Member Reviews

(Older review from my Goodreads account.)

3.5 stars

Cute. Not a masterpiece, not super memorable, but it was a fun, light read that gave me just the fluffy romance I was in the mood for.

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I read this a really long time ago and wrote a review but there's no record of it so Im just going to say that this was a quick, fun read with LGBTQ+ themes. And who doesn't love gay royalty. I liked this even better than the first book in the series.

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This book was phenomenal!! I loved the continuity between characters and cannot wait to see where the next one takes us.

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Loved this sneak peek of Her Royal Highness. It is long enough to really give you a good feel for the book, meet the characters, and get into the storyline. I enjoyed the preview so much I got the book and read it. A fun rom-com in a boarding school setting.

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4 stars a nice solid book and it was super cute

The characters were lovable and then character development was great. It also had a solid atmosphere. I love boarding school settings in books!

It was well written, not as funny as the first book, and bit more serious, but still excellent writing.

The plot was a pretty standard romance plot, because of this it wasn't that intriguing, you pretty much knew what was going to happen, but it had some unexpected things too.

This book was realistic, or as much as any royal romance book can be. And I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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I didn't end up reading the sampler but I did actually read the full book from the library and wanted to give feedback because this duology has become a favourite. Once again we have a romance between a European and American, getting to learn more about some about characters that appeared in the first book. I did appreciate that this romance was a female female romance.

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A cute sneak-peek with interesting characters and just enough of a look to make it interesting. Wanted to read on and wished I had the whole book.

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*Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for supplying me with an excerpt of this book*

Really enjoyed reading this excerpt of this book. I look forward to reading the actual book. The story seems like it would be right up my alley

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Her Royal Highness was the second book in the series but you don't need to read book one (about the main character's sibling) to understand this story.
I like how Her Royal Highness broke from traditional YA books and served as a positive story about being true to yourself. I'm not a member of the community, but I though it did a good job of representing the LBGTQ community.

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This book was good and you can feel the chemistry between Millie and Flora. Their relationship can only be described as hate to love, as it often is when the couple starts off as roommates. The author did a great job in building up their enemy turned friendship turned romance. If you want a sweet, lighthearted read, this is your book!

I received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review. I really enjoyed this book.

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Sample was short but sweet! Very cute introduction to the book. I'll definitely be picking it up some time soon.

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From what I read of this sampler, I really enjoyed the story. I think the book will be really funny and a wild ride.

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This was a great sequel. I really loved the LBTQI+ representation in this book. It was a super fun and cute read and would recommend this book and series.

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I can’t wait to read this book! Ugh getting a sampler Is a tease! But thank you netgalley for offering this!

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Hard to get through. The writing feels very flat to me. Frankly, I don't feel like enjoying the movie Brave is a great reason for wanting to go to school in Scotland, and just hoping for a scholarship to a really expensive boarding school because you're "really smart" is just... a little off to me.

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This is so far my favourite book of the year!! I'm a sicker for romcom like books and we barely have lesbian romcom and I need them as I need water! This one is amazing, haters to lovers, sharing a dorm, Scotland, Royal princess, Geography, what else can you ask for?
This has to be made into a film,

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Not really my cup of tea. I didn't much enjoy this story or the characters all that much. Probably won't be reading the full story.

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The sneak peek I read of this was delightful. A lovely enemies to lovers story involving a princess and a Texan girl. Since reading the sneak peek, I read the full book and find it hard to separate the two so I have included my full review of the book below.

*3.5 ⭐️

If you’re looking for a royal romance that isn’t the same as the girl not knowing she’s falling for a prince, then this is the right place for you. ‘Her Royal Highness’ is essentially about Millie moving to a Scottish boarding school known for educating royals. There she meets Flora, her roommate and who also happens to be the princess of Scotland. They may have gotten off on the wrong foot, but they can’t help but feel attracted to the other.

Firstly, Millie is the absolute sweetest. She just wants everyone to be happy and to not cause trouble, but Flora has other plans. Also loved that she’s into geology, appreciate seeing girls that want to get into STEM. She’s also bisexual and I honestly feel like I’m being blessed with all the bi girl books coming out recently (pun absolutely intended).

Flora on the other hand, was not someone I liked. She did grow on me a little, but I don’t think there was enough time in the book for her character to really make sense to me. I just think her character arc was very quick and didn’t feel organic. I know that some people love her so maybe it’s just a me thing.

The Scottish setting completely worked for this story. It felt like this boarding school was the more attainable version of Hogwarts. I only wish we got to spend more time at the school, but I see how it wouldn’t have exactly progressed the plot staying in the same place.

The actual plot points and events in the book were ones that I highly enjoyed. However, I found it to be far too fast paced for me to really process what had just happened. The climax didn’t really feel like one so the ending also felt incredibly rushed and unsatisfying.

I definitely found the romance addictive and easy to read and so it may have felt more quick than it actually was. I do have to also take into account that I do love torturously slow burn romances, what can I say? I’m a masochist. Millie and Flora were still extremely cute.

Overall, I loved how fluffy and addictive this was to read. If you want a sapphic royal romance, it’s definitely what you’re going to get. However if you’re looking for a sapphic romance with a bi lead that’s better in my opinion, I’d suggest ‘Hot Dog Girl’. Completely different settings but with more believable characters and the same light tone.

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[3.5 stars] If you read Hex Hall then you know Rachel Hawkins is awesome. I'm only giving this 3.5 stars because I do feel like the story followed a guided outline on how this type of story should go. American with a broken heart goes overseas, meets royal, falls in love. It's not that I hate that, I really do like it. But I wanted a little bit of a twist from the same old same old. I did like Flora's struggle with her sexuality being a "phase" in the eyes of the family and I wanted more depth I guess. Something to turn this story around into a more meaningful read?

Millie and Flora were very likable so I guess I just want more of them and to see more intrigue and self awareness!

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What a fun contemporary romance with a royal twist! I wish there was more to this story, so I am hopeful that more books in this series are to come!

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