Member Reviews

I was invested in the couple already and the blurb hooked me more. I loved all the angst and thier life after happy ever after.

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Another great book from one of my favorite authors! Love being able to see Ghost and Macys relationship from this angle. Definitely recommend this book and the entire series to readers who enjoy a bit of drama and tension with their smoking hot sexy times!
I read the books out of order and i would recommend not doing this.. there are several couples involved and with Ghost and Macy, there’s quite a back story that you might not understand as well if you don’t read their first book. The drama in this is gutwrenching and will make you want to fight somebody. But the sexy times make up for the heartache. Excellent book and series!

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I loved this follow-up for Macy and Ghost! Things are a bit uncertain for them at the present and I liked seeing how they went about resolving what they want and working together to accomplish their dreams.

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I hadn’t realized how much I missed being in Cherrie Lynn’s Ross Sibling’s world until I cracked open Breathless and jumped back in with a story about my favorite miss-matched, opposites attract couple. Six months after they are married, their lives are changing in more ways than one and with those changes comes a bit of anxiety, a bit of compromise and as always with these two a whole lot of love.

There is nothing I love more than when an author gives readers a bit of a “check in” with their characters and I was thrilled Ms. Lynn decided to let us see what is going on in the world of Seth “Ghost” Warren and his new wife, Macy. These two didn’t have the easiest relationship; there were several things they had to get past to be together so it was great to see them married and still so hot for one another. <WHEW!>

I loved that they are both still their own people, they haven’t changed their lives, but they have learned a bit of compromise. There were many memorable moments between them but watching Macy learn to appreciate Ghost’s musical talent and watching the way Ghost has softened and see him make sure Macy knows she is his everything made me sigh and cry. I love that they’ve grown not only as people, but in their coupledom.

Sassy and sexy and packed with emotion, I loved Breathless!!

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Breathless was a great follow up story to Macy and Seth's original novel. It was a quick read, but took me right back to the original feels of their story and made me nostalgic to read them again.

I loved that this story gave us proof that even in romance novels, couples face problems and have to make compromises. It was a really nice balance of continued romance and all out love with every day struggles delivered in such a way that not only was the love felt, the problems were relatable in some ways.

Macy and Seth are still two very much unique characters and I loved that though there was definitely growth in them, there wasn't any major changes that made them not resemble the Macy and Seth I fell in love with before.

Cherrie Lynn did a great job of enticing me with this follow up piece and now I'm hopeful for future glimpses at these and other characters in the future.

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Macy could convince Seth of almost anything. He definitely would be a loving father and she is anxious to start a family of her own. Their lives as a newly married couple are usually in balance but it takes watching the man she loves does something he enjoys to make her realize she just wants him to be happy. Overcoming ghosts of the past will make them both stronger as they continue to build their lives together. This is such a great series and getting a glimpse of he other couples in the series is definitely a bonus!

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I truly forgot how much I miss this series!! I read the first book in this series almost 6 years ago and loved it! And Breathless reminded me how much I misses Ghost & Macy! I loved that this book was shorter, the perfect length to get caught up with what was happening in their lives.

If you enjoyed any of the other books in this series, I’m sure you will love this one as well! Cherrie never lets me down with her writing style!

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It is always great to revisit with Brian and Ghost, so when I saw Breathless released, I had to grab it. In this book, you will get to see what's been going on with Brian and Candace, and Ghost and Macy. Things have changed. Brian and Candace have a family, and with Macy seeing how happy the two are, she wants a family of her own.

When an opportunity arises and Ghost is presented with a chance to return to the stage for one night to perform with his old band, will he take it? If you follow this series, we all know that Macy walked in on a VERY disturbing scene backstage at one of his gigs. Will Macy trust Ghost to make the right decision?

Macy begins to think that Ghost misses his old life, but that may not be the case. Ghost misses the adrenaline that runs through his veins when he is on stage performing. Ghost supports Macy's horseracing, which is totally out of his element, so will Macy support Ghost if he decides to play the gig offered to him?

Breathless was a short and sweet read giving us a glimpse at what the gang is up to. The banter between Ghost and Brian is always priceless, and I love seeing Brian and Candace enjoying their happily ever after.

* I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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*4.5 stars*

SO happy to get my hands on this short story! I was so pleased to revisit this 'world' and this couple. We get a very sweet and sexy snapshot of Seth (Ghost) and Macy's life after they are married and trying for a baby. Loved that it fit right into the feel of the original and took me right back to where we left this couple. Makes me wish I could start this series all over again. Great characters and story.

I would not recommend reading this as a standalone though as it is a continuation of the original story Leave me Breathless. DO definitely read all the Ross Siblings series!

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Loved it!

The Ross Siblings series is a favorite of mine and I'm really glad that Ghost and Macy were given another book. Sometimes going back to a couple can be pointless but with Macy and Ghost, that was so not the case.

I truly enjoyed visiting them again as they move into a different phase in their lives and also getting rid of some emotional baggage they've been toting around since they first met.

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Great book which I recommend.
Do not read this one on its own though.... I was confused and had to go back and read the previous books.

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I was thrilled when I saw that Cherrie Lynn was doing another book in this series, even if it was just a novella. I loved this group of siblings and all their sexy significant others!

Breathless was a great way to catch up with the one and only Seth "Ghost" Warren and his feisty wife Macy. These two still have the most intense chemistry not having lost one bit of their passion all these books later.

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Now do not get me wrong I LOVED ghosts story, it was my favorite of the Ross series, but this one just felt... Meh. To rushed not enough actual story, it just seems unnecessary to me I loved when I heard about this happening.... But I just wished it would be.... Just more...

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8 years after Leave me Breathless, Ghost and Macy are back! I don't know why the author decided to write a novella about these two, but I am just happy to see these two again. They got a nice epilogue to their story and we got to see some of the characters we know and love again, like Brian and Candice. The weird part of the story is that another unexpected character got a happy ending and some of the readers might not feel good about it.

I was not a fan of Ghost in the book. I couldn't really understand why he was so set on going to a place that held bad memories for him and mostly Macy. Macy was already going through some stuff since she wanted to get pregnant, but the sticks were not showing her the result she wanted. I guess that he needed some kind of closure in order to be able to enjoy happily married life with 2.5 kids.

Something didn' click for me when it comes to this book. I was expecting something more for these characters and it was holding me back, from enjoying the book as much as I should have. I hope that the author will write novella's for the other couples, just to get a glimpse of these beloved characters.

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Seth and Macy haven't been married long. He is a tattoo artist and used to be in a band. I know Macy is into rodeos but I am not sure what her full time job is. They are madly in love with each other and they want to start a family. Seth gets a phone call to do 1 gig with his old band. Macy is not so sure about it because of what happened the last time, which you will find out when you read this. After discussing their future and how he wants to really do this gig one last time then they decide to do it. Even though there are only 89 pages you still get to know the characters. I enjoyed how they feed off each other when something is wrong and their little bit of roll playing made me laugh.

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3 stars
Cute follow up on Ghost and Mac. She really wants a baby and he is worried he might not be a good dad.

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Six months into their marriage, Macy wants to be a mom and Ghost is contemplating selling his beloved GTO. Life is changing. When he gets a call from Mark to play with the old band for just one night, he knows that Macy isn't going to like it, even if the idea of getting back on stage for one show excites him.

Macy isn't happy about Ghost revisiting behaviors she thought he left behind, especially when she has some really bad memories of the disastrous attempt to see Ghost play in the past. Raina, Ghost's old girlfriend is likely to be there.

There's lots of stuff going on in Macy's head right now and Ghost is going to have to help her in the best way he can and does he deliver on that!

Breathless is a really great little story about what happens after the HEA, so to speak. It's about how relationships change and grow and adjust. That was the real charm for me in this story, and Ghost is one sexy beast! I love how he loves Macy and how he understands her. They are really quite wonderful together, even though Macy can really get on my nerves sometimes.

This is the kind of book that makes you want to go back and re-read the entire series. There are some nice scenes with Brian and Candace as well, and the banter between Brian and Ghost is always entertaining.

I really liked Breathless. It's a great addition to the series, and can also work as a standalone if you just want something steamy and sweet you can read in an evening.

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This was such a sweet and spicy story. I loved this couple when i first met them and i loved this sexy rocker/tatoo artist even more the second time around.

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I loved the book so much
That I highlighted some of my favourites quotes that I found

The ending was amazing and perfect

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This was a quick read to fill me in on what was happening with Seth and Maci from after their wedding. It was great to see the old group and how well Seth and Maci still love each other. Even through this book with Seth showing her how special she is. It was a great read.

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