Member Reviews

It's again a pretty average chick-lit, I thought a certain breakup could have been more elaborated upon, but seeing that the gal and her possible new BF isn't even the main couple of this book, I suppose it's understandable that it's not mainly about them. The WTH moment for me for this book, is the forced identity reveal, or more precisely, people reactions towards it. I feel like it was blow way out of proportion. Yes, he hid his identity, but y'all acting like everything he ever did was a complete lie, THAT and he killed and raped kids or something (HE DID NOT). So yeah, another 3 (and I feel like I'm actually being generous). I guess the book needed a conflict but man it did not feel realistic at all.

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Having read the first book in this series I was pleased when I got approved for the third one to review. I found the blurbs and front covers so captivating it makes you want to read the story all the more so. This book has a true british theme of Cider and small little towns in the middle of nowhere where people come to. The characters are so likeable, Sophie the main character just wants to better herself though like many people knows that sometimes you have to step away to move on. Alex on the other hand wants to learn and develop so having them both together not only add sparks but hoepfulness as well to the story. Though like a lot of stories I thrive on the secrets and the drama of romance and fiction books, even more so ones which you don't see coming. Overall an amazing book with characters you would love to know in real life.

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I enjoyed the intrigue in the story and the way the author led the reader to arrive at the correct conclusion before most of the people in Little Somerby did. I also really enjoyed a glimpse into the world of cider making, and I adored the village and the characters, and the whole cozy feel of this novel.

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Really connected with this book, think it was because it is set around a family of cider makers & I live in Herefordshire which is known for it's cider. The story was warm, uplifting & funny, all the contents you need to keep you hooked right up to the last chapter. Can't wait for Fay Keenan's next title.

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When I agreed to take part in the blog tour for ‘Summer In The Orchard’, I didn’t realise that it was actually the third book in the Little Somersby series. That doesn’t matter though because it can be read just as well as a standalone. The positive thing is that I have two other books in the series to catch up on. I am a bit OCD in that I have to read a series in order and from the beginning. Anyway enough about me so back to the review I do go. To get back to the point, I read and loved ‘Summer In The Orchard’ but more about that in a bit.
I couldn’t help but take to the characters of Sophie and Alex. Sophie is a hardworking, determined, friendly, kind, genuine young lady. It’s clear that she has ambitions and that she has a list of things that she would like to do. Sophie is still grieving the loss of a parent, whilst her other parent lives abroad. Sophie lives in the same village as her grandmother and she likes to keep an eye on her. Sophie is afraid of anything happening to her Gran, who has had a couple of health scares in the not too distant past. Sophie’s love life hasn’t fared too well and her most recent relationship finished when she discovered her boyfriend getting a bit too close to his colleague. One to one time politely describes what he was getting up to. Sophie isn’t particularly looking for romance when Alex appears on the scene but it’s clear from their first meeting that they have one hell of a chemistry and sparks definitely flew. Alex is a bit of a mystery when he turns up in the village. At first he says that he is there at the cider factory to gain experience in the field because he is hoping to set up his own cider company back home. However, it soon becomes clear that he has another reason for being in the village, which isn’t immediately apparent. Alex is the mirror image of Sophie in a way – both are polite, kind, gentle, loving human beings who are not afraid of hard work. Will Sophie and Alex get together? Well for the answer to that question you are just going to have to read the book for yourselves to find out as I am not going to tell you.
‘Summer In The Orchard’ is just the sort of book I needed to read at the moment. It is a light hearted, uncomplicated, fun romantic read with characters that you can’t help but take a liking to. I would say that I became addicted to this book from the first couple of pages onwards. I just had to keep reading to see what fate had in store for Sophie and Alex. The pages turned over at speed and the time flew by whilst I was reading this book. For me ‘Summer In The Orchard’ was simply unputdownable. My Kindle wasn’t glued to my hand but it might as well have been because it came everywhere with me. The village just sounded idyllic in a way and I found that I started to compare their village with the village where I live. I could certainly recognise certain similar characteristics and I found myself nodding along in agreement. I also found that this book made me chuckle in places at something I had read and pictured in my mind.
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed reading ‘Summer In The Orchard’ and I will definitely be recommending it to other readers. I hope to read the complete series in order and from the beginning. I just know that I will enjoy the rest of the series just as much as I enjoyed this book. I can’t wait to read what Fay comes up with next. The score on the Ginger Book Geek board is a very well deserved 5* out 5*.

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Sophie likes working at Carter's Cider but she is starting to feel it is time to move on when Alex arrives from Canada to learn the business and things are definitely looking up, but Sophie is suffering from a broken heart and not interested in getting another one! Alex however is hiding a secret..... can things work out for these two?

It is great to be back in Little Somersby and this was as a lovely story with a bit of intrigue as well as romance

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The Blurb :
Sophie Henderson loves her job at Carter's Cider in the picturesque Somerset village of Little Somerby, but with summer dawning before yet another picking and pressing season, and her boss David showing no signs of wanting to hang up his cider jug, perhaps it is time to move on.
She's all set to hand in her notice when Alex Fraser, an intern from Vancouver, comes to Little Somerby to learn everything he can about the cider business. With Sophie as his mentor, attraction between them starts to grow alongside the apples.
For Alex, however, being in Little Somerby is about more than cider, and as the summer grows warmer, and his relationship with Sophie blossoms, can he find the courage to tell her the truth before it's too late?

My Thoughts :
I have really enjoyed this series so far and was looking forward to reading the third installment.
This can be read as a standalone but best if read in order to get a feel of the charactors and Little Somerby.
We meet Sophie Henderson, Sophie has been working at Carter’s Cider Farm forever and when an intern from Canada arrives to learn the ropes for his own company back in Vancouver, Canada. Sophie takes it upon herself to show the handsome Alex Fraser the workings and dealings of a Cider farm as this is her niche. Suffering from a broken heart, Sophie has no interest in romance so throws herself into her job. There is a mutual attraction between the couple but Alex is hiding a secret that the reader is learning from Alex’s perspective in the story that Sophie is not yet aware of.
Will there be a happy ending for Sophie or was she right to protect her heart all along.
Parts will leave you with a lump in the throat as we revist the past for both Alex and Sophie.
It was great to be back in the village of Little Somerby and it felt like we were back with old friends.
I love the residents who live here, especially the Carter brothers Jonathan and Matthew, Sophie’s Gran Lily and Merry, who is Matthew’s Daughter. We can not forget the adorable dog Barney.
Fay Keenan once again delivers a delightful story of love, family, friendships and new beginnings.

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Wonderful book!!!! First time I read a book from Fay Keenan! I wasn't sure that I was going to enjoy it as this book is a third in a series but if you are like me and haven't read the rest of the series, don't be afraid! You can totally understand everything of what's going on in this book. I absolutely adored it. I loved the characters, the setting (an orchard in a little village in England), the intrigue, the mystery around this hot guy coming to work as an intern at the orchard, the cute romance and the fact we follow several characters perspective and not only the main character ones. I recommend you this book!!!! It's such a lovely read!

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This was a lovely little romance story that yanked at the heartstrings and shared a few laughs with us too.

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I have absolutely adored the previous two Little Somerby books so I was so excited for this part and oh wow it did not disappoint it was fabulous.

I just love the characters and it was so nice to be introduced to the new characters has well as having the previous characters featuring heavy in it.

A really beautiful read, one that just captures your heart.

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I had not read the previous books in this series but did enjoy this book. There were references to the previous books in the story which has piqued my interest and I will now read the first two books in the series.

A light hearted story of family, friendship, relationships and cider making. I really enjoyed the setting in the cider factory - although it made me want to drink some cider. I liked and empathised with the characters. A lovely easy read which I enjoyed.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Sophie Henderson loves her job at Carter's Cider, but with her boss David showing no signs of wanting to hang up his cider jug and in the aftermath of a break-in, she wonders whether it might be time to move on.

Alex Fraser, an intern from Vancouver, comes to Little Somerby to learn everything he can about the cider business. But he has more personal reasons for picking to work for the Carter's.

As the summer grows warmer, and a relationship with Sophie starts to blossom, can he find the courage to tell her the truth before it's too late?

I was really happy when the publisher approved me for an ARC of this book after thoroughly enjoying its predecessor.

After meeting Sophie in the previous installment it felt like picking up where I left off with an old friend.

Alex was a typical male lead, handsome and lovable. I felt his "secret" was obvious from the start but I'm not sure the author intended for it to be hidden in the first place. There were hints throughout the story, however this didn't affect my enjoyment.

As with all series, it was lovely to further the stories of the previous protagonists. Keenan is very clever at incorporating the ongoing plots with these characters without the reader feeling as though the current theme is being overshadowed.

An easy read of another lovely story that leaves the reader eager to return to Little Somerby and rural village life.

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Returning to Little Somerby in Somerset is always a joy and readers old and new are sure to fall under the spell of this beautiful small village once again in Fay Keenan’s enchanting new novel, Summer in the Orchard!

Sophie Henderson loves living in Little Somerby and she absolutely adores her job working at Carter’s Cider. However, Sophie cannot help but be troubled by the fact that the time might have come for her to seek pastures new, especially as her boss shows no sign of wanting to hang up his cider jug! While it would break Sophie’s heart to move on, she knows that she simply cannot spend more time living with all this uncertainty, but just when she is about to hand in her notice, the arrival of a new intern gives her a very good reason to stick around for the foreseeable future…

Alex Fraser has come all the way from Canada to learn everything there is to know about cider and the cider business. With Sophie showing him all the ropes, he soon begins to show an interest in something other than apples and cider production, and an attraction between the two of them soon begins to simmer. Will Sophie and Alex decide to keep things strictly professional? Or will they find themselves giving into their feelings and into their attraction for one another?

As their relationship deepens and gives way to something far deeper than they ever imagined, will they find the courage to tell each other how they truly feel? Or is their romance merely going to see them through the season?

Romantic, funny and sparkling, this bucolic charmer is sure to chase away any January blues you might have! Summer in the Orchard is a gorgeous tale about renewal, second chances and new beginnings that is as refreshing and feel-good as a glass of ice cold cider on a sunny day! I fell in love with Alex and Sophie and would pack my bags and move to Little Sommerby in a heartbeat if such a place existed.

A spellbinding read that I highly recommend, Fay Keenan has penned another winner with Summer in the Orchard!

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This is the first book I have read by Fay Keenan and, although it is the third book set in Little Somerby and based around Carter’s Cider, it works completely as a standalone novel and I did not feel I was missing any detail from the first two books which would have helped me enjoy this book more.

This book is primarily the story of Sophie, a cider taster and blender at Carter’s Cider in the small village of Little Somerby and how her seemingly ordered life is disrupted by the arrival of a handsome stranger from Canada in the form of Alex Fraser. But is he all that he seems? The book is also told from Alex’s perspective, so the reader is privy to information about him that Sophie is not, and we can see how things are moving towards a collision course before the characters can, which adds a pleasing frisson of tension to the reading experience.

The characters of both Sophie and Alex are sympathetic enough to carry the story and make you care about what happens to them and I became deeply involved in the development of their relationship, to the point where I ended up with a lump in my throat and a pricking behind my eyes towards the end, which I was not expecting to be honest. I had anticipated a light and frothy book that would not move me with that level of emotion, so I was very pleasantly surprised. The supporting cast of characters are also extremely appealing (with one or two exceptions!), to the point where I know I definitely need to go back and get better acquainted with them via the first two books in the series.

I particularly enjoyed the setting of the novel. One of the very great pleasures for me of reading is to learn new things and, as I have never read a book set around cider production before, I really enjoyed reading more about it. Despite this being primarily a book of romantic fiction, the author has obviously done meticulous research into the background business against which the book is set and included just enough detail about it to make it interesting and informative without bogging the prose down with too much. I found it perfectly pitched and it added an additional layer of depth and interest to the story.

The book is set throughout the sunny, summer days of a Somerset apple growing and pressing season, and includes a county fair, al fresco parties and lazy evenings in country beer gardens. The scent of the apples and flowers leaches out of the pages and I could hear the lazy buzzing of bees and feel the fizz of the cider on my tongue; a delightful and sensual read.

All in all, this book turned out to be a wonderful surprise, combining a delicious reminder of a warm English summer, a moving love story, with hidden depths that I wasn’t expecting. A very rewarding investment of a few hours reading.

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I would like to thank Aria for asking me to review this book as part of the blog tour and to do a QnA with the fab Fay Keenan (see my next post or my interview page)
This is my 3rd visit to the Little Village of Somerby and we meet up with some characters we have met before and we are introduced to some new ones. Summer in the Orchard can be read as a stand alone but by reading all the stories you do get to know the stories of other characters.
Sophie is our main heroine here and we find her at a time in her life were she has decided she does not need a man. She has worked at the Orchard for what feels like forever and when she is chosen to support mentor she is introduced to Alex, who unfortunately he finds very hot. As you read their journey I really hoped that Sophie would not get her heart broken again.
A beautifully written tale of new beginnings. Touching and emotional. I adore visiting Somerby.

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5☆ A Heartwarming, Endearing and Touching story, I couldn't put down.

SUMMER IN THE ORCHARD is the third book in the series, but can be read as a standalone perfectly fine. Although I have read all 3 books, I think in order to really relate to the characters I would recommend reading them all.

This time round it's Sophie's Story.
She has just gone through a painful breakup with Ex Mark after finding out he cheated on her.
Nursing a broken heart she is sworn off men! Like we always say lol

Sophie has been working at the Carter Cider Company for a long while. So when they decide to mentor interns they can think of no better person than Sophie to help run the program.

In walks Alex! He certainly has the swoon factor!
He has come over from Vancouver where he is just starting out in the Cider Business with his new venture.... Adelaide’s, and has come to Carter's to learn the ropes from the best.

But Alex is hiding something!
Something big!.... that has the potential to blow people's lives into chaos.
(I just want to add, the mystery behind the secret I had my suspicions, i did guess right 😊 However I wish the reveal happened sooner as I felt it was slightly drawn out)

It's quiet obvious from the start that Sophie and Alex are sexually attracted to one and other. You can literally feel the heat sparking off them.
So I for one was routing for them. But I was really hoping that Alex who is a true gent won't break Sophie's heart.

It was so great to be back in Little Somerby and catch up with everyone.
Once again Sophie's Grandmother Lily stole my heart, she's a quirky loveable character, you can't help loving.
But also I must mention fur Baby, Barney the Weimaraner, what an adorable cheeky pup. Any book that has dogs in it is a winner for me 💕🐶.

SUMMER IN THE ORCHARD is an Endearing and Touching story of New Beginnings, Family, Friendships, Romance, Secrets, Drama, a dash of Mystery, Betrayal, Relationships, Starting Over and plenty of Scrumptious Cider.
Be warned it may leave you craving an Ice Cold Cider!

Once again Fay has weaved her magic, she writes the most heartwarming 
and endearing stories, with beautifully warm and loveable characters who spring to life on the page.
She just has a way of making u feel part of the story, so much so you never want to leave.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading SUMMER IN THE ORCHARD and I hope there is more to come as I would love Merry to have a story!

Although in the title it's a summer read i was thankful for this lil ray of sunshine as I love Summer!
So whether you just want to escape the winter or you fancy a sunbed summer read, or maybe even a picnic or a hot soak in the bath, SUMMER IN THE ORCHARD truly is the perfect ANYTIME read!

Thank you to Aria Fiction for this copy which I reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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I was looking forward to the latest from Fay Keenan after having reviewed the ARC of Springtime at the Cider Kitchen (Little Somerby Book #2). Summer in the Orchard is a sweet romance and is book 3 in the series. We catch up with old characters and this book focuses around Sophie, the owner of Carter Cider, and Alex, who's over from Canada and wanting to see how the company works to get an insight into changes to benefit his own.

They get on and sparks fly. But, he has a secret. but with very large-part cameos from brothers I enjoyed Matthew and Jonathan Carter (his brothers') part in the story and Sophie's grandmother Lily was lovely. Summer in the Orchard is feelgood, romantic realistic dramatic and enjoyable. I was intrigued to learn more about Somerset and the West Country and the visuals revealing landscape and customs were appreciated. Although I'm English and have been to Dorset and Devon as well as Cornwall a few times, Somerset is an unexplored county for me. I felt transported there by this book. It has such an easy relaxing pace and I finished it in no time. Now, I hope to review book 1 when I get a copy. I'm curious to see how the series started.

I enjoyed book 2.and 3 very much. I'd love to see more from Fay Keenan.

Thanks to Fay Keenan and Aria for my ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review and my slot on the blog tour for this title. My second book by Fay Keenan. 4 stars

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To use but a few words.....I simply adored this book. It was warm and inviting and the perfect way to start the new year. Summer in the Orchard is book three in the Little Somerby series, but I do feel that it reads well as a stand alone story as I never once felt like I was missing any vital information or left on the back foot at any point along the way. The plot is wild and wonderful and full of drama and excitement. I won't go into any detail as it would only spoil your own reading experience but I was on the edge of my seat as the story slowly unfurled, eager to find out more.

Little Somerby is an idyllic chocolate box village and the perfect backdrop for this gorgeous story to play out on. I simply adored discovering all the secrets to cider making and the descriptions of delicious apples, which were enough to make your mouth water in delight. I certainly learned a thing or two I can tell you that. Each and every character stepped up and played their parts to perfection to help create the charming and quaint life in rural England we have come to know and love. I adored Sophie as a character in all her confident, yet fragile, charm. I felt she carried the story line well and kept my attention throughout. Her relationship with the gorgeous Canadian intern, Alex Fraser, sizzled off the pages with such chemistry and passion. But like all the best love affairs it is never plain sailing and drama threatens to throw love off its true course. But for me the stand out character in this story is Lilly. I loved her independent, can do attitude, that shows that age is just a number and her overactive imagination that comes part and parcel with her status as a romantic novelist. She certainly was a shinning star in the story.

If you're looking for a warm and cosy read to snuggle up with on the cold and dreary nights in January then look no further than Summer in the Orchard. It will lift your spirits, make you smile and have you reaching for the fruit bowl with all the glorious descriptions of delectable English apples.

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We meet Sophie Henderson as she faces her old school to talk about her job at Carter’s Cider. She is more than passionate about it, which actually was a nice surprise (people in books are rarely happy in their jobs don’t you know!) So then we were back at the actual cider plant (apologies if the terminology is incorrect!) and I was wondering who this new intern, Alex, that she had to help was. I was thrilled when we moved onto Alex’s pov (I know!!) and hoped that it would be would give us an insight as to why he was really there. (New intern my foot-he had a few too many nuggets of information, I knew there was something about him!)

I’ll admit there were people in this book that were a bit over dramatic for me, but in general I enjoyed reading about Little Somerby. The romance is done very nicely and and there’s another side romance going on too. I haven’t read the first two books of this series and I’d think it could possibly help in introducing you to the locality, but all in all I enjoyed and would recommend for romance fans. Thanks so much to Aria for the book in return for an honest review and for allowing me to take part in the blog tour.

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I loved the other two in this series and this one is no different. It's heartwarming, it's easy to read and it'll leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. I loved the characters, especially main character Sophie - I just felt like I really related to her.

I loved the setting, it just sounds so idyllic and makes you want to go there to try the cider! It's a warming book that's perfect for summer.

Would 110% recommend you give this book a read.

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