Member Reviews

Story begins with Olivia arriving in Australia from New York City. She has arrived to work at resort off the Great Barrier Reef. Meeting Cory added a spark to her day, and they quickly go from hi to bedroom. A little fast for my taste, and the telling of deep dark issues also happened quickly. Would have liked this better with more reserve and details leading up to the romance, and ends with a bit of a cliff hanger. Still though, what was there was enjoyable, and would recommend if you want a quick easy read.

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My first book by this author and it was a super quick easy read, with a beautiful beach setting. It was funny and entertaining. The characters were likeable and well rounded.

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This is a short story that I finished in about an hour. I enjoyed reading this. The only thing that I had a problem with was the author used too many exclamation points (!) throughout the book.

The last thing on Olivia Stratten's mind is a relationship when she starts her new job in Australia after running from New York. Her fiance got caught doing something illegal and she lost her high powered job as a partner in her firm, and spent months clearing her name. She just wants to be as far away from N.Y. as possible.

Cory meets Olivia on her first day and is in awe of her. But Olivia is wary due to being burnt by her ex. Is Cory too good to be true?

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This quick read is more than worth the time. It's a perfect vacation beach read or even a great fireside, snowy afternoon read. Cory and Olivia have a spark that burns bright and will warm your heart. Don't miss this lovely romantic story by Caitlyn Lynch.

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Finding Cory was a short read, but a fun one. There was very little development of the relationship between the main characters, and this put me off as they seemed to fall right into bed together. Other than that, the story was easy to read with a satisfying ending.

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I immediately connected with this book because of the location and how she was from North America moving to North Queensland. I lived in Australia for two years, about 3 hours from where the setting of this story took place and even visited the location often, so it was kind of a neat coincidence. Having been an international myself I could relate to her confusion with some of the slang and their accent and definitely had a giggle here and there.

After that though, I kind of lost my respect for the story. It was cute, but I am not one for insta-love or insta-relationships, and this one was extremely insta-everything.

I really was not a fan of Olivia. I feel like her “character growth” was another instant. I liked the idea that she was all proper and professional and wasn’t used to the laid back nature of her new job and surroundings, but the change in her literally happened within hours and seemed like she got more immature as time went on.

I also didn’t like that Cory “wasn’t a player” and “didn’t do summer flings”, yet within less than 12 hours they were hooking up, not even knowing anything about each other. To me that sounds like either a fling or a booty call.

I mean, I know it was a novella, but it’s a romance that took place over the span of 3 days…..

I would have enjoyed it more if the story was extended over a longer time frame, even simply by adding “Over the next few days they began to spend more and more time together…..” or “Olivia was so busy the following week she only saw Cory a handful of times…..” Some type of time period to give the story the effect of being longer and having more substance.

The writing itself was enjoyable and was full of detail, but the plot and characters themselves were quite basic.

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Sometimes what I'm just in the mood for is a quick, straightforward, romantic read. All too often, such stories can be dragged out too long with too many forced misunderstandings and problems. Finding Cory is not such a book. Instead, the romance happens quickly, it's quite sweet (by which I mean that their interaction is quite sweet, not that this doesn't involve sex) and there aren't misunderstandings shoehorned in to add a bit of drama to the story.
Cory and Oliva make a great couple and this is a nice quick read about them getting together. It is, very obviously the start to a series, but it does that job well. I enjoyed this novella and polished it off in a morning.
If you're looking for a nice story, then I really don't think that you will go far wrong here. I'd be quite keen to read the rest of the series and I see that there's already the opportunity to get stuck into the second and third books.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I really enjoyed this story however I felt it was a little too short. I would’ve liked more of the story and courtship between Cory and Olivia but everything seemed to move at a really quick pace.

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"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."

Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

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Short story set in Australia. Olivia takes a job there after everything goes wrong in her personal, then professional life in New York. As soon as she gets to the resort she notices Cory and he notices her right back!

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