Member Reviews

t was nice to visit these two again. It's been awhile since I read this series. Still Macy and Seth.

Great novella and life after the HEA. You will enjoy it more if you have read the series already.

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Breathless is a truly fun way to catch up with the one and only Seth "Ghost" Warren and his feisty wife Macy. These two still have the most intense chemistry not having lost one bit of their passion all these books later.

I still remember first meeting them way back when in the Ross Siblings series and I'm happy they are still blissfully in love.

There is that requisite bit of tension as past events come flooding back as Seth is invited to play one more time with his former band. I was a bit surprised he'd want Macy to revisit their painful past but I was equally proud that she was able to be there for her man.

Plenty of heat and wildly sexy trysts make this a reunion worth reading and it's a short enough novella to get you through a gloomy afternoon.

3 solid stars!

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O received an ARC version of the book from Netgalley in exchange for a honest review. All opinions and critiques are my own.

First off, I was extremely happy to see Ghost and Macy again. (The book is listed on the cover as book 8. You need to the other books in the series especially their book. To novella has the feel of a long epilogue; it takes place 6 years after their story. They're married, you find out what/how they are doing, they are starting their family...).Their book has been my favorite in the series. As such, I was looking forward to this one. It was nice to see everyone again but I disliked some of the plot points (won't go into detail but Ghost could have hurt Macy in a big way). I will say the book was very hot and steamy.

Overall, the book was a nice addition to the series.

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This author never disappoints. A truly brilliant book and storyline. I love Cherrie Lynn and will ALWAYS buy her books including paperbacks if available. These two characters and their love story just blew up the pages with hotness. A must read. It’s a book I’d read over and over again. A quick read too. My only negative is that it ended. Totally loved this book.

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I felt a little meh about this one. It was nice to see Ghost and Macy happy, heck even to see them fight a bit and then work out a compromise. I did find I was on Macy’s side, was a bit startled that Ghost would ask Macy to go back to the place where horrible things happened to them. I sort of expected bad things to happen again, instead it was a bit anti-climactic. It was nice to see the good news that Ghost and Macy received at the end.

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"He smelled like oil and the faintest hint of the sweat that sheened his heavily inked skin, and she practically felt her ovaries growl. Oh God, yes, she wanted this man's baby."

I've read over a thousand books since I first met Ghost & Macy in 2013, but I still remember...sigh. ❤️

I've continued to follow Cherrie Lynn over the years and I get excited every time she has a new release. So, you can imagine how excited I was to learn that this memorable couple was getting a novella and I would be able to catch up with them. When I started reading it was as if I'd just finished reading Leave Me Breathless. Their explosive chemistry has not dulled in the six months they've been married. Their witty banter, role-playing, and habit of having spontaneous sex regardless of their current location are highly entertaining.

The thought of a mini-Ghost or mini-Macy makes me smile. Either would be more than a handful to handle and I hope the author decides to give her readers a taste when that happens. I'm sure they will have a very colorful vocabulary and personality. And trying to imagine Seth & Macy having to control their urges and not christen every surface in their house at will also makes me giggle. But, at the same time, I know they will make perfect parents.

Unfortunately, when a blast from their past shows up, doubts resurface and Macy worries that she's not enough for her man. Will she and the idea of a family be enough to keep him satisfied? She doesn't want to hold him back, but can she accept the part of him that still wants to be on stage?

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet, sexy romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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Ghost and Macy are back and seriously hotter than ever. This peek at their life together, plus seeing Brian and Candace at Dermamania was better than any epilogue because even Ghost and Macy’s HEA has a few bumps in the road.

Life together has been good for Ghost and Macy, even after six months of marriage. They have grown closer and more confident in their feelings for each other. And the sexual chemistry is even hotter than before:

<blockquote> They were old pros with each other’s bodies by now, yet nothing was old. Every breath, every quiver, every touch…it all felt brand new and all the more devastating for their shared prowess. Equally as hot and fierce or loving and tender whether they were in their bed or the shower or he had her bent over the kitchen island.</blockquote>

This new life is tested when Ghost gets an invite to play with his old band, and this stirs up wrecked memories of the night that almost destroyed Ghost and Macy. Macy, grappling with her desire for a baby, is stunned that Ghost wants to revisit that life when all she can remember is what his ex-girlfriend tried to do to them that night. Brian and Candace somehow get involved in Macy and Ghost’s standoff, too and it was hard to even understand Ghost’s thinking (I’ve always been a Macy fan).

Although the ending is a bit pat and too neatly done, it is a testament that Ghost and Macy come through even stronger and more content than ever before. There is a sense that even without any further epilogues or novellas, they really did find their HEA.

4 stars

Note: I voluntarily read and reviewed this eARC generously provided by NetGalley and the publisher.

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Macy and Ghost/Seth's story has been my favourite book from this series so I was looking forward to catching up with them in this Novella.

It was OK but I expected a bit more to be honest.

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Seth and Macy have been married for six months. They are happy but Macy wants a baby. Macy works in her parents sporting goods store and Seth is a former band member and works in a tattoo shop. When he gets a call to fill in with his old band, he wants too but Macy is afraid that’s what he wants for his life now. Plus she has bad memories of the place they will be playing at and of Seth’s ex showing up. Can Seth convince her she is all he needs?
A novella with a bald, tattooed hunk and his strong wife. Sex, sex, and sex. Really good.

* Voluntarily read and reviewed this for Netgalley *

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Not many people know this about me but Seth "Ghost" Warren is legit one of my top favorite male characters ever. I have reread his and Macy's book so many times, I've lost count. So please close your eyes and briefly imagine my reaction when I saw Cherrie Lynn was releasing more of their story. I. FREAKING. DIED.

Breathless finds Ghost and Macy married and contemplating a family when the past comes knocking on their door. Ghost is just as delicious and adorable and funny and real as he ever was and I fell right back into love with him. Macy is as relatable as ever, a bit more sure of herself and her relationship these days, but the girl Ive known and loved is still there deep down when old insecurities make their way to the surface. Truly, this was the very best walk down memory lane, a story that brings their relationship full circle, reminding the reader how difficult their journey has been while simultaneously proving how strong and perfect they are in this new phase of their lives.

This book is SEXY. It's so so so steamy. It's wickedly hot and a bit angsty yet still deliciously sweet and romantic all at once. I couldn't have been more thrilled to get this glimpse into their present. It was so so so good and now all I can think about is going back to the beginning to retrace their steps all over again. I seriously LOVE the Dermamania crew, I love the whole vibe of this series and I can't recommend it enough. This fast paced romance was simply icing on the cake because I truly thought the series was complete and to get more Ghost and Macy when I wasn't expecting it was the most AMAZING surprise. I love love loved Breathless and this just validated my feelings that Ghost is still the best everrrrrr

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I am a fan of this series and I found this book disapointing. First it does NOT stand alone. You need to read the original book, this is an after they are married novella but nothing happens in this book. It is more of an erotic book than anything else. I had high hopes of some drama at the concert but nothing happens. Mostly this is about Seth/Ghost and Macy when they try to have a baby, its sex scene after sex scene and I wanted more story, more drama so it was disapointing.

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Breathless, is a very erotic book. It a great book to take on the perfect weekend getaway. The fact that Macy and Seth are already married is a plus for me. There was no awkward getting to know you point to the story.

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