Member Reviews
This novel is a good one that I’ve read this year! The characters are so dynamic yet relatable. I loved the flow of the story. It held my attention the whole time.
I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. This is the third and final book in this series. I have read both Ferryman and Trespassers as well. I did not want to read this one because I did not Tristian and Dylan's love story to end, but I will not lie I could not get hold of this book fast enough. I had to read it a couple of times. That is how good it was. Them leaving left an imbalance in the underworld and now the choice is in Tristian and Dylan's have to make a dark choice to stick together and curse souls to death or go back and be separated forever. I am still getting chills just thinking about it.
I enjoyed book three as much as I did the first one. The author really upped the ante with the action and suspense. I am grateful to have received all three books at once to review so I could binge them!
Ok this is more like it!
A lot more enjoyable than the second book and almost on par with the first.
This had a lot of what Trespassers was missing, the extreme high stakes, the heart-stopping terror, the whimsy... I really enjoyed Outcasts a lot.
This is definitely a highly unique trilogy. I can honestly say I’ve never read anything like it before.
It has some of your basic YA tropes, but the clever and imaginative world that McFall created really stands out as fresh and different from other series.
A truly satisfying conclusion.