Member Reviews

An interesting and entertaining story, this was my first time reading Katherine Garbera's work and I enjoyed the story. I couldn't wait to see how Talia would reconcile her feelings for Casey, given how tumultuous her life was after living with her father's gambling addiction.

Talia has serious issues with gamblers because of her dad’s addiction. Casey was a gambler through and through. The chemistry almost wasn’t enough for Talia to get over the baggage. Casey was all in.

As is obvious based on how long it’s been since this title was published, I have decided not to review this title.
I apologize for the delay is sending the feedback, as well as for potentially clogging up an inbox with reports that are not timely…
Thanks again!

Talia had the worse luck ever. It had taken years to recover from her father’s struggle with gambling then she meets Casey. He was everything she had protected her shattered heart against. Casey never lost and he would gamble everything to ensure Talia knew they would be so much better together. Great start to a new series.

Talia meets Casey while she is buying condoms for her grandmother. She then meets him three more times before actually having drinks with him. When they spend a night together she finds out the next day that he and his two other friends own the casino that she is getting ready to be hired at for a top job. Everyone is okay with them still dating except one of the partners. The man she is with Casey is the gambler and she has always said she would not be with one because of her father and what he did to her and her grandmother but yet she goes back to him multiple times. Their parts of this story that are good but other parts that confused me.

This was just okay. The way this blurb reads I thought it was going to have to some laugh out loud moments, but I didn't find any. Casey owns a casino and is a professional poker player. Talia's father was a gambling addict and she hates everything related to it, but yet she's interviewing for a job at a casino. She hooks up with Casey the night before her interview, but didn't know he was going to be her boss. How, I really don't know. You're going up to his apartment that just happens to be the penthouse in the casino, but no red flags? The drama that goes on with Casey and Talia seems a little much as well. She knew he was a gambler from the moment she met him, but it didn't bother her until the end? While I didn't love this one, I would be willing to give this author another read.
I voluntarliy reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

2.5 Stars
There were a few things I really liked about this book. I love meet cutes, and this definitely had that. I also very much liked Casey, the love interest in this book. He was really trying to make Talia feel comfortable.
And that's where things get complicated. I have no idea why Talia is with him. Throughout the whole book she keeps comparing Casey to her father (which... weird). She has such a negative perception about gamblers, which the only experience she has is her father. So I'm a little confused as to why she was still with him despite all of the internal problems she had with him. He never did anything, but she would make up excuses to not be with him. I found myself literally rolling my eyes at her...

I give this book 5 stars. The storyline between Talia and Casey was a great read. This was a great humerous romantic read. Does Grambling pay off, it did for them. I whole heartedly recommend this book. voluntarily reviewed this Advanced Readers Copy of this book.

This was a quick and entertaining read. The first in a series about three friends - Casey is a poker champion, Nicholas is an illusionist, and Darien is a motor-cross stuntman. They’ve started a casino and hired Talia to run their social media, only realizing the day after her one night stand with Casey.
I really liked Gran and Talia’s relationship. Also, I didn’t realize you could buy Asti Spumante at Walgreens (chapter 13).
I received a copy of this book from the publisher for an honest review.

"Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of this book, in exchange for an honest review."
Loved this book very much. It had just enough sweet, sexy romance and the storyline was great! I highly recommend!

3 stars
One Night Gamble by Katherine Garbera is an OK read.
I liked the storyline and ended up reading it in one sitting just wished I connected with the characters a little more.
Thank you for the publisher via Netgalley for the advance copy.

One Night Gamble is the first book in a new series about three owners of a new casino in Las Vegas. This is Talia and Casey's story. For the most part, it was an enjoyable romance. Their "meet cute" was pretty amusing. I did like Talia and Casey both as characters. They both have baggage that they bring to the table. I could sympathize with Talia's reluctance to get involved with a gambler given her background. I thought it was a little too short. The relationship felt a bit like insta-love to me. I would have like it to be a little more of a slower development. I think this will prove to be a good series and I look forward to reading the next one in the series.

I received an ARC from NetGalley for this book. I enjoyed the storyline BUT I felt a lot got skipped. Such as the two main characters finding out they knew each other, I held my breath to see what their reactions would be and the entire scene was skipped over. It felt a tad bit rushed. Over all it was a good book and I did enjoy I just wanted more.

Steamy interaction between Talia, a driven woman focused on making it out of the big city..and Casey, one of the owners of the newest hottest casinos in town. They meet a few times then wind up having one night together, only to find out the next morning that he is her new boss! How will they maintain professional boundaries so that Talia can keep her dream job? Will she ever get over the damage caused by her dad's gambling addiction? Will Casey be able to let down his walls and open up to Talia? The friction is there from the beginning as they work on the casino together and take their relationship to the next level.
If you enjoy a book with an abundance of inner dialogue and sizzling chemistry between the two main characters, this is a quick, enjoyable read!
Thank you to Katherine Garbera, NetGalley, and Engtangled Publishing, LLC for the ARC for me to read and enjoy!! As always, my opinions are my own.

This one is an office affair love story. After having hot one-night stand Talia is surprised to see that Spencer is one of her new bosses. They start their affair but will Talia get over that Spencer is a gambler and that that is a big part of his life? I couldn't relate to this love story. Both main characters didn't speak to me. Especially Talia. She didn't fight at all not to have a secret relationship with the boss. Her reservation toward Spencer because he was gambler was also for me not solid because we see from the start that he is a successful man, with no depth, with no alcohol, drugs or womanizer issue so story plot was for me lame. I hope that the other two will have a better story than this one.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

This one was funny!
The meetup was cute! The romance itself seemed, superficial to me.
Not sure if I'll continue the series but it was an enjoyable book. Office romance with her boss.

One Night Gamble is the first book in a new series about three casino owners and friends. Casey, the gambler of the trio, has a meet cute in the condom aisle of a grocery store with Talia, the woman who's on her way to an interview with his company (but stopping for pantyhose--for her--and condoms--for her grandmother--as one does). She interviews with company underlings, it goes well, she celebrates in his casino that night (for research, of course), they have a one night stand, and the next morning when she interviews with the owners--you know where this is going, right?
For the most part, this was an I liked it, but... kind of story. I liked Casey and Talia together, but things between them moved really fast, especially considering he was her boss. At one point they already felt like an established couple nearly at their HEA, until I realized that I was only at about 60% in the book! You know going in that Talia's going to have some major emotional and psychological hangups with their relationship because of her past--she's the daughter of a gambling addict, and he's a poker player at heart--which seems like a great source of conflict, right? It is, but it seemed to take way too long for her to really commit to it, so that by the time she does it felt a bit overblown and reactionary. A kind of why is this suddenly bothering you now? kind of thing--it was like everything he'd been trying to show her all along suddenly meant nothing. For his part, Casey's problems with Darien (one of the other co-owners and best friends) seemed a bit over-the-top and too little too late by the time they become a real issue--maybe we just don't see him enough until that point for it to seem like a big deal?--but suddenly they're a big part of why Casey and Talia are calling it quits?
So...a whole lot of I liked it, but... There were some pretty funny moments, and a whole lot of sexy times, and the three friends at the heart of the casino all sound really interesting in their own rights. Darien's (a stuntman/ daredevil) clearly going to have a second chance romance plot to his story, though the epilogue here lets us know that Nick (the illusionist) will have his story next, and I'll be keeping a eye out for that one to see if there's more I liked it than buts... in book two. ;)
Rating: 3 stars / C+
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

This is a new author for me and I must say I quite enjoyed this, the storyline was interesting and the characters quite likeable, I look forward to reading more.
I received a copy from Netgalley and I am voluntarily leaving my own honest opinion

Okay, so here’s the thing. I’m not really the girl that enjoys a story being told to her. I much prefer my characters to interact and tell me the story thru their actions/banter. Internal monologue is not my thing. And yes, I get that things are often thought and not spoken but when the majority of the journey is inside the H/h head, I’m gonna get bored quick. Which I did. However, not so bored that I was disinterested in the story. And honestly, that’s the only reason I made it to middle of the road rating.
As individuals, I found Talia and Casey both to be good characters, but together there was nothing. I had zero connection to their alleged chemistry. So I wasn’t wow’d …. And honestly, I’m a little upset that the blurb of this book didn’t deliver inside the story. What I got from the blurb was a promise of spark and sizzle …. Yeah, not so much LOL I mean that could be because they talked to themselves more than each other, I don’t know. I just wasn’t feeling it.

I thought this book had a great premise. Casey and Talia had great chemistry and passion. But right away I was dismayed by the heroine and her opinion about Casey's gambler profession. While I understood why she had such negative feelings, it became draining and took away from the story. All in all however, this was a great start to the series and I look forward to more in the future!
I would like to thank Netgalley and Harlequin for an advanced copy of this book for an honest review. 4 stars! ~Ratula