Member Reviews

I'm a keen artist, and while the artworks in the book are not to my taste at all, I did find a lot of useful information. Although the book seems to be heavily promoting one brand, Golden, it did provide lots of ideas on using mediums which I haven't tried before. Many of these tips will certainly be incorporated into my own painting, and while I cannot promise to use the identical products I am excited about broadening my artistic repertoire!
Many thanks to the publisher for a review copy.

A handbook full of exciting sample artworks demonstrating all the new techniques described here alongside detailed advice on what to use as well as how to use them, Rethinking Acrylics is a massive eye-opener on just how versatile acyylics can be, alongside just how many tools are at the artist's disposal for future use.
The writer Patti Brady is informed on the science of this material too - acrylics belong to the plastic family and a knowledge of how different thinning and thickening materials interact is essential if specific effects are sought. There are also discreet warnings for the unwary that as these are chemicals: they are not really meant to be ingested (eek!) either respiratorily, nor through contact through the skin as in finger painting, nor casually disposed off through the nearest washbasin plughole.
Chapters are devoted to what kind of a acrylics are available in terms of viscosity, opaqueness, translucency, pigmentation, whether or not these are of matte, gloss or of satin finish. It all depends on whether slow or quick fry is required, which ones are closest to oil paints in terms of drying times how many layers are to be used.
Then there is the question of gessos and preparing and underpainting a canvas and which paints are most appropriate for textured or cracked effects.
Likewise, there are acrylics with the texture of paper, which can even be printed on, there are acrylics that work as a skin to be reapplied and painted over on turn. Different pigments and viscosities can be used to create pours with marbled effects. Other s rylics can be mixed to create encaustic effects. Reflective and interference Paints can be applied to create reflective surfaces. Finally, varnishing a work is the way to create professional.piecrs for posterity......
The opportunity for exploration and adventure with this one medium are therefore demonstrated in this exciting book to be vast. This book was of especial interest to me, as I already work with different textures and media, constantly reworking and layering these, so this handbook has presented me with several new ideas on how to take my work into new direction in the future.

As a total novice with acrylics this book is a little bit more than I really needed however it does give me lots of ideas where I could go once I have the basics sorted. The first chapter was full of introductory information which I found very interesting and informative about a lot of things I didn't realise I needed to know.
The other chapters cover all sorts of different techniques some of which appear easier than others. The book has good illustrations and even though I'm not there yet I can see how I could begin to experiment in the future.
I was able to read an advanced copy of this book thanks to Netgalley in exchange for an unbiased review and am very glad I did. I think this book is one I will refer to a great deal in the future and would recommend it to anyone wanting to reach toward the next level in their painting adventure.

"Rethinking Acrylic" looked at using acrylic paint in creative, unusual ways and how to use various mediums, specialized acrylic paints, etc. The various demonstrations were for modern style (usually 'unique mark-making' abstract style) and experimental acrylic painting. The artists explained how to do various techniques, like pouring acrylic in various ways, or using acrylic to mimic other painting styles, like watercolor or encaustic. The book covered multiple ways to use the wide variety of acrylic mediums. If you want to better understand how acrylic can be used and the great variety of choices that are available in acrylic, then I'd recommend this book.

3 Stars!! Eh, I couldn’t really get into this book! It has too much to read & it wasn’t keeping me interested enough to read all of it! I prefer more pictures & short explanations. This book has made me a tad more confused about acrylic painting than I was before reading! That being said, I did get a few tips & techniques I want to try out! If you want lots of information on acrylic paints & having Golden painting products shoved at you left & right, than this is the book for you! This book actually felt more like a Golden painting products brochure at times! But if you’re like me & just want the basic explanation/information and you’re not interested in being overly informed & having certain painting products pushed at you, than skip this book!
*I received this book at no charge from the publisher.*

Great book with extensive introduction to acrylics. The best part is the writer shows lots of different ideas on how/where to use them. I liked the descriptions, the details.
It's a very good book if you're new to acrylic paints or even familiar but want to extend your knowledge.
Thanks a lot to NetGalley and the publisher for this copy.

This book looks fantastic and is full of interesting and creative approaches to take your acrylic paintings and mixed media artwork to the next level. Not for beginners but ideal for anyone who understands how acrylics work and have used them in the past and that wants to experiment and create texture and interest in their artworks, I can't wait to try out some of the techniques.

Amazing book. If you thought that acrylic was just an alternative to oils or watercolour, this book will show you how wrong you are.
The book starts off with a detailed overview of what acrylics is, and then this is followed with 11 chapters of various methods and combinations to create fabulous creations on paper, cloth, board and other materials.
Some of the combinations include gels, etching, collage, skins and pouring to name a few, each is accompanied by detailed photos and explanations, as well as some artist feedback and experience.
I found this book fascinating and am really raring to try some of the methods especially the etching. I think this is a great book for people who enjoy multi media, or those who would like to add a little bit of difference to their paintings.