Member Reviews

This isn’t normally the type of book I read but I was really impressed by it. The worldbuilding is fantastic and so were the characters. Lezah is really easy to like and want to root for from the beginning and Seph was great as well. The story had a good pace, easy to get through quickly if you have a free afternoon. The twists kept me going and the ending definitely surprised me. While this is not normally the type of book I reach for, I definitely enjoyed it.

DNF after multiple attempts. It was a little too standard YA with angst. I didn't love the main character and just found myself a bit bored. Unfortunately not for me.

This was a really awesome YA dystopian/Scifi book. It’s been a while since I’ve read a good book in this sub-genre and I’m really happy this one did not disappoint! Again, as I often experience when reading standalone books, I do feel like this story would’ve been better if explored more extensively throughout the course of maybe a 2nd book for example. There was more possible to give it more depth overall.
But the writing, the angst/suspense combined with the setting was really well done I think, overall seeing!
There’s a touch of romance, but on the low key so that’s perfect for readers who don’t always want/need romance focus in a book. I think this book is perfect for all kind of readers, a very broad public.
Definitely recommend picking this one up!

This is such a fun book. I'll admit there were a few times my heart started racing reading Breakout while I went on this journey and I definitely got some Hunger Games vibes. The book could use a little more world building but I think the characters and the overall pacing of the story make it an enjoyable read. 3.5 stars.

I enjoyed this book more then I thought I would.
It was. A bit different of a read for me. But I liked that. I liked getting on something I don't normally read as much. And this book didn't let me down.
It was so fast paced and crazy
And I loved the character development through it.
⭐⭐⭐⭐ A definite 4 star read for me ⭐⭐⭐⭐

Breakout is an intense novel that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, tantalising with a barely perceptible intrigue that refuses to be let-go. Encapsulating twists and turns, the novel edges on a dystopian theme whilst tugging at the readers heart-strings.

First off lets talk about this amazing cover!! This is the real reason I grabbed this title. But shortly after starting I realized that this wasn't going to be what I thought it was going to be. I liked the story but a few things just didn't work. The first being the romance. I think this story would have worked a lot better if the romance wouldn't have been in there at all. We really didn't need it and it pretty much didn't serve any purpose at all. The next issue were the info dumps. Those were horrible and long. I wished that they would have either been summed up in the start as a prologue or shortened and spread out. I don't mind learning about things but when it basically stops the story to do it it just kind of sucks. Lastly, this book was fairly on the predictable side which really sucked.
The characters were fine and the story itself was pretty engaging but with the above mentioned things it just made the story kind of meh for me.

Lezah doesn’t know what landed her in prison, or really much of anything else about herself. With six days left before her execution the only chance she has to find out is to escape. And her only chance of escaping requires relying on strangers, possibly dangerous ones, and her former school rival. Can she trust anyone long enough to get out or will they all fall prey to the prison’s formidable defenses?
A. M. Rose’s Breakout is a book that I bounced around on how I felt about it, especially early on in reading it. But once it hit its stride, it worked really well.
The start was a little rough, with what’s nearly a new world entirely in the form of a California that’s been separated from the rest of the US by earthquakes. Special standouts on that were the WALTERS or Walking Computers, essentially robots that are meant to have free will, and the SOULS that everyone is supposed to have that are ID and phone and personal entertainment all rolled into one. SOULS do everything from let their users keep in contact to changing their appearances pretty drastically to being the main way the government kept tabs on citizens. It was all fed to the reader pretty bluntly at the start, which was necessary to a degree but also felt incredibly clunky.
I had a bit of a similar issue when the male characters, Trip and Seph, were introduced. It quickly became clear that Seph was our designated love interest, with his history with Lezah and his sad sad eyes and super competence. The build up to that felt like it took away from the immediacy of escaping the prison for a good bit. It felt like there were big neon signs telling me that this was going to be a huge part of the experience.
Here’s the thing though, both the rough bits from the start and Seph and Lezah’s whole thing, both worked out. The blunt early explanations felt weird because it was stuff that Lezah knew and wouldn’t have had much reason to explain to, essentially, herself but that smoothed out later once the characters were more in the action and things felt more focused. As to Lezah’s crushing on Seph? It wound up feeding character stuff for both of them as well as feeding in some bits of Lezah’s missing memories. The book hit a point in the action where the mystery and the full cast were more important than just those two characters, so it made the moments between Lezah and Seph feel more impactful. It wasn’t just the two of them and a world of card board cutouts.
This all said, the thing that made the book for me more than anything else was one of the antagonists. They were written in so well that I was genuinely caught off guard at the reveal. It was built in really well and makes me want to see how Rose handles other antagonists.
That’s about it. While I’m left wanting to see where things go for Lezah and company from the book’s ending on, it was still a satisfying ending that worked for the story. The things that didn’t work did well by the things I enjoyed. And, at the end of the day, I even wound up appreciating the romancey bits. So, Breakout earns a four out of five from me. I’m interested in seeing what A. M. Rose does in the future.

Very entertaining read, without giving away spoilers it gave me hunger games meets escape from furnace vibes. Really like the twists and turns even though they were too fast at times. If a second is written I will deff read. 4/5 stars.

I have voluntarily read and reviewed a copy of this title given to me via NetGalley. In this book we get to meet some great characters and I just loved their story. I loved getting to see where these characters end up and their journey to the end. This book was such an easy read and I highly recommend this title you will not be disappointed.

Breakout is a fast-paced Science Fiction ride. The action starts early on in the book and doesn't really let up. I wasn't a fan of the ending but I would love to see Breakout as a movie! 🎬📚🕷
For a spider cover, it's beautiful! (I hate spiders with a passion so the spiders better appreciate the compliment! 😌)
Thank you to Netgalley and Entangled for giving me the opportunity to read Breakout. 💕

Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team
Erica – ☆☆☆☆
A.M. Rose is a new-to-me author, and I'm curious to read more in the future. Breakout is not listed as the debut in a series, however, I hope there is more to come to answer many threads left untied.
Breakout starts with some confusion, because the narrator doesn't know where she is, why she's there, how she got there, with a large portion of her recent memory blank. Held prisoner, the world-building is futuristic, science fiction, a dystopian vibe.
Lezah is confined in a facility, and she has no idea why, only a countdown timer on her bracelet, counting down to what she assumes is her end. With only three days left, Lezah finds a way to attempt escape, along the way picking up four others.
Rapid pacing, nonstop action, Breakout has a Maze Runner and Hunger Games vibe, mixed with a sense of virtual reality of a live-action video game. There was an addictive, page-turner need for answers, which had me on the edge of my seat, but those answers were given as if the reader should just understand/know what the narrator does without it being on the pages.
Along the escape journey, Lezah's memory returns slowly, as she fits the pieces as to how she came to be imprisoned with these specific people. The returned memories are as murky once returned as they were when Lezah struggled to remember – piecemeal, barely fitting anything together.
While I feverishly read the novel, needing to know what happened next, I wanted answers to many questions. It felt as if plots didn't quite fit together, as Lezah rushed along, taking the reader on the journey with her.
At the end of the novel, I'm still not quite sure why everything that happened happened, with a quick resolution that was too easy. The easiest resolution I've ever read, to be honest. There needs to be a sequel to offer a real resolution/explanation. Lezah jumped from A, automatically assuming Q was the answer to whatever question was posed, yet the reader had no idea what B through P were to get to that Q conclusion.
While the pacing was rapid, which kept me engaged and entertained, it was at the detriment of the world-building, character building, and the who/what/where/why/how/when. Reminding me of a plot outline, where the writer is to fill in the gaps to enrich the experience.
With all that being said, I enjoyed the novel, definitely recommend to those who love this genre, and am looking forward to more from this author in the future.
Young Adult age-range: 12+, including profanity, kissing, and mild science fiction violence.
Shelby – ☆☆☆☆☆
Breakout was an exciting, young adult, sci-fi read! My attention was grabbed from the beginning. We follow a young lady, imprisoned with no memory of committing a crime. Fear gripped me, but I had to know what was going on. This future world is a strange place, where computers walk amongst men and fear dominates all.
When Lezah and her cellmate agree that they need to breakout before their death-date of four days and one day respectively, I was totally on-board. The insanity that follows is best left unsaid, so you get the full impact!
So many questions arise with no resolution. Lezah doesn't really know who she is, she only remembers bits and pieces of her family. Her rag-tag group of escapees all have their own lives, but they seem to remember things. Are these people trustworthy? Are they good guys or bad?
I just couldn't put this down, I was on the edge of my seat throughout the story, and hope there will be a book two. I enjoyed the ending, but there are still questions that need answers. I will be adding A.M. Rose to my list of authors to read!

Breakout by A.M. Rose is a young adult science fiction fantasy that is a dystopian, futuristic version of our society. The story is one that is rather fast paced as the characters face constant dangers.
Lezah is in prison with no memory of how she got there or if she did anything to deserve being locked up. There are only six days left on Lezah’s prison sentence but she will not be set free when her countdown is over, instead Lezah will be executed.
With a bracelet on that monitors every move and doles out electric shock punishments when breaking the rules Lezah has little hope of escaping. However, when another prisoner finds a way to deactivate the monitoring bracelet Lezah and her roommate act quickly to try and escape before their countdowns are over.
Breakout is one of those young adult novels that I end up having an internal debate with myself on how to go about rating when finished. The thing with this one was that I seemed to be constantly reminded of other series out there with the action that was taking place, most notably I couldn’t help but think the escape reminds me of searching the maze in The Maze Runner that has the pod like areas of Mockingjay, just kind of blending some from here or there. However, I do like the fast paced action so in the end I would give this 3 1/2 stars.
I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

This was an intense book full of suspense AND twists! If you’re looking for a unique dystopian story that keeps you on the edge of your page, this is it!
We follow the main character who is stuck in a dark prison with zero memory of how or why she got there. With her execution date counting down, she and a few fellow inmates concoct a plan to break free from their torturous bracelets and attempt to find their way through the maze.
This was a super quick read as I read it in only two sittings. The characters drive you through the mystery behind their capture and the prison’s background. Creepy spiders and manipulative robots are around every corner adding a new level of uniqueness to the story.
I gave this book 3 out of 5 stars. The story is entertaining and even has parts where your heart is left racing. The writing style felt a little condensed to me, and I wish there was a bit more world building throughout the story.
I recommend this one if you are fans of dystopian novels with a scifi style AND if you love a good prison break story.

Breakout was fun and entertaining, but that was about the sum of it for me. It has vibes of The Hunger Games, but I don't fully understand the "why" of the story. I would have liked a bit of a deeper connection with Lezah, but the story is definitely more action-driven. While the plot is engaging, we don't really get a sense for the world in which it is taking place. Obviously some Bad Stuff™ has gone down, leading to underwater cities and random imprisonment of teens, but there's definitely room for more exploration.
I don't know if this is part of a series, but if it is a standalone, the ending felt a bit unfinished. But the book in general is still gripping, as it seems that absolutely no one is safe in this world.
Bottom Line: Entertaining, if not particularly memorable. I enjoyed it, but would have been much more invested with more world-building.

Breakout by A. M. Rose is a young adult science fiction book and part of the Entangled Teen series. This book has non stop action, twists and turns that kept me hooked from beginning until the end. I do have to say that I enjoyed this author's other book, Road to Eugenica, much better. Looking forward to the next book in both of these series. I enjoy this book's unique story line, and recommend it.
I reviewed a digital arc provided by NetGalley and Entangled Publishing, LLC, Thank you.

Good storyline, rushed ending.
Thanks to NetGalley and Entangled Teen for the opportunity to read and review Breakout by A.M. Rose!
A prison full of young prisoners, with the last of their lives ticking away while robots guard and serve them, makes up the character pool for the first part of the book. Two cell mates try to escape since they don’t have anything to lose. They get another prisoner added to the escape party and the three of them accidentally end up in a juvenile prison for young men. The young men decide to escape also, so they go together. The main character is often mentioning that things are happening to her only, “happening to me”, like being trapped within four stone walls. Then the next paragraph states that the rest of the group is in there with her. It’s misleading. Breakout is a conglomeration of Virtual Reality and bits and pieces that are reminiscent of popular book plots, such as Hunger Games, Maze Runner and I, Robot. I don’t feel like the ending is solid and seemed almost rushed and I didn't feel the pull towards the characters that I would have like to; 3.5 stars.

Sadly I really wanted to like this.book ,I mean look at the cover ,that's what got me to put it and request it,but unfortunately I'm DNF it at 23 % . It reminds me some what along the lines of the Maze Runner and while I did read that book I didn't really like it either. So with that said I want to thank Netgalley and the publisher for letting me at least give it a try , exchange for my honest opinion.

This book was awesome. The intricacies of video games and the realism of the prison is a great combination. I was initially drawn to this book because of the cover and blurb and am glad to have gotten an ARC from netgalley as it was a great read. Looking forward to what may happen next.

Breakout is a dystopian science fiction story. The story centers around a terrible prison where people who have done terrible things go to die. Lezah finds herself here, but she doesn't know why. The past month of her life is a total blank. This prison is technologically controlled with robots in charge. Each inmate wears a bracelet that counts down to their day of death. Lezah and another inmate find a way to remove the bracelet. They intend to escape. Will they make it out alive? The story is a fast read filled with action and suspense. It's entertaining and an overall good read. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.