Member Reviews

This is book 2 of The Godwicks series and a continuation of book 1, The Red, but 20 years later. Lia is a gentleman’s escort and finds herself being blackmailed. She needs money quick. August is an artifact collector and very much wants Lia’s Rose Kylie wine cup that is supposed to possess magical qualities. Lia agrees to sell to August, along with a week long erotic adventure. Let the adventures begin!

The story idea was intriguing but I just couldn't... I don't even know what to say about this book other than it was...something. I tried to get into it but I couldn't. Two stars for at least giving me pause.

Holy oh my sexy! This was equally as strange as The Red, and as hot to read! I loved August and Lia, their personalities were perfect for the story, and worked so well! Looking forward to getting my hands on The Pearl

Though I’m very late to reviewing this one, I really enjoyed it! It kept me interested, and I would recommend it to anyone who dabbles in this genre.

The Rose, oh what a fantasy read. Chock full of all good things Tiffany Reisz. Encasing all of the little gems I relish in her books..
The exchanges between August and Lia were entertaining and saucy. The mystery surrounding who August truly is (though I suspected from the beginning due to some of the lines said) was done well. She always goes above and beyond with her research. You know when you start a read by her that you are in for a delicious ride and this certainly was one! Shew!

A great erotic book set in Greek Mythology! Tiffany Reisz did a great job taking us on a fantastical journey and each character is fun to read. I enjoyed this book more than I expected too and if you are a fan of Romance or Erotica books she is totally worth checking out.

Tiffany is my go-to for authors when I want to feel all the things. Joy, Pain, Lust, Intrigue. Love. She has a tendency to cut with her words, and leave no prisoners. This is another masterpiece of hers that I savored for as long as I could.
4 stars

Tiffany Reisz always manages to kick it up a notch, and The Rose was no exception! I enjoyed this story very much. My review will be going live on FreshFiction.com, and I'll be sure to share the link when it does.

As always Tiffany Reisz did not disappoint. I really enjoyed The Rose. It was beautifully written and quite a unique story. Highly recommended.

I love this author and she always brings so much to the worlds she writes in, this one has such an expected flair to it but I enjoyed it so much. She still also brought that spiciness that I've come to expect from this author.

Tiffany Reisz writes books that make me uncomfortable and blush, but I keep going back for more. The Rose is another example of how she has a beautiful writing style, full of passion, romance, and erotica! Like all of her books have a fan nearby.

I say this every time I read a book by Tiffany Reisz: her writing is impeccable and she has a gift for giving us crazy characters we come to adore. The Rose is no different. It's a great addition to the Red Series, it's bizarre and quirky and the erotic scenes were beautifully over the top. It's a lesson in Greek Mythology, wildly entertaining and the sex is like nothing I've ever read. I don't know how she comes up with this stuff, but I hope she never stops.

I had no idea that this was the second book in a series until after I had requested it. Tiffany Reisz is someone I have always wanted to read before. I’ve heard tons of great things about her writing and I agree that her writing is good. I couldn’t get into this book 100% but perhaps it’s because I let too much time lapse between when I received it and now. Nonetheless I’ll be looking out for her newer works.

I cannot get enough of Tiffany Reisz's writing. Just when you think you've got something figured out, bam, she throws in a twist! She never pulls punches and is unapologetic about it...which I love.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to review this book and to be an early reader via NetGalley! However, I will not be writing a review for this title at this time, as my reading preferences have since changed somewhat. In the event that I decide to review the book in the future, I will make sure to purchase a copy for myself or borrow it from a library. Once again, thank you so much for providing me with early access to this title. I truly appreciate it. Please feel free to contact me with any follow-up questions or concerns.

I didn't realise this was a sequel and ...maybe if I'd read the first book in the series I might have been better prepared for the sort of out-there story in The Rose? It was interesting but like, I like my romances to be slightly less weird.

Oh geez, I have really fallen down on my review posting here! Of course, this one is amazing, I love the entire concept behind The Red series and this one, with all of its mythology, did not disappoint, Reisz continues to write the best dialogue and banter in the business, Her knack of placing you in the scene is extraordinary, a bit uncomfortable at times but I think she likes it like that!
I covered this book on Frolic Media...see link below

Book Stats
Stars: 3 Stars
Start Date : 01/01/2020 Ending Date: 01/25/2020
Genre: Erotic Romantic Fiction
Form: Digital E-Galley( Arc)
Page Count: 384
Publishing Date: 2019
Point of View: 3rd Person
Setting: Modern Day UK
I don’t know if that was better or worse than The Red…
Plot: So the Rose is the sequel to the Red which takes place 21 years after the ending of the Red. Lia, our main character ,is the daughter of Mona , the main character of the Red. On her graduation party from college, her dad gifts her the Rose Kylix , an ancient greek cup which is said to have magical properties . During her party she mets August Bowman, a mysterious gentleman that wants the cup for himself which Lia’s dad bought it from an auction from him. Come to found out that the cup is a cup by Eros and which grants the drinker of it any sexual fantasy they want to play out. ( So it’s ancient sex toy by the gods) In order to get out the trouble, Lia finds herself making a deal to sell the cup to August for a Million pounds ( 1.3 million US Dollars) to pay off her blackmailing ” ex” David who found out she have her own escort service. Along with the deal, August agrees to having sex with her for the week to see how the cup works. In the Red, Mona had sexaual fantasies in painting but in this one Lia have sexual fantasies using Greek Mythology( Andromeda/Perseus, Briseis/ Achilles, Eros/ Psyche to name a few) which this all takes place in week where chaos ensues.
For the most part, it was ok but one part of the plot nagged at me for some reason (which I’m going to get in detail later . Lia and August interactions was cute and witty for the most part. August was pretty much had a body of a greek good but was funny as hell The sex in this was wat=y tamer than in The Red by a long shot. Shit The Red had an Orgy,Beastilty, Lactation, A threeseome and BDSM in it. This barely had a threesome or oral sex in it. The scenes where each greek sexual myth plays out where too long to get to the actual errotic scence. I’m all for set up not the whole scene is 29 pages long where the last 5 pages is where the actual sex happens. Honestly the sex scenes that was not in the mythology scenes was hotter.
Lia for the most part was kind of a prude even tho she’s a madam which makes sense with her family’s rep of being scandalous. It’s in her family’s blood to be sexual which if you read the Red you understand big time. I mean her great grandfather had a painting porn collection and went the brothels every single day. Her dad and mom pretty much got together because her mom had the painting of her great grandfather which her dad pretty much said he was going to marry her and turn her into a whore to get that painting. It was confirmed that Lia was conceived on their wedding night so right after the events of the Red. So I was kind of shocked that knowing her family’s history that she never told her parents about her being a madam which leads in to my main problem with this story.
How Lia being a madam weighs more than certain things that a certain character did.
The villain of this story is named David Bell who pretty much trying to blackmail Lia by telling her he will go to the her a parents, the police and press about her being a madam. Four years prior to the events of The Rose, David was a 37 year old artist from New York who was painting a mural for her parents house that 17 year old Lia which had a huge crush on. She confessed her love from him which one night she lost her virginity to him. ( I’m about to get to that in a min) Which later on that night, she found out that he also had sex with her mom since her parents have an open marriage. Her being heartbroken, she told him to leave or she’ll tell her parents what happen. He leaves and lose a lot of commissions but comes back to blackmail her.
Here’s the thing.
How the hell can you blackmail Lia when you was a 37 year old MAN having sex with a 17 year old MINOR? Yes She’s over the age of consent in the UK but she was still a minor. You blackmailing her cause you lost a couple commissions but if she actually told her parents what you did your ass could have end up in jail?? Yes Having a escort service is illegal but how that trumps having sex with a minor?
Her parents had enough money that they could have hushed the press and pay the cops off. Nobody would have know if she actually told them instead of wanting to pay his ass to keep quiet.
Then that don’t even pan out since he got arrested for not paying his taxes. ( Which is funny that even tho she’s running a escort service she’s putting down her making tapestries as her income so nobody would get suspicious. ) So the whole David plot was just there for AUgust and Lai to get closer together and have sex thats all. No really big play off expect she finally tells her parents about what he did four years ago.
Then he parents do found out about it her being a Madam her damn dad grounds her like she’s 10. She’s 21 for damn sakes.
I just didn’t like the fact this book made having a escort service ( where Lia made sure all the girls who was her friends who would all legal age safe since the client list was pretty friends of her parents) a bigger crime than.
Having sex with a 17 year old girl while your age is 37. ( An damn adult having sex with a minor.
The great-grandfather spent most of his time in a brothel and having a painting porn collection.
The day that he was going to turn Mona into a whore to get his great grandfather’s painting.
It doesn’t make any sense to me at all especially how the the book was supposed to be about Lia embracing the intimate passion of sex and falling in love with August by exploring her fantasies. Just like in The Red was about Mona embracing her inner whore and finding out what turns her on. For a book to be about women gaining sexual freedom and being comfortable in their sexual prowess you got the male characters ( with the expectation of August of course) being hard on her and trying to punish her for doing something that guys are also know for doing as well.
That’s why I couldn’t rate it higher than a three because of this. The book would have been probably better if they tone down the emphasis of being a madam, the sexual greek fantasies scenes was a little shorter and had more sexual interaction than just the last few pages.
So 2020 is already staring off on a “Meh” note.

Have you ever wanted to hug a book?
A book that made you feel so much that you just wanted to hug it and absorb all the words.
Crazy right? But that is what Tiffany Reisz does to me with her writing. I worship the ground she walks on. Add on to that my love of Greek Mythology, and I was done for.
This is the second book in The Red series. It is about Mona's daughter and a very interesting August Bowman. "wink wink". It is alluring, beautiful, passionate, crazy sexy, with Greek Mythology woven into it. If you thought the first book was hot, wait till you read this one. Truly there are no words to adequately convey how I feel about this book. There is one "story" in it that actually made me tear up it was so sweet. But I'll leave you guessing on that one.
If you are a follower of Tiffany Reisz then you will not only want to read this one, but you will NEED to read this one. As most of you know Tiffany Reisz doesn't write "vanilla". If you can't handle the super heated passion in her books, then this is not for you. But if you can open your mind and find the true love threaded throughout all of her books, you won't regret it.
I just hope this isn't the last we see of Lia and August.

This is one of the best books that I've read by Tiffany Reisz. The blend of modern and mythology had me laughing and tearing it up (just a little). I've loved mythology since grade school and it's hard to re-imagine it and stay true to the original story. However, T. Reisz did just that. A unique love story that spans the test of time, it includes intrigue, mystery, comedy, and heartbreak.
Even thought this is part of the Red series, this works as a standalone with the protagonists fully standing in their own story allowing readers of the original novel, to continue their fantasies. Tiffany Reisz does erotica well. It's not smut but a well imagined sexy story for her old and new readers alike.