Member Reviews

Home with the Cowboy is a good fit for readers who enjoy contemporary romance novels about city-dwelling characters learning to appreciate the simple pleasures and close-knit community of small-town life.

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Big city dreams while still yearning for the back home country allow Willa to cross paths with a cute toddler and his Cowboy uncle.
Ebook from netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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Willa, Daniel, and Bobby makes three. To see Willa struggle with not giving up her dreams, delivering Bobby to his Uncle Daniel, and finds that she is falling in love with the cowboy, makes for a great afternoon read. Their story will touch your heart as you turn the pages to see if a solution can be found to find a HEA for all of them. A bit different in the telling as they become a family, this is one I happily read straight through. I was gifted a copy of "Home with the Cowboy" and giving my review is voluntary. 4.25 Stars!

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Determine not to move back to Texas, Willa thought it best to expedite her visit by just dropping off her charge to his uncles and skedaddle the same time. But she was unwise to think that, not counting on the trauma the little one had just been through by losing his parents. A few days led to a week then three months now Daniel is in a race in trying to convince her to stay permanently. Willa knows she is the only constant left in Bobbie's life, she is in a quandary, in wanting to follow her dream and wanted this hunk of sexiness in her life but her dream is in New York and he is in Texas. What a tangle they were in, this has been an entertaining bundle of hot and sexiness.

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An emotional story about finding a home where you least expected. Willa is back in Texas, this time to bring the boy that she took care from birth to his last live relative Daniel. Daniel as a bachelor doesn't know anything about toddlers so he persuades Willa to stay a little bit longer, it doesn't hurt that he finds her very attractive.
Willa wants to go back to NY as soon as possible, but Daniel and the whole community is making decisions to go really hard. Will she go or will she stay? The book started really interesting, with slow burn between Daniel and Willa, but soon after they let attraction to burn the sheets it becomes a little dull. Both are ok characters, but I resented Willa stubbornness and fear to rule her and her decisions. But she makes it up at the end.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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A Girl with a Baby but a Who Cannot Stay and Be a Cowgirl
January 27, 2019

It was considerably longer than it needed to be, and nothing much was done to maximize the lengthy strategy. A cowboy and a city girl, but not really. A broken family and the nanny expected to piece it back all added up to a bit of a pulpy, semi-angsty, mess. Neither heroine nor male lead engendered much in the way of sympathy or cheering-on in this reader.

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I think I have tried to write this review about four times... and failed. Although I love cowboy stories (who doesn't like a broody hot cowboy???), I had some issues with this book. Willa is a Texas girl, who felt misunderstood in her youth. As a result, she has escaped to New York after graduation to become an artist there. To make some money, she also works as a nanny for little Bobby. However, when after two years her employers die in a car crash, she finds herself on route to Texas to delivery Bobby to his remaining relative, uncle Daniel.
Daniel is a broody cowboy, who really doesn't know anything about children. So, he realizes he needs Willa to stay for a while to show her how to take care of Bobby.
While Willa intended to bring Bobby and then return home, she quickly realizes that it will traumatize Bobby to lose the last important person in his life. Therefore Willa agrees to stay for a few months. But soon realizes Daniel, that not only Bobby is in desperate need of her attention. So, he tries to get Willa to stay in Texas. But as a job opening in New York pulls Willa back to her old life... how can Daniel convince her to stay?
It was tender, it was sweet... and a bit boring actually. I couldn't understand Willa's drive to go to New York and why she left Texas in the first place. So, all her efforts to go back to New York seemed a bit futile to me. But maybe that was just me. In all it is a nice cozy read, just as you can expect from Leslie North. But this one didn't blow me off my socks. I've read better books from Leslie. So, three out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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This book was so good so good. Daniel is one hot Cowboy. I loved the humor in the book and the chemistry between Daniel and Willa is unmistakable. The ending was one of the best I have read in awhile. If you love a cowboy with your romance this book is for you. I am definitely reading mire from this author

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I received a free, advanced copy of this book from This is my unbiased and voluntary reviews.

Wonderful characters and an endearing plot made this a appealing read. However, at least in the ARC that I received there were some inconsistencies that kept me from giving it 4 stars. I am going to assume that these will be fixed in the final published addition. This is the first book that I have read from this author under any of her aliases.

Willa Markson had lost her mother to breast cancer at the age of 6 and was raised by her father, who did not get over the loss of his wife and was bewildered by his daughter. She grew up, loving art and feeling like an outcast in her small Texas town and could not wait to leave Texas and move to New York, where she hoped for her dream job, working in a art gallery. But NYC, being NYC, she had to find a job that would support her until her dream job came along. She found a job as a nanny to a baby boy, Bobby Gunn. She became good friends with his parents, Robert and Stacey, but they were killed in an auto accident and she needed to bring then 2 year old Bobby to Texas to his uncle, Daniel Gunn, a farmer and rancher. Daniel knows nothing about babies and convinces Willa to stay until Bobby can get used to the change. But the longer she stays, Daniel wants her to stay for him. When an offer for her dream job comes along, which dream will she chose, the job or a family?

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Home with the Cowboy was an endearing story of tragedy and loss that morphed into an unexpected, and somewhat unwanted romance.

Daniel is the epitome of the brooding, bachelor cowboy, that doesn’t need, nor want a female to cloud his judgement or upend his ordered lifestyle. But the arrival of Willa with his 2 year-old nephew on tow, is certain to make Daniel’s OCD explode!

Willa is simply going to deliver her charge to his uncle and return to her coveted dream job, back in New York. But caring so much for Bobby only makes leaving him bereft in his time of need, to hard to bear. So suck it up she will, until Bobby is settled and her life can resume its destined path.

This is a well-written story with an authentic plot, nicely developed, credible characters. I appreciated the believable timeframe of both the romance and the healing time required for Bobby to settle into his new environment. Community spirit, deep emotions, some fun moments arising from the innocence of a toddler, and above all love, all combined to make this a thoroughly enjoyable read.

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I've received a ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

A heartwarming romance between Daniel and Willa, and let's not forget the adorable 2 year old Bobby. Due to unforeseen events, Daniel is now rising his young nephew with the help of the Willa after the tragic death of his enstranged brother. Overall, it was a cute story but nothing really stood out. I did enjoy the overall concept and the likable characters.

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A great story of Willa and Daniel. When Willa brings Daniel's nephew back to Texas, after the death of Daniel's brother and his wife, she is expecting to stay just a short time. Sparks fly of course, and for the most part things go well. The one thing I struggled with is the need she has to return to New York. Didn't see a big drive or need, and felt more in Texas would have made a stronger story. Otherwise, highly recommend this book and author.

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Willa has always been the nanny to Bobby. When Bobby's parents die in a car accident, she goes to Texas with Bobby to leave him in the care of his uncle and great uncle. She never expected Bobby's uncle to be someone like Daniel. Daniel was expecting her to be old and gray headed. He is instantly attracted to her. She is too although she tries to deny it to herself.

Willa only intended to stay a day, but stays after basically being guilted by her love of Bobby and Daniel needing her help since he knows nothing about babies. Slowly but surely these two become friends and then more. Too bad it all ends when Willa decides to take a job in New York (back where she used to live).
Can these three have there happily ever after? You need to read the story to find out.
This book seems to be a standalone.

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The story of Willa and Daniel.
Willa left texas as soon as she could. Now she is back to bring Bobby to his uncle Daniel.
She has always been honest and said she is leaving again, but can she be convinced to stay?

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A brooding cowboy gets me every time.

I'm a sucker for cowboys . Give me one whose a bit cranky, stubborn and needs to take care of his family and I'm a goner.
Daniel had to take over the family ranch and care for his brother after their parents died. He's recently learned that he needs to take care of his nephew after his brother and sister-in-law passed. He's hedging his bets that he's going to get Willa to stay. I also found him to be a bit manipulative with Willa and her feelings. .

Willa is from Texas but has been in NYC for years. This part confused me a bit as I didn't get a clear idea of her age. Often times she was written as youthful and carefree, almost naive and the other times to mature and with a clear idea of what she wants. I would have been happy with either way.

Overall it was a good read but there were elements that left me disappointed. The writing of the you great character was awkward at times. Their little charge was only 2 but spoke in full sentences one minute and was babbling the next. A two year old can't comprehend the loss of his parents. If he were older, this storyline may have worked.

I also found it to be a little slow in the story telling and romance department. They book and the connection between them happened more than half way through the book. I would have preferred more heat and sooner.

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A nice story with a bittersweet beginning. Little Bobby has tragically lost his parents, so his nanny takes him to the only relatives he has left. Two uncles, one older and less grumpy, one younger, hotter and totally grumpy. What's a girl to do when her only mission is to drop off the kid and get back to her life in New York? Well, fate has other plans so she'll have to deal with it. You like the story and the characters from the beginning and the way it flowed quite nicely. It also had some humor. So if you like cowboy stories with a little grumpiness and hotness as well cuteness, pickup a copy and enjoy.

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Willa Markson has been working towards a career in art with hopes of obtaining a job at a prestigious gallery in New York. She left her home in Texas to pursue her art and has been working as a nanny for a young couple’s two-year old son while completing her classes. Tragedy strikes when the couple are killed in a car accident and Willa must now go to Texas to take their son Bobby to his uncle. Daniel Gunn knows nothing about raising a child. How will he raise a two-year old and take care of everything that needs done on his ranch? Instead of an elderly nanny arriving with his nephew, Daniel is stunned to see a young and beautiful woman with Bobby. He is immediately attracted to Willa, but knows that she plans to return to New York for her dream job. Will Willa be able to leave Bobby and return to New York? Will Daniel be able to keep his feelings for Willa in check so that she can return to New York? A heartwarming romance about love and life dreams. I received a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to give an honest review. (by paytonpuppy)

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A beautifully written contemporary romance, Home with the Cowboy is a heart warmer set it Texas. Willa and Daniel are great characters and the engaging storyline held me throughout I look forward to reading more by these authors

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The story of Daniel Gunn, Willa Markson and toddler Bobby , is a sweet touching , though at times heartbreaking story. Willa, Bobby’s nanny has traveled to Texas to deliver Bobby to his uncle Daniel. Bobby’s parents have been killed in an accident and Daniel is his only relative. A native Texan that never felt she belonged there, Willa is determined to return to NYC to pursue her dream job. But life and fate interfere.
As we read the story, we realize it’s a story about obligations, unexpected surprises, two seemingly different individuals whose one aim is to take care of a young orphaned 2 year old, and about how goals that might be the only ones one wants, can be changed . Giving the individual a new and better goal and future.
A story worth your time.
I was entrusted a copy of this book by Netgalley.The opinions expressed are solely my own.

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I gotta tell you, Willa almost made me doubt that this would have a HEA. I loved, Home With the Cowboy. I thought this was a great collaboration between Jackson and North.

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