Member Reviews

I have always loved this author and was not disappointed by the book. It was just right and I was able to catch up with some of my fave characters from her other books

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Who doesn’t just love Seth “Ghost “ and Macy Warren? I always get so excited when another book in The Ross Siblings Series. I LOVE this series and book 8, Breathless is just a the cherry on top of this delicious story.
Seth and Macy, have settled into marital bliss and are well on their way to what looks to be an amazing life. Macy is longing to start a family and is a little apprehensive to tell her husband. Meanwhile, Seth is working away at Dermamania, until one phone call gives him a chance to relive a time in his life that he put behind him. Knowing that he can not keep this from Macy, is set to tell her knowing that it is the one thing that may bring trouble to paradise.

Seeing how Macy and Seth interact just gave me all the feels. Seeing how much they have grown and how they now deal with curve balls life throws at them. I love the conversations about the GTO and how important that car is to their relationship, just swoon.
We get to catch up with Brian and Candance and see how their lives how changed since Lyric came along.
This is everything a novella should aspire to be. You get an ending/beginning to one of our favorite couples.
This is just a fantastic read.
I highly recommend this story and the ENTIRE series.

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I really enjoyed this super hot, short, and sweet novella. It was great returning to this series as Ghost and Macy were my favorite couple in the series. They have been married six months now but they newlywed faze has not worn off yet! It was sweet to see a glimpse back into their lives and to get a peak at their future. A great addition to the series that I would highly recommend.

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This is a book of being in love and compromise. Seth and Macy have already fallen in love and have gotten married. The couple is faced with a situation that brings back old insecurities and self consciousness. Can they overcome those issues once again?

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I love Seth and Macy and this one was a cute quick read.It was great to get to revisit these characters and see how they've grown both as individuals and as a couple. Macy and Seth were made for each other, sigh. I wish we had more.

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I was so excited to get more from Seth "Ghost" Warren and his wife Macy.  This seemingly mismatched couple caught my attention in Leave Me Breathless and I was beyond excited to get a peek into their lives as a married couple.  These two characters really stood out to me in the past and I knew that if they were to get another book I would gladly read it.

This novella was short and sweet.  Hitting on both the struggles and achievements gained in both life and marriage.   It was great to get to revisit these characters and see how they've grown both as individuals and as a couple.  In this story they come up against several challenges that could make or break them and it's how they navigate these challenges that really cements how strong of a marriage they have.  While this story didn't have the gut wrenching scenes of their original story it was still an emotional book that made you really questions who these characters are to each other.

I loved the maturity that came along with their years together.  Things that would originally make Macy run for the hills before, instead made her question who Seth really was to her and how her reaction would affect not only her but their marriage.  Seth really grew up a lot.  He put his wife and her happiness above his own and it was amazing to see her do the same for him.

It's always harder to write a review for such a short piece of work but, I can say that I really enjoyed this story and was sad to see it end.

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This is the first time i have read this author and i really enjoyed it, i could nit stop turning the pages, Macy and Seth were made for each other, this novella is part of a series so now i shall go check out the rest

I received a copy from Netgalley and i am voluntarily leaving my own honest opinion

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Seth "Ghost" Warren left his old life behind to have and marry Macy. When an opportunity comes around for him to play in with band "Ghost" wants that shot. Macy has reservations because that is the thing that almost made them not happen.
This book has a lot of angst and uncertainty with the characters but it is a beautiful book. I'm sure you will enjoy the read.

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“Breathless” is a fun, sexy little novella, that picks up Macy and Seth’s story as a newly married couple on the verge of parenthood. But the past opens up old wounds, as Seth (aka Ghost) contemplates rejoining his old band for a one-time gig.

Despite the turmoil that both situations pose, Macy and Seth are just as hot for each other as ever before! And the emotionally tender moments remind me just how much I love this uniquely endearing couple.

Reading “Breathless” felt a lot like coming home. What a joy it was to revisit these old friends.

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A short quick read but a bit hard to follow without reading the prior books.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author. All opinions are my own.

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Hmmm...I'm not really sure what to think after reading this book. Breathless was a very quick read for me and admittedly this is my first book by this author. It was a different story for me in that the main couple was already married so there wasn't the meeting/dating aspect that you usually get in books.

I found that I didn't really relate all that well to the characters and therefore I struggled a bit with the story. It was an ok read.

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4 Stars!
Seth "Ghost" Warren and his wife Macy have been married for about six months. They are crazy in love and excited to begin their future together. Macy is ready to start a family, and is hoping to get pregnant soon. They are enjoying being newlyweds and their everyday life as a couple. Seth is still a tattoo artist at Dermamania with his best friend Brian Ross. He's happy with his daily routine, and then a blast from the past calls with an offer he's not sure he can turn down. His old band In the Slaughter has asked him to come back and do a show in Austin with them. He'd once been their lead guitarist until some drama happened. He'd always loved how it felt to be on stage, and he realized he missed it. This could be his one chance to relive his glory days. Macy figures this gig could be an opportunity for some baby making fun with her gorgeous, bald, inked, pierced, badass husband. She plans to take full advantage of this time together and her hot man!

Breathless is book 8 in the Ross Siblings series. It's a sexy, short novella featuring Ghost & Macy from Leave Me Breathless. This is my favorite couple in the series so I was thrilled to get more of these characters I adore! Ghost is still just as delicious, and he still likes to get steamy in his GTO. ;)) They are still deeply in love and as passionate as ever. I really enjoyed this story, and returning to this series!

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Ghost and Macy are probably tied with Brian and Candace for my favorite couple of this series and I wholly enjoyed getting to see more of their life in Breathless. I loved the way Lynn tackled the difficulties that can crop up in a relationship when it comes to old wounds and the struggles of change, and how true-to-character they both were in dealing with them. But the most fun was in seeing their connection again and feeling those same butterflies that appear when this couple appears on the pages.

As with any novella, I wanted more. I'm ravenous for this group of friends and seeing into their lives at every opportunity we can get and I hope Lynn keeps delving back into this world and building on it. The bad boy nature of Ghost and the reserved Macy were just as I expected them to be even in domesticity, and I love their unique dynamic and how they've made it work. And seeing them think of babies brought a warmness to my heart. If you've missed this couple as much as I have, you'll enjoy getting a glimpse back into their world and I think you'll be like me in wishing there was more, more, more of them.

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I fell so hard for Seth and Macy in Leave Me Breathless. It was so much fun to read them again and then get even more of their story in Breathless. Seth and Macy are one of my favorite book couples because they’re so relatable. The challenges they face in Breathless are things that many who read this book will relate to, including myself. It was so heartwarming seeing them together and still so in love a couple years later and trying to turn that love into something more. Not only is this novella swoony, it’s also classic Macy and Seth-scorchingly hot.

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Seth/Ghost was working on his GTO. Ghost was a tattoo artist and his boss/best friend was Brian. Ghost had quit his position of lead guitarist for In The Slaughter and the front man Mark has called Ghost. There was no reason to talk to the slimy butthole . Ghost had deleted all evidence of him from his phone and his life and had been happier for it. Mark’s little brother Drew had taken Ghost’s place which was what Mark had always wanted. Ghost had married Macy six months ago and wondered how he had got so lucky. He had been looking for a home for a long time and found it in Macy and she had forever in her eyes. But Mark wanted Ghost to come back for a gig with the band. Drew had broke his hand and the band had a show in three weeks. Mark had asked if there was anything he could do to get Ghost to play with the band. Ghost told Mark he would get back to him in a day or so with his answer. Raina was Ghost's ex and she and Mark had plotted to break Macy and Ghost up with Ghost was almost drunk unconscious and Raina tried to have sex with Ghost and Macy walked in. Macy and Ghost had a big fight just before and his grandmother had died. Ghost wondered if he even dare bring this up to Macy but he knew he had to. But the thrill … even now he felt it awakening in his veins. No matter how much time had passed he remembered being up there on stage . Macy and Ghost had just made love when Ghost’s phone went off and it was another band member Ghost had tried to be like a big brother to-Gus. He was also probably calling to try to talk Ghost onto taking the gig. Ghost strolled into work-Dermania- ten minutes late Tuesday. Then Brian yelled out asking Ghost where he had been. Brian had been ghost’s best friend since freshman year in HS. He wondered what Brian would have to say about the gig. Macy at first said ghost could do the gig but she wouldn’t go with him then Ghost brought up how he hated her rodeo stuff but always went to support her Macy had never known until he had just brought it up. Then she said she would go to support him to she had never seen him play on stage with the band. Then Brian and his wife Candace who was Macy’s best friend said they would go to. When at the hall Macy seen Raina and she had changed her look and Macy wondered if it was what she thought Ghost was attracted to now. She got enraged.
I loved this romantic emotional easy read book. I loved Ghost and Macy together and how they interacted with each other. I read this in one sitting as I didn’t want to put this down luckily it was a short but complete story. I loved the plot and pace. This didn’t lack anything. Happily to could find nothing to criticize in this book.I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend it.

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I was undecided about how I felt when I heard we were getting another book about Ghost and Macy, but decided to try to reserve judgement and give it a chance. I loved Macy and Seth's story and was hopeful that this book would be good unfortunately this book is a complete waste of time and it is overpriced for how short it is! In my opinion this book had nothing of substance to offer and seems to my to be a money grab.

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I have read many novels by Cherrie Lynn. and rarely does she disappoint.

I love Seth and Macy. They are one of my favorite couples in this series. This was a cute catch up novella. It was alright. I was able to read through the whole book. I guess I could have lived without this follow up. I just prefer to use my imagination as to where the story goes after everything is said and done.

It was well written- as always.

Solid 3 stars.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was a great way to go back to Seth and Macy's love story.
I just expected "more", but I guess the length - since it's a novella - didn't help, and this may explain why I felt like it was "lacking" of some depth, or like it was a little rushed...

Writing novellas about couples that already had their own story on a previous book ca be REALLY challenging.

It rarely works for me (but it’s not impossible, I indeed enjoyed some novellas, because they were consistent despite their length)

But this one was just OK for me.

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We get a look at Seth and Macy's life after their wedding. Macy has her heart set on a child and wants it more than she is willing to admit even to herself. Seth gets a phone call that could cause a bump in the road for he and Macy. His old band wants him back for a one-time gig and Macy doesn't take the news well. To say Macy only thought of herself and her feelings is an understatement. She only saw her feelings as being important and Seth has to walk a fine line of being true to himself and not letting Macy bulldoze him into giving up his dreams. I liked how it all played out. I did like how Macy finally got closure on their past and saw things from a new perspective. Seth did a good job of trying to help Macy with her insecurities. The book fit both of them well and it was a nice addition to their story. Cherrie Lynn did a good job of making you feel what both of them were feeling at the time. If you liked the other books in this series, this one will definitely be one you won't want to miss.
I received an ARC from NetGalley for my honest review.

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The 6th book in the Ross siblings, I was shocked to see us re visiting characters.
Breathless, is a hot, steamy, angsty ride. But with all them things its still really sweet, and romantic and I was here for that.
To talk about this book is tricky you don't want to leave spoilers for those who haven't caught up in the series. I would definitely rec that you should read the whole series and not just jump into this one. Overall I loved the characters, the way the author writes at the end it made me want to re read them all again

4 stars

PNR Book Lover Reviews

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