Member Reviews

Great thriller, could no put it down through all the twists and turns. Would highly recommend to fans of this genre.

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I am not leaving a review due to the fact that this book did not interest me enough to finish the story.

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Missing Lies is the seventh book in the DI Mariner series, it can be read as a standalone but I'd recommend reading a few of the previous books just to get a fuller picture of the characters.

The story follows the disappearance of Grace Clifton. It's unclear if she ran away or something bad happened to her. A package turns up at the station containing her clothes and another woman disappears, it's a race against time to find out who is taking these women and stop it from happening again.

Tom is struggling a little in this book. His team is depleted, with his second in command Tony Knox on secondment to another team and his DC Millie Khatoon on maternity leave. Add to the fact that he's still caring for Jamie, an autistic adult he's now the guardian of, to say his life is complicated is an understatement!

As always with Chris Collett's books it's well written with a steady pace and some good twists in there too.

Missing Lies is a complex and intriguing police procedural that had me gripped from the beginning.

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A fantastic novel as always. Love the character development within the Tom Mariner novels and a great storyline which brought together a lot of seemingly disparate strands

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Enjoyed this book, although I wasn't completely riveted. I found it a bit disjointed on the whole, with many threads not becoming clear until quite a way into the book (Dominique, for example), which made the main plot confusing. Some good twists and turns though. I've read others in the series and will continue to look out for future offerings.

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absolutley loved this book!
i was hooked from the first page and could not put it down. what a fantastic plot and the author kept me captivated all the way through. i was quite upset that it was over and i shall be stocking up on this authors books and the tales of tom mariner

thank you for allowing me to read

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I received a digital arc of #MissingLies from #NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Having previously read Baby Lies by the same author and loving it, I was really excited to read this. However I just didn't really get in to it. There were so many characters that I found it hard to keep track of who was who. When the killer is revealed it feels like a massive anti climax as they had barely been mentioned until that point, and certainly not by name. It was all wrapped up nicely but for me I just didn't love it. It seemed to take forever to get going and was very slow paced.

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This is an excellent addition to the Tom Mariner series. I will be purchasing this book and future books in the series too.

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Good, solid police procedural mystery. Missing girls, later found murdered, piques the reader’s interest early on. That interest wains ias the plot lags in the middle of the book. The plot stalls aa further progress in the investigation does. There is no driving force compelling the plot along.......just more missing girls. At the 65% mark, the villain is revealed, which seems too contrived, and the reader knows it is to perfect a resolution to be the true one. And so it was. There is a good attempt at characterization, but, except for the main protagonist, the other characters were one dimensional. The storyline held my attention, and the resolution was satisfying, but the novel, on the whole, lacked the thrills and chills I expect in a murder mystery. I am not interested in reading another installment in this series.

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I’ve been a fan of this author but I didn’t not enjoy this particular book. I felt that there were way too many tangents to the main story that made it hard to follow and invest in anything. Overall it was an ok book but I have liked the author’s other works better.

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Thankyou to NetGalley, Joffe Books and the author, Chris Collett, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of Missing Lies in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I thought this book was well thought out and written with good, solid characters. There was certainly plenty if twists and turns to keep you glued to your seat. 3.5 stars.
Worth a read.

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Detective Tom Mariner needs to solve the disappearance of a woman, then another one, so a pattern is set. It is my first book from this series and I like it very much, so I will read the others too.
Thank you Netgalley for this crime story.

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Excellent book! Loved the characters and it was a great storyline. I would highly recommend this book.

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Tom Mariner isn’t a familiar name but it will be now! This is the 7th(?!!?) book in the series and a rerelease to boot but I’m glad I caught it because I wasn’t familiar with the series and now I can go back and appreciate it from beginning.

The writing is solid. The characters have some chops. There is more than a mystery as we see the personal dilemmas these characters face. Maggie, his past partner is also a presence, currently on maternity leave.

This has some twists and turns and kept me on the edge of my seat. Yeah, this was good.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and Joffe Books for a copy in exchange for a review

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. New author for me to look out for in future. Not read the previous D I Tom Mariner books but shall be changing that. Fast past and enthralling thriller.

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This is the seventh book in the series featuring Detective Tom Mariner. I have read most of the books in the series and found this one the best yet. Tom is adapting to a new investigation team and they are trying to solve the case of a young missing girl as they are not sure whether she has run away. But then a parcel of the clothes she was wearing arrives at the police station which points it in the way of a murder inquiry. A second young woman goes missing and her clothes are also sent to Tom and he realises there is a serial killer at large.
I love the character of Tom Mariner. He is a caring and dedicated police officer who juggles with his demanding job and caring for his late partner’s autistic brother. It was like meeting up with old friends being reunited with Tom and his previous team members and I would definitely recommend this series of books.
Thanks to NetGalley and Joffe books for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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My review is on Amazon, under carolintallahassee. I rated it four stars. Love DCI Mariner. Thank you Netgalley for allowing me to read this new Author for me!

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Great twists. Keeping you hanging on til the very end. Could not put it down. Would definitely recommend this book

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A great crime read. A young girl has gone missing but the police don't have any clues, has she just run away or is it something worse. DCI Tom Mariner is heading up the investigation but there just isn't much to go on. So they have no choice but to try and find out where she was lost seen. But no one has seen on her way home so where is she? Another young woman is taken and she would never have left her daughter. There is too much similar things about the women for it not to be related. Can Tom find them before it is too late? He is having to make a big decision in his home life and he just hopes that he is making the right one. He loves having Jamie at home but his job is just so demanding and he feels like he can't take care of him anymore. He did the right thing by taking over his care after his ex died but he can't do it for much longer.
He wishes that he had his old team but one is on maternity leave and the other one has been sent as part of a task force into arms smuggling. He knows that he has a good team and he hopes that they can find the answers that they need. Tom thinks that he knows where the suspect works but everything turns bad when the girls are both discovered dead, he has to find the killer as another woman has gone missing. And it all leads back to the hospital but Tom wonders if the husband has anything to do with it? Just as they thought that they found the killer it only leads to a dead end but who is it? Will Tom figure it out before another woman is killed? Why is the hospital so important to the case, the answer will have everyone surprised.
A great read. Loved Tom he is a strong leader who is doing a great job of looking after Jamie. How many people would have done that? His personal life might be a mess at the moment but I am sure that he will be able to figure it all out. Can't wait to read another book in the series. Read it in one day that is how good it is. I was lucky enough to receive a copy via Netgalley & the publishing house n exchange for my honest review.

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If there’s one thing this Ginger Book Geek loves to do, it’s discovering a new author and a new series. It wasn’t so very long ago that I had my first introduction to Detective Inspector Tom Mariner. Now it feels as though I have known him for years. Anyway I digress so back to the review I do go. I eagerly download my copy of each new book that Chris releases and I disappear into my reading den. I don’t emerge until I have finished reading. The most recent book in the series is called ‘Missing Lies’ and it was released on 28th October 2018. I absolutely, totally, utterly and completely loved it but more about that in a bit.
I have to admit that I have developed something of a soft spot for Detective Inspector Mariner. He is a dedicated police officer and he is most definitely dedicated to his work. He certainly doesn’t have an equal work/ life balance and his dedication to his work has often cost him dearly in his personal life. Mariner is currently single but he has a demanding home life. His late partner’s brother is autistic and following the death of his partner, it emerged that Tom had become his legal guardian. Tom feels ever so slightly out of his depth as he has never been a carer before and he doesn’t have any previous experience of autism. Gradually though he is getting there and he and his sort of brother-in-law are gradually forming a very close relationship and friendship. Mariner can’t help but pine (well sort of) for his old team as some members have gone to pastures new but that doesn’t mean that their friendships have been ended. ‘Missing Lies’ starts with the case of a disappearance of a young woman. Initially Mariner thinks that she has left of her own free will and that the reconstruction of her disappearance is unwarranted. Mariner is under the impression that the reconstruction has only been filmed because of who the woman’s father is. Soon the case becomes so much more serious and worrying details emerge. Will Mariner and his team solve the case before any lives are lost? Will they apprehend the abductor? Well for the answers to those questions and more you are just going to have to read the book for yourselves to find out as I am not going to tell you.
As soon as I opened ‘Missing Lies’ and began to read, I felt as though I had reunited with old friends. It didn’t take me long at all to get into the story- actually by the end of the first sentence, I was definitely hooked on this book and reading it became an addiction. I was like an addict in desperate need of her next fix. I couldn’t bear to be parted from the book and I took it everywhere with me. I just had to read on to see how the case progressed and if my hero (Mariner) survived in one piece. The author uses such vivid and powerful descriptions that I really did feel as though I was an invisible member of the investigative team. I even found myself trying to take an active part in the investigation and I would occasionally throw out the odd comment or suggestion, which did attract some strange looks when I was on the bus. Before anybody starts, yes I know it is fiction and therefore not real but I find that if I am convinced by the author’s writing style, the story and the characters I tend to ‘live’ the story. Reading this book was much like being a rather scary and unpredictable rollercoaster ride with twists and turns aplenty. Some of the twists I had worked out but other twists hit me like a punch to the gut.
It’s fair to say that I loved, no make that adored reading ‘Missing Lies’. I would definitely recommend this author, her books and this series to other readers. I can’t wait to read what further cases await DI Tom Mariner in the future. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is an extremely well deserved 5* out of 5*.

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