Member Reviews

It's great to find a book about cannabis that is teaching all about the informative and positive side. Covering all different types of cannabis, whether it's vaping, skincare, supplements etc, this book is full of advice and insightfulness. Tailored more for women but would also be very useful for any gender.

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Awesome book. So many things I was able to get out of it. It has everything from recipes to basic knowledge of the many ways marijuana is useful. PS It's not just for "getting high" anymore.

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A very informative and easy to read book, great for all first time and long term cannabis users female and male

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Furrer's A Woman's Guide to Cannabis is the perfect introduction to using cannabis for medicinal purposes. Legal medical marijuana is becoming more common and popular, but many older people who have never (or will never admit to having) tried cannabis may be reluctant to do so because they know so little about it. Furrer lays it out simple. First she discusses how and why cannabis acts as it does, with a discussion of THC, CBD, other cannabinoids, and terpenes, all of which help with figuring out what you want and/or need. She covers the difference behind sativa, indica, and hybrid strains, and the benefits and drawbacks of each.

Next she discusses the many ways cannabis can be taken. I had no idea there were weed suppositories. I suppose it makes sense. Just… no, son. Hellz no. I was also unfamiliar with transdermal means. Legalities are covered, which cleared up some question I had about how state Vs federal law worked in regards to medical marijuana, and those states that allow adult recreational use as well. Furrer walks prospective users through what to look for in a dispensary, and in a budtender, and offers tips for saving money.

***Many thanks to Netgalley/ Random House for providing an ecopy in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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When I saw this book, I thought, wow that's such a good idea. Living in Canada, Cannabis has just recently become legal, and I'm sure that a ton of people are beginning to consume the product for the first time. Working in the legal marijuana industry, the author moved to Colorado after a business failure, and started to learn about growing plants thousands at a time. What a career!

After a car accident injury, they also learned that medical marijuana makes people healthier and happier. Inside this book is all the information you could ever need to learn about the product. The strains, what helps with what, and even how to make your own cannabis products from home to help your own specific needs. This is great book for people who use it often, and especially for people who have never tried it but are interested in it.

Cannabis not only helps appetite and sleep, but also it's considered a superfood, and it can also help you look and feel better. People who smoke are less likely to get dementia, also. People of all ages are using it to feel better and live better. Not that it's a miracle drug, but it does have benefits. It reduces stress, and it's possible to replace anti-depressants, as well as anxiety and pain medicines with it. There is a list of books recommendations from actual doctors who have studied it if you'd like to learn more about it after finishing this book.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book. I learned a lot, and I wasn't sure that I would have. For instance, cannabis is a strong analgesic and a powerful anti-inflammatory. The negative side effects are short term memory loss, anxiety and dry mouth, but that's a shallow list compared to the side effects from opioids. I loved that it tells you what strains to pair with different things such as yoga, the maximum THC amount is 30%, which is two thirds higher than it was thirty years ago, and that this book has everything from how to tell if your bud is high quality, to how to even just smoke a joint. Definitely check it out if you get the chance, if you're pro weed or against it, if you're new to it or a pro, I think everyone has something to learn from this book.

Thanks for reading!

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In the introduction to "A Woman's Guide to Cannabis" the author states:

"Now that I am in my forties, cannabis makes me feel prettier and more relaxed than I ever was in my twenties or thirties. Even after a car accident fractured my spine and created permanent back pain, medical marijuana makes me healthier and happier than I've ever been before."

This quote, especially the part about her permanent back pain struck a chord with me. I have spent the last ten years in constant pain. I have to take pain medication just to be able to get up and have a shower in the morning. Anyone who lives with debilitating pain will understand me when I say, "I am willing to try anything to reduce my pain." 

With the booming marijuana industry in both Canada and the United States, books are finally being written and research is finally being conducted out in the open on this plant that was once a staple in society. Hemp has been used for hundreds of years, and now that same plant that is used to make items such as rope and even clothing, can be openly studied for its medicinal qualities.

"Sure, there are lots of books about marijuana - cookbooks and gardening books and books about the history of marijuana legalization - but I couldn't find a book that could take my mother through her first shopping trip at the dispensary and her first time getting high." "So I wrote this book for anyone who wants to feel better, look better, and sleep better. Everything we teach new patients at the dispensary is in these pages, including how cannabis works, why it works, and how to make marijuana gummies at home. Plus there are a few surprises in this book that you won't learn at the dispensary."

"Cannabis doesn't just make us feel high and happy; it also has powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, antianxiety, and antidepressant qualities."

I have been searching "high" (pun intended) and low for a book about cannabis that actually answers all my questions. My goal has been to find a book that I can use as a guide to assist me in deciding what form, what strength, and what strain of marijuana might be able to help reduce the crippling back pain I suffer from on a daily basis. With all the hype surrounding cannabis lately; especially since October of 2018 when marijuana became legal for both medical and recreational use in  Canada, I thought I would have no problem finding multiple books containing the information I was seeking, but wowzer, was I ever wrong. I have bought and read over ten books on this subject and this is the first and only book that was not a complete waste of my time and money.

I knew I was onto something special by the end of the first eight pages. Why? Because of the following few sentences: "Legal cannabis is curative and restorative. It makes us sleep better, eat better, and feel better. But it's important to have realistic expectations, so no, I will not tell you that cannabis cures cancer ... [also, to] be perfectly clear: I am not suggesting you change any medication unless you discuss it with your doctor."

Author Nikki Furrer has impressed me tremendously, her vast knowledge of the cannabis industry is not merely academic, nor is it solely based on other people's experiences. Her nearly encyclopedic knowledge of the various methods of ingestion and of the different strengths, mixtures, and ratios of THC to CBD is exactly the type of information that I had almost given up on finding. I am so glad that I didn't give up.

My advice to other people (both men and women) is that if you are planning to spend some of your hard earned money on a book about marijuana, make sure this is the book you choose. I received a free eBook copy of "A Woman's Guide to Cannabis" through the Publisher and NetGalley, but I was so impressed that I also bought a physical copy of the book so that I would always be able to look up certain points whenever I want to, as well as to have the included recipes to hand at all times.

I highly recommend that you purchase your own copy of this book whether you are planning to partake of cannabis yourself or not. Because there is so much misinformation floating around currently, it is important to have a solid, reliable source of information, especially if you are a parent, or just a concerned member of society. If you are informed, you will be able to better understand both sides of the marijuana debate.

I rate this book as 5+ OUT OF 5 STARS ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐. If it were possible I would rate it even higher. Very few books receive my coveted 5+ Star rating but this book clearly deserves the highest rating possible. I would like to personally thank Author Nikki Furrer for creating THE DEFINITIVE BOOK ON CANNABIS.

Now, you'll have to excuse me, I am off to partake of some cannabis myself.

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As a female user of medical marijuana for ongoing pain, I'm always looking for a good informative book to recommend.

This is a good book. It's not the best book, and it's not the most comprehensive, but seeing as there are at least a few "gentlemen's guides" out there, it fills a needed niche in an industry that has a bunch of women both in production and in usage. Women experience the chemical effects differently and this book explores that.

I would recommend as an addition to your library, as if you are a user, you should have several books to keep yourself updated, informed, and safe.

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This book covers the benefits of using marijuana. Whether with a vape pen, edibles or creams the benefits can be specifically address your needs. In an easy to read style, Ms. Furrer lays out what benefits can be obtained by women over 40. She describes which manner of ingestion or topicals to use.

I particularly liked that the author addressed the types of aches or ailments common to this age group and correlated what type of method of receiving marijuana would help the most. This was not a “let’s all get high” book but a truly informational tone on the benefits that can be obtained by all of us. While she does state that marijuana use may not be for everyone, relief can be found by most of us if we follow the guidelines and suggestions found in this book. As a bonus, recipes follow.

As a 60-year-old disabled woman, I found several areas that I may benefit from the use of marijuana as described by the author. Since my home state of Michigan has recently made the use of recreational marijuana legal, I may have to experiment with the suggestions made by Ms. Furrer. I look forward to pain relief not received from pharmaceuticals.

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way affects my opinion or ratings of this book.

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This was an interesting read and included tons of information that I didn't know already! The author researched cannabis extensively and laid out a great case about the benefits of it.

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Well written and informative. As a mid 40s woman, this was a great read! Highly recommended.

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For a complete newbie to cannabis this book was an eye opener on its benefits for people over 40. 40 is the age where you start feeling affects of age, and anything to help this 'mature body' is a big welcome in my books.

I learned about how to choose my cannabis for specific needs and how to cook with it.

I want to get a paper-copy for myself and all my girl friends!

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i NEVER GOT THIS TITLE! With regrets! ;Netgalley often doesn't send approvals in a timely manner and I am unable to download PDF to my Kindle. . I'm sorry that I didn't get to read this book.

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I absolutely loved this! Well-written, and informative. It had a lot of facts but wasn't dry and boring to read. I really enjoy the style of the book, it's so cute and would make a great gift.

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