Member Reviews

A decent romance, typical fare. A little one-dimensional. For most of the book, each character had just one point of inner conflict and that stopped building tension pretty quickly. Still, the story was good and I liked the characters. A quick, easy read.

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I have to admit, I really love medical romances, especially when both hero and heroine are medical professionals, so I was kind of predisposed to enjoy this book. It didn’t disappoint—both main characters are likeable and the ER setting was really exciting.

Former New York neurosurgeon Garret is now a hospital administrator in South Beach, Florida after the death of his daughter, divorce from his wife, and a devastating accident that took away his surgery career. He’s pretty closed emotionally until he accidentally walks in on ER doctor Addy, who drops a valuable pearl necklace. Addy is trying to clean up the clutter in her house, her mind, and her heart, after filing divorce from her cheating husband. Giving the pearls to the hospital charity auction is her way of making a clean break, but the close encounter with the boss she’s been attracted to for three years is a bit unnerving, especially when she has to explain the pearls.

Garret was a fantastic character, with a richly emotional backstory that really made me like him. Addy was excellent at her job and sweet and encouraging to the hero, but I didn’t quite click with her character as well, perhaps because at times she seemed a bit too perfect. Maybe that was the reason I didn’t really feel their sexual tension, and their sleeping together didn’t really take me along emotionally in their relationship.

Garret’s emotional journey was very well done, however, and I kept reading to find out how things turned out. The ending was very sweet and satisfying, and I enjoyed the book overall.

Thanks to Harlequin and Netgalley for the e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I'm trying to think of how to summarize this book but it would probably sound generic so I'll go straight to the review. Overall this was a pretty nice read, very predictable with minimal differences from many other books I've come across and yet I enjoyed this book all the same. It was short, sweet and simple little romance and honestly I was just hoping for more out of this book.

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