Member Reviews

As much as I wanted to enjoy this book I only read half of it before DNFing it. It was an okay read for me and didn't really grab my attention. What got me the most were the beautiful colors on the cover.

I thought this would be an interesting book, however it was really just a cover request. I love the colors on the cover. I did end up with a physical copy of the book and ended up DNFing. It didn't really grab my attention or keep my interest enough to finish it. Personally, not my kind of book.

I am a thirty-something female in the western culture who have never deeply considered the problems faced by women in general, nor in ministry. I know there are problems but I have never delved into it because my life has not been so critically affected (as I know many other women in different parts of the world are on a daily basis). This book was extremely eye-opening. The first half of this book is filled with great insight for women called to ministry. It is like being mentored on paper in a transparent, engaging, and friendly way, by someone who has been there and truly gets it. The second half of the book deals more specifically with the arguments for and against women in ministry. It is not as light as the first half but it is clear and well organized, and will most definitely be a great book for future reference. The author is humble and not dogmatic in sharing her own views and conclusions. Overall this book helped me to realize that while there have been major strides forward for women in the secular world, in career, education, and even in some ministries, there is a lot that remains to be overcome. I was shocked and saddened by some of the accounts of unfair and ungodly treatment of women even in the church. However the author ended on a note that left me with great hope that God has already appointed a time where change will come in the area of women serving in the body of Christ as they were always intended to.

Cindy Jacobs wrote this book from a deeply personal and honest perspective. Knowing herself the challenges of being a woman in ministry at a time when only 9% of seniors pastors in Protestant American churches are women, she is a trustworthy source of authority on the subject of women in ministry. She also shared her own life story and context before sharing her opinion, which I found both wise and honorable--Jacobs knew that grounding herself in these factors was detrimental to the impact of this book and its message.
The shining part of this book is its biographical elements of women throughout history. From biblical characters like Ruth and Lydia, to early saints such as Perpetua and Joan of Arc, to contemporary figures such as Christine Caine and Vonette Bright, this book shines a light on the lives of powerful women from across the ages. Their strength, tenacity, grace, and human frailty holds within an important message of liberation and hope for all women today.
I myself am a pastor in the Lutheran church, and identify as female. I appreciated Jacobs' work in this book, especially her bearing of herself within these pages. However, I feel strongly that for the liberative power of God to thrive and flourish in this world, we must resist the temptation to cling to our own categories of understanding--especially when it comes to gender. I was saddened by many of the stereotypical assumptions about gender experience and expression that this book relied on, and I hope and wish for a day when we are set free from that rhetoric.

Women, Rise Up!
A Fierce Generation Taking Its Place in the World
by Cindy Jacobs
Chosen Books
Pub Date 01 Jan 2019
I am reviewing a copy of Women, Rise Up through Chosen Books and Netgalley:
We as women are gifted with beautiful and unique calls on their lives. Many never step in their roles because of their doubt and discrimination, fear and insecurity. In a world fraught with gender and relationship issues, the gifts that women need to embrace now more than ever.
In this, the fully revised and updated version of Cindy Jacob’s book Women of Destiny the author reveals the Biblical Foundation for Women I’m Ministry.
I give Women, Rise Up, five out of five star!
Happy Reading!

There is no doubt that Cindy Jacobs is a spiritual powerhouse. This book would be very good for women who are just starting out in ministry or who want to learn what the Bible says about women in the church. The middle of the book became sort of self-help. I get the purpose of doing that and the intent of the author to take the reader down a certain path. But for me it felt like a disconnect from the beginning of the book and even the end. Still a great read and I would still recommend it.