Member Reviews

Betrayed, sexually assaulted, and threatened by those of the highest power, Scarlet Worthington does the only thing she can do to protect herself: flee her home. With the help of her brother and sister, Scarlet has found peace, safety, and purpose in Scotland, where she and her sister are running the Highland Roses School. Scarlet is determined to never again be someone’s victim and she wants her students to be able to protect themselves as well. With her new brother-in-law away, the best candidate to teach Scarlet and her students self-defense is the oh-so-handsome (and stubbornly closed-mouthed) warrior Aiden Campbell. Scarlet and Aiden strike sparks off one another immediately, but each has a past that makes them wary of trusting the other. However, some passions are simply impossible to deny…

A Protector in the Highlands grabs your heart and doesn’t let go. Heather McCollum has delivered an emotional, satisfying romance with two incredibly strong leads who are impossible not to root for. Scarlet saved herself from a horrible attack once, but she knows she cannot rely on luck should she be threatened again. I loved her strength, spirit, intelligence, and her determination to learn how to protect herself. She’s clever in coming up with ways for her students to arm and defend themselves and by the end of the book I really wanted a pair of the hair sticks she designed. Her confidence has been badly shaken, but I really enjoyed watching her find herself again. As for Aiden, he’s a fantastic hero. He’s strong, protective, and handsome, to be sure, but what melted my heart was how he acted around Scarlet. He doesn’t even blink when Scarlet asks him to teach her and her students how to defend themselves, even when others are scandalized. He doesn’t know what happened to Scarlet in the past, but he’s always clear that he’ll never make her feel pressured or unsafe and that’s a sexy as hell hero right there. Aiden has ghosts of his own, ones that make him reluctant to trust his heart to Scarlet. But it’s clear that these two are made for each other and I just loved watching them fall madly, passionately in love.

Politics, intrigue, and danger are woven into the story, though to say exactly how would spoil the tale. I liked how these elements rounded out the story, slowly adding intensity until the action-packed climax. All in all, A Protector in the Highlands is a truly satisfying historical romance. Scarlet and Aiden make this story shine and their romance was wonderful to watch unfold. I cannot wait to see what comes next for the brave Highland Roses!

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Scarlet Worthington is doing her best to make a new start for her life in Scotland. Working alongside her sister, Evelyn, running a school for ladies keeps her mind and body occupied. Since Evelyn and her new husband, Grey Campbell have to leave to see the King, Scarlet and Aiden Campbell are left in charge. Aiden infuriates her like no other, but for family's and the school's sake, she will do her best to get along while Evelyn and Grey are gone.

Aiden still hasn't forgiven the English who almost burned him and his kin alive before stealing their home out from under them. Unfortunately, he has to at least accept one, Grey's sister-in-law, Scarlet. When Scarlet is put in harm's way, Aiden is furious. He tracks her down and coaxes enough out of her to learn this is not the first time Scarlet has been attacked by a man. It takes very little convincing for Aiden to agree to train Scarlet and her Highland Roses how to defend themselves against an attacker. Although Aiden tries, he cannot resist giving his heart to Scarlet. He just hopes this time things will end differently.

I recently discovered author Heather McCollum and I have to say, I'm really enjoying her HIGHLAND ROSES SCHOOL series. It currently consists of two books, A ROSE IN THE HIGHLANDS and A PROTECTOR IN THE HIGHLANDS. It centers around the Worthington and Campbell families. One family is English and the other Scottish, but they are slowly learning to put aside their differences and embrace each other.

My heart was first captured by A ROSE IN THE HIGHLANDS, Evelyn Worthington and Grey Campbell's story. I thought it couldn't get better than that, but I was proven wrong with the second addition, A PROTECTOR IN THE HIGHLANDS, which is Scarlet Worthington and Aiden Campbell's story. Both books are beautifully written, but something about Scarlet and Aiden drew me in more. Scarlet and Aiden are bruised and battered, keeping secrets that are only continuing to scar them more and more over time. It takes a while for real trust to build between them. That's when their relationship really begins to thrive and flourish. I am so glad Aiden and Scarlet were able to begin the healing of each other's past wounds. I give their story, A PROTECTOR IN THE HIGHLANDS, a 4.5 star rating. I am very much looking forward to the Worthington brother, Nathaniel's story.

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Can I tell you that I loved this book. I love highlanders and had stopped reading this genre because I got caught up in others but I was happy to read this and so enjoyed it, am going to start back on my highlanders, they are soooo sexy. We meet Aiden, and I am assuming that I missed the first book so I intend to look for it. Again let me start again we meet Aiden part of the Campbell clan and he hates anything English, due to his mother abandoning his family to go back. We also have Scarlett and she is English now living in Scotsland with her sister and her brother. While her sister goes back to England to deliver something Aiden and Scarlett are in charge of the Castle and her school "Highland Roses" and this is when the real fun begins. I loved these two, so please do yourself a favor and grab a copy! Enjoy!

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A Protector in the Highlands is second in the intriguing Highland Roses School series. Although definitely a stand alone book, you may find you enjoy reading A Rose in the Highlands first. This is Aidan’s romance with Scarlet, Evelyn’s sister. Aidan received severe burns when the English tried to burn the Scots out of the castle in the first book. Aidan has recovered and regained the strength and skills of a warrior.

Aidan hates the English, especially English women. He has been tasked with caring for the castle and clan while Grey and Evelyn go to London on an errand to the king.

Scarlet continues the academics and self-defense with the female students in the castle. But, she brought some baggage with her when she and Evelyn escaped to Scotland. Due to another difficult situation while visiting another clan, Scarlet realizes she needs more self-defense training. Since Scarlet is now part of Aidan’s clan, he believes he must protect her, too. Aidan agrees to expand on the ladies self-defense lessons. Aidan begins to respect and gain a tentative trust with Scarlet. Both have difficulty sharing their secrets.

When Scarlet’s ‘baggage’ shows up in Scotland, things go from bad to worse. But, our brave Scarlet has refused to run anymore. She has weapons and self-defense skills now. You will enjoy how Scarlet and Aidan outwit their adversaries right in their own backyard or castle. I am looking forward to the next installment in the series.

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(Trigger warning: though no rape takes place in this book, there are several flashback scenes where sexual coercion and assault happen. I felt this was handled well as part of the plot, but your mileage may vary.)

Lady Scarlet Worthington has fled England for the safety of her sister’s home in Scotland, where she helps to run a school for young ladies. She doesn’t only teach etiquette and dancing, though – she also teaches them self-defense, having had some very bad experiences of her own. She clashes with the brooding (and quite frankly, grumpy) Aiden Campbell, who hates all English people, but particularly English women. However, there’s something about Scarlet that he just can’t resist…

This is the second book in the series, and though, like a lot of romance series, the sequels are tangentially linked and can stand alone, I felt like I would have benefited from having the backstory of the first book, as there are a lot of references to the plot of it. I enjoyed this enough that I will read the first book, but perhaps a summation of the backstory would help get over that early confusion for readers who pick this up cold. It doesn’t spoil the book not to have that context, as it all becomes fairly obvious, but it would have enriched the story for me if I had known about the prior events.

Aiden and Scarlet had some really nice banter going on, and I liked that they shared a lot of quiet moments, even though the plot has a lot more adventure than some romance novels, with plots, treason, wolves, midnight flights on horseback, secret passageways and more. I did giggle at the repeated description of how broad Aiden’s shoulders were (like, how large can he physically be??), but on the whole, thought he made a good hero. I didn’t feel like we got to know much about either of our characters outside their immediate situations, but there was so much going on that I think that kind of worked. The action never really lets up, so I found myself racing to the end just to see how it would all turn out!

I liked the way in which Scarlet became her own protector, and I was rooting for her to get her comeuppance on the man who had abused her before. As I said above, your personal opinion may differ, but I thought it was good to see her not only recover from her abuse, but also proactively seek to prevent it happening to any other girls. I liked how fierce she was. I also liked that although Aiden wanted to protect her, he understood the importance of Scarlet having her own power.

Overall, this is a good, pacey read, even if it’s not as deep and emotional a love story as it could have been. The hero and heroine have plenty of chemistry, and it’s exciting enough to keep you engrossed until the end. Four out of five stars..

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Great historical read! Scarlet has fun from her home in England to help her sister run a school for ladies in Scotland. She recruits a Campbell to teach her and her students how to protect themselves. Aiden Campbell has just healed from being burned in a fire set by the English. Aiden doesn’t want to be near this English woman but what will happen when sparks fly and Scarlet’s past comes back to haunt her. Fast-paced read with loads of drama and great chemistry. I was hooked from beginning to end. I loved it!

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Danger is rife in this fabulous edition of the Highland Roses School book 2. Scarlett is left in charge of the school and Aiden Campbell is in charge of the clan whilst Evelyn and Grey along with Nathaniel go to London. Whilst away Scarlet gets Aiden to give herself and the other ladies self defence lessons, and it couldn't come at a better time as visitors arrive to test them.

This is an exciting and captivating read, i couldn't put it down.

I received a copy from Netgalley and i am voluntarily leaving my own honest opinion

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In A Protector in the Highlands, readers of the Highland Roses School Series finally find out what has been troubling Scarlet Worthington, and caused her to flee England. This story is her journey to regain her confidence and sense of safety. Along the way she develops a relationship with Aiden Campbell a scarred warrior with a secret of his own. I read an ARC copy of this book via NetGalley and chose to leave a review in order to recommend it to other readers.

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An emotional story of two people who are both scarred from the past and need healing. After fleeing England, Scarlet's sister opens a school in the wild Highlands of Scotland. Aiden Campbell hates the English for reasons of his own and the women in particular. But left in charge while his brother is away, he is to teach Scarlet and the students to defend themselves. This fierce brawny highlander has a side that is least expected, being kind and patient that just made me sigh. As Scarlet and Aiden spend time together as he teaches the children, they are drawn to each other. He has conflicting emotions with his anger which seems to bring Scarlet back more to her normal self. She was amazing as she fought to bring her fears under control and face her past.
Heather McCollum has a gift of bringing characters alive and the emotions are palpable with their interactions. These two were meant for each other and as their attraction builds it melted my heart. But when a Scarlet's past shows up in the form of an evil threat, all bets are off and the battle begins!!
There is so much to this story I do not want to spoil it, but trust me, this is one of the best books of the year and I recommend it highly!! What more is there to want? A handsome highlander and a cover that is sigh worthy! I cannot wait for the next book in this amazing series!!

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I loved Scarlet and Aiden's story!

Aiden hated the English for what they did to him and his home. So when he is tasked to look out for the sister of his laird's wife, he is not very happy about it. Especially when he finds himself attracted to her...

Scarlet ran to the Highlands to get away from something that happened to her in London. Now she works every day to make sure that she can protect herself and trains the girls in her school to do the same. When Aiden begins helping with the training, they spend more time with one another and she can't believe that she is attracted to is the last thing she wants or needs.

Can these two get past their differences to find an ever lasting love?

After meeting these two in the previous book, I'm so glad that McCollum put them together. I loved all the bantering between the two of them and how Scarlet was able to get past her fear of men to find her HEA. This was a great addition to the Highland Roses School series and I can't wait to see whtat McCollum has in store for us next!

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A Protector in the Highlands by Heather McCollum
Highland Roses School #2

Scarlet has been left in charge of The Highland Roses School in the Highlands of Scotland while her sister Evelyn heads to England with her new husband. Aidan Campbell has been put in charge of security and he is rightly worried about the English coming in to create upheaval again after all that happened in book one of this series. We learned that Scarlet is leery of men, with good reason as it turns out, but in spite of this leeriness she finds herself drawn to Aidan.

This book continues with the idea that a plot is in play to assassinate the King of England and as the story progresses we learn who the villains are, hear what happened to make Scarlet run to Scotland and what court life is like for those at the top of the royal hierarchy as well as those on the periphery.

A woman is often considered a possession to be used and abused by husbands and those of higher station as well as by fathers and brothers thinking to use them as collateral. A woman is weaker than a man so has little recourse. That said…the women in The Highland Roses School are taught more than how to serve tea and how to read and write – they are taught to defend themselves and work together to thwart the villains before the end of the book.

Fun romance that at times seemed a bit unbelievable BUT my daughter, a historian, did set me straight and told me that women did fight and did do most jobs men did and have done so through the ages even though not as much is mentioned about them as should be.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Do I want to read more in this series? Yes

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Amara for the ARC – This is my honest review.

4 Stars

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Lady Scarlet Worthington fled to Scotland with her sister away from the evil man that was tormenting her. He is a favorite of King Charles, as a woman she has no voice she wouldn’t be believed. She needs a new beginning away from her nightmare and what better way than to open a school for young women. But it’s not an ordinary school and will be frowned upon as unlady like.
Aiden Campbell loathes everything and all that has to do with the English. Badly burned by English soldiers, and English women are to frail and cannot be trusted.
Two people brought together by pain rise above their nightmares too heal by love. But will their growing love be shattered by the nightmares of the past. Plots of treason and enemies are at their door, intrigue and page turning action make this a very hard to put down book!
I recieved a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest unbiased opinion.

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A Protector in the Highlands by Heather McCollum is book Two in the Highland Roses School Series. This is the story of Scarlet Worthington and Aiden Campbell. Scarlet is the sister of Evie Worthington Campbell who we meet in the first book. I have read the previous book but feel you can make this a standalone book if you wish to do so.
Scarlet and her sister left England because each had a specific reason. Scarlet was due to a threat that she might not be able to run from. But Scarlet is now helping her sister with The Highland Roses School in Scotland. There she meets Aiden who she informs him that he is to help with teaching her and the girls to defend themselves. Aiden has been hurt by the English people so he is weary of them and so he isn't happy to to be around Scarlet at first. Both have wounds that they are having a hard time getting past and opening up their hearts to trust and each other. But when Scarlet's past comes back for her, Aiden steps in to help protect her.
Another exciting romance from Ms. McCollum.

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Heather McCollum set a high bar with her first book in this series, a Rose in the Highlands. Thankfully, she delivered another exciting and romantic Highland romance that exceeds expectations.

Lady Scarlet Worthington fled England with her sister. They settled in the Highlands with the intent to start a school for ladies. Scarlet is harboring a secret, one that she won’t even share with her sister. Something has broken her confidence and left her feeling that no man will ever value her.

Aidan Campbell is recovering from a fire that left him with scars and a hatred of the English. He wants to dismiss Scarlet but there is something about her that he just cannot ignore. He’s determined to get to the bottom of her secrets.

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Everyone is shattered...

Scarlet Worthington, sister of Evie Worthington Campbell fled London with her sister after a traumatic event at court. Plagued with nightmares, Scarlet slowly begins to heal aided by the defense classes her sister started at her Highland Rose school and finally begins to feel safe in her new Highland home.

Aiden Campbell, Grey Campbell's commander, hates the English, he too to plagued by nightmares, but not from the fire that almost killed him, his nightmares are caused by an Englishwoman. When Grey is tasked with delivering the heads of the traitors (from the previous book) to London, he leaves Aiden in charge. He is quickly informed by Scarlet that part of his duties will be teaching the defense classes in Grey's place. Aiden scoffs at the idea, but agrees.

This starts a whirlwind adventure filled with secrets, traitors, betrayals, unexpected visitors, healing, steamy love scenes, kidnapping and the "Roses" growing (and using) thorns.

I loved Aiden and Scarlet together, they are both scarred by their pasts and unwilling to trust easily, but despite their issues, they are supportive of each other and slowly their past traumas are revealed and start to heal. With Aiden's help, Scarlet learns to control her fears and saves herself. I liked the story, but I was disappointed that the same title errors (and a whole host of new ones) from the first book carried over to this story and combined with several inconsistencies in this book kept this from being a 5 star read for me. This is the second book in the series and I would highly recommend reading the books in order to fully understand the plots against the King and the school.

*I am voluntarily leaving a review for an eARC that was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher.*

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Heather you are my hero and this has become my new favorite phrase, “Even the most shattered mess can be made into something stronger and more beautiful if we pick up the pieces.” I think sexual assault is the single most horrific crime that can be done to a person. Murder is final, but sexual assault you have to live the rest of your life with. The story being told of how Scarlett survives and eventually thrives is superbly done. Aiden has his own struggle with abandonment and surviving the fire. They start out as rivals, but become drawn to each other because of that stubbornness they recognize staring back at them. After spending time together and getting to know each other they realize they have a lot more in common than they have differences. Trusting others does not come easy to either of them but when it did they were all in.

They story is poignant and painful at times. There are moments of fun and hilarity. It deals with some tough issues but in the end it reminds us that we can heal, love exists, people can still be trusted and friends and family can still be relied on. Aiden and Scarlett are two of the lucky ones. They fought their demons together and won the prize of love and family.

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“Forged from ashes of nightmares, their binding love was the most beautiful creation under heaven, made from the shards of their pasts.”

Scarlet Worthington is determined never again to be a victim. Doing everything in her power to protect the other young ladies at the Highland Roses School, Scarlet asks Aiden Campbell, the clan chief’s brother, to train her and the other students in the art of being a warrior…to give these "Roses" the ability to use their “thorns”. As each day passes, Scarlet begins to see that Aiden may be fierce, but underneath that gruff exterior, lays a kindness like non she has ever witnessed, as well as a past that has hardened his heart to all things English.

While his brother Chief Grey Campbell is away, Aiden Campbell has been left with the task of securing Finlarig Castle and its inhabitants. Sticking with his grudge against the English, Aiden wants nothing to do with Scarlet, nor her students. But Aiden has met his match when it comes to Scarlet, and her fierce determination to be trained in the art of self-defense.

When Scarlet’s nightmare comes knocking on Flinlarig’s doors, she tells herself that she is no longer going to run. Her fears will be buried in the past where they belong, and she will be stronger for having survived them…“Even the most shattered mess can be made into something stronger and more beautiful if we pick up the pieces.” Aiden and Scarlet find there isn’t anything they can’t conquer so long as they believe in each other.

This reader absolutely loved A Protector in the Highlands. Aiden and Scarlet’s story is full of intrigue, romance and kick ass heroines! Highly recommend and can’t wait for the next installment!

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Scarlet Worthington flees from her home in England to the wild Highlands of Scotland to help her sister run a school for ladies. There, Scarlet begins to rebuild her own shattered confidence by recruiting a fierce Campbell warrior to teach her and the students how to protect themselves from villains and scoundrels. The intimidating Aiden Campbell both infuriates Scarlet and ignites a fire inside her as she works closely with him to hone her new skills.
Burned in a fierce fire, set by English soldiers, Highland warrior, Aiden Campbell, has finally healed enough to take temporary command of his clan whilst his brother & new wife travel to London. That's where his focus should be instead of dealing with the feisty, beautiful Sassenach who asks him to teach her students.
This is the second book in the series &whilst it could easily be read on its own it does follow on very well from the first book. We of course met both Scarlet & Aidan in the previous book & I was delighted that they had their story. There are plenty of secrets which are gradually revealed but it’s the gradual falling in love which is such a delight added with humour & this book was an engaging riveting read. Aidan is gorgeous but very dour so seeing him smile was lovely, Scarlet is feisty but her confidence has been shaken, but gradually she does gain confidence & then is a force to be reckoned with. Their attraction is there from the start but both fight it for a time. I look forward to more books in the series
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Lady Scarlet Worthington was the main reason why the sisters came to Scotland. She needed to escape from the court of King Charles and the devious man who is one of the King's favourites. Opening a school for young ladies with her sister is just what she needed. The school, however will teach things that most will not see as lady like subjects.
Aiden Campbell hates all the English. He was badly burned by the soldiers, and English women cannot be trusted. They are far too fragile for life in the Scottish highlands.
Both our hero and heroine have to deal with nightmares from the past before peace can be found. Treasonous plots and enemies can be conquered by bravery and trust.
A very exciting story with wonderful characters. Lots of fun and danger to enjoy. While you could read this book on it's own, if you read the first book in the series you will have a better understanding of the political upheaval surrounding our characters.
I loved both books and can't wait to read the next one.

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A Protector in the Highlands
(Highland Roses School)
By Heather McCollum

Scarlet Worthington has fled from her home in England to the wilds of Scotland to help her sister run a school for ladies. Scarlet then begins to rebuild her own shattered confidence by recruiting a very fierce Campbell warrior to teach her students to protect themselves as she once could not. Aiden Campbell both infuriates Scarlet while aslo making her feel certain feelings she never thought to feel again as she works with him to hone her and her students new skills.

Highland Warrior Aiden Campbell was burned in a fierce fire set by English soldiers and has finally healed enough to take temporary command of his clan. That's where his focus should be, but it's not as he's trying to learn to deal with the fiesty, beautiful English Lady who asks him to teach her students.

Then when Scarlets past shows up in Scotland, her nightmares come alive, and everything Aiden has taught her is put to the test. Aiden has his own ghosts from the past that make him dispise English ladies, but this English woman shocks him at every turn and he has to fight the passion that has grown between them which is a different kind of wild fire that could prove just as deadly.
Will they be able to keep fighting their passion or will they both succumb to it without getting burned?

Heather McCollum is absolutely fabulous. The way she wrote this book totally blew me away. I could never guess what was going to come next and it kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the whole book. Aiden and Scarlet are absolutely the most perfect couple and I really enjoyed getting to know them and watch them grow with eachother. It was so good that I felt like I was watching a movie instead of ready a book. Ms. McCollum is such a talented lady and I can't wait to read the next book from her.

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