me with several hours of happy escapism.
First, let me tell you that if you're expecting romance in either of these novellas, you will be disappointed, but probably not too much. If you've read the previous two novels (Blame it on the Bet and/or Mischief and Mayhem), you'll know that Mayhem is home to eccentric characters and that you will have fun regardless of whether there's romance involved or not.

While both novellas were very good, my hands down favorite was "A Surprise Baby in Mayhem," which felt perhaps more joyous than "A Christmas Wedding in Mayhem," mainly due to the fact that it didn't have a mean-spirited wedding planner in it. Although without the mean-spirited wedding planner, there wouldn't have been what was almost the equivalent of a Christmas miracle in A Christmas Wedding in Mayhem."

Also, "A Surprise Baby in Mayhem" introduces J.B., the baby whisperer, who may just be Walker's match in a future novel, and I am so looking forward to the snarky Walker finding love! 

My only gripe with "A Surprise Baby in Mayhem" is with the names Henny and Bryan chose for their new baby boys. Keeping in the spirit (pun intended) of things, they chose spirited names, but unfortunately practically the worst beers that the US has to offer, Bud and Mick.

Who will want to read these novellas? Anyone who has been as enamored with the Whiskey Sisters series as I have been. I will be honest though: I'm not sure that your enjoyment will be as strong if you have not read the previous novels in the series.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I love this series and so was very happy when I saw this boxed set of two novellas catching up with the Whiskey Sisters. Sometimes shorter stories feel a bit rushed, but these two definitely didn't, as they were really just intermingled stories of the town and the Whiskey Sisters and their family, with different lead characters.

A Christmas Wedding in Mayhem
The first novella is about Hennessy and Bryan and the planning for their Christmas wedding. They got together in the first of this series, 'Blame It On The Bet'. They want to be married on Christmas Eve, well Hennessy does as that's when her (deceased) parents got married, so there's a mad rush to get everything organised before Christmas. Throw in a wedding planner from hell from Bryan's previous big city life and things are thrown into turmoil. Luckily the wedding planner (who still had a 'thing' for Bryan although he didn't know when he hired her) is sacked - Hennessy was very patient, I would have sacked her long before she did - and so then there's a mad panic to rally the troops (i.e. the whole town) to sort the wedding out in time. Really lovely story, funny and emotional - the swans and the dozens of Santas did make me laugh!

A Surprise Baby in Mayhem
The second novella is about Jameson & Scott (from the second of this series 'Mischief & Mayhem') and the planning for their wedding. Jameson was married to Scott's brother, Win, originally and they had toddler Jackson (holy terror!), but are now divorced. But when Scott came back to town they found they had feelings for one another and are now planning their own wedding. But then there's a little glitch in the form of a surprise pregnancy! So Hennessy (first story) is pregnant, then Jameson falls pregnant, so there are baby hormones all over the place! Another very funny, emotional and engaging story.

I've really enjoyed all the stories in this very enjoyable Whiskey Sisters series and can't wait to read Walker's story next.

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Best Book(s) ever! I am over the moon in Mayhem! Another insanely good look at life in Mayhem from Lauren. She's a favorite for me, no secret there. The set is The Christmas Wedding which is the marriage of Bryan and Hennie. The second a novella length A Baby Surprise. Let the games begin.

Bryan and Hennie: Bryan has am acquaintance from California who is a wedding planner he insists on hiring to help with the wedding in Mayhem. Which is Minnesota, on Christmas Eve. Bryan has pretty much taken over with the wedding planning and really Hennie just wants things simple. Her parents got married on Christmas Eve too and Father Romance married them as well. The backstory there is wonderful. Wedding Planner from hell treats Hennie like she's dirt and ignorant. Hennie doesn't say much but the sisters are getting the gist what's going on. Everyone is still operating, Scott and Jameson pregnant, are getting married. Walker is working the bar along with Bailey. Love Bailey's sass. Jackson is getting older and a total toddler as you will see total terrible two's, tantrums abound. The best part of this book as well as the others is we get to see not only the sisters and their support of each other, but the famous town folk as well. I loved how Father Romance dispensed his own brand of wisdom with his special twist, as well as the memories he shared. Things hit the fan when the planner comes to town and hits on Bryan a little and then shreds the crap out of Hennie's plans including her sisters and has the nerve to tell Father R how the wedding ceremony was going to go. She didn't survive that visit. Hennie finally had enough and between her and her sisters, the witch was back on her broom and back to California where she belonged. Bryan needed restraints, I wanted to smack him several times throughout the book when his need to run things overran Hennie and getting married. Yes I'd say Bryan still has control issues.
So, that said, when the witch left, she also cancelled everything she had arranged for their wedding leaving them scrambling to get things done, no dress, no food, not thing one. She did however keep and send one little surprise along to the sisters dismay and Bryan's delight. Insert eye roll here, Bryan wanted them he got them. But have no fear, this is Mayhem and the town pulls together to get everything covered for the wedding, something that Bryan does without the girls knowing about this meeting. But while insanity rules in Mayhem of course, let's throw in a huge winter storm for Christmas Eve just for fun! I love these character driven books. We get the best of both worlds, a great story and relatable people and some crazy on top! Crazy as in almost wet your pants funny, so considered yourself warned, along with those melt your heart moments. I really want to live in Mayhem. I'm a closet sentimental slob and this pushed my sigh button more than once. Could not ask for more! As always a stellar read! Great story Lauren! I loved it!
A million Christmas Stars!

A Surprise Baby: Yowza! Bryan and Hennie are newly married and expecting! Twins! Yes!
Scott and James are trying to plan there wedding and things seem to keep getting derailed and that makes for some interesting twists not to mention her pregnancy is full steam ahead. So between these two storylines this was one heck of a read! Once again we get to see the sisters, the town folk, Father Romance, Big Win and yes Jackson too! Bryan once again gets a head knock for deciding to hire a nanny which escalates to two nannies. Hennie is on bedrest which leaves Jameson helping Bryan interview the ones who were vetted. More hysterical moments, and we come out with two polar opposite candidates. We also get to meet a new character who I am over the moon for JB.
He's like the toddler whisperer and can handle Jackson with few words. He also steps up to help behind the bar during a party and works with Walker. JB is smokin' hot and I need to see more of this man. Next book I hope. That said, this book is all about birthing babies, family and a whole lot of love. Because this is Mayhem where crazy always meets love! My only wish for this one would have been a full length book. This story definitely deserves more air time. Loved it!
Two fantastic reads you won't want to miss. Lauren as always I bow to you!

arc from NetGalley and Entangled for an honest review

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MISTLETOE IN MAYHEM by L. E. Rico are two wonderful stories with the Whiskey Sisters! This is a fun laugh out loud series. I loved these two stories and so will you!

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I love the town of Mayhem and the Whiskey sisters! Catching up with them all was great fun. Weddings, babies and celebrating Christmas together with hints of whats to come. Great fun!

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