Member Reviews

Kiss My Curvy Assets is a must-read bok for anyone struggling with body image. It removes stigmas that women feel about their curves and aims to improve self esteem. I loved it as it challenges much of what women are influenced by on social media... losing weight for looks, for achievement, for a number on the scale. Liberating and inspirational. Women need to be surrounded by more books like these.
Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for the digital copy in exchange for my review, my apologies that my review is late.

This book won't tell you anything you probably haven't already heard, but what it will do is say it in a way that may very well speak to you like no one else ever has.
She has a writing style that is unique, straight forward and often blunt. I think it's a style that is a sign of the times and will work well to reach people in a way that in unique and inspiring.

As a curvy woman, who has struggled with weight issues all my childhood and adult life, this book was so welcome. Lori Mork's approach to loving yourself and your body are blunt and to the point. It really helped me look at the positives more than the negatives about my body. Even after losing weight, I'm still putting myself down mentally and physically. This book will be a wonderful addition to me trying to practice for self love. Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for introducing me to such a great book.

Love this book! If you are a woman who needs a bit of a pick me up in the self esteem department then this is the book for you. Really read what the author has to say. It will change the way you think about yourself.

I've been unable to finish this book, which to me has so far read as both trying to help women love the body they're in, but also motivation to have a different, better body.

"Kiss My Curvy Assets takes a blunt approach towards crushing body image stigmas and helps women embrace their badassery. As a fitness and wellness coach with almost three decades of experience specializing in mindset and hormone health, Lori shows us: * The calories you consume do not equal your self-worth * Happiness and self-esteem play a huge role in achieving goals (more so than the bathroom scale or overtraining yourself). Join Lori on a journey of crushing internal demons, dispelling diet and fitness fads, smashing scales, and ending negative self-talk with your body."
Being a curvy girl my whole life, I found this to be an extremely helpful and uplifting book! It really helped me pick up my self esteem and learn how to love myself the way I am. I loved this book.
Thanks to #NetGalley for the ARC of #KissMyCurvyAssets
Pub Date: 04 Apr 2019

A self help for curvy women. For readers of Roxanne Gay. A reminder to be your self and go with what your genes handed you, with the push to just be healthy. A bit too much :self help pep" if you don't normally read self help.

I love how this book is not here to for all the negative vibes on body image, rather it's about body positivity and embracing what works and feels well for you and your health. It's a book that one can always refer to when they are struggling with body image, self esteem, self love and are also considering dieting and healthy eating options. Thank you Netgalley for the eARC because now I know more about 'fad diets' and why people are quickly taken in by them.