Member Reviews

Gripping and suspenseful! A very well-written book with wonderfully-interesting characters. The tension builds at just the right pace as the story unfolds. Will keep you swiping the pages furiously. Worthy of your TBR list.

*I received a complimentary ARC of this book from in order to read and provide a voluntary and honest review, should I choose to do so.

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This is exactly the type of "whodunit" and police procedural I enjoy reading. With compelling plots, motives are explored, as the suspense builds. Disappointing when the book is finished, I want more!

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This was a great read, and I can't wait to read some more by this author. I read such a lot of different genres, and it is so fun to be able to add another one to the mix! Recommended.

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Would like to thank you for the opportunity to read this book however I Think this book is no longer in my interests and will not be reading- reviewing this one

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Great novel, highly recommend for those who enjoy the genre. Will be recommending for immediate purchase.

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Thank you to NetGalley, BooksGoSocial and the author, Glede Browne Kabongo, for the opportunity to read a digital copy of Autumn Of Fear in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I thought the premise of the storyline sounded really good. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy the book as much as I thought I would. Not a book for me.

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I was not sure about this book at first it jumps back forth between "before" the attack and "after", and it was confusing at first But I was hooked. There were many times I knew who was behind the attack, only to be (pleasantly) surprised when the author took me down another rabbit hole.
I enjoyed this book and recommend it.

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Autumn of Fear is a story with a common premise. A college girl is attacked but has no memory of it, and she decides to fight back, along with her friends. It's too typical for my taste. I felt no connection to the characters or the story. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Genre: mystery
A love a nice mystery book, good characters and lots of suspects. Abbie is attacked and she will try to find out who is responsible.
Thank you Netgalley for this book.

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I can't say that I really cared for this one all that much. It reads more like a YA book than a thriller. I was just happy to get to the end.

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This wasn’t for me. I read in some review that it’s a YA novel and had I know I wouldn’t have requested it. Maybe it’s not, I don’t recall it being marketed as such. But it does read as though it’s marketed for a younger audience.

The writing was clunky, lots of internal dialogue. The word choices and phrases weren’t believable for that age group. The characters were also silly. Abbie, who doesn’t date, has multiple men throwing themselves at her feet.

There are many suspects (too many and ridiculous ones at that) and some red herrings. It wraps up in a happy place after a very over the top arrest.

This wasn’t the story for me but I did finish it so it wasn’t that bad. Please give it a try as it may be for you.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and BooksGoSocial for a copy in exchange for a review.

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Autumn of Fear by Glede Browne Kabongo. BooksGoSocial, 2018.

Autumn of Fear is, as are others in Kabongo’s Fearless Series, billed as a psychological thriller with a twist. When goal-oriented college student Abbie Cooper regains consciousness after a violent assault, she has no idea what happened or who might hate her so. As the book unfolds, we learn that she has received a series of gifts, sent anonymously, with increasingly unsettling notes. Some chapter are narrated by the sender, a shadowy figure represented on the cover who might be any one of the young men seeking Abbie’s attention that we meet; we grasp at straws as we try to match their characteristics to those of the anonymous sender.

The book is a page turner, supported by writing that flows smoothly through seventy-one chapters, entitled generically to helpfully indicate whether action takes place before, after or at the time of the assault.

Main characters are well and realistically developed. Discordant notes for me were that, though mature, Abbie seems too young to already have had such a complex past and too young to make life-changing decisions; I also wondered why her parents were so absent. Reference to a bad decision she made in high school made me want to look for Game of Fear, Kabongo’s earlier book about Abbie.

I enjoyed reading Autumn of Fear and I recommend it.
Disclosure: I received a review copy of Autumn of Fear free via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This novel is something like a cross between a whodunnit and a stalker tale. Abbie Copper, he heroine, or victim, comes to from a coma in which she was attacked, badly beaten and thrown from a car, then raped. Unfortunately she has no memory of what had happened prior to a party she had attended.
The story then follows an attempt to unmask her attacker, with the help of an almost too-good-to-be-true male friend. All the me friends in her life are therefore suspect to some degree, until her memory starts to give her more clues. This has to be done before the wrong-doer gets the opportunity complete what he had started.
Abbie's life is also complicated by the fact that she discovers one month after the attack that she is pregnant. This confronts her with the question of whether or not to keep the baby, but whether or not she will be able to settle down with a ready-made family at the end is a moot point.
Actually, this is less of a whodunnit because the true suspect is not really introduced in other than a behind-the-scenes way, rather later.
This novel does maintain the sense of menace until the final and rather violent reckoning.

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Autumn of Fear

Thanks for an ARC to read and give my honest opinion.

This book could not be put down.....from the moment I picked it up until the last pages I was crazy trying to figure out what happened to Abbie. So many characters in the book with less than honorable intentions made it hard to discern who attacked and assaulted this young girl in her second year at Yale. Amazing job!

What did I like? World building was incredible. I was sucked into Abbie's world as she struggled to put her life and what happened to her together. Her friend Ty was an amazing rock for her to cling to in such a violent storm. Everything came together so nicely in the end.

Would I buy this book? Yes, I would. It's a thriller that has you first read from this author and I think the author did a great job reeling me in.

Thoughts for the author? I would beta read again for this author. I was pleasantly surprised by this book and it turned out real good. Kept me guessing until almost the end. Five page turning stars!

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The book revolves around Abbie and apparently so do all the men that fall at her feet. It became boring and repetitive after a while. I knew what was going to happen as soon as they added another character within the story line. I think maybe if I would have read the first book it wouldn't have been so YA but I don't know. Its well written just not my style. When I hear of a gripping psychological thriller I want way more.

Received this book as an ARC for my honest review.

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Besides the few references to the 'fat friend' which rubbed me the wrong way, this story is well written.

There were a few instances I found my attention waning, and I was tempted to skim read, yet at the same time I didn't want to miss a thing.

Genre - YA, mystery/thriller.
Trigger warnings - sexual assault/rape

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A gripping psychological thriller with a stunning twist - that's what is promised in the title. However, this one doesn't completely deliver on that. There are psychological elements, but other than the first chapter, the story is a bit too drawn out to be considered gripping. And the stunning twist fails to stun. In fact, I knew the who as soon as that person was introduced into the story and the why didn't take long to figure out from there. The story revolves around Abbie and her many admirers. Here's where this one really started to lose me. I get an obsession, I even get a past love and a best friend, but we have five possibilities here, and in all honesty, Abbie just isn't that interesting. There are a few things mentioned in this one that had little to do with this story but felt like backstory that should already be known to the reader. I didn't realize until then that there were books before this one. As I said, those things had little to do with the happenings here, so didn't really impact the story for me other than to cause a bit of confusion. All that aside, I did finish the book, and it's a decent enough story, but I was a bit disappointed in the big conclusion. It all came together a little too easily after so much talk, leaving me with a middle of the road feeling about it. I didn't hate it, but I didn't find anything particularly great about it either.

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The idea of waking up as this woman does is horrifying. Men can be awful and cover their nastiness with a thin veil of smarm and charm. With all the other pressures of college life, the attack and cover up can push her toward the edge.

Searching for the truth is both dangerous and revolting, but she pushes through all the physical and psychological obstacles to find some peace.

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This is my first read by this author and it sure will Not be my last! Fast-paced ,suspenseful with non-stop action as we follow a young lady and her eclectic friends in their college years. There is a horrible incident after which we go to what happened before intermingling with the after story. Well described characters feel like you know them well, as there are several choices to actually be the attacker.
The young lady, Abbie Cooper, has had a tough road , but wants nothing more than to find out the truth and does her part in searching extensively for any information she can latch on to. A great psychological romantic suspense story that kept me turning pages as quickly as I could!
An enjoyable read that kept me interested with new surprises at every turn. The suspense builds and several violent actions increase the fear for our heroine, as she and friends continue their search for the truth.
Thanks to Netgalley and author Glede Browne Kabongo for an ARC of this exciting adventure, and I put my thoughts in this review hoping others will take interest in this author's writing as I myself look for more!!

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A real mystery with a very good and interesting plot. The characters are very good as well, as is the language. Some parts could use some shaving, as they are too long for the content. The last third is very good.

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