Member Reviews

Thankyou to NetGalley, the publishers and the author, Paul M Hedeen, for the opportunity to read The Butterfly in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I was drawn to this book by the premise of the storyline. Unfortunately, I did not enjoy it.
I thought the storyline was drawn out and very slow paced. I had trouble maintaining any interest.
Not a book for me sorry.

The premise of this book was excellent and a lot of the direction was excellent. The issue was maybe with the editing and pacing. There didn't seem to be enough clarity in the voice of the work to come throughout the whole book and therefore reach a conclusion. So some highs and lows. I hope this author continues to work at it. He clearly has something useful to say and needs to find the right way to say it.
#TheButterfly #NetGalley

I so wanted to like this book but it was so disjointed and fell flat for me. I did not finish this book.

Hedeen's book, The Butterfly, had a very interesting premise, but unfortunately the style of writing and disjointedness of the story made the book very sluggish and grinding to get through. This is not a book I can recommend.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read an advance reader copy.

I had high expectations for this book. In the preview of the book, the description of the plot sounded so interesting and unique. I was quite eager to read it. However I found the writing style difficult to follow though it was innovative. The flow of the story seemed somewhat disjointed and thus made it hard to follow. The story also expressed some questionable opinions concerning Eva Braun and Adolf Hitler. In my opinion the book needs to be re-edited to make it more palatable to a wide audience. Regrettably it is the first book in a long time that I am unable to finish reading, I made several efforts to. try and read the book until the end. Therefore I am feel I am unable to give the book a complete in depth review.

The Butterfly looked promising but fell short. It's a disjointed odd story. I didn't exactly know what was going on. I didn't enjoy this one. Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.