Member Reviews

This is a well-written, well-edited collection of erotic short stories.
Thanks to the authors, publisher, and NetGalley for a copy of the ARC.

These stories were almost all excellent. In an anthology, there will always be some duds (at least in the opinion of various readers), which is to be expected. But, really, they were all worth reading. Most were exceptional.

Good selection of short stories. I feel the description was exactly what I read. Very enjoyable. Alot of different scenarios and places of travel along with a wide variety of characters. Something for everyone .

Not rating this one as there are great stories and not so great ones. If you're looking for some short and steamy reads - you'll likely find something to your taste in this book.
The nice thing about an anthology is you can pick it up and put it down when you have a bit of time and don't necessarily want to start a new book. Escape to Pleasure provides 18 erotica shorts from a number of the authors at Boldstrokes that you can meander through at your leisure. Although these are travel themed - I wouldn't necessarily recommend reading them at the beach.
Fans will likely start with *their* favourite authors offering, but then hopefully flip through and find discover (or re-discover) new authors. There's a wide variety of stories/styles so lots to choose from - vices for everyone!
As with any anthology, there are hits and there are misses ... but if you don't like one of the stories, just turn the page and you can try another.
For me, the strongest of the stories were from Jeannie Levig, Britt Ryder (omigod ... is that really Kris Bryant?!? Wow), Aurora Rey and I also liked the Ali Vali story for the quirky humour.

Some hot short stories, but they were lacking in the ''story'' department. It was all hooking up, and nothing else. For just one or two stories, that's okay, but for a whole book, it gets a bit old.

Nothing special. Sorry, but I found it too difficult to believe the characters and therefore, the story line.

Escape to Pleasure is a nice collection of 18 erotic travel stories. There are some stories that will steam up your eyeglasses and raise your pulse. Overall a nice collection of stories.

Sandy Lowe and Victoria Villasenor are new authors to me. This book is an interesting read. I didn't feel that it was erotic in any way - it was sexual...lots of one-night-stand hook-up's. Because it is a lot of short stories, you can pick it up and put it down and not forget what you are reading.

I love anthologies for times when I don't have a big block of time to read. This one is without a doubt the best one I've ever read. So many great stories! I knew I would love the Brit Ryder, Aurora Rey, Ali Vali, and Jeannie Levig, but I was so pleasantly surprised by the authors I wasn't familiar with. A great way to spend a few minutes!

This was an ok preview collection to familiarize yourself with authors. The shortness of the stories made it hard to connect with the. I did like the vacation destination settings of all the books

This is a truly first-rate collection of f/f storytelling. Within the limits of “travel” and “erotica” the editors have nevertheless managed to deliver 18 very good and very diverse tales. These authors have all mastered the art of the short story, and while some are certainly better than others in my mind, it is all a matter of taste and preference. Great stuff and recommended

As with any anthology there's ups and downs - some of the stories were exceptionally good and some not quite there. Overall it's a very pleasurable read - especially whilst on holiday! My only criticism would be about the order of the stories, I would have preferred having a slower build up throughout the anthology with the steamier stories coming a little later.

I'll be honest, I haven't actually finished reading all the stories yet, but I think I've read enough to give a review. I do enjoy a good erotic short story, and I haven't come across many convincing lesbian ones before so this was a joy in itself. As a Bi woman, I enjoy both lesbian and hetero erotica, but this purely lesbian collection is different and very enjoyable. A great combination of smut with a hint of romance, with a selection of differently themed tales.

This is a collection of 18 erotica short stories by different authors such as Aurora Rey, Sam Ledel, Jeannie Levig, Kris Bryant (writing as Brit Ryder), Jane Esther, among others. Edited by Sandy Lowe and Victoria Villasenor (also known by her pen name Brey Willows), the stories are compiled under the theme of erotic lesbian travel. They depict a wide range of travel situations, destinations and seasons along with different sexual scenes for almost every taste.
As it's the norm in these types of collections, there are great stories and others not so good. My favourites were 'Mistakes happen' by Brit Ryder, 'A fantasy getaway' by Jeannie Levig and 'The lay of the land' by Raven Sky. For me, these stories were the ones that better captured the sensuality of traveling with the joys of lesbian sex.
Overall, a very good collection under the theme of erotic lesbian travel. 4 stars.
ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
See all my reviews at

Escape to Pleasure: Lesbian Travel Erotica, edited by Sandy Lowe and Victoria Villasenor was an enjoyable collection of erotic short stories in exotic locations. As usual when you have a mixed group of authors, some you will like more than others.
My absolute favorite was Mistakes Happen by Brit Ryder (Kris Bryant). She writes the hottest strap-on scenes in lesfic land. If you haven’t read Shameless (her other steaming hot short story featuring the same character Emery Pearson) you should do now.
Other stories that worked for me were The Lodge by Aurora Rey (a sexy top in a ski resort), Remain Overnight by Kara A. McCleod (2 secret service agents in a hotel room), XO, Beatrix by Jane C. Esther (sex on a house boat), Galapagos Dreams by N. R. Dunham (sex with the nanny) and A Fantasy Getaway by Jeannie Levig (role-play in a hotel).
Green Gables and Golden Opportunities by Allison Wonderland was a bit of an odd duck. It was funny but a lot of the puns (and there were too many) went over my head because of my sketchy Anne of Green Gables knowledge. And the joined Elvis/Prince gang-bang in Battle of the Bands over Desperation Pie by Ina Brix made me feel a bit uncomfortable. In the hiking story Like a Flash Flood by T.C. Mill I did not care much for the sex scene (outdoors in the sand… yuck) but I thought the nature descriptions were vivid and really beautiful.
I think it’s a nice diverse anthology to have on your night stand.
Themes: indoors and outdoors sex, sex abroad, sex in exotic locations, sex with strangers, sex with your partner, role-play, strap-on, a bit of light topping, gang-bang with Elvis impersonators, sex after having being shot (yeah, that was a bit of a stretch).
4 stars
* A free copy was provided by Netgalley and Bold Strokes Books Inc. for an honest review.

I did quite enjoy certain stories in the collection. Some stories I found hard to follow or relate to the characters. But overall very muched enjoyed this collection. I loved seeing different authors fantasies of what would happen on a vacation awau from home

This will put together anthology with contributions of 18 very strong riders was hard to put down. What I like best about these stories is the fact that they all had wonderful settings that set up the possibility of very hot sex. The stories also take place in various parts around the world which also made it interesting read. I would be hard-pressed to find one of the stories that I like better than any of the others however there was one phrase in one story that has stayed with me " ear deep in pussy", what a fabulous visual phrase.
I read this book in one setting because I could not put it down , now I hope to go back and read a story and night so that I can save for the delightful images that each story presented. I highly recommend this book it's great sex written by fabulous authors.

‘Escape to Pleasure’ is an enticing collection of erotic stories on the theme of travel. Victoria Villasenor and Sandy Lowe are skilled editors and have brought together a perfect mix of hot and steamy stories sure to please. I enjoyed all of the stories but I particularly enjoyed Aurora Rey’s ‘The Lodge’, as the cosy Winter setting contrasted so well with the heat of a very sexy story. Her characters interested me so much that I wouldn’t mind meeting them again. I also loved Brit Ryder’s ‘Mistakes Happen’. This tale of a luggage mix-up and the resulting bedroom antics was perfect. Her wickedly sexy al fresco encounter was truly sublime. But Jeannie Levig’s ‘A Fantasy Getaway’ was my favourite. It is set in a lesbian resort and is beautifully written. She ramps up the sexual tension like a pro. It is so, so well done and the heat is off the scale. I can highly recommend this anthology.
I was given this ARC for review.

This is a great anthology!!There were some really great ones and a few misses! It was a good collection of stories that you can pick up and read whenever you want to. There were a lot of new authors to me and I'm looking forward to reading other books by a few of them. Overall a really food read.
*Provided by Bold Strokes Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

The title is self-descriptive and comprehensive. Eighteen shorts of women on a holiday making out with strangers, partners, slipstream surreal beings, what have yous. It’s a book to dip into for a short fix maybe in a train ride or a quick office break.
The format for these stories is defined: some background one steamy scene. However, there are some stories that just bubble up as engaging and maybe even more.
Remain Overnight by Kara A. McLeod is a piece that is a capsule version of a promising romance.
Galapagos Dreams by NR Dunham is also nice enough.
Happy Anniversary by T.L Hayes is a slice of life piece of a couple with their bickering and love in full display.
A Fantasy Getaway by Jeannie Levig is quite our favourite. It is a story of one woman’s fantasy encounter with a very unexpected twist in the end.
Green Gables and Golden Opportunities credited to Allison Wonderland is excruciatingly punny, impossible and you necessarily need to have read Anne of the Green Gables before reading this one. But it must’ve been included as the humorous piece of the collection.
Battle of the Bands Over Desperation Pie by Ina Brix is a weird group sex story while The Girl in the Taxicab by Angora Shade is the action piece.
Mistakes Happen by Britt Ryder is a hot piece with an aggressive femme (our favourite kind of girl).
On Her Trail by Renee Roman is the one with a slipstream character.
Like you can see, there is something for everyone in this collection if shorts are your game.