Member Reviews

What a way to end the series. Emotions ran high as these two battled not only those feelings but an enemy that could tear their world apart.

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The Story in 4 Sentences or Less: Sarah Carlton has been forced to work in order to survive and she’s lucky to have been employed as a governess by the late Duke of Kingsacre for his young daughter Phoebe but when the duke dies she fears her days as governess are numbered. Christopher “Kit” Collins becomes the new duke and he once had an unpleasant encounter with Sarah that he can’t forget and he is disturbed to find out that she is his sister’s governess but because his sister adores Sarah, he decides not to fire her. After an accident that almost kills Sarah, the two form a tentative truce that leads to an affair and while Kit and Sarah have passion between them, there is very little trust. Until someone threatens Phoebe’s welfare and the two have to set aside their mutual distrust to protect her.

Like It? Hate it? Love it? Why? I knew Kit’s story was going to be the last one in the 1797 series but The Last Duke still felt miles away, how did it get here so fast? On the one hand I was excited to read it but on the other I was hesitant because it meant I would have to say goodbye to all these characters that I loved for so long!

If you’ve been reading the series from the beginning, or at least from book 2, Sarah was a minor character who got a little tipsy at a ball given by one of “The Dukes” and said some uncharitable things towards the heroine. Kit caught her saying them and since then he hasn’t had a good opinion of her and she has tried to avoid him. A really delicious set up if you ask me. Then to make things more awkward, when Kit inherits the title after his father’s death, who should be working as governess but Sarah! I loved the tension between them that started as mistrustful animosity and how it turned into something more heated.

Kit has been one of my favorites from the beginning, because he hadn’t yet inherited his ducal title. His father was still alive though ailing and it was clear that Kit loved him very much. That influenced his personality in a big way, Kit is a family man and while I saw that he had confidence, I didn’t particularly see him as arrogant. He was a humble *gasp* duke who just wanted to live up to the legacy his father had. Not so much in being a duke but being a good man who took care of those he was responsible for whether it be family, staff, or tenants on his land. Kit wanted to be a good man like his father and that was so different to his friends who had daddy issues, some of them pretty severe. But not Kit and it was nice to end the series with a hero who didn’t have the hang ups that his friends did.

I was surprised that Sarah was the heroine. I remember her little tirade earlier in the series and thought it was odd that she seemingly dropped off the face of the earth after that. When she popped up again several books later I wasn’t sold on her just based off of that one scene. I wasn’t sure she could be a good match for someone like Kit. Gradually though Sarah won me over with her steadfast loyalty and genuine affection for Kit’s little sister Phoebe. I thought Sarah had the gentle heart and nature to help Kit grieve and adjust to his new role as a duke. Not to mention the guts to go toe to toe with him when he got too stubborn. These two had a solid foundation on which to build their romance quietly but with just as much passion as any of the other couples in the series.

As much as I adore the romance in this series, I have adored the friendships between the men just as much and The Last Duke gives readers a chance to see all of them together because of course they would all come running to Kit’s side as soon as his father passed. Those quiet moments when Kit was being comforted by his friends reminded me why this entire group of characters will always make me smile when I think of solid friendships in romance.

Click It or Skip It? Click It. I will miss these characters but I couldn’t think of a more fitting character than Kit to close it out.

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Christopher "Kit" Collins has just lost his father, the Duke of Kingsacre. All of Kit's friends gather to mourn the Duke, a man who was loved by them all. Kit is at a loss as to where to go from here. Thank goodness for the support of his friends in the 1797 Club.

Sarah Carlton is doing her best to help her young charge, Phoebe, and Phoebe's brother (Sarah's new employer) Kit, get through their grief. She knows what it is like to lose a parent and to have to live every day with that hurt. Sarah must do what she can to stay in Kit's good graces in order to keep her job. She is perfectly aware he still holds ill feelings towards her due to some hateful things she said to a friend of his years ago.

Kit is confused by his feelings towards Sarah. He doesn't want to like her, but he sees how good she is with his sister, Phoebe, and she always has a kind word for him. When Phoebe's life is threatened and Sarah saves Phoebe at her own risk, Kit begins to realize the extent of his feelings for Sarah. Could Sarah possibly feel the same?

THE LAST DUKE is a beautiful, yet poignant close to author Jess Michaels's beloved 1797 CLUB series. Even though I was heartbroken over the series coming to an end, I could not have asked for a more bittersweet ending. I am so thankful to Ms. Michaels for providing a brief glimpse into all of the group's futures as well. It helped me gain closure as I'm sure it will for other fans. That being said, author Jess Michaels's 1797 CLUB series is a must read for any historical romance fan. Although I recommend reading them in order, they could be read as standalones. From THE DARING DUKE all the way to THE LAST DUKE, readers will not want to miss any part of this gripping series.

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Sarah Carlton and Christopher "Kit" Collins, the Duke of Kingsacre have a past, he overheard her being incredibly rude to Meg and he has disliked her ever since - or has he? Sarah was at a very low point in her life and after a little too much punch, said some things that she regretted to Meg and was horrified that Kit overheard and berated her. Secretly, she had always admired Kit and was devastated to lose his regard.

Three years later, Sarah's circumstances left her no choice but to seek employment and she is hired by Kit's father to be governess to his young illegimate daughter, Phoebe. Kit is not happy about this, but his father is dying and he has bigger concerns that Sarah. All his "brothers" and their duchesses have arrived to support him in his time of sorrow, his father's death has been coming for a long time, but when he finally passes, Kit is overwhelmed with grief and finds succor with the last person he would expect - Sarah.

Sarah knows Kit doesn't like her, but she loves Phoebe and prays that Kit doesn't terminate her now that he is the duke. She is terrified each time he approaches her, sure this will be the end, but she is shocked when he asks her for advice and seems to respect her suggestions. Kit is drawn to Sarah, he tells himself and anyone who will listen that he doesn't like her, but she is good with Phoebe and is grieving for her mother, so she understands them better. His friends are not buying it, but let him have his delusions.

Kit has a surprising conversation with Meg and has to face some hard truths about his feelings for Sarah, he is still confused when a near death experience makes him face reality. He does care for Sarah and has for years. Their relationship takes a huge turn and soon Kit wonders how he will live without her, but he is still not ready to name his feelings.

Sarah has owned her feelings, but still isn't sure what Kit's plans for her are and when he runs hot and cold, she thinks the worst. The other dukes and duchesses are not fooled and are happy to offer advice to both of them. Kit finally makes a decision about his relationship with Sarah and is about to talk to her about it when a threat against Phoebe leaves him reeling and putting off his conversation with Sarah.

But when the threat becomes reality and Sarah is in danger, will Kit be able to save her or will he spend the rest of his life regretting his decision to wait for a better time to bare his soul?

I thought this was an excellent ending to the series, it is well written, fast paced and has cameos with all the former dukes and duchesses. The story is emotional, at times heartbreaking and terrifying, but it isn't dark and depressing, it stresses the amazing bond between the dukes, their support and love of one another is powerful and beautiful. The relationship between Sarah and Kit is a bit more complicated and at times convoluted - but they, without a doubt, are meant to be together and when they finally do come together, have a cold drink and fan at the ready! This is the last book in the series and while I recommend this story, I would not recommend starting with this book - read the series in order - you'll thank me later :)

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher.*

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In this story there are two people, Kit and Sarah who are coming to terms with bereavement of a beloved parent. All the other dukes and duchesses are gathered at Kit’s home to help him with the death of his father. Sarah, due to a change in her circumstances, works as the governess to Kit’s sister. This was an endearing story, the emotions connected to the death of a parent was dealt with sensitivity. I enjoyed the growing romance between Kit and Sarah. There are also moments of danger. I loved the connection between all the families. This has been an excellent series and I’m looking forward to the next series by this author. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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An enjoyable finish to a great series. I enjoyed Kit and Sarah’s story. Phoebe was a delight. It was nice to reconnect with the other MC’s from the rest of the series. Although it seemed like Roberts story wasn’t quite done (I haven’t actually read his book yet so I’m just speculating). Anyway. I look forward to the next series by Jess Michaels.

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The Last Duke by Jess Michaels
The 1797 Club #10

What’s a reader to do after reading the last page in the last book of a beloved series? Started at the beginning again OR wait for what comes next? All ten Dukes, who formed a bond long ago in boarding school and have been there for one another through thick and thin, have found their duchesses by the end of this book and they are all on their way to creating a new generation that will be there for one another in the future. Loved this series!

Christopher “Kit” Collins, Earl of Idlewood becomes Duke of Kingsacre upon the death of his father and just before his father dies he tells Kit to accept the support of Sarah Carlton, governess to Kit’s young sister. Kit has grief to deal with, estates to take over, a young half-sister to support and mixed feelings about the governess he believes he dislikes due to one overheard conversation years before. His friends are there for him but so is Sarah. The two want what is best for his sister Phoebe and spend time discussing her and other issues that arise. Slowly things begin to change between them but Kit is slow to twig to what is changing. Throw in an unscrupulous woman with an agenda of her own to throw a wrench in the situation and you have the makings of a story that I could not put down. I was thrilled with the way Kit and Sarah managed their HEA and loved the epilogue that sees all ten dukes and their families gathered together for a joyous event.

Thank you to NetGalley and The Passionate Pen for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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I loved Kit and Sarah's story!!

Kit observed Sarah when she was at a low point in her life and had lashed out at one of his friends. He has never forgiven her for it. When he finds her working as the governess for his half-sister, Phoebe, he doesn't like it. But he sees how good she is her, he reluctantly allows her to stay on in her position. Even though he doesn't like Sarah, he find himself drawn to her. They share an understanding of loss and have bonded over it and his sister. Can they get past their animosity and see where the attraction leads?

If you've read this series, you know that the death of Kit's father was coming, but OMG, I was bawling when it happened (other times too)! I loved watching these two come together over their shared grief and helping Phoebe through her loss. I also loved seeing so many of the other dukes and their wives even though they were all gathered for a sad reason.

I'm so sad that this series has ended, I have throughly enjoyed it, but I'm excited to see what Michaels has in store for us next!!

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I received an ARC of this book to to read through NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. The Last Duke by Jess Michaels is the final book in her 1797 Club series. It can be read as a stand-alone but I really enjoyed the series and I think you will enjoy this book more if you have read the other books as all of the other Dukes and their wives are characters in this story. Christopher Collins (Kit) Earl of Idlewood is the last unmarried member of the 1797 Club and he is also the last to become a Duke. His beloved father dies at the beginning of the story and all the other Dukes have gathered to support him. Sarah Carlton has come down in the world, when her mother passed away she was forced to find employment and works as the governess for Kit’s younger sister. With the death of the old Duke Sarah is concerned that her employment is in jeopardy as Kit holds a grudge against her. Kit finds to his dismay that his grudge against her is misplaced and that maybe it came about because he was jealous of her attention to another. Lots of twists and turns on the way to HEA will keep you reading avidly. Mild to medium steam. Publishing Date November 13, 2018. #NetGalley #TheLastDuke

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What a wonderful ending to an enchanting series! I loved Kit and Sarah as well as what Phoebe brought to the story. There was so much emotion in the beginning of the story and I could really feel for our hero and heroine. It was perfect to have all the dukes and duchesses together and to get a small glimpse into their lives in the future at the end. I can’t wait to see what Jess Michaels has planned for us next!

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The Last Duke is the final instalment in Jess Michaels’ phenomenal 1797 Club series. While part of a series each book can be read as a standalone, however, this book does feature all the pairings in the prior instalments, so you may wish to read their stories first but it’s not necessary.

Christopher “Kit” Collins’ is the last of his friends to marry, his last few years have been devoted to spending time with his dying father. His father is beloved by both him and his friends as an exceptional man and father. His passing causes much heartache and Kit is thankful he has so many people to rely on. He also has the mammoth task of raising his illegitimate half-sister who is also bereft at the loss of their father.

His father hired a governess to care for his daughter before his death and this further complicates Kit’s life as he has met Sarah Carlton before during her last season before she was forced to leave society for a life in service.

Sarah knows that Kit still resents their last encounter where she made some ill-advised comments while slightly tipsy. She genuinely cares for her charge and her position as a governess is all that keeps her from a destitution. She is terrified that she will lose her position and when a near-fatal accident occurs, passions ignite, and Sarah realises she stands to lose more than just her position. She risks her heart.

This book is a fitting end to a great series and I am sad to say goodbye to this wonderful group of dukes and the women who captured their hearts. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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When Christopher “Kit” Collins’ father dies, he is devastated, but still doesn’t feel equiped to take on the title of Duke of Kingsacre and all the responsibility that comes with it. Including the care of his five year old illegitimate half-sister Phoebe, who is now his ward. Sarah Carlton has been Phoebe’s governess for a couple of months & now fears she will be dismissed as she and Kit once had an unpleasant encounter when she was at her lowest point. Thanks to the adoration of his sister, the two enter into a wary truce because they both love Phoebe.
This is the tenth & final book in this wonderful series. This book isn’t as fast paced as some of the earlier books but it's a very well written, emotional end to the series. I've loved all the books in the series & had been waiting & dreading Kit’s story. Eagerly awaiting it as Kit was the heir who truly had a loving father who not only gave Kit a sound basis for the dukedom but also helped all of the other 1797 club members with their dukedoms & for more than a few he was the father they wished they’d had. Dreading it as I knew for Kit to become the Duke of Kingsacre his beloved father would have to die & this would be so sad. I liked Kit from the earlier books but I adored him in his own story. It took me a little while to love Sarah but her feelings for Phoebe & Kit soon won me over. A lovely end to the series & the final epilogue rounded the book & the series to perfection.
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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FINAL DECISION: This book just made me happy. It was everything that a final book in a series should be. We got a great romance combined with getting to see characters from the series in their happy every afters.

THE STORY: Kit's father finally passes and Kit is the last of his friends to take on the title of duke. Now the Duke of Kingsacre, Kit also is responsible for the care of his much younger sister. The problem with this is the governess that comes along with his sister. Sarah Carlton is a lady who has fallen on hard times after the deaths of her parents. Kit and Sarah had an unpleasant confrontation several years ago and now the two are under the same roof.

OPINION: This book closes the series about this group of friends. Appropriately, the book is filled with the characters from the series and it was especially gratifying to get to see all the couples together and happy with their children.

This story is more quiet than others in the series. The big event here is the death of Kit's father and the effect it has on him and those around him. I really liked it because the quieter pace allowed for more of the relationships between not only Kit and Sarah, but also all the characters from the series.

Kit and Sarah talk, work through their relationship and build a family. The characters are good people. Kit is responsible and didn't have great tragedy or drama in his past like the other dukes. Instead, his tragedy is now. I especially liked how the issue of his and Sarah's past confrontation was addressed. His anger at Sarah is so wonderfully explained by his friends.

Sarah is a woman who is making her own way in the world. Her change in circumstances has been difficult, but she perseveres. Dedicated and sweet and such a good person.

This might have been a boring book -- the characters are so nice without deep trauma or drama. Instead, I ended up loving this book best in the series. The characters are nice and good people. They have the normal loss and pain one might expect from life and it is so sweet how much they like one another. I especially loved in this book how all the other characters help to gently push Kit and Sarah together.

I ended this book just being happy. The book satisfied all my desires to see this series wrapped up.

WORTH MENTIONING: One of my favorite scenes is the duchesses acting as fairy godmothers. Just made me smile from start to finish.

CONNECTED BOOKS: THE LAST DUKE is the tenth and final book in the 1797 Club series. The romance here is self contained and can be read as a standalone. There are, however, overlapping characters in the series and this book is much more enjoyable knowing all the characters.

STAR RATING: I give this book 5 stars.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in order to prepare this review. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

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Tears at the start, joy at the end. Lovely read full of the favourites from the whole series.

Such a wonderful way to end a series, bravo!

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The Last Duke is perhaps the best Duke of all. It is a wonderful goodbye to the ten Dukes in the 1797 club and their wonderful wives and children. They are all featured and catching up with them is lovely. This book isn’t as fast-paced and exciting as some of the others, but, I think that is perfect because, well, goodbyes are sad. The writing is excellent, it is well-plotted, well-written and the characters are absolutely lovely.

It is the saddest of times. Christopher Collins, Kit, and all of his friends are gathered at his father’s country estate to say goodbye to the Duke of Kingsacre, Kit’s father. The Duke is loved and admired by all the members of the 1797 club because he was kind to them and helped guide them when their own fathers would not. He showed them love and kindness and how to manage their holdings with compassion and caring while still making them profitable. He was just a good, good man. The Duke’s health has been failing for quite some time, and his long fight is about to end.

The goodbye scenes between Kit and his father and Phoebe and her father were sweet, poignant and very, very sad. The author wrote them beautifully. Kit and Phoebe’s profound love for their father was palpable throughout the book – as was their love for each other. There was just no way around it, I fell in love with both Kit and Phoebe. So, I can certainly see why Sarah would as well.

Sarah Carlton had committed a terrible faux pas three years ago at a ball. In frustration, she had said some unkind things to Meg who is now the Duchess of Crestwood (Read Her Favorite Duke for their story). What she said was overheard by Kit and he called her to task for it and said some unkind things of his own. Kit has never forgotten what Sarah did and has sat in judgment of her since then. Now, he has to deal with her as the governess to his illegitimate 5-year-old sister. His sister loves Sarah, can he just dismiss her?

I thoroughly enjoyed watching Kit trying to fight his attraction to Sarah because, after all, he hated her. Then, when she almost died saving his sister – well – maybe he didn’t hate her so much. Then, when the villain appears and Sarah almost dies saving Phoebe again – well – that does it. He can’t fight it any longer.

This is really the perfect wrap-up for this series. Normally, I’m not pleased with a series wrap-up because they don’t really seem to let us say our goodbyes and see that each of our heroes/heroines still have their happy endings, so this one was a delightful surprise. Everyone is featured and everyone has a role and I loved catching up with all of them.

I can certainly recommend this book, but I do hope it goes through at least one more proofreading before publication.

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"I requested and received this e-book at no cost to me and volunteered to read it; my review is my honest opinion and given without any influence by the author or publisher."

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This is the last book in the series. What a Send Off...This was Kit and Sarah story. As always it was good to see the others characters from others books make appearances. They were really there for each other. Another keeper from Jess Michaels.
I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book. All the thoughts and opinions are all mine.

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The Last Duke is the final book in the 1797 Club series (#10) and features Kit Collins (Duke of Kingsacre) and governess Sarah Carlton. While the writing was top notch and the characters likeable, I felt it was a bit of a slow starter. I just didn't find the book as exciting or as much of a page turner when compared to other 1797 Club books. That being said Jess Michaels remains one of my all time favorite authors.

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I’m saddened that this series has come to an end, but I’m ecstatic to finally read Kit’s story!

Christopher “Kit” Collins becomes the Duke of Kingsacre upon his beloved father’s death. Kit is lost in grief and learning how to move forward in caring for the dukedom and his five-year-old sister, Phoebe. He also has Sarah Carlton to deal with.

When Sarah behaved at her worst towards Meg, the Duchess of Crestwood, Kit was there to call her out. Three years later and a fall from grace due to the death of her mother, Sarah is the governess to the grieving Phoebe and hopefully a friend to the new duke.

Michaels brought out the big guns for this finale. All the dukes, their wives, and children are with Kit at his estate before and for the weeks after the death of Kit’s father. I love how Michaels brought out something special for each duke to interact with Kit about. James, being the first duke in the series and the leader of the 1797 Club, has a memorable moment with Kit. Kit has a brilliantly written scene between he and Robert and helps Matthew when old memories come back to haunt. I love how even in death Kit’s father showed his love for his children.

Sarah’s position as a governess makes her believe she is beneath the dukes and duchesses, yet they don’t make her feel like it. Isabel, the Duchess of Tyndale, had been a dear friend to Sarah for many years. It was wonderful reading Sarah’s interactions with Isabel, Meg, and Diana.

As for their love story, Sarah never thought Kit noticed her until he chastised her on her behavior. Even Kit didn’t realize until much later he’d been watching and wanting Sarah way before that terrible encounter. Near tragedy brings Kit’s molten feelings to the surface. Once he lets himself reach for Sarah, the steaminess fills the pages.

I wish for more stories of these amazing dukes and their families, but all good things come to an end. I’m glad Michaels ending the series with Kit and Sarah’s story. It is a dynamic twist on romancing the governess troupe. I can’t say this enough, but I love how all of The 1797 Club was there for Kit, Phoebe, and Sarah in this novel. By the way, Phoebe is a little firecracker who I wouldn’t mind getting a story about when she gets older. All in all, I can’t say enough about how much I love these characters and will cherish them always.

I received this book for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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I'm so very sad that we have come to the end of this wonderful series, but what a great way to finish it with my favourite romance trope to read, enemies to lovers. Sarah and Kit got off to a bad start three years before when Sarah was desperate to make a good match with a man and to find a husband. She made a spectacle of herself by being very mean and rude to Meg after drinking a little too much punch at a party. Kit overheard her and came to dislike her very much for something so trivial. After her mother eventually dies and leaves her with no money or position she becomes governess to Kit's young sister Phoebe. She is employed by Kit's father who is slowly dying, so when he eventually dies Sarah becomes afraid that Kit will dismiss her and leave her with nowhere to go.
I kind of disliked Sarah at the start of this book as she seemed brattish, but as I read along my heart started to break for her and it became very clear that she was so very misunderstood and misjudged harshley by Kit. Kit does believe that Sarah wronged his friends wife and takes his contempt of her too far. He comes to realise what a fool he has been, and before he knows it he understands that he has made Sarah's life so very much harder by being a little harsh with her.
As this is the last book there is a lot of action and drama to make this series finish with an ending that will make your heart melt. It's so deliciously dark and dangerous but so very hot and steamy, and with plenty of excitement going on, it will make your pulse race. The writing was superb and it was such and easy story to read and get lost in.
I have really enjoyed this series and this book is now one of my favorites by Jess Michaels.

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This is the final book in the Dukes 1797 Club - showcasing the Author's writings of love , compassion and misunderstandings leading to a 'happy ever after' .

Sarah Carlton made a mistake , one that altered her future . Desperate to make a match , to secure not just her own future but that of her mother also ……. she sees the match that might have been slip through her fingers …….she blames another woman who already seems to have everything .
The Duke of Kingsmere has been a mentor / father figure to many of the Cub's Dukes but now has sadly died . His heir and much loved son , Christopher (Kit) is devastated along with his illegitimate young sister Phoebe he seeks to find solace with friends and family .

The story is a sweet and compassionate story ….. where love and hate can wear the same face …. where all parties must work together to protect Phoebe from a threat from the past .

A fitting conclusion of the series , I look forward to new books from the Author .

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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