Member Reviews

Once I started this, I couldn't put it down. Juliet Marillier has another winner on her hands! I'm a huge fan of Sevenwaters, and my last book from Marillier was 'Seer of Sevenwaters', which I was a bit disappointed with. It didn't have the same tension that her other books had. In this case, though, Shadowfell is definitely a return to form.

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Going through my netgalley account and just found the section of books titled Archived, not downloaded. I apparently requested and was approved for this book but I never DLd it and so did not read it. I appreciate the approval and while still interested in the title I am not sure when I will get to read it. If/when I do I will be sure to post a review on Instagram, goodreads, storygraph, and Amazon.

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I love books by Juliet Marillier. When I saw this book available at Netgalley, I knew that I had to read it. It took me a year to read it, but better late than never!

Juliet writes beautifully crafted books. She does a wonderful job at laying the foundation for her story and telling it in a seamless flow of words.

Neryn is a young woman who has faced tragedy. Because she can see the "Good Folk" she is hunted by the tyrant king. Anyone who has been touched and exhibits abilities dealing with the magic of the Good folk is killed or have their minds altered to become a tool for the king. She has watched her family, one by one, fall to the tyrant king's enforcers. She hides and searches for a place called Shadowfell, where rebels join forces to fight for the freedom of the people.

On her journey she meets friends who help keep her safe. One in particular, Flint, she is not sure whether he is friend or foe. A great deal of the book, she is on her own, sometimes running from Flint. But time after time he comes and saves her from her own folly or from the kings enforcers.

They live in a time when all live with secrets. No one is safe if they talk of, or believe in the old ways. It is a dark time for the people. When I read the book, I was thinking of an area in the Celtic region.

I really enjoyed this book and I am glad that I was approved to read the second book, Raven Flight. I plan on reading it within a week. I won't wait as long this time.

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