Member Reviews

Absolutely the best book I have read in a long time. This book is written so well, it has it all. i could see this being a lifetime movie,it's that good. I loved all the characters but Taz is my favorite,he will always be a Hero.

An "edge of your seat" thriller. Many exciting and scary action scenes. The characters are very likable and the dialog is crisp and natural. That being said..If I had written this review after reading the first 3/4's of the book , I would have said this was one of the best thrillers I've read but then the story got silly. The ending chapters are a bit fairy tale sappy. The friends are way over the top sweet. Almost a comical contrast to the horrors of the previous story. That sort of ruined it for me. If you like a good thrilled with a cutesy ending, this story is right for you.

3.5 Stars, I enjoyed the mystery of this book and how the crime played out. This story revolves around Dana Blake, a Boston detective whose wife Gabbi was murdered and Dr Chloe Maddox, a behavioral profiler who barely survived a kidnapping. Chloe does not remember anything from the kidnapping, where she left in front her old police department barely breathing. She sees her kidnapper and the memories come flooding back so Chloe and Dana work their hardest to find and stop this killer from committing any more crimes. They also find a connection to Gabbi's killer and Chloe's kidnapper.
This book was interesting, as the mystery and the tracking of the killer kept me reading the book. The book did drag a little, as to why I am only giving it 3.5 stars. A lot of the book was all the law with the killer, as they are trying to persecute him. The killer is flushed out and deep, as well as Chloe's and Dana's relationship as the book goes on. It does develop awfully fast in the middle of the book, which I find unbelievable. I would not necessarily re-read this book or recommend it.

A semi-thriller and full-on romance was a genre we were a little leery about. Mixed genres with a word limit find it a little difficult to do justice to either the thriller part or the romance part. But this one was a pleasant surprise.
Gorgeous Dr. Chloe Maddox was abducted and subjected to horrifying abuse. She becomes a behavioural profiler specialising in sexual abuse cases. However, she has no memory of her own abuse and torture that had left her barely alive.
Dana Blake is a detective whose wife was also abducted and abused in the past. Dana lost her wife to that crime and needs to find the perpetrator before she can move on. It is wholly possible that the person behind both the cases is the same man.
Chloe and Dana set out to get justice together.
This book has so many plusses. The first is Chloe. She is etched as a strong, independent person, not afraid to seek help. Also (thankfully), she is neither hiding from what happened not being angsty about sharing it so half the book is not spent in Dana (and the other characters) trying to break her barriers and trying to reach her. We are (obviously) semi-fangirls of Chloe (so, yeah, we do a lot of fangirling and crushing to some characters in lesfic…but it looks like the woman we really want in our lives live only in the imagination of various authors).
Dana is also drawn as a strong, sympathetic character. The attraction and emotional build-up between them is excellently handled and we found ourselves completely wanting it to happen without worrying whether it will – just wanted to know how and when it will manifest.
The other big plus is Chloe’s dog, Taz. He is utterly human and wonderful.
The thriller aspect is good and keeps us almost on the edge.
The minuses: the book felt about 20% longer than it could’ve been. The whole part from the point both are abducted need not have been there. The edge-of-the seat thrill got lost with that. The omnipotent villain could’ve been a little more fleshed out in terms of just how he is so omnipotent.
However, the author manages to keep us invested in the book, so it’s all good. This is a three-and-a-half rounded down to three.

'Unexpected Partners' by Michelle Larkin is an action packed adventure/romance that tells the story of two Boston police detectives who are being stalked by a serial killer. Dr. Chloe Maddox has a history with the killer since he murdered her fiancé two years ago and left Chloe for dead. Detective Dana Blake’s wife was assassinated by the same suspect four years ago, and now he has chosen Dana as his next victim. Both team up to first stay out of his clutches, which isn’t easy, and then to find the evidence they need to bring him to justice.
There is a lot of action in this story that will keep you interested and sometimes on the edge of your seat as you read, so those of you who like action and violence in a story should be well satisfied here. I liked the main characters and could see the chemistry between the two, and enjoyed the way the romance was treated throughout the story. The secondary characters were also well-developed and made the tale better. My absolute favorite character is Taz, Chloe’s German shepherd, who was trained to be an attack dog in the police K-9 unit but was flunked out by his trainer. It was a good thing Chloe took him before he could be euthanized, what they usually do to trainees that don’t make the cut. He turned out to be one of the most important characters in the book as far as I’m concerned. I fell in love with Taz.
I did have one problem with the story line. There were a couple of plot holes in the story, things that were mentioned and then just dropped. It kind of bugged me because I think it would have made the story stronger if those things had been resolved. I still enjoyed the book, but felt it could have been a stronger tale if all the loose ends had been tied up.
I’m giving a trigger alert here. There are discussions of rape and violence against women in this book. If that is going to make you uncomfortable, then you might want to miss this one. If, however, you like a good action-packed adventure and don’t mind some violence in a story, then this might just be the book for you.

3.5 Stars. Not as good as Larkin’s first book, but this is still a good crime-romance story. Larkin’s debut book Mercy really stuck with me because it was so entertaining. It had some bumps, but I didn’t care. In this book the entertainment factor wasn’t as high which made the few bumps less palatable. It still was a good read and Larkin is on my authors to watch list.
The story is about two women, Chloe and Dana, who work for the Boston Police Department. Chloe, who now works with victims, was actually a victim of her own. Left for dead, Chloe has trouble remembering everything she went through. Shortly after working in Boston Chloe sees the man who tortured her and her memories start coming back. Can Chloe and Dana get him behind bars before he takes another victim?
This book actually had a darker tone than I was expecting. I read a lot of crime books so I’m used to gritty but this serial killer/rapist/torturer didn’t sit so well with me. Most of what happens comes across in memories so you are not reading about actual rape scenes, but still this is some sick shit so it was not pleasant to read about.
There is a good amount of action which I liked. The book is a good quick pace and you don’t really want to put it down. There were a few suspend disbelief moments. Times you wanted to say why is this character doing this? With everything going on you would think they would be smarter. I also thought it was odd how much Chloe’s character changed. She is completely different in the first quarter of the book compared to the rest.
I thought the romance was decent for the circumstances. There is only so much new relationship building you can do in one book when lives are on the line. I would not call the relationship insta-love but it is a fast progressing relationship. I don’t mind so much when danger is all around so I’m giving Larkin a pass here.
Overall this was a good read. I wish I liked this more than her debut, but Larkin is definitely on my radar now. If you are looking for a crime-romance with some grit, give this a shot.

Entertaining and suspenseful this book had me on the edge of my seat with plenty of twists and turns to keep me engaged the entire story. Chloe and Dana’s romance was more than just tantalizing with chemistry but was healing as well for both of them. Great story!

ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This was a great story even though it had me at times saying really.
Dana Blake's and Dr. Chloe Maddox are both survivors.
Dana is struggling to survive her wife being kidnapped and murder while she in the hunt for her killer. Chloe is a rape survivor even though she still carrying scars from her attack.
When a chance encounter they both realize the one who attack Chloe is the same one who murder Dana wife. As they team up to find the murderer there an attraction that developed between.
When the killer comes back to finished what he started it up to Dana to protect Chloe.
I like the other characters are well developed and play an important role in the women’s survival it what kept them grounded in dark times in their life.
I like that these are two strong women who despite what happen to them came out stronger then they were before.

My first time reading anything by this Michelle Larkin, and if her other books are anything like Unexpected Partners then this won't be my last time.
A gripping story that kept me hooked, its a real page turn, so much so that I started it one Saturday morning and continued until later that evening as I could not put it down. I really wanted to know what happened next

2.75 Stars Unexpected Partners is my first read by this author. I like the premise of this story but it felt a little lost and inconsistent in some parts. I would still recommend you pick it up and give it a read as this is just my pov.

The details and descriptions in this book are excellent. This author has a way of setting a scene. I agree with a few other reviewers about the storyline being a little over the top, but it is fiction after all. My favorite stories are the instalove type, so this was an added bonus to an otherwise devastating plot. I'll definitely reread this book, but not until I wash my brain out with some hearts and flowers. I'm guessing that is what the author intended. All I all, this is a top notch THRILLER.

Wow, Larkin gives her characters truly awful back stories. It’s been four years since Dana Blake’s wife was abducted and murdered but she’s still in mourning until the murderer is found. While chatting to her friend Maribel, who is a prosecutor, she meets Dr Chloe Maddox. Chloe is a behavioural profiler in the sex crimes division and fairly new to Boston Police Department. She is also a rape survivor. They have a good connection almost immediately
I was riveted by this story even though there were a couple of holes in the plot and at times my suspension of disbelief was a little stretched. One thing was that someone shoots a 9mm and nobody in the house heard it. I don’t know, maybe a 9mm is a really quiet gun. Dana and Chloe are both strong women and likeable characters. Given their respective traumas, they’re both perhaps a little too strong. The pace and my desire for a good outcome made it easy to sweep the inconsistencies to the back of my mind.
Taz, from the K-9 unit, was a great supporting character with a lot of personality. I hope I don’t get shot down in flames for this but I’m not really a fan of animals playing big role in romance novels because I sometimes feel like I’m being tricked into liking the novel based on the cute pet rather than the writing skill, even more so when the animal takes centre stage on the cover. Taz wasn’t like that for me here, partly because I am in awe of working dogs and partly because he may as well have been another human character.
I enjoyed this so much more than Larkin’s first novel, Mercy, and I liked that there wasn’t a paranormal aspect to this one. There are a lot of vicious and violent aspects to the novel because of the nature of the crime committed and some were difficult to read. I’m glad she didn’t shy away from them but if rape and violence are triggers for you, this might not be a good one to read.
Book received from Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books for an honest review.

Hmmm, I don’t read same sex romance books. I’m sorry. I’m Sure this is a good book. I did like the description. I will pass on this book to those I know who read these books.

Enjoyed this even more than the authors first book, Mercy. No paranormal help with this one. Just a ruthless serial killer with unfinished business and two women in his sights.
Chloe is the woman who survived although she continues to carry scars both physical and emotional from her attack. She now works as therapist for the Boston PD, helping other victims assist the police in finding their attackers. Dana lost her wife two years before to the same serial killer who attacked Chloe and soon finds herself both running from the killer and trying to protect this woman she has just met.
I loved the fast pace and non stop action in this crime thriller/romantic intrigue novel. The women form an instant bond over their shared hatred for this killer with seemingly unlimited funds and connections which reach beyond prison bars. Their relationship heats up but so too do the dangers they face. The secondary characters are well developed and play an important role in the women’s survival throughout the novel. Taz the K-9 dropout and Chloe’s personal bodyguard, Maribel and Charlie are all effective at keeping the women grounded and adding some levity to an otherwise dark and dangerous story. I loved how strong both Chloe and Dana prove to be. They are facing a talented killer but they remain determined to catch him using all the resources they know.
There were times when the book takes on action movie sized proportions and yes there are grim scenes which might upset some readers. There were also times when I thought the women raced into danger without full use of the police resources available to them. Suspending belief is sometimes part of the fun reading thrillers and Unexpected Partners finds a nice balance between action and the reality of two strong women facing down their enemy.
4.5 stars
ARC received with thanks from publisher via NetGalley for review.

This story has been a little inconsistent and quite incoherent, as if the author was not clear on how to develop it. Neither the title makes sense.
On the one hand is Dana, who at the beginning of the book is presented as blocked against any relationship because of the traumatic loss of her wife. On the other hand is Chloe, who at the beginning is presented as an excellent professional in the field of police psychology, recently arrived in Boston to work in the same police station as Dana.
And suddenly and because of a situation that ignites Chloe's seemingly dormant post-traumatic syndrome, she becomes a different woman, terrified and insecure and Dana suddenly overcomes her reluctancy with trying a new romantic relationship.
From here, the changes in the behavior of the two protagonists are a bit dizzying. And it does not help that the plot is inconsistent and at times surprising in a not very positive way.
Without going into many details, in my opinion, in the romantic side the book has no special interest because of its lack of meaning in many moments. And the police plot is completely incredible and very poorly developed, from start to finish. Neither the dog, Taz, with all its weirdness, has seemed totally interesting.
I'm very sorry but I can not recommend this book. Definitely the previous book of this author is infinitely better and much more advisable.

I usually only give 4 stars to a book I’d possibly re-read, but I’m breaking that rule here, because I will not be re-reading this. I haven’t read this author before, and the book itself is well-written, but just too dark for me. I knew it was a cop drama, but the psycho in this book was too much for me. I loved both main characters and how they connected despite (though probably because) of what they’d been through, but there was way too much Silvio in this book for me.
Maribel, Charlie and Taz are also great characters (though I agree with Dana, Taz is a weird dog), and the way they work together to get justice was great, and I loved how strong both women were (especially Chloe given what happened to her) but like I said, the rest was just too dark. Maybe it’s a reflection of all the “me too” stuff going on, but I can’t take reading about this stuff in my down time. It feels like is everywhere else already.
That said, Michelle Larkin is a great writer, and the characters were compelling and totally deserved the HEA. I’d read something by her again, but will have to wait and see if she branches out from cop stories. If you like thriller cop stories, this one should suit just fine

I did not know what to expect from this book as I had not read any books by Ms. Larkin, nor a book about two women who fall in love. The attraction and love that slowly developed between the two women was done in a tasteful and caring manner. Dr. Chloe Maddox had been a victim of a serial killer. When she was abducted, her husband was killed and she is the only victim that survived. Chloe was a police officer at the time and has since joined the Boston Police Department as a behavioral profiler. She meets Boston P.D. Detective Dana Blake whose wife was also a victim of the same killer. The police believe they know who the serial killer is, but have not been able to get enough evidence against him. When the killer comes after Chloe to finish what he started, her police trained dog, Taz, Dana and the department will be there to make sure he does not succeed. I really enjoyed this book, the strength of the characters, the action and unique storyline. I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to give an honest review. (by paytonpuppy)